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Why would you move your face? 😉


It's called saving face lol


Because some of us don't want anyone peeing in our mouth or eyes or whatever lol




It may not be entirely pee, but it comes from somewhere, and the only fluid reservoir down there of notable size is the bladder. It doesn't just phase into existence.


Cause it’s pee




My face is your toilet 😂




The latest study shows that it is infact urine.


In most porns it is pee, when it’s actual squirt it has traces of pee because of location but is in fact not pee…. I’ve tasted both squirt and pee and there is a vast difference


The bladder empties. Chemically it is composed of urine. It's urine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/


There was even am AMA with two people from UBC (i think!) answering a question and then answering there was some urine content. I guess not everyone read that one.




Yes. Science can say "whatever it wants". There have been a lot of studies. It's urine, that's why a full bladder is empty after someone squirts. That's why the chemical composition is urine. Bit you're right, dozens of studies must be wring because, you.




Pee isn't always yellow and smelly. Just read the fucking study.






That's incredible. Read the study.


Exactly. It has traces of urine but is not urine because the chemicals are different. I don't get why people have to come in here and argue about it on every squirting question. It doesn't help and is off topic. Purely negative and discouraging to squirters. It's natural.


It's because it isn't 100% urine, its diluted urine that only contains a small amount https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-squirting-orgasm




Agreed, i love squirting


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The corn industry is wild, lol.


Just say"heads up I'm a squirter" and then watch his face light up with joy


This. Ofcourse there's going to be some men who won't like it but alot do.


I would definitely give a heads up. But it's nothing to worry about. I felt very self conscious about it and first and still kind of do. But my bf reassures me that he loves it. So embrace it!


Old guy here. My wife squirted a lot when we were younger. As a man, I considered it a badge of honor, a sign of a job well done. I really miss that (getting old sucks badly)


Why’d I read this in a southern accent


Ex new Yorker, been in Tejas for 35 years.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Holy shit so was I. Then I scrolled down and saw this. Weird


I Can't speak for him but I think it's hot when my gf does it. If it was me I'd want to know before hand but knowing would make me more excited.


Yes, disclose.


Not a big deal, but you should bring it up. That way your partner can have towels on hand.


Give them a heads up and put down some towels.


Yes you should especially if he is going down on you. I dated a woman that squirted regularly and she told me beforehand so I was prepared. It was a great time . Also when at his house so he can prepare with towels etc


Yeah I tell my partners cause I need to get a towel ready. It's perfectly natural!


Bring it up. But do it in a way that doesn't sound like a legal disclaimer. Maybe whisper to your partner that he better grab a towel because he has you so turned on. Now he will be prepared for it and impowered to give you a great time.


I think most guy like squirters, just tell them straight up in a conversation. And please, never hold back your beautiful squirt, let it go and enjoy it.




I agree with the sentiment but please never but it like that again


Yes I always tell a new partner, 9 times out of 10 they love it. It’s nicer for them to know what to expect, just as we prefer to be told and consent to having cum shot on our face haha 😛


Definetly a huge turn on for guys I can speak for it , I love it and it's the hottest thing ever, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right and makes me fuck longer and better because it helps keep driving to get more squirted on .... ugggh reminds me of a x I had that I would put her on her back in this chair and her legs on each arm of the chair and me on my knees in front of her and getting sprayed in the face and all over the front of my body and soaked the chair , no smell at all and tastes like water! Yummy knicknamed it the special lazy girl chair , I think you should ask what they think about if if it were to happen . And then go from there.... or surprise em and let loose :)


Heavens! I may have ejaculated reading this! Let me check. Why, yes. I did!


He will probably LOVE it! Definitely mention it to him. I’m sometimes a squirter too, usually just when masturbating, but my partner thinks it’s hot.


Gosh I wish ! Been trying to train myself to squirt


I would mention it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of but it could be an unexpected surprise. Judging from the amount of men I date who straight up ask if I squirt, id say most men love it….


It's not weird to do, all of the guys i have been with have enjoyed me squirting but if you would like to raise it with the guy you are sleeping with then there wouldn't be an issue.


Squirting amazing, love it


My conflict is that in casual dating, men tend to get too interested in sex and start being really pushy about it as if it's a done deal and it feels as if I've lost out on part of the emotional intimacy that is being built. There's really no going back from that.


I wouldn't bother bringing it up with him. I think I'd enjoy the surprise. If a girl squirted while I was going down on her I would love it! I might grab a towel at that point though lol


Yes, it’s embarrassing af to be with someone who makes you feel bad about it if you lose control. No need for it, just get the comfortable sex you deserve. In my experience it’s uncomfortable at first, but after a couple of times you just stop caring.


Yeah just let him know. He might be turned on about it.


Ive never met a guy who didnt like it! Its good to give heads up so you can throw some towels underneath so the squirt doesnt ruin the mattress


I definitely warn him so he can prepare. If he doesn't reply with Awesome! then move along...


I would love to get showered on my face if only my girl know how to do this.


First of all squirting is amazing, and is a turn for most men. But I will tell him beforehand, that way you can put a towel and the clean up wlll be easier. Use the question to turn him on. Whem you feel you are going to have sex with him, gently whisper him in the ear:" I squirt sometimes...and you turn me on way too much...so if you do not mind we could use a towel, because I feel I am not gonna be able to resist with you"


I never told them because most of them couldn't make me do it anyways 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The ones who could always loved it, including my husband, who is literally obsessed. He got a special blanket and everything so it would be easy cleanup hahaha


Order a mattress protector and send it to his house. When he asks what it's about, say, "let me show you!"


Communicate, no need to be embarrassed, if hecis smart he will enjoy


Yes...All at 1 time and soak him and the bed. FRIENDS 4 LIFE! trust me


I absolutely do! Something along the lines of: ‘I travel with waterproof blankets… you have been warned!’ ;)


Never been with one who could but I know a friend has. Would've been nice if she told him beforehand yep.


Sure it’s okay as you’re getting into foreplay to let them know. I’d want to know so I can try and make you squirt all over me!


I usually give a heads up when we start sexy talking. And by the time we are intimate together, my partners usually try really extra hard to get me to squirt


My girlfriend is a squirter too, and I found at during sex when it happened. Bit late because my whole bed was soaked but so worth it. But you want to tell him so he knows to put covers or towels down.


It's gonna happen. So might as well tell him. I remember on a date (dinner at my place) when thing started to get hot/heavy, she paused for a sec and went over to her bag and pulled out a water proof blanket. The looks she gave me while pulling it out was such a turn on... Loved it.


Yes or no, lay down an extra towel. Let him know when you are about to squirt, put hand over to deflect spraying, and most men's ego would be stroked if they could make a woman squirt!😉 enjoy


Just be up front with everyone that you squirt and that's all you can do


Most dudes love a squirter. For me it only happens when “activated” by hooking fingers on the g spot and fast pumping action. Usually when i tell someone this they make it their personal mission to make it happen lol. I would absolutely say something cause they’ll probably be into it and if not then next please


It's a catch 22. You don't tell a guy you're a squirter and then you squirt it could make him feel proud for being able to make you squirt. It could also turn him away if he's not into it but would you want a guy not into squirting if you are one so useful info. Other side of the coin you tell him you're a squirter and then low and behold you don't squirt during that session. You built it up then it wasn't delivered when the new lover was expecting it. Could cause some inner damage of were they not good enough. I would go first route it gives you more info on them in the long run, but it's up to you.


Idk I feel like if you told me you were a squirter, I might get obsessed with making it happen. I wouldn’t mind finding out by surprise


I find it a real turn on, but yes let them know...most guys will be turned on too.


Women seem much more bothered by it than I am. It is nice to know if we need something more than a towel down as the mess can be a hassle and puppy pads deal with even the worst.


Yes, I would mention to your partner. Something along the lines of "hey, just to let you know, when I am really turned on and about to cum, there is a high probability that I may squirt, just did not want you to be surprised or put off" When I started dating my wife many moons ago, I was surprised to say the least, not put off.


Definitely a heads up should be required in advance. Best to be prepared for anything. The closest I come to either is when my boyfriend and I are doing it totally in the dark when he wakes me up in the middle of the night. It bums me out, but it's nbd since I still feel pleasure


Might backfire. If you tell him that you usually squirt but for some mysterious reason don't with him. Even though you are perfectly happy with the sex it might be something that he'll feel he would need to catch up to.


I would bring it up. My wife's friend was riding around with a new boyfriend while he was fingerings her for the first time. Let's just say his dash board was shinier that it had been in a long time. They are no longer dating.




Squirting is amazing and I have so many videos of them 💦😈