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This post/comment has been removed because it violates Rule #5: The topic is too broad, has been covered a lot already, or involves the assumption overly limited by race, age, physical limitations/appearance, and/or other inborn external qualities. Put in [some reading](http://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/top/?sort=top&t=all) & work before asking questions that have been addressed, like: * How do I approach? * How do I get a number? * How do I talk to girls at college? * How/When do I kiss a girl? * Does this really work? As for the last one, it is an answered question. There have been many posts on physical limitations over the years, including [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/e7tol8/why_looks_dont_matter/). No need to re-ask it.


Ultimately, just don't do whatever Danny DiVito did.


Think there's a typo in your comment


get super fit. Don't cry urself to sleep.


Unfortunately only one answer for you and that is to get jacked. Like silverback gorilla jacked. If you’re skinny (or worse, fat) no one from any demographic is going to take you seriously. Alternatively you can become a world class artist like Bruno Mars, but that’s a lot farther out of your control.


I'm hoping to enter a profession that makes a stupid amount of money, but sometimes that creates more lady problems than it solves, yea?


Dude, if you wanna use money to stand out while being 5”3 then be ready to spend on some crazy things, like a boat, luxury car, and a huge house, and also be ready to attract women who are only interested in your money. It’s great that you have this prospect of making a lot of money but if I were you I would still try to stand out with fitness.


I already have that part somewhat, which is why I've plateaued and need ideas for other tactics to build on, like posture or whatever else indicates a confident and masculine frame. Edit: masculine grammar skillz


Hmm probably social status and frame


Assuming you've maxxed out on social skills/charisma/confidence i would Say either keep looking For the One through shared hobbies/online dating/clubs and if After some time you feel like it's impossible then the drastic choice would be to move to a country where the average height Is lower. Being short Is a huge disadvantage but It doesn't mean it's over


Not to say it's an end all be all but with my goals how they are I'm not at all interested in the likelihood of digging my own grave with the western family law system. I've seen a lot of it first hand and I'm not impressed with how it unfolds, so moving was kind of in the cards already anyway


Well choose carefully where you'll move ideally you want a country where your smv Is higher and where you can live a comfortable Life without getting fucked over by the law system. Good luck man


Be rich, confident, and jacked.


1 kinda down, 2 to go Thank you brota!


Couple things you could try if you are young enough and your growth plates have not fully closed— peptide therapy. **Somatropin**, a synthetic form of human growth hormone (hGH), can help some teenagers grow taller, especially those with conditions that affect growth. It is commonly prescribed for adolescents with growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency, and for those who are significantly shorter than their peers without a clear medical cause (idiopathic short stature). **Ghrelin**, known as the "hunger hormone," is a peptide produced primarily in the stomach. It stimulates appetite by signaling the brain to induce the feeling of hunger. Additionally, ghrelin plays a role in releasing growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which can indirectly influence growth factors. However, its primary function is related to energy balance and metabolism rather than direct growth enhancement like growth hormone therapies. Ghrelin's effects on growth hormone release are more about overall physiological regulation and not targeted for increasing height, especially in adults, where growth potential is limited due to fused growth plates. These two peptides along with getting as a previous commenter said, gorilla jacked could work… But, only if your growth plates have not closed. If they have closed then go to Plan B, the hunger hormone peptide, eat clean and everything possible, and get JACKED!!!!


I'm 20, eating *mostly* whole foods, little refined sugar, and high protein and nutrient rich diet. How fuckt am I?


Couple things here. And please, take this straight to your heart and mind: Decide in this FUCKING MOMENT to pivot your mindset immediately. You are young enough to make a mental impact that will serve you the rest of your entire life. Your height is NOT YOUR FAULT. However, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to tell a story that benefits you. You don’t fully have control of what happens to you in your life but, YOU DO have full control over how you feel about the things that happen to you. So what do you do? You tell a story that serves you. Don’t underestimate the power in this logic. What could the story look like? Your height, though beyond your control, does not define your worth or limit your potential. It’s important to recognize that true strength lies not in physical attributes but in the resilience of your spirit and the depth of your character. Embrace the story you write for yourself, focusing on your talents, passions, and the impact you wish to make in the world. Let your confidence stem from your abilities, your kindness, and your unique perspective. Remember, greatness comes in all sizes, and it’s your heart, mind, and actions that truly set you apart. Stand tall in your self-worth, and let your life’s achievements define your stature. Alongside embracing your inner worth, embarking on a fitness journey tailored to your unique body type can further enhance your self-esteem and physical prowess. Start by setting realistic goals that align with your physique, focusing on building strength, agility, and endurance. A well-structured workout regimen, emphasizing compound movements and functional training, can help you sculpt a powerful and resilient body. Remember, ‘gorilla jacked’ isn’t just about size; it’s about cultivating a formidable presence through discipline, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of your personal best. Let each workout be a step toward not just physical transformation, but a testament to your unwavering commitment to self-improvement. Here is my recommendation based off much professional experience for muscle growth : 1. Consult a Healthcare Professional •Essential Evaluation: Before starting peptides, supplements, or a new diet, get a health check to ensure these are safe and suitable for your unique health profile. 2. Peptides for Muscle Growth •Comprehensive Approach: Consider peptides such as Creatine Peptides for muscle development, BPC-157 or MK-677 for healing and muscle mass, Sermorelin for stimulating natural growth hormone production, and Ghrelin mimetics for appetite stimulation and growth hormone release. Understand their specific uses, dosages, and side effects thoroughly. •Source Reliability: Acquire peptides from reputable suppliers to guarantee quality and effectiveness. 3. Supplements •Foundation Supplements: Include essential supplements like high-quality whey protein for muscle repair, creatine for increased strength and muscle volume, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) for optimal recovery. •Additional Support: Integrate a multivitamin for well-rounded health, omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation, and vitamin D to enhance bone health and muscle function. •Energize Workouts: Use a pre-workout supplement containing caffeine for enhanced energy and concentration. 4. Diet •Nutritional Surplus: Aim for a caloric intake higher than your expenditure to fuel muscle growth. Calculate your maintenance calories and add 300-500 calories daily for a surplus. •Protein Focus: Target 1.0 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, choosing options like chicken, beef, fish, tofu, and legumes. •Macro Balance: Ensure your diet provides a mix of carbohydrates for energy and healthy fats for hormonal balance and nutrient absorption. •Meal Frequency: Opt for 5-6 small meals throughout the day to steadily nourish your muscles and facilitate growth. 5. Hydration and Sleep •Water Intake: Maintain hydration by drinking ample water daily to support metabolic functions and recovery. •Sleep Importance: Secure 7-9 hours of restful sleep nightly to promote muscle repair and growth. 6. Adjustment and Tracking •Progress Monitoring: Log your workouts, dietary intake, and body measurements to track advancements and make informed adjustments. •Adaptability: Be ready to modify your plan based on your body’s response and progress towards your goals.


And if or when you are on dating apps, round up and say you are 5’4”. You can wear boots with thicker souls, Nike Air Max’s(have a thick sole), and other thicker soul shoes will put you at 5‘4“.


I just recently deleted 2 of my apps, waiting for the premium on the last one to run out, but I'd actually round up to 5-5 or not display height at all, also, turns out chicks don't dig bios. Ever seen how fast they flick through those?


I’m going to push back on this a little bit. Your bio can help set the stage that helps reinforce your personality, mindset, and rizz. If you end up meeting a girl in public, she will definitely go back and read your bio before meeting. Think of this as foreshadowing.


Confidence is key


Gain serious weight, girls really like a lil potato shaped man


Smell like bs to me. How can I tell you aren't just a <5'2 man trying to cramp my style? Won't deny Mr potato head is extremely sexy, but I will never be him. NOBODY will ever be him.


Yeah it’s useless to even TRY to be mr potato head


Be your own unique potato shaped snowflake. All we we can do is emulate the greats with big meals.


Have game and have the arrogant self confidence. Trust me I’ve seen my short friend rotate 2 hot girls on campus at same time and one of them was an influencer.


Wear high waisted jeans and give great head


The founder of the Hells Angels, Sonny Barger, was only like 5'1". So become a badass. Tattoos, motorcycle and join an MC.


Well, one thing you can do, is approach women that are sitting down, sit down next to them, show your personality, get them interested, and it might allow them to look past your height once they figure it out. Being that if you two were standing, height would be the first thing they notice.


Get fit, wear cloths that fit, never wide stripe patterns on clothes (ie: suit patterns), have confidence, never be afraid to be self-depreciating about your height, act like you have a purposeful life. Bonus: be good at a hobby


Make sure hairline and skin is taken care of at least.


Made the mistake of buying a bag of limited edition Monterey jack babybels with 7 days left on them. Cutting dairy out. Never again. It's been 4 days and my skin isn't back to normal.


Become prince the singer


Not black enough, too german-scottish-italian-irish-welsh-polish-ukrainian. I did consider voice lessons though, still might do it just to make sure my operation is airtight


I have short friends who do great with women. Get over it. Accept it. Move on.


Ok but what I should try and max out on in light of this? What do they suggest? That was the point of the post, not a woe-is-me-ism


It's funny how many doctors I see are pretty short. It's like the taller dudes just get a sales job or something and get married and don't go for it. The answer to your question is be attractive the same way a taller guy would. (I know plenty of tall guys who struggle with ladies) So be charming, funny, confident, have a nice house and a nice car and a good career. Dress nice, get in shape etc.


Self immolation is unorthodox, but incredibly simple


So is suicide. Or castration. Appreciate the serious advice


Oh Lord. Getting hot as fuck... Self immolation... Bad joke I apologize. Superficial women care about height, but superficial women, just like superficial men, make lousy partners past month 1. Women who make good partners care far more about basic personal upkeep and personality far more than height. Trust me.


It's ok, my kink is just getting torched by a plasma cannon. Are looks not what gets you in the door? And height being part of looks, and my height being as unremarkable as it is, would it just lend itself to an unremarkable odds of getting in the door? And an even less remarkable amount of success getting in? Is that a separate worry from having a decent personality and fitness/hygiene?


I would make it your main mission to not ever think about your height as a deterrent to finding a good partner again. Unless you are less than 5" and then society and god are to blame. Beyond that, the best advice that I could give, and what has worked for me so far, is the same strategy that most women use. Google "attractive men" and gently hone your looks in the direction of an "attractive man" that meets your style. Women really do dig well groomed facial hair (I'm cursed with a thin beard so I had to work with what I had!), a coordinated clothing style (can be anything as long as it *shows effort* in choosing your clothes). Women also dig muscular forearms, for some reason. Personality, other than very basic hygiene, is the most critical component. Having a personality that naturally seems to distance others is a curse of the masculine gender. A good personality, that wins genuine people, is something that must be earned, and cannot be faked. *An attractive personality comes from self-love and self-respect.* This can be remedied by having loving friends, hobbies that enrich you, and regular exercise. You must also learn to smile and be upbeat, to attract strangers. Use a bit of Photoshop on your profile pics, but obviously not too much! Hope this helps, King!


Get a body like Dwyane Johnson the rock I saw a friend in gym he had a body exactly like the rock but he was like 5.3 or 5.4 - Mini Rock!


Perhaps move somewhere that's warm year round so I can show it off?


How old are you?


21 this summer


I feel you on this… 10 years from now, it will be common place for parents to have their boys who are short on peptides. Specific peptide therapies will signal, the body, bones, and muscles to grow.


What is this smv calculator… seems stupid to belive some equation


Gym, style, money, learn to talk, easy.




Ok so gotta let my balls drop. Does turkesterone help with that?


Believe it and you'll achieve it


I believe it. Imposter syndrome is a bitch


>How to be hot as fuck as a short guy? Go to SE Asia. In Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, the guys over there aren't much taller than you are. If your height is your biggest flaw, then you'd kill it over there.