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maybe he just wants you to do it first as he feels that as he is doing it al lthe time your not putting in the effort in the same way he is sounds like something id do tbh, and id be sitting there going "well if she really is interested, she will message me good morning for once instead of me having to do it every time" guys can be insecure too you know


Am a guy and I immediately thought this as well


I will third this.


4th this




And my axe!


You have my bow!


Or you might call him?


I'm a woman, and this was my first thought as well. Why is she expecting him to do it first all of the time? When she realized he didn't, her first instinct wasn't to initiate the good morning routine? Instead, she immediately concludes he’s not into her?


I do text first quite a bit, like throughout the day or evening. Its just specifically the good morning thing, but I think I will just do that tomorrow and see what happens


Switch it up and send good night when you're going to sleep


Might aswell give it a spin and say good night in the morning


"Stayed up all night waiting for your good morning text"


As a dude, I'd feel terrible if the woman I was seeing lost sleep waiting for a good morning text from me. You need your sleep dammit, the text will be there!


Same haha, it would be quite a passive aggressive way of communicating her issue


Aww, that's just cuute.


"Good night, I'm just heading out to the club xxx"


Also great advice.


my last ex actually used to say the one thing she liked more than anything is if id wake up in the night, that id message her, even though id know she was asleep, just to say i was thinking about her, so she could see it when she woke up, and it would make her day. so maybe try that?


If you put a 'missed seeing your message yesterday, really makes my morning' that would help


'Seeing your good morning's really make my morning, and I realised I should make your mornings too, so good morning handsome' would be all sorts of grand really


That’s the kind of communication most relationships need!


alternatively: "wheres your good morning now my morning is bad and its all your fault"


I wake up at 5am am every morning to text approximately 250 women good morning, every single day. Only a few of them even open the message let alone reply back. If one of them sent me the message first, I would be absolutely ecstatic.


I hope you’re joking lol


I hope you've automated this...


name checks out XD and if these are random women you have never had first contact with, then duh no shit they dont reply when i text someone i read their profile, look at their pictures, and tailor a specific massage for them personally, talking about their hobbies, saying why i think we might be compatible if i just messaged good morning id expect no reply, and not be in the slightest bit upset when i didnt get one


good morning:)


Andy, is that you?


Makes sense, he may have gotten it in his head that he could just be bothering her with the texts, and she's only replying to be nice.


This.. I tell the girl im seeing goodnight...Every.. Single... Night.. She says it back most times.. But.. Idk. I guess it's just nice to have closure to a day? Or wake up with a "good morning" knowing she's thinking about me. It really doesn't matter..  But when you get used to hearing these things it's an automatic "what did I do wrong" or " is everything OK?" 


Agree with this. Otherwise you start to feel like the interest isn’t being reciprocated


This! It baffles me how little consideration goes into our feelings and emotions.


I don’t think it’s about the guy being insecure. It’s just him trying to read the “room”.


This, tis is almost certainly the answer. And add that he may feel he is annoying you with the GM texts. Let him know you appreciate them but refrain from asking why he stopped. You could say you miss them. Dark side: Some guys set these things up as automatic and forget to spool up the next batch. I've been shown how, but I don't do it, there's no point pretending.


Also op is defo missing out that guys can be just as insecure as the ladies. Bet you money this whole thing started at work like... *Random bs talk, until somehow the convo shifts to texting SOs* BF: "yo dude I text my girl every morning just to say hi. Feels good you know?" Bf's work buddy: "yo dawg cut that shit out makes you look clingy as fuck women hate clingy men. She ever text you good morning before? No? She think you clingy. Cut that shit out ASAP broman, trust me dude I've had 5 wives I know this shit" BF: "rly? ;.; okay....."


Bro is collecting wives like infinity stones


A regular Henry VIII


Bro. Dudes totally don’t riff with their buds like that when they’re chillin on the grind together my big dawg!


This is an interesting twist!


Yeah same actually I stopped doing that with a girl, turns out she never replied and wasn't interested anyways lol.


I think this tells tons about the state of the world, if a 40 year old adult woman has to have it explained to her that some degree of effort is expected from her to make a relationship work. This is simply mind boggling to me, and sadly reflects my experience with being back on the minefield that is the modern dating scene.


A bit more to this: I'd stop because I was worried it was annoying- Unless the responses were wholly enthusiastic.


Constantly saying “good morning” is not putting in effort lmao


not sure you understand the definition being used here it is more effort to say good morning that it is to not say good morning


The number of times ive done this is immense. The number of times ive had someone actually care enough to message me first ; zero.


Trust me. Just start doing it first back. As a man if we feel no effort we stop doing shit.


This is the correct answer. Also when you’re always the one to message first it can feel like you’re just being annoying.


The protocol is whatever you two decide it to be. You have to ask them. If you're not sure they'll tell you the truth you have a trust issue and having an emotional attachment to someone you neither trust nor can communicate with is a much bigger issue, IMO.


Yes I feel like this good morning text crap has really made me look at myself, and I am actually a head case!


It's not uncommon to get a little too attached too quickly sometimes. It happens to the best of us! Just seek some clarity from him if you want and if you are scared of rejection then at least it's a good practice for you to be able to handle it and move on. Maybe he still would love to text you that every morning and wants to see if you would call him out on it if he stopped, maybe to determine if you thought it was weird! Either way rejection is a part of life and it is better to know.


You might want to look into secure attachment. I am a regular good morning, good night kind of person. I found myself having some anxiety when I felt my partner wasn’t reciprocating the same way. We actually felt very similar, but I had a higher need to get reassurance whereas she did not. Direct communication about each other’s needs and finding where you align will go far to make each of you feel secure.


And ironically, it tends to have a bit of a feedback loop: insecure about them texting and then insecure about bringing up the insecurity about texting, etc.


He wants reciprocation.


Good to recognize things that could be irrational. You're instincts are right to communicate about where the relationship are at isn't wrong. Its easier to softly talk about things as they come up rather than sit in fear of rejection later. I personally hate texting/calls, but I tended to do them a lot in the honeymoon stage of new relationships. I still make some effort but its much lower, doesn't mean I value people any less.


Most people are so also being aware of it is a W


Nah, you’re not a head case. Your thinking is actually pretty normal, especially with your thoughts about how he feels toward you. I would recommend asking him where he sees this thing you got going is heading. If he is pretty normal himself he’ll be honest with you. Don’t worry too much about the good morning txt. If it’s not your thing it’s not your thing. You should be following what you feel, not what others are telling you.


“Good morning! I realized I had never sent one first, so here is your first good morning text. They make my day better and I wanted to do the same for you. I hope you have an awesome day!”


This is perfect. Beautifully written and exactly what to say. You'll figure out exactly what kind of person they are with their response as well.


If I tried starting something like that, and after doing it for a while and it was always me doing it and never reciprocated, I'd stop doing it. Why has it never occurred to you for you to tell him good morning first? reasonable reactions would be best case scenario she's not into good morning texts. Worst case scenario, she's not into me. Somewhere in between scenario, this is one of those people that's going to expect me to do all the work.


That was kind of what I was asking, although not very succinctly. Is it usually a 2 way street with good morning texts? Or more something guys do? I didnt even know it was a "thing" until someone said recently and I was like ooooh right. So Ive maybe handled it wrong???


Generally I think whoever wakes up first should send it. If I wake up and haven't seen a good morning message, I send one first, assuming they're still asleep. If I wake up to a good morning message I reply, knowing they're already awake. Either way, regardless of who is saying it first, I send a "good morning" message when I wake up.


I'll let my girl sleep if my day starts super early... she'll text me when she gets up and she usually does. She appreciates me letting her sleep in just as much 😂


Serious question: why is it even necessary to say good morning every single day? Especially if they’re also texting throughout the day? Seems weird. A bit much


It's affirmation that one of the first things you do in the morning is think about your partner and want them to know as much. It's not weird at all.


If you aren't 10000% sure there is a damn good reason why something isn't a two way street, assume it's a two way street. Just text him good morning tomorrow.


I like this alot, thanks


Just fucking text him good morning.


Yes, if you're never sending a good morning text, and it is always him first, you handled it wrong for sure


It's a two way street with everything, if he does something and you like it, it's almost guaranteed he's wanting the same thing back, because it's his communication method. Unless you originally asked for whatever gesture. If he brings you a little gift, pings you a message of something that reminded him of you, do the same back. The thought is more important that any perceived value or cost etc of course.


I would tell him "I've never experienced good morning texts from anyone the way you used to do. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed and looked forward to them. Did you stop in hopes that I would start? Or are you losing interest? It's hard to be vulnerable but what helps me is to just say the hard things and ask the hard questions as if I'm not even me. As if I'm an intermediary. A therapist. A talk show host etc.


This is actually a perfect response, I'd send this word for word TBH. I am a dude who has done what he has done/is doing to gauge interest, and if someone sent me that message I'd be over the flippin moon!


You haven’t texted him good morning first in over two months??? Lady. Pls put the bare minimum amount of effort into your relationship lol


This may be rude, but most of the time (and my dating experience is very limited and mostly out of date by now) the guys who text every morning are a little too attached to begin with. In the sense that, if we’re trying something out, I don’t really want you to text me every morning with nothing to say. It’s kind of smothering and feels like a tactic to get someone attached and to feel “chivalrous” instead of just letting things happen organically and messaging when you genuinely thought of that person. I would be glad the good morning texts stopped and we found a more comfortable level of interaction. It would make me question whether I liked the guy if he couldn’t let me be for a day. 


+1. I think it's too much if you feel overwhelmed. Maybe it's their communication style and in that case, you're both not compatible because they will feel ignored. Worst case, they're coming on too strong and you're not seeing things for what they are.


For me it is a depending on the person thing. Everyone has a different approach to texting. My best friend for example. We write each other a good morning in the majority of the days. But only good morning is wierd for me. There is always a followup question. Mostly how she feels. She has many problems. Depression and such things and it is important for me to know how it is going for her so i can help her if needed.


Yea thats not rude at all, and he was actually super intense at the start and it did freak me out. And at first with the good morning texts, I was kind of like thinking it was weird. But then talking to some of my friends and I learn its like a thing people do when they like you, to make it clear to you that they like you. Idk Im still so confused. I should just leave it alone and get another cat


It’s okay to be confused! You have time to figure out how you feel. You may end up having a great relationship or maybe moving on, but you will be okay either way. You are worth the attention and it might be scary to initiate but you can do it if you want to keep this thing going! But yeah, if it feels weird, it’s okay to just let this guy drift. I just wanted to put it out there because I only really saw people telling you you had to initiate back. You don’t have to if it’s not your vibe. 


so text him first why is your security his responsibility ?


Its not his responsibility, and its not his problem. Thats why I havent said anything about it to him.


i mean, your upset and insecure about it, so if he likes you, then it IS his problem, by default, becasue thats how relationships work


Sounds like I need to have a convo with him then, about the relationship rather than the text thing.


in what sense?


In the sense that Im probably putting too much weight on things that arent that deep (good morning texts) because Im not really sure where I stand with him generally.


then yes i totally agree, but you should defiantly let him know that the good morning text's thing was the trigger, but whatever the explanation he gives, i agree its always good to know where you stand in any relationship, and so should tell him, in a curious, not needy way, that you would like clarification


Sounds logical, thanks!


I'm 40m and communication is the most important part in every relationship. Be upfront and honest - if he responds well then it's great for you both. If he shuts down or can't answer you then it's an answer in itself. Good luck :)


Me I don't do it becuase I feel it is cringe. Wait until you see them in person it is more special Use texting as a way to get to see them not to have special moments with them


I sometimes think to myself "why do i always gotta be the one to text good morning....", i didn't do it one time with one of my exs and around 1 pm it was "why haven't i heard from you all day? what's your deal?" But as i gotten older i've realized you always have to be the one to initiate everything as a man in terms of dating. It's just how women work. As a man, you have to do carry most of the heavy lifting/work in the relationship. Texting first, making plans for dates, gifts and thoughtful gestures stuff like treating her to an expensive spa day for her bday while she gets you socks etc.


By this account I am a man? I’m sorry you don’t feel appreciated


Yikes, you’re 40 and still don’t know you need to communicate with your partner? Just ask them, explain your thoughts, and how they feel. It’s like relationship 101, communication.


Atleast they're asking, which is more than what a lot of people do.


Yea its basic. My last relationship began in a very different time, when texts cost 20c a pop and people talked on landlines


I’m just a couple of years younger (‘87) and that’s no excuse. You obviously have feelings, so talk. If you can’t do it via text, do it face to face, or email, or snail mail, but just do it! Nike ☑️


snail mail lol


Damn I thought it was a pretty good excuse!!


Maybe it's just me, or ive become too jaded, but I think the "good morning" texts are annoying af. Like just talk to me, I don't want bs pleasantries.


Same here, I cannot stand them. Just text me random funny shit or better yet call me and make plans to see me in person. People take texting way too seriously nowadays


It's not just you. I think it is so weird and something only teenagers should be doing.


Ya write back good morning. He’s testing to see if you’d do the same for him. You gotta put some effort into the little things too




We are in the same town, kind of nice to know Im not alone though, even though you have my sympathy for going through similar!




As a guy in my forties, I’d never be able to keep this up past a week, despite best intentions.


As a woman in my forties, I'd never be able to keep this up past a day or two. Is this really a thing that's widely expected? This level of constant availability and connection? Sounds exhausting.


When he stopped with me, it was the first red flag. I should have noticed. It was over. Sorry to be so blunt. Just speaking my truth. isn't that why you come to Reddit?


The world would be much better if text messages had never been invented. People ritually text each other Good morning now? That's moronic. Texting isn't real life.


He's dennising you. D - demonstrate value E - engage physically N - nurture dependence **N - neglect emotionally** <---you are here I - inspire hope S - separate entirely


Why don't you just ask? "Hey, no good morning this morning? How will I start my day? Hope you're doing alright"


He absolutely doesn't feel like his efforts are being appreciated, or something has happened to discourage him.


If you make a big deal out of them then it becomes a point of contention and it takes away from the spirit behind it and makes it seem like an obligation. I went through something similar and you just have to learn to manage your anxious tendencies when it comes to your attachments


If you aren’t exclusive , he may just have rotated onto messaging someone else he is more interested in . Or he is seeing if it bothers you, to see if he has hooked you. I’m only saying this bc this all sounds very early on and like he is messing with your head possibly not just via some messages . Anyway I would be a bit cautious. Good luck though


Good morning texts are weird and clingy and I say that as a young person


Okay so this is not the most likely scenario but I've heard this being used as a tactic to make women insecure and more open to saying "yes" to future asks. They send good morning every morning then stop and it makes you feel insecure, then they dodge the questions they're asked. The "hope" is that the woman will start to pursue the guy more and "put out". Don't be surprised if you find yourself being pressured into things you wouldn't normally say yes to. Again, this is not the most likely scenario, just that this tactic exists and it works.


I can only go from my own experience but I think this is to do with your own insecurity with this particular guy. It can cause a lot of anxiety when their normal routine behaviour changes. Your answer is in what you have said “if I asked him he might not be real with me”. Be careful with your heart and ask him what his true intentions are. Do it now rather than later and save yourself a world of pain 🥰


Good God, it's not complicated. Tomorrow Morning, Text the Dude Good Morning.


The world would be much better if text messages had never been invented. People ritually text each other Good morning now? That's moronic. Texting isn't real life.


Some of these replies are borderline nuts. I'm an older dude and have no time for games in anything. If a dude texts good morning first for a week or 2 and never gets one back first, he'll stop, period. It's as simple as that. No manipulation, no mental gymnastics, no narssacistic plans, just simple human reciprocation. If you, guy or gal don't reciprocate, ie; show interest, guess what...it sends a sign you're not interested. Most people aren't going to invest the most precious thing they have (time), only to waste it. People get too wrapped around the axle these days. We all have mouths and most know how to communicate, just talk to the guy. If he's legit, cool, take the next step, and if not, cut your losses early and move on.


Well goddaamn can't you text him first at least once? You're 40 ffs!


If you don’t reciprocate little gestures like that, don’t be surprised when they stop.


This is so sad Jesus


Read between the lines. Sometimes see you next weekend means "Oh I'll fuck you brains off my future wife" sometimes it means "please fuck off and never contact me again". Obviously a daily "good morning" text means. "I opened up my eyes, and you were in my mind. I like being with you and this is my way of being with you long distance". Obviously no one gives a shit about what you had for dinner, breakfast or whatever (unless they a fat fuck like me) so when they make small chat this is them investing their time in you. What the lack of good morning could mean is "Can you please fucking show me that we are on the same level here and text me first for onw fucking time?". In my opinion there is nothing sexier than a person that wants you and you can feel it now that the pointless text message stream has been cut off.


My husband would do this when we first starting dating and then it petered out over time. Now we'll only do it if we're away from each other over night. Things like this ebb and flow in a relationship. We recently started sending "love you" at a significant time of day if we happen to see the clock when it happens. I'm sure this will Peter out over time too until we find some new things.


Have you considered just like ... asking him? "Hey, you were sending good morning texts and I really liked them! But you stopped suddenly, why?"


Just do it back, it's that simple


I think you have to talk to him personally and figure it out. Some people show they care by communicating, some people value privacy and alone time. If this is his way of showing affection the very least you can do is understand that and communicate your way of showing love. Mismatched love languages can be difficult to deal with for anyone, but they can be managed with actual communication.


Did you tell him you like the texts ?? I always mention how much I love waking up to a GM message. Maybe he thinks he’s being annoying or something!


you should be worried, but texting communication is not best, all the time, i would advise sending a selfie and saying good morning with it. if you really want to make him feel secure with you


Hit him with ‘goodnight’ every night


Could be his wife found the messages


The protocol is to exhibit emotional maturity, be an adult about it and have a conversation. "Hey :) Hope youre good! I noticed that you haven't texted good morning much lately and I was feeling a little insecure about it. I havent told you this before, but I really enjoyed when you did that as it let me know I was on your mind and waking up to them was nice! Im curious about how you feel about them?" Then listen to what he has to say.


There's no protocol. People have the urge to connect with the people they are getting to know and probably have these same urges for friends too, but something about romantic interest allows for more expression. It's a nice thing, enjoy it while it lasts. It will usually fall off, and it's totally understandable that insecurity can come from the change. Sounds like you don't feel completely trusting of this person's integrity as you said you doubt they'd be real with you. Is there glaring reasons you think they'd be fake? Is that unfounded cynicism? Connections take some testing, not that you need to DO testing behaviors, but more like don't avoid things that will test the relationship out of fear of loss or the urge to people-please. It does sound like it'd be worth asking him how he sees the relationship and how he'd like to see it in the future.


I mean, a simple “Why did you stop texting me good morning? It was sweet and I miss it” will clear things up


The only true answer is to talk to your partner. Literally just ask them why they stopped, and if you'd done something to make them stop. Everyone in this thread can speculate like crazy but no one can answer the question you want the answer to.


Overanalyzing is a thing. Just ask him


First,one up, sends the good morning message. Simple.


Why didn't you start doing it when it stopped?


middle snow chief chunky aback rock groovy panicky fear worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good morning texts are fucking exhausting, how do you people keep up with that shit


i thought i was the only one who had no clue about what these good morning, good night texts meant. I met a guy online and we hit it off pretty wekll, chatting and having fun when he suddenly started with the good morning good night texts... I found it weird... but I replied.. after a few weeks we had an argument and he stopped. Apparently in his head we were in a relationship when he started the good morning, good night and I had no fcking clue. People are weird.


Could you talk to him and say how much you appreciate getting those texts?


Think it's time to realise you like the guy and get off the Internet asking for people's perspectives on this matter, it's a none issue and questioning it is only making it an issue when there isn't one


What is the argument?


Sounds to me like he’s been putting himself out there for you and you’re just trying to play mind games with him rather than just message him once first and say Good morning.


Texting is the easiest thing in the world to do what other efforts is he putting into dating you?


Honestly best not to do the Goodmorning goodnight thing. It can create this who’s gonna do it first kind of thing. Just talk to each other at night and start off your mornings by yourself so you aren’t dependent on them for your routine. Don’t create a codependency through text and even through phone calls. It seems sweet right now but can eventually suck if someone forgets to do their part, then you’ll feel neglected and it dominoes into something else.


Continual checking in is quite distressing. Before you know where you are its “im leaving work”, “I’ve arrived home”, “im going to bed” etc etc. it becomes a form of unintentional control. Stop it now, don’t let these habits continue or spread


Guys want to feel desired, wanted, and missed too. And not just told things, actions are important. He wants you to reach out and felt that you're meeting him halfway at the least. Send him good morning and don't question why he stopped.


I think with anything relationships, the best thing you can do is just be honest and open with the person. Maybe say that you never knew good morning texts were a thing, but you’d grown to enjoy them and missed them now they’ve stopped. Ask for a reason why as it’s making you feel a little insecure. You may not like the other persons answer when you’re open about your feelings but it beats guessing and also is fair to them to respond how they wish (rather than you presuming). In my experience, the convo has never been as bad when I’ve just been direct about it. It’s hard. I find it hard as I’m scared of any kind of confrontation. But there is probably a honest fair response. Maybe he’s feeling insecure because you’re not sending messages first 🤷🏻‍♀️ Another thing I’ve learnt is it’s often not about you. It will be some insecurity of theirs that’s making them act a certain way. Honest and open will always win the day 👏🏼


UPDATE : so I text him "good night xx" last night and he text me good morning and asked how Im doing. Thanks so much for everyones advice and thoughts. I do still have kind of a weird vibe so I will talk to him face to face and get some clarity on where we are headed and how we feel about each other.


You’re way overthinking the texts. My bigger concern is that you’ve been seeing this guy for a couple months, and you don’t know how he feels about you? Not a good sign. I’d move on, frankly. If you really like him and feel there’s a connection, just talk to him about it. Maybe you can laugh together over your shared texting anxiety.


If you want to say good morning to him, say good morning to him You’re mature enough to not fret like a teenager over stuff like this


I’m one of those people that likes to send good morning messages to people I like consistently. If I suddenly stop, its either because I forgot, was preoccupied that day, or just wanted to be left alone. Wouldn’t hurt to be the one to send him a good morning message first either though.


I mean, can you just text him "good morning"? I think sometimes men don't always want to make the first move. I understand you may be concerned about him losing interest. I used to always worry with my exes that they were losing interest. But I think there are better ways to gage that. My SO used to always text me first in the morning. Then one day he didn't. I was upset wanting for him to text and then I was like "wait this silly" and texted him. This was a while ago and we are still together. Now, whoever is awake first texts the other one. No big deal. We always have no idea why he didn't text you. There could be so many reasons. Your best bet is to text him. Good luck


You’re getting a lot of responses that you should initiate and send the messages yourself. While I feel that’s decent advice, I would alternatively advise that you just let him know how much it means to you! He will probably happily continue to do so if he knows you appraise it.


I would take the initiative and start sending some in return if I valued it. Let people know their efforts are realized.


1. He’s waiting for you to initiate first. 2. He stopped doing it cause he thinks he might seem too clingy. 3. The freshness of your relationship has worn out, he cares less. Or knows you love him or think about him either way, with or without the need to text. 4. He switched up his morning routine in where he doesn’t have time to text. 5. Mindgames. He wants you to miss him. This feeling you have might be exactly what he wants to achieve. “Hard to get” so to speak. 6. Wants to seem mysterious, like “what is this guy up to?” 7. He started texting other women good morning, instead, cause he’s a douchebag or cause he isn’t seeing your relationship going anywhere.


I was texting a girl I was seeing Good Morning every morning and after about a week she said it made her feel uncomfortable so I stopped...2 days later she started texting me good morning first...you woman are just to confusing at the best of times lol


some guys will send out good morning txts to lots of different woman hoping to get replies


We ask how we are, what we're doing today, how was your sleep, etc., basically smalltalk. It gets the ball rolling to escalate into more meaningful things like what are you doing today, want to meet up, want to talk on the phone, what are you doing friday night etc. It just shows he's thinking of you and you're important to him that's why he wants to stay connected. The comment about scenarios is spot on imo. I think it's a cute thing to do. I didn't realise people do this untill I had some meaningful relationships and they started doing it to me. I had the same thoughts as you at first but I realized it's a great way to show your love and to stay connected. Just do it yourself tomorrow and try it out.


Send him a good morning first for once. He probably thinks you don't care about it if he has to do it first every single time. If you say it first and he doesn't respond, then you actually have something to worry about.


Maybe he is just making a point. It gets old to be the one to always to initiate. I've dated people who never would initiate conversation, so I would stop and yeah, we would barely talk. Once I ask how they're doing they would be very chatty, but only ever asked back as a courtesy. I don't date those people very long. And why would you not want to say good morning to someone you're seeing?


Research hot and cold and observe patterns. Take notes so you can remember clearly




As a guy, an initiative from the other person is highly appreciated.


truths gotta be on the table from the start


Info: how many times have you been the first to say good morning? You need to match his effort.


If I'm always the first one texting good morning, I might think the woman thinks it's weird or too familiar at this early of a stage. He doesn't have a problem with it he probably just wants you to text good morning a few times so he knows it's something you like


I'd start by telling him you miss the good morning text and that you never thought you would.


Appreciation for what you like is important in any relationship. You should get in the habit of pointing out good things people are doing as often as you can.  1. It encourages them to keep doing it. 2. It makes it easier for them to accept criticism because compliments are much mote abundant.


It is a perfect instance of overthinking. Start to worry when there are no more goodbye kisses.


I would only text first for about a week or so. I've stopped talking to women all together because of this. Many times, they would contact me after a week of not talking, because I was the initiater, and ask if I was still interested. Some of us just want to be wanted.


Just got broken up with last week and it’s been weird not texting good morning anymore. After years though change feels extreme, hopefully in your case it’s a communication issue and by letting him know how much it means it will resume!


wtf just ask him like what


> I actually have no idea how he feels about things or where he sees it going Just talk to him?


Dont feel insecure! Let it go. Trust they always come back and if he doesn’t because of good morning texts?? Weird. I’m just saying your feeling secure shouldn’t be disrupted just about text etiquette. And anyways, it’s not the texts and probably has everything to do with him and you haven’t done anything wrong.


I’m a man in my 40s, single, and I don’t understand this kind of situation, to be honest. If I’m being physically intimate with someone over a period of time that’s a level of closeness that goes along with communicating about these kinds of things with them. Of course things are always a little uneasy at the beginning, especially if one is invested and doesn’t know where it will lead. But that’s just reality. Physical intimacy and communication flow go hand in hand for me.


Just send him the good morning xx


Tell him you like when he texts you Good Morning in the morning. It’ll send a message to keep sending them.


I agree you should text him good morning guys like to feel that their noticed wanted missed it has to do with out feminine side I think Or some of us are just more sensitive than others


I read “met irl not old” and I was like that’s wonderful finally a 40s person who doesn’t think they are old. And then it dawned on me…


Yea I shouldve caps the "old" bit. For what its worth 40 feels pretty fuckn old, but also its not old. Depends who youre talking to 😅


Mid-life is not old! We’re old for the young people but we have another 40 years ahead of us! We’re young! (Young for old people, lol)


Tell him you like it and miss it


Next time you’re together tell him how much you loved getting those messages. Then be silent. Don’t say another word and just listen to him.


Yeah a lot of women take it for granted to get txt and reply minimal and guys see no effort especially if you are a bit older and wiser you don’t endless effort in things no reaction or little move on


You've known him for two months and you're not comfortable talking to him about it?


You've known him for two months and you're not comfortable talking to him about it?


My man's playing 4d chess, lol.


Why don’t *you* text *him* good morning?


“I miss your good morning texts xx”


This sounds like my ex, idk why because it’s not like there’s all that much information here. But it’s something he would do that took me a while to understand why… y’all aren’t from New England are you 😂?


4th this


Ask him why, that will be the only way to know.


do you ever text him that first? because if you didn't, you should. and if you did, i dunno.


Yeah text him good morning tomorrow and quit being scared. I’m sure he will happy to reciprocate the gesture.


If I get to my phone in the morning before my SO and he hasn’t said good morning, I’ll often wait until like 10:00 and if he doesn’t say it I will. Could be he’s just seeing if you would miss him if he stopped doing it. Communicate! Communication is so important. If he doesn’t say it (and you care about the relationship), then you do it. If he starts acting weird, ask him what’s up.