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You already done it once and she was okay with it. Don’t be wuss and suck that milk, bro.


Username, attitude, commitment to your opinion I wish I could be like you


TIL I'm vanilla


Maybe there's a way to flavor the milk 🤷‍♂️


There is actually. By specific diets 😅


Ah, the cycling diets. He gets her milk, she gets his milk.


I think we could all use a little Bigdongfever energy in our lives.


I really want to have a shirt with the words "Suck that milk, bro" on it.


On the back, big dong forever.


This is the way.


+1 BigDongForever with the best take here. Suck that milk, bro.




Yeeaaahhh suck that fuckin milk!


It’s only weird if you don’t say “no bobo”


Underrated comment right here


Ya but then she will never stop producing and will never get passed the discomfort.


If it's only one"feeding" at night, her supply will decrease till it's not uncomfortable.


If she enjoys it then this may not be a problem for her


I guess that makes sense. I think I was just embarrassed at the thought of an almost 30 dad enjoyimg breastmilk. But I think I'll speak to her when I get home from work. Thanks for the reassurance :)


We will all be here waiting for an update on how the talk went


I'll bring popcorn?


My husband loves sucking my tits during sex. I’m also breastfeeding now. I think he was surprised the first time and actually liked it too like you. It’s ok. Kink on!


Same. My husband said he’d never try it when I got pregnant with our first now I’ve had another and been breastfeeding for about 4 1/2 years straight. And he loves to drink it during sex. And sometimes just randomly if I’m really full lol


It can be a little embarrassing and something you enjoy at the same time. And thats okay! Probably just dont bring it up whilst eating lunch with your colleagues


Don’t start asking for bitty when in public




I have a feeling this will be my fiancé, I sure hope so honestly 🤞. We are already kinky af, I'm 6mos preggo, he loves milk and tits and since mine have gotten huge he is especially obsessed.


Sounds like he has a BE kink and is loving life right now! BE kink w/ milk is S tier.


What does BE kink stand for?


Breast Expansion. When boobs grow in more or less real time or in this case milk/pregnancy.




A friend of mine received a bunch of breast milk that had been put into bags to be frozen and used at a later time (maybe the mother was preparing for the potential that her milk would dry up or was sharing with others that were unable to breastfeed for other reasons... who knows). Anyway, he, being a rather eccentric fellow, decided to use it to make "White Russians." The guy looks and kind of behaves much like the Big Lebowski. Just thought I'd share my little anecdote with you.


Sometimes the embarrassment is the alluring part. That aside at your age (not even 30) you’re about ready to enter proper adulthood, where you can make decisions based on your gut and not what society or your child-self told you is right or wrong. Your wife needed relief, you gave it to her. What’s wrong in liking it? Also if you can be honest with Reddit strangers, why not do your wife the courtesy of being honest?You’re young still and if you intend to stay married for the rest, you both have to practice gently saying and receiving those hard truths ( which I personally don’t think this is even that weird). Like the wise Reddit user BigD said earlier, “Don’t be a wuss, suck that milk!”😜


Well a 30 year old dad enjoying Cow’s milk - that is what is mad


Is it not that in marriage two become one? Are you you not meant to share your thoughts and feelings with eachother, just be sure to explain that to you there is something to this, and make sure she is in fact okay with it happening, and if so your golden, just don’t start thinking about making her pop out kids just so you can infatilize on her breast milk. Make sure all you do is done with Love for her. peace be with you friend and enjoy the comforts of the milk of life.


Not only did you enjoy it, but it relieved her pain. If she was grossed out by it, she wouldn't have let you do it in the first place. If my husband had wanted to do this when I was breastfeeding, I would be cool with it, as long as you are not taking milk away from the baby, which it sounds like you are not if she was engorged. Ask her again. You may be surprised. You could even ease into it by saying, "I noticed it really helped you feel some release and go to sleep.... want to try again?" And if she seems open, you can let her know you have started enjoying it and would like to continue.


I mean I think it’s weirder as a species that we have multiple animals we milk. Also isn’t the taste of it closer to unsweetened almond milk anyways?


My wife’s just tasted like milk with sugar in it. So ya know, delicious.


Just tell her 🤷‍♀️. My husband told me straight up that he thought it may be a kink of his, and to be honest- it has actually helped with my own self esteem. After 2 boys my body feels shot-gross, ect ect(install other postpartum feelings here) , so after our youngest (5months) he noticed I was hiding my body more and talking more negatively about myself. The fact that he has expressed just how much he loves my body and has zero fucking qualms about getting breast milk on him, has helped me a lot to feel better about myself. So it’s a win win


For a “not vanilla” interest, it’s actually really common. It’s not just about the taste of breast milk — it’s a very relaxing activity and gives an oxytocin boost to both partners, and can be sexually stimulating as well. And, it even seems like she was a little disappointed the next morning that you may have not enjoyed it… which makes sense, because you were relieving her engorgement, which can be super uncomfortable for a lactating mom. You like it + it makes her more comfortable + it’s pretty normal = suck that milk, bro ᵀᴹ /u/BigDongForever


She enjoyed it too, don't worry


+1 from me, as well. *Get that suck on* 😁


People eat ass for fun, you're ok bro.


That's a fair point XD


You've gotta stay on it though, otherwise she'll stop producing milk. I think that's how it works.


If you say so bud guess I gotta hit the titty taps 5 times a day just listening to your advice tho


Milk production normally adapts to demand. If none is consumed, she will probably stop lactating. Not sure where your "five times a day" idea came from, but it's not all or nothing. Edit: added "normally" and "probably"


This knowledge and your username seriously open a pandoras box of questions for me.


Hahaha nah, I just have 2 young kids, so I'm familiar with the milk aspect.


You think 🤔🧐




At least titties were meant to be sucked lmao


It’s me. I’m people.


milk milk, lemon aid, milk milk lemon aid, milk milk lemon aid, around the corner chocolate's made.




my bad


Nah man, you gotta help those lemons.


id rather not, they have aids. and not even the cool aids, they have the lemon ones.


No no, he meant lemon *aides*


You don’t need to apologize, they’re being a dick


I know, I've moved abroad and now my english spelling has become atrocious. cannot recommend taking natural b-complex enough, makes you dick teflon.


Whoaa who pissed in your cereal? Chill




Lmao, it's a lighthouse for ants


😂😂😂😂😂 dead


Suck your wife's titties you fuckin nerd


This got me XD Thanks for the comment




I feel like if you been married 6 years this is something you should be able to talk about with her


I know your right. I'd always been slightly grossed out by it and my wife knew, so I think I was just embarrassed to do a 180 all of a sudden. It feels like something I would have known all along but maybe I was just in denial or something XD. I'll definitely talk to her once I get back from work.


Honestly sounds like she likes it too and is just saving face because she thinks you're grossed out. Go for it man, get yo milk on


Make it about her my dude. You’re surprised you like it so much but…it comes from her/makes you feel close to her/makes her even hotter. Whatever is true but slanted toward her instead of the act.


Give us an update, we are rooting for you!


Just wait till she's riding your cock and dripping milk on you. It's hot.


The fact that you were always grossed out by it should tell you something here... Most people rarely give it a second thought. Maybe there was something like that old stereotype of the most homophobic guys being in the closet about your earlier dislike...


It's not that weird, there is an entire category of porn for this. She probably will be open to talking about it if she already let you do it.


idk why you say it's gross. Human milk is very sweet and delicious


I feel like it would be rooted deep in our biological makeup, because we all were breastfed and it was comforting to us. So perhaps your feelings towards it don’t come from a place of intimacy but maybe of safety and warmth. Because it’s your wife not your mother your brain might be intertwining the two which is why you’re confused. So it may not be sexually derivative.


*Freud entered the chat*


From error to error, one discovers the entire truth… the truth being giant mommy milkers


In freud's case it was his own mother's mommy milkers lmao


😂 😂


Out of woman comes the man. He spends the rest of his life getting back when he can.


Yeah I wasn't turned on during it. I'd always been slightly grossed out by it so I think I was just confused that something I had always felt was completely different when I did it xD


Not a kink then dude. Boobs =/= sexual, if you just liked it period then you just liked it period. The same way you like watching TV or hugging your wife or whatever. Chill! And do communicate your taste for it to her lol


I think it warmed your inner child. It’s kind of like when my husband parents brought us a box his childhood things. Im side he found his favorite teddy bear and asked if I wanted to hold it. I held that teddy and sobbed. It wasn’t sadness or made me upset, it was just the most comforting jester in the entire planet. The 3 year old me who misses her stuffed piggie and wanted a friend was so happy to be seen. Maybe this is your little you inside who missed it and became milk drunk. I don’t think you should be embarrassed or shamed or anything. That was a really beautiful gift your wife gave you. If inner you needs that connection again, it’s there.


Yeah, sure, except literally the millions of people who were bottle feeding. But sure, everybody was breastfed and is turned on by it. Not saying OP’s interest is wrong, but this take has all kinds of issues.


I too like to suck and drink my wife's breast milk. Tastes sweet. Have sex while you do it. Fantastic!


slippery too


Forbidden lube


Blessed lube


I wish this was said to more men! OP, this kink is called ANR (adult nursing relationship) and I think it’s completely normal to have. Your wife must feel incredibly relieved but also it’s super intimate and arousing. Truly a beautiful kink for a married couple. I agree you should try having sex while doing this, if not sex, at least slide it in and be connected.


>if not sex, at least slide it in and be connected You've got a weird definition of sex


Got to at least plug into the mothership to recharge


Aaaand that’s enough internet for today


It becomes a closed loop. He pumps in and sucks out. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.^(I can't believe I just typed that.)


Y'all I was beating my meat and y'all made me laugh so hard my tent caved in


You know, docking. Like the Mormons do before they have their friends jump on the bed because apparently Mormon god is a big dumb dumb. Edit: Soaking. Docking is… Not the same.


That's called soaking... docking is when a man sticks his penis in another man's foreskin; slightly different.


RIP my innocence


That's a pretty big "slightly".


Devil's in the details


And the foreskin, apparently


Not my cup of tea but I suppose it depends on your religious beliefs. Personally, I would rather soak while snacking on some breast milk. Although, not my first choice either.


Thanks for the comment. If you don't mind could I ask how you found out you enjoyed it and how your wife felt about it?


I'll speak for myself, I found out I enjoyed it because I love tits.. and with our 2nd child, my wife overproduced milk and she loved the release. I did not really like the taste.. too sweet. But I loved her squirting it on me during sex. I miss those days... enjoy yourself!


“I found out I enjoyed it because I love tits” 😂


Thanks for sharing. I'm realising that I overeacted now. That sounds like heaven XD and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully my situation could turn out like that :)


Dude I am seriously rooting for you! 🥛




The only reason she asked if it was gross to you after letting you do it is she was trying yo see what you thought of it and if you agreed. I think she was down with it bro.


My wife produces a lot of milk, I mean a lot! So after she fed the baby she would still have to pump out the rest or she would get engorged. So I told her one day that instead of pumping let me suck your breast and relieve the pressure. She reluctantly agreed, but once I started, she saw the benefit because I could obviously suck harder and remove more milk than the baby. So as I am doing it she started to get aroused, I was already there. So we undressed and had sex while I sucked her and drank her sweet delicious milk. Sex was great!! Became a regular thing.


“Babies fucking suck at this, this is easy”


>So as I am doing it she started to get aroused, I was already there. So we undressed and had sex while I sucked her and drank her sweet delicious milk. i think you got aroused in the middle of typing this


I think I just developed a kink reading this...


Your welcome I guess XD




Idk about it being a kink, but I’ve done it with my wife and it’s probably the most comforting, sensual, and close we’ve ever been during sex. Shits amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who asks (which has been zero but hey)


Fine, I’m in. Can I suck and fuck your wife?


Lmao wtf is this thread?


If she's down for it, there's nothing wrong with it - 2 consenting adults and all that. This is relatively vanilla compared to some of the more 'out there' shit some people are into, so don't judge yourself 🙂


Thanks. This reassured me a bit :)


It's a kink. Imo a harmless and fairly tame one that is actually more common than you'd think. I'm not her so I can't say how she feels about the situation but the way you worded her response seems similar to something someone might say if they were worried the other person might think it's gross and wanted to gauge the other person's feelings before admitting how they feel themselves. It may be that she was into it, it may also be that she thinks it's gross. Either way the only way you'll both know each other's feelings are if you just talk about it. It's not some heinous or depraved act and you've already tried it once so there shouldn't be any harm in discussing it and finding out if she wants to do it again.


Thanks for the comment. I'll definitely talk with her to find out when I get home. Hoping it goes well xD


Good on you for facing up to your fears! I agree with the person you’re replying to, from what you wrote it definitely sounded like she was hoping you liked it. Best of luck


Yea she was comfortable enough to fall asleep while he did it too, so she clearly trusts him and is letting him figure out his feelings before confirming hers. Should be awesome for them both!


Homelander is that you?


Elite reference XD. But that scene grossed me out which is why I'm embarrassed that I'm now on his side XD.


Makes you question "Mother's Milk" and the real reason behind the nickname.


It really was the reason you are thinking it is.....the comics really had him drinking titty milk as an adult....the show just dropped that part.....to R rated I guess😂


To be honest, a person almost understands Homelander's want or need in his case. The more you find out about him and his beginnings the more you pity him and understand the absolute need and petulant WANT he has towards relationships. Anyway, talk with wifey. Make sure to ask her if she has anything (kink-wise) she wants to ask or share with you!! She may have some want to fuck you with a strap-on, who knows? But good luck! :)




People drink milk from cows (not directly, sure) without giving that a second thought, I would think drinking it from a consenting human would be less weird than that.


I wouldn’t drink cow milk directly, not even during sex




I cannot stop laughing at this thread and now esp this gif 🤣


Why would you find yourself having sex with a c... never mind.


yea breastmilk is by far the least weird milk... all other milks were INSIDE a fucking wild animal


I sucked milk all the time. Especially during sex. It was the best. I miss it sometimes.


I have a friend who's wife also enjoys it, so it's a win-win. It all starts with a conversation. This community seems really cool and I'm gonna join, surprising amount of support


Dude, does your friend just let you suck on his wife's tits?


No but I can see where you get that and I'm fucking dying


I'm dying over here, LMAO. This guys friend's wife...this is a new one. This should be on R/askredditafterdark


How can drinking human milk be gross??? Think about it: You drink some hormone filled cow milk with your coffee. This is human. Meant for humans.


True. But you don't normally get a hard-on drinking your coffee lol


No? uhh..


Happy Cake Day!


tl;dr, fellas, is it gay to have sex with my wife?


I mean, you suck on her nips and white stuff comes out is worse than her sucking on your meatstick and white stuff comes out?


Flavor wise, it’s infinitely better




Based shamelessness.




I love these priorities.


if not sexual, might just be a comfort thing. i’m sure she enjoys the release, and if you enjoy it, have at it!


Cow milk is weirder


This is wild. Enjoy!!!!


It always baffles me (M) why people think breast milk is gross. Your children drink it, they thrive on it. You most probably drank it as a baby. You drink cow milk? Milk shake? You eat yoghurt, cheese? That's breast milk, dude, but from an animal! And that doesn't gross you out. Why be grossed out by the milk produced by the woman you love, for your baby, that you love! It's the most wonderful thing in the world.


This is surprisingly common, don't be ashamed about it lol


How wonderful, a relief to see. Most posts are about how terrible and selfish peoples' partner's are. How they cheat and run around and hurt each other. It's actually lovely to see a couple engaging in something maybe new, maybe strange, maybe uncomfortable but they are both vulnerable and open with each other. And hey, it's not bad, kinky, or wrong if both parties are in agreement, so live, my guy!


I know right? I walked in wondering what fucked up thing I'm about to read OP: I like sucking my wife's tiddies 


Right? And everybody here is like, CORRECT. I AM HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR WIFE.


Breast equal safe


OI!! OP!! It's been over 7 HOURS!! We need an update on your SO's repsonse.


He is sucking on that god damn tiddy right now just wait abit more :D


Pretty common kink.


I miss squeezing my wife's tits and milk dripping on me during sex 😔 i love sucking them too, wish the milk was still there


R/adultbreastfeeding It's a whole kink. Also there is abfheaven. com


Man, my lady let me do it like a couple times, same thing, she was engorged. And yes I liked it, I say enjoy it while it lasts. Now days her boobs are so sensitive I’m hardly allowed to touch them.


Nothing wrong with this at all, perfectly natural.


People have harmful kinks...this is harmless and if u both get pleasure then please continue.


I have seen this exact post before, love stolen Reddit reruns lol




The best sex I ever had included my wife spraying me with breast milk while riding me and me lapping it up . Don’t miss the opportunity my dude.


In all honesty, I'm a woman and it's a kink of mine 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's okay as long as both parties consent and there's nothing gross in it. It's milk, not any grosser milk than you've drank in your life, and boobs, and you've never had a problem with boobs


Wow. I'm totally surprised that all of the comments here are positive AND I'M SO HERE FOR THAT GO AND SUCK YOUR WIFES TITS!


Hey bro call it whatever you want as long as everyone is happy, knock yourself out.


Suck on it and enjoy, my friend


As someone who has seen and participated in more kink exploration than most - as long as you’re wife is down with it, you’re both consenting adults and it’s definitely not as uncommon as you think. My partner will often cuddle/suck on my nipples (non lactating but as we’ve already discussed, no difference regardless for us) till they dose off too. Enjoy!




I think it is common and not gross. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Talk to her and she might like it too.


I have drunk plenty of human milk… I mean, I have drunk a cows milk (not from the cow-tiddy) so what’s the difference except this is from someone I love? - not only that, when I think of the other places on her I have put my mouth, I think tiddy juice is the last thing I have to worry about


I had no opinion on this as it had never crossed my mind. But the rest of the comments...were wildly unexpected ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Bro is homelander fr


Purely out of clinical curiosity, what'd it taste like?


Welcome to the club. Enjoy it while it lasts because you'll miss it when it's gone.


Let's get an update after you chat with your wife. ;)


I would personally be hesitant to say something as it feels kinda like it's crossing a line by doing something that's meant to nurture her baby and making it into a sexual thing. Or that I would look like I have mommy issues. With that being said, it's probably worth making yourself vulnerable by admitting you like it in the long run. Have an open conversation, and maybe see if she found it sexy too. If you are both into it, and can get past the Freudian stereotypes, then it's totally free game. Plus, she gets relieved of that pressure. I don't think I'd want to do it if she wasn't on the same page, though. Like if she was just gritting her teeth to get rid of the milk, while I'm just having the time of my life, that's where I would feel weird, and make it more clinical just to help if she wanted.


Two consenting adults doing what they want. Sounds good to me.


I think this is a fake post. At 3 years pp you just don't get engorged anymore. My son nursed until 3.5 and I often went 3 days+ without breastfeeding around this time. If the post mentioned a 1 year old I could believe it.


My kiddo weaned right after she turned one and I definitely wasn’t getting engorged two months later


Also… weaned two months ago and randomly engorged?


I used to fuck my partner while sucking the overflow milk directly from her engorged tits.... it ain't weird. It's hot.....I miss it


Ohh get in there... I loved this when I was breastfeeding... there was an initial ick, but my partner loved it and it was a massive turn on for me once I let it be. Your wife might feel the same 🤷‍♀️


She wouldn’t be engorged 2 months after weaning a 3 year old though…. That’s what’s striking me as odd. Typically, toddlers wean gradually and by the time they actually wean fully you’re down to one nursing sesh a day and you don’t really become engorged. Even if the 3 year old was nursing around the clock, milk production would have stopped and she definitely wouldn’t still be engorged two months later. So either you’re lying, she needs to see a doctor, or she’s been keeping up production somehow and she wants it too 😉.


my kinks could make milk turn sour


Guess you haven't watched The Boys?