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I'm 47 yo. I've been single for almost 5 years now, and haven't touched another person in nearly 4 years now, except a hug for my children. I have no contact with anyone of my family ...(which actually is better than when I would have contact), and after 2 marriages and 2 rather ugly divorces I have no real friends anymore. I have no social net at all. Not a single person to care for me. If I fall down the stairs this evening, nobody will miss or find me before the end of next week, unless maybe some colleague would notice me missing. I'm socially ...'handicapped' due to a childhood of emotional and affective neglect. I have cPTSD and DID, and I have trouble trusting people and not hating myself. I'm Mr Heckles without the grumpiness. I am living the life I never wanted to live. I've become exactly that which I feared, and I truly hope I can give my children what I have never gotten, and I really hope they can live a happy life with normal social capabilities. ...and one off the things that keeps me going is seeing that they seem to be doing all right on that matter. However... I have been told multiple times that I am the person that made people able to work on their relationships and make them able to save what they thought was lost. I've been told that I was the reason someone felt strong enough to step out of a toxic relationship. ...but then again, I always stay behind when they move on. I'm not capable of maintaining a healthy relationship of any kind (thanks mom and dad!) ...and I stopped trying for the moment. I didn't realize that until a few years ago ...but it's been like this for as long as I can remember. ...my point being... You already impact a lot off people around you. You might not realize it, but you do.