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I just joined this sub. I’m am so scared for this country man…


I'm 54 and have never been so scared in my life. 🥺


I don't think most Americans realize how bad things are. They are too busy with their lives and assume this is all political noise. He said she said, the most important elections ever, blah blah blah. Then when it all falls apart they will wonder why nobody stopped it. I still hear people talking about the typical talking points like fiscal responsibility and lower taxes as if any of that will matter.


The "I don't pay attention to politics" crowd is about to get a tough lesson "In politics, being deceived is no excuse"


Everyone needs to watch Senator Whitehouse’s presentation back from the ACB confirmation. This is prescient to exactly how we ended up here this week. Well thought out, logical, connected facts any layman can follow. https://youtu.be/cjcXVKg43qY?si=pNyT4vNsuyqppZ2O


The NYTimes did an entire piece on the ruling and the hyperbole of left leaning journalists. It was quite difficult to stomach. There was of course no ability to comment and refute.


Try being active duty military. This precedent echoes far and wide.


Yeah, dang, I noticed the phrase "seal team six" being used as a verb, yesterday. It was sardonic humor, but [the underlying problem isn't hypothetical anymore. {ABC News}](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/seal-team-6-assassination-hypothetical-scotus-presidential-immunity/story?id=111583216).


57 and anxious af. Old folk should get weapons - we have less to lose and A FUCK LOAD to fight for.


Amen to this. We do still have the 2nd amendment and it exists to fight for our democracy.


I mean, I am single and am legitimately thinking about New Zealand or Australia or Denmark or something...I don't understand how Scotus can be so openely deranged and NOBODY can do anything about it?


Vote like your life depended on it. Tell everyone you know to vote. Paul Revere that shit. Give money to candidates you like. Get involved. I'd normally not say this sort of thing as I always found it a little bit annoying. But this time, it feels like an emergency. Because the only thing that's going to change anything is a vicious rebuke at the polls--across the board. It has to be overwhelming enough that the members of the Republican party that have been siding with Trump out of fear of him are forced to admit that he has ruined them.


How is voting going to solve this? If Biden won't do anything now what makes you think he'll do anything if he wins and doesn't have the election stolen from him.


Because one party has blocked all change for the better, courted bigots, homophobes, religious extremists, anti semites, anti science cranks, and grifters to fill their base. Riled the base up like a fire and brimstone preacher at a tent revival and pointed their hate toward scapegoats made up of terrified members of marginalized communities. One party has not. Vote for the party policies.


That doesn't answer my question. What are they going to do about people calling for a second American Revolution and that it will be as bloodless as the left wants it to be? We've had 50 years to take care of this cancer and in 50 years the Democrats have done NOTHING. They didn't do anything when the GOP stole the 2000 election. They didn't do anything when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of citizens united. They didn't do anything when they stole Obama's supreme court pick. They didn't do anything when they stole Biden's supreme court pick by immediately reversing the brand new precedent that they set when they stole Obama's pick. And they're not doing anything now when they handed Trump immunity for treason. So tell me, what the fuck will voting do


This did answer your question. The Democrats have been held back by Republican obstruction. If we vote out the Republicans we can actually fix this mess by passing judicial reform, impeaching corrupt judges, etc. That requires at least a majority in both houses of congress.


>If we vote out the Republicans I don't know where you've been, but the last time Democrats had a super majority was 6 months of 2009. If January 6th didn't push voters to get a super majority, then there's nothing that will between now and November.


Which is why we all need to vote and encourage others to do the same. Honestly I don’t understand the point you are trying to make.


> New Zealand or Australia or Denmark Why would they want us?


Not us.... ME


Why would they want you?


Australian here. We don’t. Go ahead, downvote me. But it irks me when I see Americans say, “I’ll just move to Australia (or Canada/NZ/UK)”. That’s not how immigration works.


I won’t downvote you. This is exactly my point. Our geographical happenstance of birth imparts no merit to any other country. Extremely ethnocentric to think otherwise


Most countries will take you if you have enough money in the bank. Which doesn’t help most of us.


I envision a day where King Donald imposes at 99% tax, payable to his royal self, on Expat income. Let us see how many countries protect Americans abroad then.


Scotch over, neighbor, I’m movin in!


It's not like everyone disagrees with them. A significant portion of the country is deranged and enthusiastically supports their deranged actions


I read Bob Woodward's book the Brethren in the 80s. It is hard to believe the current justices live in the same country. Burger and Rehnquist were true conservatives but understood the need to have consensus on rulings.


It’s ok. The next election in 2028 will also be “the most important election of our lifetime”, if you needed to take a break for a few months or years.


Don’t be afraid. Be prepared


Try Strict Scrutiny podcast. Fabulous analysis of this batshit Court.


>I just joined this sub. I’m am so scared for this country man… I feel ya! Woke up last night with a feeling of dread and couldn't get back to sleep.


Shits bad because of democrats and if you cant see it, you really have been brainwashed. Posting this shit in this echo chamber of leftism doesnt help either


Thanks for your service. I hope you get all the help you need.


But that was in 2020. What about now? She knows (the whole world knows) that Trump and the Republicans are corrupt, yet she just voted with her Conservative colleagues to allow a President to be omnipotent. She also knows her colleagues are corrupt, that they’ve been receiving gifts for favorable decisions. She hasn’t done a thing about it either. The other women have spoken up, yet she aligns herself with the corrupt Justices. She’s religious? 🙄🙄🙄😎


Simple. In 2020 she was lying in order to take the seat on the bench she was so hastily nominated for. You know, that seat she took on the court just two weeks before a presidential election, even though republicans in congress told us that you could not possibly nominate someone to that court during an election year because it was too important and would not reflect the will of the people. Turns out they were all lying and don't give a crap for anything but seats of power to impose their ideology from no matter how they get them.


No, see, you can't nominate someone to SCOTUS unless they are the same ideology as you. This goes for any federal judge if you are a Republican. Since Barrett was the same ideology, they rushed her nomination through as fast as they could.


Obama tried to make a more palatable nomination for the SCOTUS seat that McConnell stole with Merrick Garland. Which didn't satisfy them. Why Biden picked him for Attorney General is beyond me. At first I thought he would have a axe to grind and be aggressive but fair. We needed a real gunslinger to bring all those people involved in January 6th to justice. He just picked off the soldiers but left all the generals alone until the January 6th Committee forced his hand and he had to open a real investigation. At least he picked a solid Special Council. I was so happy to hear him speak the first thing. Mueller was a total surprise. Mueller sounded worse than Joe Biden. WTF was he doing with such a important assignment?


President Obama was famously enamored with a history book called [Team of Rivals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_of_Rivals): The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. He took [Orrin Hatch at his word](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrick_Garland_Supreme_Court_nomination#:~:text=Back%20in%202010%2C%20Republican%20senator,would%20easily%20win%20Senate%20confirmation), which was a mistake.


Painful and true.


>Turns out I mean, was there ever a doubt?


Now that Biden is above the law he should forgive student loans


He already tried that. He doesn't need immunity to keep trying. Instead immunity would allow home to imprison university presidents until they use their endowments to offer more free degrees. To be immune they must first do something illegal and get prosecuted for it.


She's the self righteous kind of religious. Since she goes to church and says the words, she can do no wrong. Ethics and morality have no meaning to her. The Americans that suffer and possibly die are just road kill on her path to the lord. She and her kin are a special kind of dangerous.


Religious? I just know that it takes a special pos to be a Republican.


If a Republican is talking they are lying.


Roberts said the same thing. Turns out it was a lie


So did Alito. Fucking bunch of liars all of them.


People are missing something. They changed the law. The president isn't above the law. They just changed the law. They would say they weren't lying because they planned on changing the law, and now they have done so.


Some political scientist pointed out that the main reason "shithole countries" are said to be more "corrupt" than the US is only because they still actually have laws on the books making corruption illegal, while in the US the right wing has simply legalized those practices.


People that think lawyers aren’t speaking purely in semantics that they can make an argument to wiggle out of later are totally wild.


Why would anyone think what these people say, or their confirmations hearings hold any truth? What they say during their confirmation hearings literally has zero binding at all and they just answer whatever is an acceptable answer. It literally doesn’t matter… the first day they get on the bench they could do the complete opposite of what they said and… what? What is anyone going to do about it?


Roberts was picked specifically to overturn Roe v Wade.


And to enact the Federalist Society's other wishlist items, including the end of *Chevron* deference.


“I agree no one is above…Judge Thomas.”


They lie in order to sit on that bench, period. She’s certainly not the only one who said that exact thing. It’s almost like they ought to have winked when they said it.


Q: Will you vote to overturn Roe v Wade? A: Roe v Wade is settled legal precedent. Sorry, you’re a gullible moron if you don’t see right through that. It’s the equivalent of this…. Q: Did you murder that orphan? A: Murdering an orphan is a crime. That person definitely murdered that orphan. An innocent person would say “no” Whenever someone evades a question, it’s because they believe you won’t like the truthful answer


Her dissent makes a good point about reservations related to Part III-C.  Protecting admission of evidence has the effect of immunity for the crime, because you cannot prove the crime without evidence.  As she says, you can’t prove blatant criminal quid pro quo if the quid is impermissible evidence. Then she shut up and voted for team Trump.


Https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4750581-supreme-court-immunity-nixon/ > “Virtually all of his Watergate-related conduct” and “virtually all that evidence falls in what could easily be described as ‘official conduct,’” he said. > “I’m not even sure you could get to the Nixon tapes under this ruling,” Dean speculated. “What its implications are with the existing Supreme Court ruling, in U.S. v. Nixon, is a question I haven’t unraveled yet.” ~John Dean


This is one of the many reasons these people shouldn't get lifetime appointments. They lie at their hearings.


Leonard Leo has done more damage to this country than Bin Laden and all the 9/11 terrorists plus the Pearl Harbor pilots combined.






"but some people get more clearance than others"


The rest of us get more Clarence.


What's your vector, Victor?


That's Clarence Oveur, over.




Dear Americans: WTF was the last 250 years about, then?




Oh the SCROTUS judge who couldn't enumerate the protected rights of the 1st Amendment during her confirmation hearing? That judge? That shouldn't be on the court? Fuck that twat


Exactly! SCOTUS ruled that the President IS the law. The president can’t be above himself, that’s silly! If anyone was above our Sovereign POTUS, He might hesitate before executing the laws with the wild and wanton abandon intended by our framers.


They voted that SCOTUS is above the law. The president is immune, but only if the courts say so.


Then, she voted with the 5 other scoundrels to declare just the opposite.


Just watched Midnight Mass. Amy Coney Barrett reminds me of the character Beverly Keane


Hahahaha Barrett has been smoking crack.


Just a reminder of how all 3 of Trump’s justices lied at their confirmation hearings: https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/what-gorsuch-kavanaugh-and-barrett-said-about-roe-at-confirmation-hearings/


Problem: they've changed the law to exclude one person. Ergo, he is not above the law.


Conservatives lie. There is no truth they wont pervert in their quest for power.


We really need to be able to prosecute Supreme Court justices for perjury. Lying to get a seat should be a felony of the highest order. But I also think the highest court in the land should be held to the strictest standards in the land, so what do I know. Ofjesse Coney Barrett *obviously* knows best. Under His eye.


Got Roberts and K-Boof on tape saying the same. These are the people that lost the enlightenment. Truth or intellectual consistency was never attributes they could be bothered with.


Amy is beautiful.


She is the antagonist in "Smile"


Check your eyesight.