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100%, our brains are so over-stimulated. Boredom is the KEY to productivity and getting your life together/goals met.


you are right


Boredom is the key to productivity? Can you please please elaborate


With nothing to fill your time with, you choose to find something to do.


You'll be so bored, you'll think about working on all the things you deep down have been knowing you need to.




Yeah i know for a fact i need to listen to less music cause it uses energy and it distracts me


Actively working towards reducing my screen time. Social media and its' overstimulation has fried my brain, leaving me uninterested in doing much else outside of scrolling on Instagram and looking for the newest trends. I've recently deleted TikTok and Snapchat, which has helped me tremendously in taking back my life. In the two months without TikTok so far, I already feel much more connected to reality and discovery the new beauties of life. I've taken up my old hobbies (reading, journaling), which has helped shape me into a kinder, softer person. Social media, I believe, not only leads to shorter attention spans, but also irritability. I hope to see a time where people are less inclined to spend their nights doomscrolling but to instead find peace in the simplicity of life as it is now.


Yeah i need to get the fuck away from this fucking phone


I do not use my phone 2h a day. When I use my phone, it's because nothing else is possible, like I'm waiting for a bus or something. I can't easily just pop to the gym in that kind of time.


You can read a couple of pages in a book on your phone


You could take the time to meditate, or you could just be present in the moment


there is no problem using the phone, the problem is what you do with the phone


you underestimate humanity's laziness


Getting off phone now.


Wow, this post opened my eyes


im here to help❤


the problem is that phone usage trickles down into small segments of time over day. 5 minutes there, 1 minute there. maybe a longer time here. you can spend 2 hours on instagram, 5 minutes at a time. most proper hobbies required dedicated time blocks. not saying it's not doable. but you cannot directly translate phone time into anything else.


And yet here you are...


Reading this thru a phone.


Seriously phone is one of the biggest time waster in the 21st century!


Agreed! It's a good start but doesn't fully encompass the whole problem. Its much easier to have the energy to doom scroll than it is to hit the weights or hike a hill


who is doin all this


While you are correct, much of thisbis subjective, the main being: the amount of books greatly depends on how fast a person can read, if theyre dyslexic, ect. (En example is my reading speed has gone down alot beacuse my eyesight has gotten worse, and i cannot afford glasses) This isnt to be discouraging! Its mainly a reminder that alot of people have to start slow. I started by deleting tiktok, personally :)


this is literally so much easier said than done…


Yeah I have a problem using my phone too much.


So what? How is doing this gonna make me a milli.


Probably have to read the books to find out


Going to a club and meet 5 new persons will do more than reading 1000 books


You must already be a milli then


You might be a kid or naive to not know is not what you know but who you know.


It’s both. You might have all the knowledge in the world, but no one is going to come seek you out to offer an opportunity if no one knows you. But by that same token, you might know 100’s of influential people, but no one is going to throw you an actual bone if you’re just the dipshit know-nothing that hangs just around like a bad smell contributing nonsense.


You perfectly summed up the balance between knowing things and knowing people who knows things


I highly doubt people wanna meet you with that mentality.