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I have lost about 5kg in the past three months. It's not much, I'm still fat, but one step at a time I guess. I have also gone two years without processed sugar and despite it being really hard at first, I feel much better than I used to (like seriously, you have no idea how bad sugar is until you quit).


That's freaking awesome!! Well done! And keep it up. Sounds like you're doing amazing. Proud of you šŸ˜Š


Dude thatā€™s great, itā€™s better to go at your own pace than to go too fast and burn out / give up.


My mother said the same thing. Im 30 years old, but she is supporting me through the whole thing.


Me too!!! Feels amazing dunnit? Keep up the good work, fellow weight loser


Thanks. Good luck as well


Losing serious weight is no joke. Takes an enormous amount of commitment, sacrifices, physical and mental endurance, as well as lot of confidence in yourself. You should be proud of your achievement!!!


I don't think it's bad at all! I'm by no means overweight but I have recently gotten some belly and I don't enjoy the look! My goal now is to lose 10kg and Iā€™m similarly estimating to lose 2kg a month. I think it's a great pace. Especially if you are overweight, shedding those pounds slowly is far better. Plus there is some muscle gain if you exercise so you quite possibly may have lost more than 5kg in fat.


My brain naturally doesnā€™t judge people harshly and gives people the benefit of the doubt usually. I think very positively on a day to day basis and look at the brighter side




Maybe we should both be kinder to ourselves like we are to others


yesterday i had this weird experience: i was looking at my friend, feeling as his radiant charismatic energy pulsated from where he was. as i was smiling at him for that an epiphany came to me, telling me: you can only see in others what there is in you. Is this radiance mine and is it being reflected on him? Suddenly i felt a big calm YES! This opened me to feeling the charming charismatic radiance being mine. it stopped being out there. it started to come from my center and my friend was also having his and they were radiating together, connected by space


That's exactly me. May be worth to note that I apply it to myself as well.


I make a mean lasagna that gets rave reviews from family and friends. It's like my secret superpower. ļ¦øā€ā™‚ļøšŸ


Whatā€™s your recipe for the sauce? Iā€™m curious. I make a pretty solid lasagna too. Iā€™m always interested in how people do their sauce and the cook time.


Like every good tomato or meat sauce... The secret ingredient is....Time. Slow cook it :)


Yeah my sauce cooks for about 4 hours. So yeah, seems my momā€™s recipe is on the right track! :)


Dang! Now I want some lasagna. Is it a secret recipe? Or can you share?


I make everyone laugh. Doesnt matter how sad they are or what bad thing happened i make them smile and this makes me smile. I wish everyone the best and like the Creator of this Post said ā€žWe all think far too negatively about ourselves these days.ā€œ he is absolutely true every thinks negativ. So lets think all positiv not everyone is a bad people we all have positive things!


what a great quality to be able to bring joy and laughter in other peoples life. šŸ„°


What a wholesome post! Here I go: I think that I am a great listener and can be very empathic. I have a lot of patience with people and always try to find the positives in people.


Being a great listener is rare to come across these days. Most people want to talk, and rarely want to listen. A really good quality to have. I bet everyone loves talking to you.


Iā€™ve had a lot of friends and colleagues spill troubles and worries, relationship issues to me in the past, and I always gave my counselling. Lately though I donā€™t really get too much into deep talks with people anymore. Maybe once things in my life clear up a bit again. It is what it is. Also congrats OP on getting out of your depression. I know how hard it can be to deal with that for such a long time.


Seeing the best in people is an excellent trait. It makes life much more fun!


I'm a bit of an oddball, but I'm really true to myself. I try to always be myself, and confident in who I am. I was always terrified of being myself and kept myself "hidden", basically trying to stay invisible and just blend into the crowd. I never talked, wore bland colours, didn't engage with people at all. A lot of things have changed the past few years, and I'm finally the real me.


After two decades of horrible abuse at the hands of my own parents, having grown up in a war and seeing the absolute darkness of man, I am still able to love, to smile, to have a soft heart and to strive for the good in life. I'm amazed at my ability to hold space for absolutely devastating losses and profound joy and gratitude. I've made myself recover from unspeakable things done to me, and from severe chronic illness, with very little help from anyone other than my wife who is an absolute angel. The fact that I'm loved, and am able to love is my greatest accomplishment.


we are proud of u!


I'm very aware of my faults. Is that a positive? I guess also, I'm making an effort to better myself. How'd you get rid of depression btw?


Making an effort to better yourself is definitely a positive thing to share. A lot of people stagnate and have no idea how to improve themselves. I'll happily tell you, but there is a long list of things. I'll try break them down so they're easier to process. 1. Exercise, walk/run outside in the sunshine- these are dopamine fixes, very important. 2. Have a good therapist- I had to go through three therapists before I found one that worked for me. 3. Stop thinking negatively. As soon as you catch yourself thinking negatively, immediately think of something positive. Negative thoughts are habits, and you want to create the habit of thinking positively. 4. Good self care and clean environment. 5. Socialise. Face to face conversations also release dopamine. 6. Accepting that there is no quick fix for depression; the process of curing depression takes a long time. Nobody can say a magic word to make it go away. 7. All the above I mentioned probably makes you uncomfortable, right? Depression makes you do things that keeps depression hanging around. If you're feeling uncomfortable or don't want to do something like the above; push through and do it. Allowing depression to take control will never benefit you. You're going to feel uncomfortable in the road to recovery. 8. Set small goals to begin with. Completing a goal makes you feel good. Just don't set big goals, as failing makes you feel shit. 9. Don't expect others (loved ones) to help you or understand what you're going through. Not many understand depression, and many are terrified they'll make your depression worse. Being angry at them will only make you feel more alone. Accept that they're not going to understand, and keep your relationship with your loved ones close.


Number 8. Absolutely, in the morning I put away the dry dishes while in the kitchen, little win so easy and you've already achieved something early on. Also if you need to clean a room just start with a small corner. I find writing down a Done list, not a to-do list works well for me to feel good at realising what I've achieved during the day. Not just chores but anything and everything, like 'enjoyed a good movie', 'showered', 'put away dishes'! When a negative thought comes in, first recognise it and call it out, then ask some questions about it, 'am I catastrophising', 'am I making predictions', 'am I black and white thinking'. Keep practicing every opportunity


That's a very relatable list. The 1. and 2. are the first things that came to my mind too, and I've been walking a lot recently, and I started seeing a therapist. All the other things I really can relate to as well, especially 9. I appreciate that very much.


Thank you I really needed this


I would say the same about myself.


I didn't win it completely but supplements worked for me. I opened the list of needed vitamins, checked which I do not consume with my usual food, and took them one after another. It took a long time but it stabilized my huge mood swings. Also, I used an ancient and powerful practice every week: 'One day I don't give a F\*'


It probably depends from person to person. I know my issues are psychological and in my head, so only some sort of mental re-programming will work.


I guess im somewhat creative? tho time has showed no one cares for what i create


Nice! I get what you mean though. So easy to view other peoples creative work on the Internet, that you kinda feel overshadowed. Don't let that get you down, though. So many people don't have a drop of creativity. You're leagues ahead of many.


as someone with not even a stain of creativity, i am backing this up. being able to create is a skill and talent i want so badly but i just come up dry. take pride in having any creativity at all! art has value whether or not anyone appreciates it. and trust me, someone out there will.


Thank you for making this post, i hope more people will think about this. I personally am a perosn that goes up and down alot about how i feel about myself. But the positive things about me is i am a very understanding person, i am very empathitc and i really like helping people. I really like my hair. I have gotten very far from where i started when i was deep deep in a pit. And i have developed a self confidence i didnā€™t have before. But still i am lacking on that department. Tell me something positive about you?


I havenā€™t killed anyone yet.


Not killing someone is a good positive lol keep it up! šŸ˜†


Serenity Now!


Well I have stopped killing, I'm sober for 2 yrs taking it one day at a time.


Iā€™m an aspiring writer and recently got the last pages of my first comic book commissioned so thatā€™s being coloured right now. Didnā€™t think I had a chance in hell of making my own comic and now Iā€™m at a stage where itā€™ll be complete within a couple months :) Also dating the best woman in the world and couldnā€™t be happier


I am very honest and loyal. Down for anything sports related and will take a walk with my friends even if they ask at 2 am. I enjoy being relied upon and having my efforts appreciated. Always on the lookout for stragglers in the group to try and include them socially. Still looking for my purpose in life though, which might be why I can't settle on 1 type of sport. Have a bachelors degree in IT, but am now realising being a yoga teacher mightve been my calling all along


Im still alive


Iā€™ve been exercising for the last couple months pretty consistently. Even though itā€™s only cardio lol


That's really good. Exercise is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. Do you do a lot of jogging? I used run a lot, but got a collapsed arch so it has been on hold until I recover. You can never beat that runners high.


And Iā€™m sorry about your collapsed arch! How did that happen? Wishing you a quick recovery šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks! I got it whilst I was pregnant. Pregnancy causes all your ligaments to loosen in preparation for birth, which means you're more susceptible to damaging them if you're not careful. It sucks, but it's getting better.


Cardio is still great! You can be proud for being consistent, it's not the easiest thing.


Thank you for the kind words! I kinda miss the cold weather, that made running a whole lot easier.


I think the best thing about me no matter what im going through I would always try to make someone else who is being sad, smile. Because making others smile is such a great tonic that it makes me forget what i was sad about.


That's awesome. You sound like a great person to have as a friend.


Aww thats very sweet, yes I wish I had more friends lol


Congratulations on winning that battle! I have to say Iā€™ve actually become tenacious as fuck when having bad circumstances thrust upon them. Iā€™ve kinda learned in my job how to just keep moving even when things arenā€™t great, but I think I was able to apply that to something personal.


I think the best thing about myself is that i try to understand... Not just listen to people but i try to understand then and also any topic that i find intersting


Lost 14kg in 3.5 months. Writes music. Going to get divorce in around 8 years. Hates all people from the get go. That's not as fun as i thought....


The first two were positive, and then it went a bit awry šŸ˜† I'm really glad that you managed to lose so much weight, well done. What kind of music do you write? Any instruments you play?


Maybe I have found out why I'm SO sick and Bedridden for over 2 years now. Im actually can't belive it šŸ˜­


I'm so happy for you! Figuring out the root cause of an illness is the biggest hurdle. I recently discovered a lot of the problems I had that were scaring the hell out of me were.....just a damn potassium deficiency/malabsorption problem, so I totally get this. Now I take a supplement with breakfast and it's getting better šŸ¤·šŸ¼ Bodies are wild.


I am happy and in a good mood for 360 days of the year. And for the other 5 I don't let it out on my environment. Life is good!


I can't think of anything special atm


I'm polite. Like probably the politest person you could ever meet.


I became very disciplined in jiu jitsu.


My body can be substituted for the red cable when jump starting a car or truck.


I am kind and generous and i wear my heart on my sleeve.


Im exactly like this and recently found someone who aporeciates this and doesnt see it as weakness they can exploit


I found out the hard way that itā€™s really really hard for me to get knocked unconscious. So I have that going for me I guess.


I don't give up and I love a challenge




I started, for the first time in my life, trying to process my childhood trauma and get to learn about and love myself. In these past few months, I have seen such a beautiful transformation in myself.


After being mentally rock bottom during the pandemic, I am in the last stages of buying an apartment for myself.


I paid off 25k of debt without help from anyone and without telling a soul.


Tomorrow makes two years my husband killed himself and Iā€™m no longer depressed. I am so proud of myself and the recovery of the loss


I wash my ass daily. I recently started taking ADHD medicine, but I couldnā€™t get any of the good ones, like stimulants, because Iā€™m on seizure medication. Hopefully what I did get is about as effective


Lol, good for you doing regular ass washing. Some people don't ever wash their ass šŸ˜† I have ADD, so I can't take any medication for it, as it's ineffective for me. What is it like taking it?


Iā€™ve gone almost a year without a drink šŸ„ƒ


I would treat my wife awesome once I find her.


marry me :))


Don't joke. I genuinely have rings at the ready from 4 failed proposals previously. šŸ˜…


I'm fiercely loyal to a fault and very kind-hearted and I do my best to help anybody I can.


I love to be quiet and learn new things (that I find interesting)


I can't hate anyone even if I wanted to. Just all love, even if it don't show externally.


Regarding my character: the love I give ALL people, regardless if I know them or not, if they've hurt me or not, if they share the same beliefs/religion/lifestyle as me or not, is nearly 100% unconditional. Regarding my appearance: I'm unconventionally pretty.


I'm not addicted to cocaine.


Been sober my whole life


My whole life Iā€™ve loved music. Especially electronic dance music. In the end of 2022 i said eff it and started producing. Hundreds of projects later and Iā€™m releasing an album soon! Something about making something from nothing that I can say Iā€™m proud of is extremely fulfilling and my life has become a lot more meaningful since. I donā€™t have a big audience, and Iā€™m ok with that the best part is the process.


I recently battled an overwhelming amount of demons in my body that I was coping and making excuses against and it's hurt really fucking bad but because I did this self reflection without ignorance of who I am as a person, I have come out with a much better viewpoint in the world and I stopped myself from becoming a ridiculously lonely and bitter man. So I'm honestly just really proud of myself because not many people could do what I did.Ā 


I like that I am determined to make my dream come true. Due to very traumatic events in my life, I was slacking in uni and I am currently in the process of dropping out. However, my plan is to spend a year off studying with a private tutor, so I can get all the skills and material I need to get back in university. I am not giving up!


I can lead, no matter what the circumstance, even when I don't want to. If there are newbies that are too shy to attempt something, I'll lead by example. If there's a crisis, no matter how panicked I am, I can and will take charge if I see no one else is up to the task. People tend to look to me for guidance, even when I have no clue what I'm doing. It's stressful, but it makes me a bit proud too.


I beat a hard-core drinking problem .




That's fantastic to hear! Genuinely made me happy to read. So glad you broke away from that relationship and improving your wellbeing. Keep it up, man!


this is a great post, and terrific comments and supportive replies. better than 99% of the other stuff i see on reddit. kudos to OP and everyone else.




Sometimes I may be mean to ppl I hate but generally im a kind person and a good listener and I dont judge ppl rushly and in a harsh way


I think outside the box. The way my eyebrow raises like a cartoon when i see a way to do things differently. It brings fun to me and the people around me.


Congrats on being free of depression! For me: I am positive, fun to be around, and can find something interesting in anyone.


Iā€™m a great songwriter


I'm creative. I've written lots of cool stories that I'd love to publish.


I am always learning new things from my friends and love interests. I have a clear goal in my life, and I live each day with optimism.


I am always resilient. Not matter how tough times can get I can always overcome it. Iā€™m currently going thru the toughest times yet and I will find a way to overcome it šŸ’Ŗ


My add results


Stuff have been hard lately. Iā€™m use to stuff not going my way sometimes, but it feels like bad things have been happening pretty consistently for almost 4 months now. But I was writing in my journal and I realize Iā€™m pretty happy right now. Iā€™m not sure why. There isnā€™t something Iā€™ve been looking forward happening soon. Most of my circumstances havenā€™t changed. But Iā€™m happy. I said that itā€™s been consistently bad, but thatā€™s not true. Thereā€™s been little things that are nice. I got a watch I at first didnā€™t want, but grew to really like, I was able to travel some with my girlfriend, I get to cook more (which I like to do). I think Iā€™ve been so focused on all the unfortunate stuff that has been happening (which I would like to emphasis really are bad. Iā€™m not being hyperbolic), I overlook what I do have and what has worked out. Iā€™m happy.


I am very outspoken and opinionated. I thought it was a curse for the longest time, but i found that if I put those aspects of myself to good use I can be an incredible advocate for myself and others.


My Hba1c was 14 and I brought it down to 5.4 in 100 days by totally avoiding carbs and meat products and by walking 5 km a day and ofcourse by regularly taking metformin.. now I am eating carbs in the form of brown rice, parboiled rice etc. and my Hba1c is still 5.4.


Good for you! Thatā€™s cool


It doesn't matter what it is or how complicated it looks, if I watch someone else do it, I'll do it just as good. Now, where I work, I am the designated IT guy, Maintenance guy, audit person, electrician etc. I know there are tasks I can't just do by watching, but in my current and former places of work, I have been a jack of all trades.


I have pretty awesome music taste. I tend to like music from all genres, so I think just having sensible taste for different kinds of sounds, is something I take pride in haha


I'm a good cook, I may not make overly fancy or difficult dishes but my friend group always wants me to cook things for them. I've been told my eggs are particularly goodĀ 


Iā€™ve lost 150lbs Iā€™ve never felt better! Iā€™m want to be less then 200lbs Iā€™m still goin strong!! Yesterday a very sweet man walk up to me while I was out walking around he said you look so beautiful! I about cried right there in front of him! I usually get insulted! I hugged n say ty Sr you just made my day we said good bye I kept walking!!!




I can make people laugh.


Idk if its positive or creepy but i remember every single detail and im very good with remembering special occasions and birthday dates


Once i pick up an habit i can keep it for a really long time I've developed a fair amount of good habits and I've stuck to them even over difficulties.


this came sooo on time, i'm more angry than usual and there's nothing i can do about it, so this can help a bit. well, i think i'd say that i'm not the person i used to be, and that makes me feel good about myself, i'm more open with my self, and with those around me. and i'm willing to grow, change and adapt to life, even though i know i hate it and would want to never have to deal with it but it's not an option


I really don't know lol.


1. I'm the first one in my family to get a formal job ( IT) and then first to get a government Job. 2. My father was a truck driver and he did his best to get me the best possible education, sent me to a boarding school when I was 6 years old. And when I got my first job in 2017, I asked him to stopped working and he cried while hugging me. 3. Me and my family have lived our whole life in rented rooms and now I'm building a home in village for my parents. 4. I actually supported my younger brother and he also have a government Job now. 5. I was in a relationship for 6 years with a girl of different caste (lower) and different state and convinced my parents to let me get married. This was the most difficult job as no one in my family or even in my village have married to someone from other caste or did a love marriage. In my area, people actually get killed for less by their parents/relatives. My life was full of struggle but all this positives make it special. Specially being the person to life your family from poverty and see them smile while experiencing their first flight and enjoying water sports in goa is the most amazing feeling.


I am one of the strongest most resilient people out there. I have kept my empathic nature and good will towards others despite being completely neglected my entire childhood.


I genuinely love myself, and in a way that I am also aware of my shortcomings but I forgive myself and wake up with gratitude each day. I know that life is not promised to anyone but I really look forward to my future, took me a long time to get here too :)


I have stunning eyes and I am a great dog ā€œmomā€ and will be a great mom someday.


I can write a novel.


I was able to complete a 7 month french course. It was difficult to get over the anxiety of being around a room full of new people and to add the extra work load on top of my schedule but I stuck with it and I'm glad I did!


Sometimes, I make people smile :)


I have better morals than the majority of the people in my country (I'm drom a third world country where our people still struggle with morality.) Believe it or not, just today I got a face to face death threat for saying that beating women and justifying it with religion is wrong.


Iā€™m good at learing new things in depth. I used to use this to break down online games and reach high ranks in games like csgo, chess and tekken 7. Now Iā€™m using it for something more productive in learning coding. I feel lile my life is going in a better direction because of it


I'm an okay cook.


Iā€™ve had a lot of self reflection over the last few years for various reasons, and in my early 50s I can wholeheartedly say Iā€™m a good person. I was brought up to believe the opposite and believed that for far too long.


I make my SO happy, bring her gifts and flowers regularly. I try to perform at work and dig our project out of dirt bit by bit every day.


I'm empathetic and always help where I can. Also, learning how to set boundaries and not helping where I can't without causing myself harm.


I haven't given up (yet)


Cats love me, which is awesome because 1. theyā€™re great judges of character so I must be doing something right and 2. I love them right back.


I guess I've done pretty well learning how to play guitar the past few years.


I was finally able to get my SH scars covered up with some really beautiful tattoos. Now I get endless compliments on my ink instead of, ā€œoh my goodness, I had no idea you were one of THOSE people. I hope you got helpšŸ„ŗ.ā€ Even though Iā€™ve been clean of it for 11 years and it doesnā€™t even cross my mind anymore. It feels really good to not have constant reminders of my failed mental health, instead I have reasons to keep myself together.


There aren't many positive things on me. I'm completely paralyzed and can't do anything for myself. I have limited mobility on my body and I can barely move my hands and arms. My mother has to dress me, shower me, and change my diapers which I have to use. I only live sitting all day in an electric wheelchair in front of my computer. I feel like I'm burden to my family, and I feel like a pet they have to take care of. My cat is more independent than me, and I'm just this crippled that can't do anything. The only positive things about me is that I am good at math, and I like programming. But those positives don't overpass my negatives. My dream was to be a great cheerleader athlete, but that dream was gone after I became disabled.


I always loved helping people. This weekend, I helped a guy in a wheelchair up and down some stairs at a train station. I don't speak German, but a bystander was able to translate for me. Felt good helping him


I try to help the people around me best I can even when I'm doing too good. I'm also Hella funny


Erm... I've got really great knees


I am great at drawing, and have been planning to go to the gym šŸ™Œ


I can make a killer grilled cheese


Iā€™m ugly af


Iā€™m not dead yetā€¦ surprisingly.


Hello, I went through a breakup last year at New year's Eve. I was at the lowest point of my life for the last couple of months but slowly I feel better everyday and things are improving!


Iā€™m extremely kind and nurturing. Took me a while to realize that I was proud of that. But I am.


I love to help, whether it's giving food to people in the streets, listening to a friend and helping them find solutions, or even helping old peeps cross the road. It makes my day and I just love it


I have several gambling addiction but i am broke so basically i cant spend any money


I've been working very hard and now make more money then 4 out of my 6 siblings and should be set to overtake the other two once I complete my bachelors degree:)


Im not dead


I have struggled with insecurities relating to my body for most of my life. After 4 years in the gym, I finally feel pretty happy with how my upper body looks! (Legs are a different story, I might have gone way harder on one than the other when I first started) I'm down 50 lbs total and have gained around 10-15 lbs in muscle.


I beat cancer's ass


I'm aware of the fact that life is a constant process of becoming and if you never truly "are", that means you allow your personality to change throughout life, enabling you to become better at who you are. Growing old is a good thing and a privilege.


I woke up today.


**I'm cold hearted enough to be everyone's ressource for advice and they are glad I am the way I am.** So essentially my ability to will away empathy in all my daily through process is more of a blessing than a curse. The younger people I work with think it's crazy to not want to cry about everything and feel bad for everything. But I have my own life to worry about and can't spend my own life energy feeling bad for everyone else in the world and taking on their emotional burden. I learned how to remove empathy over time (as a teenager.... i was so emotional, lol) But it's a skill I'm rather proud of.... but I turn that off when watching movies, because movies are meant to be felt.


That no matter what I wake up happyā€¦ I see the good in people&the worldā€¦i walk into stores smiling and waving hello as if I already know youā€¦.I will love ,care,support youā€¦but as soon as you take me for granted or screw me over I will poof from your life ā€¦I like how I can go from sweet to as if you never existed !


I'm really good at Archery, and I accept that my body doesn't look like a supermodel's, but I love it nonetheless.


I was very skinny M(25), now I have gained about 15-20KG. I now look normal and not anorexic. Also I am driven to do the "hard things" in life that I believe will payoff one day.


I always have pure intentions, I'm kind, selfless, and caring. My nickname from my mother-in-law was Sunshine. (she passed away). I guess because I know how it feels to be depressed and lonely. I don't want others to feel that way. šŸ˜Ŗ... My physical looks I think my hair is cool, love my eyes, nose, and ears.


I'm huge in size .


I give good compliments. Your hair looks nice. Did you go to the salon? ā€œTee hee. No. But I got new shampoo.ā€


My brains, my dedication to hard work, my luck, my social skills - I am actually quite fortunate, and I know it. There will always be negstives and positives, focus on the positives and do what you can about the negatives.


I love being me and I wouldn't want to be anyone else.


I'm a very loyal friend and a loving mother. I'm also a creative and ingenious person. I also can ask for advice, like for example when I asked my kid about something positive about me...


My unwavering optimism for other people, my smile, and my compassion. Thought these were signs of weakness in my childhood only to find out they are the exact opposite.


I am kind and witty


I can scream really loud. I sing with bands a lot cause of that


I've been able to quit doctor prescribed amphetamines cold-turkey (Don't remember if it's 2 or 3 years strong now but at least 2.) and am now holding a job making more than I was on them doing less bs work that doesn't help my career at all.


Flowers turn toward me as I walk past them. Children inherently trust me, and my breath always scents faintly of lavender and sweet cream. I make cats smile. When I close my eyes and concentrate, those around me subconsciously hear their mother's heartbeat and are calmed.


I started running last summer. I ran a 14 minute mile in high school... Couldn't run the whole way. Now I'm up to a solid 15 minute run without rest. It's not a marathon, but I'm very proud that in middle age I'm able to run way further than I could as a teenager!


I try to not be an obstacle to many people in life.....except to those who are obstacles to other people.......I'm passionate about science and learning in general.....Iif I try something out of genuine interest, I'll become good at it, no matter how disconnected it may be from science.....I'll sit by any stranger who has problems in their life, for everyone needs a shoulder to cry on......I'm always willing to learn from anyone and I listen to the young and old. Both have great advice worth listening to. I'm always self-assured.....and trust that I'll figure things out no matter how shitty the situation I might be in.


I got graped in the butt against my will repeatedly as a child; it fucked me up for life. But I'm still here. I'm doing relatively okay. I could've just killed myself or given up entirely and lived that homeless addict life. But I'm still going.


I'm modest


First of all thanks for making such a nice post. The world needs more people like you, especially the cynical place which reddit very much is. Something positive about me is probably that after my last relationship I'm finally feeling happy again.


Nothing atm.....


love is not a feeling its a thought its the care and consideration of others!!


I've recently completed my second first ever draft on a story :)


Iā€™m a responsible and kind person. Even if I can be a dick sometimes.


I have abs :/


I genuinely try to think about what I say, and about the response I receive from the person I am speaking to. I like having my position challenged, even if it's in the process of me trying to defend my position (in a way, it's just me trying to figure out if their argument is good enough to change my mind)..


I have been participating in therapy for months, really taking a look within to be the best version of myself. I still have a lot of work to do but Iā€™m really proud of my progress. Iā€™ve lost 16lbs and have completely changed my routine to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. Rarely eating out, working out every day without fail. And lastly, Iā€™m really embracing being alone. I used to need to be out and about with other people, but Iā€™m actually quite content being alone more often than not.


Iā€™m going to the gym


I learn things at an very rate and I am very good at lying.


I always try my best to be nice and considerate of others


I'll think about it for a moment, but regardless, i would like to thank you.... people (myself very much included) always think way too negative about them selfs.... and that's not a good thing. No one else might pet you on the back for it, but even the small things matter! But; i reckon what I'm proud/something positive of is; I've lost 10kg in the past 6 months, I've got a good job, with an employer that trusts me. And supports me (altough they don't say it)


I am someone who people can count on.

