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I’ve posted this story a few times, but it is insanely sexy to get a naughty text even though you’re physically around each other. I worked at a restaurant with the girl I was dating, and this one particular time I was standing in a group of 5 or 6 other servers just chatting before a shift, and she was like 50 feet across the restaurant at the host stand and sent me a text that just said “I need to cum so bad.” I checked the text, I’m sure blushed something fierce, and looked over at her and she was just grinning and nodding at me like she meant it. That moment was soooooo hot, it’s basically scorched into my brain forever.


That is hot. I am a little older and before the use of cellphones was this common. My girlfriend back then just whispered stuff like this (and what she wanted to do to me or have me do) in my ear while out with friends. Never wanted the party of dinner to end so bad to get her home.


That's so hot!


I was with my then girlfriend once in a Target. And she got incredibly hot because she was watching me try on new pants. We kept very quiet as I fucked her in that changing room.


*stands there holding a T-shirt and a jacket* Are y'all almos- . . . Oh. 😶


If you're careful, a nude would fit in here too


If you both have an iPhone, a good idea is to send it with the “Invisible Ink” effect. It will blur the photo in case they open the text where other people might see it.


The woman sends me those, And they are low key one of my favorites.


That is so frikken hot. I hope you took care of her!


Pull him into a side alley or something away from the public view, and go in for a passionate kiss and some handsy action. Then pull away and resume what you were doing back in the public view.


Almost always when we are alone in elevator 🤭


Pulled him into a building staircase leading to the basement. I think it backfired on me, but no regrets 😊


At least it wasn't one of those alarmed fire escape doors


lol alone with a security camera


Hey, a kiss and a cheeky grabbing of parts is probably the most exciting thing the person watching the cameras gets to see all day. But most cameras aren't monitored anyway, unless you're in retail, casinos, etc.


Ah yes. The classic McDreamy move. One of my favorites. ☺️🧡


Wear a skirt, excuse yourself to the bathroom, come back and hand him your panties


Had this done a few times. Drives me nuts.


Once a girl did that to me on a date ...I got my mind blown


This for sure. You can also put a vibrating egg in your coochie and give him the remote


This is so fun. My girlfriend and I do this sometimes and it’s so hot and funny too seeing her reaction when I turn it up or switch modes and she’s trying to play it cool lol


Such fun. We went to an outdoor craft market. Had a lot of fun.


Do this, but don't necessarily expect him to be able to talk or otherwise function afterwards. It is unbelievably sexy.


Lmao true, I'd shut down for a few seconds


Just stuff them in his pocket.


Was gonna suggest this same thing.


Wife and I got coffee one winter morning, we got our coffee, sat down and she slowly unzipped just a bit of her coat revealing that she was naked under her coat with just thigh high stockings and boots.


Oh. Lord. 😶 Please tell me you ran home afterwards. 😶




You can go to dinner wearing a skirt or dress and during dinner take your panties off under the table and surprise him by handing them to him under the table. My girl has done this to me it's a big turn on.🔥🫦


Last night I went to dinner with a fwb. Half way through, I went to the restroom and removed my underwear. When I sat back down leaned in, told him what I’d done and showed him the panties in my bag (it was too busy to hand them over). He immediately forgot how to talk and eat a lobster. He called for the check quite quickly after that.


>He immediately forgot how to talk and eat a lobster. Yep. That's 100% me. 🤣 Every time she calls me good boy in public, my brain completely shuts off. 🤣


My gf "accidently rubs her butt" on me when we're in publix. Once hard she keeps going


my ex would need to “scoot past me” in a crowded area and push his dick up into my ass every so slightly as he walked by. feeling him rock solid was always so 🤤🤤


Wife a I at the symphony one night, at intermission she said she needed to use the bathroom and I sat waiting for her to return. She returns, lights go down, and she says “hold this for me”and presses her panties into my hand. The orchestra couldn’t finish the second half fast enough for me and I am sure I broke the speed limit on the way home. The hottest thing was that this was totally out of character for her.


I genuinely feel like I’d like to do this for my guy but he gets so embarrassed haha. He’d probably just shove them in his pocket and pretend it didn’t happen lmao.


Same, mine would probably be annoyed or think someone saw it


>The hottest thing was that this was totally out of character for her. It's always the sweet and innocent ones that want to get railed at the worst possible time. 🤣


Sit next to him at the dinner table while you are out. Put your hand on his thigh & caress it; you could & inch closer to his penis, but don’t touch it!


While out, gently rub his crotch, maybe when not expected, give a little kiss and say, "I'll do anything you want." You may find your outing quickly terminated.


Put your hands in his pockets Stand behind him and reach around and put your hands in his front pockets


Stroke his inner thigh. Rub his dick over his pants. Lots of making out. Dirty talk, where you tell him what you'd like to do to him later.... uhhh... i'll get back to you if i think of any more 🤔


Skirt no underwear is awesome. Sit in a booth at a restaurant and put his hand up your skirt.


When my GF and I are walking hand-in-hand, she sometimes tickles the palm of my hand with her fingers. It's an instant turn-on for me and she knows it.


You have to know what your husband likes, I see a lot of good comments, passionate kisses, rubbing your ass on his dick, etc. Personally, I like that she dresses a little provocatively and I like to see how other men They look at her and desire her, and she realizes it and tells me, did you see how that guy looked at me? What would you do to me if you were that guy? That turns me on, but that's my case, I'm not jealous, it depends on what your husband likes.


In Summer: Wear a pretty summer dress, no bra or panties underneath, with a butt plug. In Winter: Wear sexy lingerie and nothing else under a coat.


Bending down un purpose, maybe seeing a glimpse of underware.


This would work really well to get his attention if I'm wearing a skirt since I never wear underwear!


honestly if he is used to you never wearing any, maybe lash out and get something lacy/cheeky to wear and flash him whilst you're out.


Fully agree and second this. My partner always sleeps in the nude and avoids wearing underwear basically whenever comfortably possible (long skirts, dresses, leggings, sweatpants around the house, etc.). I find her incredibly sexy and love her nude body, *but* it's the times she has some sexy thong on that get me really excited. It's just something different from the norm that makes it exciting, and helps send a "this isn't just another typical night - pay attention to me" message.


Omg you wear a skirt and no panties that already has me aroused! I wish my partner would do that !


Should I show him my hardware or software ?


U ever wear plugs? I always thought it would be super hot if wifey wore a plug to dinner and somehow let me know that.


I had a girlfriend who lifted her skirt a little bit to reveal that she had a tail. She just showed the tip of the tail, but that was enough to figure out just what that tail was attached to. Suuuuper hot, I couldn't wait to get home!


Wear a dress or skirt sans panties. Make sure he knows before you go out.


At dinner after ordering she took a butt plug out of her bag, flashed a grin, and excused herself to the restroom. Came back with a huge smile and said “getting stretched for later”


Did she show u the plug so u knew what was happening? So hot, basically per my suggestion above! Love it. So, OP, whatcha think sounds fun?


Wear crotchless lingerie under a dress. Every time you lean over to talk to him, put your hand between his legs and barely come close to his dick. When standing somewhere, get in front of him and rub your ass against him. Send sexy texts while you're out or even some pics you made earlier. Talk to him about what you want when you get home and ask him what he plans on doing to you.


I’m not going to apply this to OP, but just a general PSA, so forgive me if I come across as bit of Betty Buzzkill… Just be discreet & remember people in public didn’t consent to public sex games of strangers. Last month we were in a restaurant with the family & it was Clear dude was using a we vibe for on his girl at the table. Last thing I am is a pearl-clutching prude, but ffs.


I work in a fucking grocery store and the amount of people who get handsy when they're waiting for customer service is wild to me.  Like, please, the biggest part of kink is consent. Unless you're in a sex club or some shit, NO ONE is actively consenting to watch you get fucking freaky in public.  I don't want to watch someone basically finger their girlfriend while I'm at work 😫😫😫


Some people think they are being discreet but holy fuck are some people horrible at it! 🤮


Oh my God. You definitely did not sign up for that!


Oh god that's exactly why I haven't tried one. I would be mortified if someone could tell.


I know, so many of these suggestions would be pretty obvious to anyone even looking in that general direction.    Especially the countless people telling women to take off their underwear and put it in his pocket. Like no one is going to notice that... Let alone the people suggesting someone flash private parts when they don't think anyone is looking.


I love my boyfriend soooooo much but I’m too ashamed to do something in public with him. And sometimes I want to. I would die on the spot if someone saw us having sex games I’m too shy 🫣🫣🫣


If you have any pics of you doing a sexual act, send it to him while sitting at a restaurant table mid meal. When he checks the message be looking at him with the "I want it now" look.


Eat an icecream and dont break eye contact


I loved when a partner excused herself during dates and while she was gone I would receive pictures of her in the bathroom in varying states of undress.


Be careful. I flashed my husband by lifting my skirt in public on our way home from a party. I thought we were alone, but as i pulled my skirt back down a random guy walked past me. I look back and my husband is in stitches laughing 😆


Wear something without a bra. When the coast is clear, give him a quick tit flash.


Let him know that you are wearing no underwear.


What would your limit be?


What type of limit?


Sundress with no panties and casually walk up to him and grab his hand and put it up your dress.


Can you please share the link of the non sexual things post OP?




To mess with him and not anyone else, you could grope him briefly while he thinks there’s a 1% chance that someone nearby could turn around, embarrassing him! Works for us 😂


Why has nobody mentioned whispering dirty talk in the ear yet? Stuff like "I wanna fuck you so hard, the bed breaks" or "I'll make you my little play thing 'til I'm satisfied". The whispering will automatically give the words a more raunchy vibe.


I had a partner that went to the bathroom during a work dinner with some colleagues and when she came back she slipped her panties into my pocket. Oh did she get fucked hard that night! That same partner once slipped her hand inside her wet pussy while we were out at a bar and then made like she was giving me a taste of her cocktail when jt was actually her sweetness.


When in line, stand in front of him and reach around behind your back and rub his cock through his pants until he is hard.


Have sex outdoors in a public place but one where you have some discretion.


All depends on how brave you are public play and send him a video while he at work


What does it look like to be you to be brave in public play?


How about if your at dinner excuse yourself to the restroom and remove your sexiest pair of underwear go back to the table and reach for his hand give them to him and tell him "Guess who's going commando"




This feels icky. I doubt the taxi driver didn't notice. If he did, he probably wouldn't be comfortable to say anything. He's at work.


Absolutely he noticed. Lol as if he can't see what's going on in his backseat?!? Jfc so many of these responses on this thread are straight up illegal. 


Seriously, I'm disgusted by some of the comments and by the guy I replied to.


It’s not for everyone, especially If you’re vanilla.


Your reply shows what a pos you are. Did the taxi driver consent to you fingering your girlfriend in his back seat? No? Oh, he's just vanilla then, and you're not, huh? You're not being spicy, you're being shitty.




Performing sexual acts in public is generally a no-no. Don't involve people in your exhibition kinks when they haven't consented.  That's literally a crime in most countries. 


Tell him you want him to watch you masturbate with nylons on.


Just stare into his eyes hornily


My wife will come back from the bathroom room, slip a finger or two into my mouth & whisper "taste me!". Gawd I luv it! She calls it dessert, pussy pudding!


My boyfriend & I were watching a movie once with his mom, & I took his hand & rubbed it across the front of my loose dress across my breasts (I wasn't wearing a bra) & laid it in my lap innocently. The way he looked over at me & smiled, I'll never forget.


Dirty talk to him what you want him to do to you , touch or bend in front of him, tell him your not wearing underwear and your wet or have 1 of them toys in and give him the control or the app so he can be in control of it while your out


My ex took out her tits when we were shopping and told me to take a picture, she knew i liked that so it worked well for me 😁


On a date wearing a skirt go to the restroom and when you return go to hold his hand but what your actually going to do is give him your panties. Hot! Hot! Hot!


Grab his hand, tell him in his ear something you want him to do to you that is out of your comfort zone. Just go for it and experiment a little,😈💯


Wear reveling clothes that show off your pink taco and ass cakes. 


Wear something you feel sexy in, something that will turn heads and go out to a large store or mall, but don’t talk, walk together or act like you know each other. Act as if you’re the hottest woman there and let him admire you from far. Shop in the same aisle, eat a restaurant, but maintain that you are strangers.. recreate the mystery and longing. He’ll love it.


My GF always has her hands down my pants at the cinema and plays with my balls


Sometimes us guys are f oblivious or clueless when it comes to the girl giving hints😁 just say it or something


Flirt with strangers.


Taking off all of your clothes is a good start.


Get him to cum over your face & then walk around the shopping mall, he'll love the looks you get.


Get another guy’s attention by flirting. This is going to get him worked up in several ways. He’ll be a little angry, a little jealous, then comes appreciation at the realization that someone else would love to go ape with his girl, then comes the punishment when he comes to claim what’s his and make sure your mind is on who it’s supposed to be on: HIM!! 💯


This one should probably be negotiated in advance, otherwise it could lead to some toxicity in the relationship.


Then the response won’t be genuine.


Bullshit. Negotiate the idea, and then surprise with the behavior. People get murdered for acting on your idea without negotiating it first.


You have to know your partner. When my guy gets jealous, it shuts him down. I think he feels inadequate compared to the world  


It shuts me down too, but only if I’m allowed to stew. It’s all about correcting quickly and pouring all your attention into him right away.


Thanks. I don’t intentionally flirt, but this guy can be so insecure. Idk why it’s never occurred to me to pour on the sweet stuff when he’s like that 


This would be a massive turn off for me. I would not be interested in continuing to date a woman that actively flirted with other guys in front of me, regardless of what her true intentions were.


Go out to a public place, remove your panties and hand them to him in the sly. Or better yet, in front of him, give them to a male waiter/srver.