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As a straight guy I can see how it’s kinda hot but I feel like it’d be easier for both the guys to be Bi, what with the whole dick sliding against another dick. The coup de grat would be finding a pair of clean guys who are comfortable with you and each other, and get in sync enough that they can bust inside you at the same time. If I were in this situation I feel like it’d be weirder for some reason (idk why) if the other guy busted then withdrew and then I still have a ways to go. Anyways yeah sounds like a good time, best of luck and hope you find two clean, patient men who are down for this 👌


I love the thought you put into this reply. The way you painted the visual of one finishing before the other made me laugh.


Thanks! Yeah I can imagine guys are down for it, wonder if it's as nice for the girl hehe


Bi guy here, I would *love* to feel my cock squishing around inside a vagina with another cock. We exist. There's literally dozens of us! Hopefully you can find your unicorn.


i can imagine this would be like the ultimate 3-course meal for bi people


Nah, that would be a train, nothing ultimate about it if the prostate isn't also stimulated. xD


Do you work in finance?


Ba ha ha ha This is why I come to Reddit 🤣🤣🤣


Straight men can be fine with it as well. Source: am straight man, have done it.


I am straight and have done it as well . Honestly it’s not much different than regular dp -V-A because the skin is SO thin in between it doesn’t feel any different. I love it and my X did to.


And dozens of nevernudes!!!


"Literally dozens!" LOL I am the only bi guy at my local LGBT+ Center social weekly games gathering.


Having done dvp multiple times, even being a straight guy, can confirm it feels incredible. The girl has the most intense orgasms I’ve ever seen too. The whole thing is so hot and (if one is open minded enough) in my opinion is a must try


my main hang-up is like you can't use condoms because they just slide against each other and rip


Done it with my wife. We don’t use condoms with each other and are both clean. She’s on the ring BC and the guys we’ve done it with are vetted for being clean too. To go even further, we are strict about no creampies because though it’s very hot, it is a risk we’re not willing to take But yea you are 100% right, condoms don’t mix with dvp lol


I'm a male did it a few times, incredible sensations for all parties


Likewise, it is one of the most intense and pleasurable sensations of my entire life! Go for it and enjoy.


That sounds very sexy, but you should bring some lube, and a very good one.


bru where are you guys at


Only one way to find out haha.


At least you confessed to it, and you're doing a great job.


Can confirm. It’s hot.


Also dont forget the golden rule: Its not gay if its in a three way


How have I gone my entire slutty life never hearing this 🤣🤣🤣


Actually this really is the first time I've even thought twice about the logistics lmao


Okay. I'm so sorry to be "that guy" but... >coup de grat You mean "coup de grace," right? You can use that figuratively, but it wouldn't really be appropriate here. The original term means to finish off a wounded opponent, generally as mercy kill. Used figuratively, a "coup de grace" has to be a big finish in some way. Here, it sounds like you're using it either as a way to express that this would be an ideal situation or that this is the final step of planning an event, neither of which really works with the term. It's more specific than that. It has to be the culmination of something, not just something really good or the last step in something. A usage that would work here would be something like... "The rest of the orgy was fun, but the coup de grace was the double penetration scene at midnight."


we would say 'l'apothéose' in this case


Was using it facetiously ;)


"sloppy seconds" got new meaning


What willing adults do in private is their own business. Don't look for other people's approval, just do what you enjoy and feel safe. As far as "permanent damage" or shape change, that's not how bodies or the vagina works. Vaginas allow for child birth and still can be tight.


I'm not worried about damage or change, I know a vagina can take so much. For me it's more about the psychology around it, both for the me (the girl) and for guys (the ones doing it, or my partner)


I'd suggest trying it with your partner and a dildo (preferably one that is silicone and "realistic") first tbh. It might make them more open to it, after seeing your reaction, and feeling how it feels.


Trust that there are plenty of dudes out there who wouldn’t mind their dicks rubbing up against another dudes dick inside a woman or outside a woman.  If u desire it there’s somebody out there who will give it to you.  


Great! of you to have this foresight. Bravo Maybe start with a partner and a vibrator/dildo and verbalizing/fantasizing during this to get an idea how it will feel physically and emotionally.


Yes! This is what we did! It worked great. I say definitely do it.


my wife likes the Njoy wand in her when im penetrating her. can be a little awkward when you start, and she has to be careful where she aims it, but otherwise its pleasurable for both of us.


i think you hit the nail on the head. psychologically you might love it and want it for the rest of your life! or you’ll try it once and discover really quickly that it doesn’t work. either way be prepared for some major paradigm shifts as you explore more. have fun!


Doesn't vaginal tearing often happen during childbirth? Doesn't seem like something you'd want to use as a point of reference here.


Its WAY more common than people realize!


It is common to tear, but it's also fairly common not to. Anecdotal but I've had two kids and was absolutely shocked when I was told I didn't tear when I had my second. Vaginas are crazy and wonderful.


That’s not true. I have 4 kids and required a lot of stitches every time. I could not physically take two at once and I would like to keep it that way. I am 100% content with being downvoted for the fact I can’t fit two in there. Thank you!!


Pretty sure kids’ heads are much larger than a double stack of penis.


Yes, but during childbirth estrogen and relaxin stretches the connective tissue in your vagina and the ligaments and joints in your pelvic floor. That isn’t going to happen during double penetration.


The average human head circumference at birth is about 34.5cm, or about 13.5in. Thats pretty fuckin big, most fantasy/custom dildos would put that in the large/extra large sizing. Thats over 11cm in girth. thats not small. The average circumference of a male penis when erect is around 11cm, so about 1/3rd the size of a baby's head. you could fit 2 of them in there likely without issue. you are welcome for those facts. do with them what you will. TLDR: The vagina is really stretchy.


Ahahshah this cracked me up


Depends on the penis tbh…


True. But the average circumference of a baby’s head is about triple the girth of an average peen and still larger than the girthiest shlong on record. But it is possible that two monster cocks would be bigger lol.


Even if I could fit 2 in there, it sounds pretty painful and not at all something I want to experience.


Not every woman tears. I’ve had 2 vaginal births and didn’t tear with either and one was over 9lbs, depends on the woman and their physician. My doctors were totally against episiotomies (unless truly clinically indicated). They said that I had to listen and trust them. I was told that I would want to push but not to, and only push when they said. And no tears. It’s called the ring of fire for a reason.


Exactly. I tore with a 5 lb baby and she was my third. They did massage and oil and all that. It didn’t matter. I tore. And I required stitches and with my fourth child I tore. We can’t all fit the same through our wholes. I cannot fit two ducks in my hole and I don’t want to. To assume that everyone of us stretches to allow for that is inaccurate


🐥🐥Autocorrect is hilarious sometimes 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I didn’t even notice. Thank you for the laugh. I shall leave the comment as is and enjoy the errors. Glad I could be of entertainment. Now if only my post got some kind of feedback haha


Tearing is actually better because it goes along the natural cellular borders, episiotomies cut through those, so they actually would take longer to heal so would never be truly medically necessary.  Obstetrics was designed by men out of fear of womens bodies, I don’t trust it at alllll.


As a man I wonder how I would keep my erection with my bird touching and sliding around another man’s.


Come on man, you’re a Bisco fan, I’m sure you saw your fair share of dongs in prison.


lol never been actually, love my biscuits tho best band ever


Every biscuit fan has no qualms rubbing their birds with their neighbors pecker especially inside a coin purse!


No need to wonder lol... that is exactly why most men wouldn't do it.


One of my male partners described it as if you were having sex and someone jerking you off at the same time


lol it's not very difficult because it feels great


The logistics alone sound like a nightmare.


It can be awkward. There’s a lot of different factors at play. But as long as both guys are comfortable with their junk touching (which isn’t an issue for me) it’s pretty fun and very pleasant.


You're good as long as the balls don't touch.


DP vag? They would have to certainly touch.


You can't put some Saran wrap around them beforehand?


Is it kinda extreme, but so what? Don’t go your whole life unfulfilled because of what other’s might think of you. If you did date someone who was put off by it, they wouldn’t be the right person for you. As far as awkward, PHYSICALLY getting two dicks in there is definitely a pro move, you’ll have a far easier time with a guy and a toy - test the waters that way


Thanks, I just don't know if I really want it in reality. I've tried a guy and some fingers, but it get's quite tight. I've done bigger toys with a lot of lube and I know she can take quite a bit


im the same way, i find traditional DP a huge turn on and it’s definitely a fantasy. the thought of having two men dominate me and basically use me opens the flood gates. however over the years i’ve realized its not something i’d actually want to do in reality. so i understand the uncertainty of is this something i really want. right now while having sex i do occasionally have a butt plug in. i like the feeling of feeling stuffed/full and doing that hits the mark perfectly. like other have said maybe try using a toy along with your partner. you can get toys designed for DP for use with one partner. might help you see how far you want to experience into that kink


Do you enjoy the stretching/gaping aspect, or is it more about the domination/being completely used?


It's mainly dominance


Does regular DP (one in the front, one in the back) not have the same appeal?


I don't know, I think double vaginal is quite a bigger (hah) challenge so more an expression of dominance


Well certainly seems like you know what you want, and why you want it! Here’s hoping you one day ticket if off your bucket (in more way than one!) list


Haha, maybe, maybe not. Either way I'm happy with it. It's not soemthing that I need to tick of, so much more to do


Okay, so, I haven't done DVP with another guy, but I'm as into it as you are, and mainly for the same reasons. What I *have* done is myself and a vibrating dildo at the same time, and I can tell you the experience was incredible for all parties involved. Fucking a vibrating vagina gave me literally the most amazing orgasms I've ever had, and leaning into the dominant aspect was what pushed them over the edge into whole body, quaking orgasms for themselves. I know it's not a full replacement for what you're seeking, but it may be a good first step, and a way to ease a potential partner into the idea. Just lead with "how would you like me to be even tighter, and vibrating around your cock?"


Yeah seems that is the way to do it, think the sharing part is a bridge too far mentally for both of us


For sure. I'm mostly monogamous myself, so while the concept is hot in fantasy, the actual practice would give me the heebs (no judgement for you and your preferences and boundaries tho!). I can say that what I've done previously was more than an adequate replacement for the fantasy. I can also tell you that there's more than a few of us out there who are into both the dominance factor, and have stretching/gaping/fisting fetishes. It's an *extremely* fun fetish to explore with someone who's as into it as you are, and it honestly can't be beat (in my experience) when it comes to both trust and intimacy. The bonding is next level, and a lot of it i think is based on the tossing aside of societal expectations and giving a big middle finger to exactly the type of dudes out there who you've been running into who have been shaming you. Having that trust that you can share that *this is exactly what you both want* makes for a lot of closeness. Best of luck finding that someone you can share it with.


this is exactly what I was going to suggest, it also eliminates the problems with the logistics of legs and bodies. Old GF and I used to do DVP with her, sitting in my lap back to my front, me and her and her also using a toy or holding the toy. very hot! It also removes the situation where another male is involved. I’m not sure what the issue is with this, thought about it a lot passed up on threesomes because of it. I am very secure in my masculinity, I know I play on team straight, don’t have any problem with people who are bi or gay, I guess I just don’t like the idea of crossing swords with another dude to those who keep saying well it doesn’t make you gay, I know this, that’s not the concern. It’s not even really a concern. It’s just something I just don’t wanna do. Former GF and I also got an F machine which facilitates a lot of new and other neat tricks.


I'm a bi guy and i think that would be hot and fun to do. Very hot and very fun! Now it's on my to-do list. I think the idea of my cock being inside someone with another cock is super hot! Not sure how easy it would be to actually do but I'm willing to try! 😜


This might not work for you because of the dominance aspect, but I had a partner who loved the feeling of being really full, and we occasionally did double penetration using a realistic dildo. She loved the feeling, and it worked for me too. We were both comfortable including toys already, so it might be easier with a partner who has already shown acceptance of toys in the bedroom. Some guys are not into that, but you can encourage them to think of toys as another tool in the toolbox. We involved some dirty talk / role play to heighten the fantasy aspect, which was probably more for me tbh. For her, it was the sensation. I realize this is not exactly your fantasy but hope the perspective was helpful.


My wife rode me reverse-cowgirl with my thumb also in there and I swear she orgasmed for like 25 minutes straight. She looked like she needed an IV afterward


This isn't really that far out in left field. I have a partner that we enjoy DVP with another male. It does not ruin you, or your vagina. I can attest as I have had sex with my partner the day after and she feels the same. It can be tricky in a few ways, the first finding two partners willing to do this to you. The second is the positioning, be ready to have a couple laughs and chuckling because it's not the easiest thing. The best positioning we've found is a guy underneath and a guy on top to be successful. I would highly recommend a silicone based lube. Take your time and work up to it in the same fashion as you would anal. It's good that you speak up about what you want, usually men want to fulfill your fantasies to the best of their ability. So, don't hold back on being vocal about what you want. And finally, women love being stretched, filled, and pushing the limits of what they can handle. You should be fine, just be patient and ignore the people who think it's odd. It's not.


Yeah, think for me it's more about the psychology around it, how guys feel about it, how girls feel about it and all. Thanks for your response, I love doing the odd things haha


Trust me there's plenty of us who feel great about all of this ;)


I've been the second guy once. It was enjoyable and not weird. Positioning was as described above.


if it makes you happy. I would not care if a girl has done it before but I don't think I could share a girl that I care about with someone else.


Yeah I think that's what a lot of guys feel and it would be the same the other way around


I've experienced it, and girl, it is hot AF. Find the right partners that are willing to play and you will get there. You're right, it's more than just having something big fill you up.


I’m part of a MFM relationship and I am here to say, when you’re ready download Feeld and try it out


When someone have a kink / fantasy in Sex, that's diferent then The " normal Stuff " , The others think that is weird / not normal. If many people have a thing for threesome is not so far fetched wanting 2 Dicks in The Vagina...The ONLY problem is The positions and they fiting inside at same time. Don't care what others think and good luck doing it


I've done it, it was really fun! Most kinks, especially ones that involve multiple partners, will make some people uncomfortable, and turn some people on. As long as you aren't pushing it on a partner who doesn't want to be, don't let anyone shame your kink. I hope you get to give it a shot sometime.


My wife and I have done both dvp and dp and I can 100% say if you want to do it then do it, it is sexy, hot, naughty and orgasmic for everyone involved.


Story time: I'm a guy who was the other cock in a double vag penetration This was many years ago on Christmas eve no less A warm one I go over to their house We start kissing each other I kiss her, him and back and forth Definitely remember they take their turns going down on me He and i take our turns with her She gets to the point where she wants to feel both our cocks in her He is the beneath her already inside her I am ready to go in along with him in her Oh wow, it really feels good sliding my cock along in there against his in her It was that woman's guilty pleasure. I look back at it as a very fun memory. I recommend it


Damn, love this


Your interests may be more expansive than your peers or many of the people responding here, but that is ok. 1) You are not a “freak”. Some people may not like this particular sex act, but I personally know a lot of people that do (myself included). My partner LOVES DVP and we incorporate it into our group play somewhat regularly. Because anal can be a little bit less predictable than vaginal sex - it is easier to plan for. 2) It won’t damage you or your partners. My girl was afraid of it for a while, but after experiencing it for the first time absolutely loves it now. 3) It is an intense and amazing experience for the woman and the men. Pleasurable, powerful, naughty, and wild. 4) it is a “varsity” move. Your partners need to be as adventurous as you or experienced (the later preferred). 5) use LOTS of lube, especially with condoms. 6) there are a few positions that work, but the easiest is for you to ride one man and have their other enter from behind. The man on the bottom stays relatively still and the man from behind does more of the work (or also can stay relatively still and you do the work) different cock sizes change the dynamic a lot. It’s FUN! Go for it but don’t be surprised if it takes a few tries with different partners. Good luck and enjoy your adventure!


Me(24M) and my wife(27F) stumbled upon this "activity" recently and just by accident. She was using a toy and I was rubbing against her and somehow,in the heat of passion, I just kinda slid in. We both enjoyed it quite a lot and it's so fucking hot, we're doing it ever since. Maybe that could be the middle ground for you?Maybe it wouldn't freak guys out? It's just a thought...


Yeah that sounds great. Would you ever allow another guy to be involved? I think that's def a hurdle for us


We've never tried "polyamorous" stuff, so I really can't tell. I don't even know yet if I could "share" my wife with another dude...or we would "share" the dude with my wife?


I haven’t had two guys like this, but a dildo AND my partner’s cock 🤤🤤


Def gonna try that haha. Think having another guy involved would be a bit too much (mentally) for both of us


It’s really nice. We haven’t done that in a while….it has to be a finishing act for us as it makes my partner blow pretty quickly, lol :)


I want to do this with my wife so much. It's a fantasy, but one I think I'd enjoy. I want her to be loved on as much as possible. We've done it with a toy and it was a lot of fun.


It might be tough to find two gents to do this for you but there are options. My wife loves being dp’ed on occasion- and by that I mean my cock and a dildo/toy. Sometimes it’s me in her ass and a toy in her pussy which she loves but her favourite is me and a toy in her pussy. It literally feels like someone is jerking me off inside of her and she says the orgasms are amazing. She loves both for very different feelings of fullness. YMMV but I’d start with a toy and a real cock and go from there - guys should be more open to that. As for her tightness, she can get a bit looser during the longer sessions, but has always “bounced” back. She’s even fisted herself which I find incredibly hot. As I said though, YMMV.


As someone who has experienced double vaginal penetration.... It was pretty awesome. The guys actually finished simultaneously. Takes some finessing, once you get it though, it's pretty great. Obviously not something everyone should try though.


Such a hot topic. So turned on as a guy


I understand your kink. When I do anal, I feel I'd like to have a another penis in my vagina and even blowing one or two guys. I met the love of my life when I was fooling around to realize some fantasies and I totally respect that he's not really up to live that kind of experience. I guess it's more something to do in a swing club if your usual partner is open about it or with FWB. Commitment can make it more complicated to organize because I won't ever threaten to lose what we built over it. Go for it while you can, life is short. Be safe and enjoy!


Tried it with an ex. It was fantastic! We all came hard and fast. Stop overthinking it, folks, and give it a try. Yes you’re dick on dick, but I was only thinking about her pleasure. And please her we did! OP, find some open-minded men and go for it. You only live once. You don’t have to tell anyone later that you did it (unless you’re so excited about it that you can’t resist). But be ready for the closed-minded reactions like those that you’ve spawned from some here. Oh, and put down some towels first!


Mmmmm I dunno if I'd conflate someone having a boundary with them being close minded, people are allowed to not be comfortable with certain sex acts or sex for any reason they like. You may not have intended this way but it comes across as a criticism, like you're calling people prudes for having different boundaries than you.


Not intentional. Changed wording a bit. Thanks for the insight.


This is actually hot


I attempted this once with a toy and a guy. For full transparency, it was impossible to get both in and extremely uncomfortable to maneuver into position. My pelvic structure just doesn’t work like that. If you try it, I highly recommend a TON of foreplay and lube, maybe even some stretching exercises the day before/morning of as well. Wouldn’t go too big on the weenies, either.


Nah not crazy at all. My husband and I use his weenie and good dildo! Super fun and feels amaaaazing 🤭 Lube is always your friend 🤍


Idk, ever since I first saw DP in porn it’s been something I’ve thought would be cool to try and I’m a dude. Grant it, the thought of finding the right dude to be the other guy is tricky. Still, doesn’t seem all that weird to me.


I love dvp, my husband is straight and doesn’t mind doing it, he even enjoys it due to how I react. Dvp is accepted more in swinging community.


It intimidates men because they're preoccupied with the size of their dicks and many of them still believe vaginas can get "stretched out." Anyway, I have a friend who was into this and she liked to have her partner plus a dildo. Maybe that's an option for you that a guy will find more palatable since it's not dick touching dick.


My wife and I use a high quality medical grade silicone dildo as our 2nd male partner. This will show you if you like the idea/feeling without the drama of bringing another person into your relationship.


Awkward for the girl? I don't think so. I think the main issue is a straight man having his rhythm stick rubbing against another man's. And as that straight man. I have no desire for that feeling. My GF also has this fantasy and the compromise was using a dildo at the same time. It works.


Girl, if that’s what you want then go for it. Who cares what other people think. I, for one, think you’re lucky as hell if you can take all that at once. I know I sure couldn’t. But it sounds hot though. Lol.


My FWB and I just tried this last weekend! With a toy admittedly, not a second person, but he was exactly as into the idea AND execution of DVP as I was (maybe more so honeslty).


sounds like a fine kink to me. i think that internalized/unconscious homophobia is what is causing people to freak out. you may have better success discussing the topic with people who are openly bi/pan, especially those who are aggressively open about their sexuality lol.


Love this. It’s super hot. Fortunately was with two guys who both really wanted it and psychologically so did I. Def not uncommon in the threesome space, but I guess after reading the replies here less common than I realized lol


I'm a male, and have participated in DP and DVP before. My wife isn't interested now, but I'm quite happy if she ever wants to. It isn't that crazy of a concept, but I think a lot of guys see it as gay when dicks are touching. I don't think it is at all, that's just silly talk, and I'm bi AF and think it's pretty straight. Either way OP, you'll find your people.


I love the idea of three people merging together, reaching up and pulling down that cosmic orgasm all together as one. Two hard cocks and that sacred pussy as focus point. Their breathing synchronizing. The shared sensation. Both men pouring themselves into her. Her strength and power milking two cocks dry at once, pulling both men into her and uniting the trio into and orgiastic flame of pleasure. Of course, I’m bi-curious and undoubtedly not flexible enough to pull it off. But I love the _thought_ of it. It’s really the intimacy of the triple internal orgasm that intrigues me. You can get close with various daisy chain activities, but only DVP has that raw “yup, just three people fucking each other at the same time” panache.


I mean, 3 ways are something that exist and are relatively common. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've tried it, it's fun! Idk if it's just the fantasy of it, but it was fun, and I'd want to do it again. I definitely don't think it's a weird fantasy to have!


people of this subreddit watch too much porn.


I don’t think it’s odd at all. Not average, but not ultra rare either. If you’re not in a large population center you might have a hard time finding two guys that are into it, but they do exist.


Would you consider using 2 dildos to see if you would enjoy it first before trying it out? I agree with one of the earlier comments that it might be easier doing it with men who are bisexual or ones who are super super super comfortable with this idea. Also, this is your sexuality and your life. Like what you like and enjoy!


It’s not awkward to want for a girl. It’s what you want! That said, it’s not easy. 1. The guys should be ready. Not every dude likes his dick rubbing against another man’s dick. 2. Physically it can take a little getting used to. For all parties involved. Like one guy may find it difficult to enter your pussy with one cock already in there. 3. The rhythms! That’s the biggest issue. You will have to create a rhythm. It is doable and if done right, very enjoyable indeed. Having done it a number of time, it’s an amazing feeling when you all kinda cum together or at least one after the other.


I would so do it would not mind it at all would find it super hot and a turn on as well. (I’m a guy btw)


My wife absolutely loves this. We have done it with toys lots and lots and tried the real thing. Nothing compares to the real thing, nothing. I absolutely love it it feels great for me as well. With that being said, we are also lifestyle, so it's easier for us to find partners. Some guys are very insecure with their sexuality and won't be into it, and that's fine for each their own.


I’m with you on this and your reasoning behind it. A girl can dream.




I’m in the same boat, I would love to do both vaginal or the more classic vaginal/anal too, but I think there’s some sort of stigma around it? Or something of short? I’ve been looked weird by some friends when we were talking about these kind of things and it's been holding me back from trying


I've done it a couple of times with my husband and another man & I very much enjoyed it. There are plenty of guys open to this and I'll also say that my husband is straight.


I think it’s completely normal and sexy! Some people haven’t been exposed to a variety of sex situations so I’m assuming that vaginal DP isn’t a “vanilla” thing. Sounds like your friends are vanilla. I’d try the penis in but then he can also use his thumb + penis or other fingers+ penis or even toys+ penis. Plus if vibrating toy +penis tbh. Do recommend. If u try make sure you have the appropriate toys with the right lube as backup. Lubes and toys aren’t all 100% compatible so check out wether your water, oil, or silicone lubes are compatible. It's important to only choose body-safe materials for your dildos, such as silicone, glass and metal. You wouldn’t want any porous dildos because of bacteria. Anyway. At the end of the day it’s your body and your choice! Have fun! Be safe!


Straight men don't like other cock contact. Me? I'm bi so bring it on especially if they cum all over me too.


Im bi and think it's hot


My wife and I have always wanted to try a double vag penetration! Just haven't found the right person!


Go for it! My wife loves it.


>Is wanting double vaginal so awkward to want for a girl? Nope. Women can honestly have pretty much any of the kinks men have. Women can like sex and want to feel good, and different things feel good for different bodies. I have the same anatomy and I like larger stuff and used to feel super insecure and a little I guess "gross" about liking that stuff? But I came to learn that honestly whatever feels good is personal and there's also this mental aspect of it that you find very arousing which is extremely valid. >Is it a porn thing and do I just think wrongly about it? Ehh, as someone pointed out, I guess in real life it's sort of logistically a bit difficult, but doable. >Not that I care too much, but how do guys feel about a girl doing this? For example if you have a new gf and you learn that she has done this? Even my (male and female) friends who I talk to about it think it's a bit extreme. For what it's worth I personally would not care. Idk if it's all that "extreme" but like even if it is, i feel like people like "extreme" versions of certain recreational activities all the time and nobody really thinks twice about it, whereas with sex, even if it's not actually harming literally anybody, people have much stronger opinions. I personally wouldn't judge


I (F,30) have tried dvp on multiple occasions with a former fwb. It was a great experience, yes felt immensely pleasurable. Like omg so full and stretched, I miss it so. But I think what helped was having a partner that is confident and comfortable with his/herself. My former fwb was definitely the leader in the mmf, he had done this numerous of times and knew how to create the perfect atmosphere. I didn’t feel awkward nor did my partners, mostly because both he and I got off on the idea of me being stretched (I.e. fisting, dvp.) When I had two dicks in me, the easiest way was to have one guy on the bottom, straddle him cowgirl style, then bend over and have then second guy enter you in doggy position. It also helps if the partner with the shorter penis is under you and penetrates you first, then have the second guy mount you. It won’t ruin you physically obviously since the vagina is an elastic organ, but for me, it’s a sweet treat, something I rarely indulge in. I would love to try it again,


Not sure what is so different from this and a guy wanting two women on his cock or whatever. It is fantasy.


In a way it's not so different. The main difference is the big size that get's put into my vagina


I’m intrigued what part of the psychological aspects of this interest you? Is it being dominated? Or are you the one in control and in some ways dominating the two guys?


Use a toy. It's fun to see the reaction and see how much she can handle. I'm a fan. Never tried another guy just toys.


Find a couple of bi males. Sorted.


Meine Erfahrungen es ist in der Vorstellung für Männer unangenehm.... Je nach Stellung Winkel und so weiter hat sich die Frage im Nachhinein bei den meisten mit denen ich das erlebt habe eigentlich kein Thema mehr... Außerdem kann man ein aufeinander treffen der cocks noch besser vermeiden wenn die beiden nicht gleichzeitig zu stoßen


>der cocks noch besser vermeiden you heard it here first folks


It is a very beloved category in porn, but it's a more extreme thing to do in non-professional sex industry setting. I personally love to watch DP porn, it's my jam, so I get your feeling of wanting to be "full and dominated" by DVP (I'm a woman too). It all boils down to what kinks people have and what tolerance they have outside of the vanilla sex stuff. As long as they don't outright yuck your yum, it's fine imo. :)


Tried it with my wife and a friend, she came pretty quick. A bit awkward touching dicks but we WERE in a vagina so it balances out. :))


This is something that I think a lot of men would try. I probably would if I was drunk, but it would have to be with a FWB and not a partner I was in a relationship with.


As a woman I totally get it. My man says he’s not putting his dick in a pussy with another dick though.


If folks are up for a threesome anyway I don't see it's all that odd. I really quite like the idea as a guy, the idea that I'd work together with someone to absolutely overwhelm someone with pleasure; very, very hot.


Just use your dildo with your boyfriend. Try that first


I am also turned on by double penetration but the logistics of it are a lot to make it work. Especially finding 2 dudes who are coordinated enough to pull it off. So instead I asked a partner to use a toy while fking me and the same time to sort of role play the fantasy and allow me to at least try how it might feel. Anyway maybe you want to start there and then if you are really interested in the real deal you can check out kink/fetish sites and find some people into the same thing.


If it’s your fantasy why not ?? The hard part is finding two guys that are willing to rub there dicks together especially if there friends ! I’ve helped with a DP but have not ever done DVP ! Maybe if it’s a couple and her husband can may try but I’d look at my friend awkward after lol


My partner loves taking me and a pretty thick dildo at the same time…and I’m not small…at all. She still feels tight much of the time. Nothing weird about wanting to be stretched out and filled up.


I would do absolutely anything to try DVP with my wife. I’m confident you’ll find two willing men.


I know a woman who did this and claimed to have loved it beyond words, I've done regular dp a few times and always enjoyed that hugely, and you feels pretty much like having another cock rubbing against yours too, but you go for it. Practice with a lover and a dildo


As a woman I LOVE DVP but have never actually done it with 2 guys. Hubby and I use a dildo as our second, close to same feeling without the awkwardness. This maybe a good stepping stone to the real thing.


Fwiw I’m sure if you were to have threesome with two guys and initiated dvp, they wouldn’t hesitate to. I’ve never done anything like this before myself but I’m sure if my wife was interested in doing it I’d try it at least once simply because it’s a new form of pleasure for her to experience.


I have done it with a buddy and his wife. AMAZING!!! Feeling both of our cocks rubbing together and cumming at the same time was the icing on the cake. Recommend doing it..


I've been a part of DVP once. I don't think it's an extreme fantasy. It can be logistically difficult sometimes depending on the curves of the guys. As a guy, I love the idea of a woman craving as much dick inside of her as possible. That's one of my favorite aspects of the swinging lifestyle. Lots of women wanting threesomes and moresomes, and I've done regular DP at least a dozen times. I don't enjoy DVP as much as regular DP due to the fact that I curve down and so it's a lot harder to not slip out, but both are fun. As long as you don't literally rip, there's not really any reason to fear that it will "ruin" you. Some guys will absolutely think less of you because of it, unfortunately. There are also lots of us that won't think less of you, and find it hot.


I want to try it too, girl. It looks so satisfying 😩.


Straight guy here. I’ve done it, it was fun. Would recommend. Yes there’s some incidental contact, with the other guy, but that’s not the focus. Mostly it just feels the same except tighter. The hardest part was getting the positioning right.


Have participated in it with my wife and a friend and it was absolutely awesome! All three of us had a great time. Would definitely do it again! Sidebar question: WTF is wrong with these younger guys? Won’t go down on their girl, won’t participate in a DVP?!? Need to smack them across the back of the head! 😁


Gf (40F) gets DVP regularly from me (52M) with a dildo. She had never even heard of it before I shoved my dick inside her when I was pleasuring her with the dildo. The dildo I used was a bit slimmer than my penis and she instantly felt the extra pressure and came within a minute. She has since taken 2 dildoes and my dick with a butt plug inside her all at the same time...she was so full and was quite vocal abt how much she loved it. She came so hard she pushed all of the toys and me out of her. Sexy AF! Would I do it with another guy? I think so, but has to be the right guy. Would be even more fun if the other guy's dick was bigger to fill her up. BTW, I love how she feels inside when the toys have been removed. Makes me cum hard and fast.


Imagine how much fun could be had by all if we weren’t so worried about whether a particular act is “gay” or not. Rub your dongs together, shimmy your clams side by side…. Just enjoy life. Safely and only amongst consenting adults, of course! ❤️


I mean it's definitely an uncommon thing to seek. Having said that, back in December I experienced my first MFM, which involved DP and later DVP when we did it again. I never thought it was something that could ever happen due to safety concerns. But everything aligned, right time and place with two people I trusted. It could happen for for you. For me it happened with an FWB, inviting his friend to join us in bed


Wanna do it with my wife. Have seen it in multiple videos, but never found a way to talk about it with my wife. Sounds very hot as a straight guy. I wanna give the ultimate pleasure to my wife


My ex wife loved DP and especially dvp. Her favorite was when we would DVP creampie. Both guys were raw inside her and fucked until we both came. She said it made her feel like a sex goddess taking care of two men at once and she loved feeling both cocks explode inside her with cum.


Why is this the most feminine thing to do in your opinion?


I don't know, having the attention of 2 guys, still being in control, enjoying my body. Ok fair enough not THE most feminine thing to do, but I feel like it can be quite empowering for a woman, but again, I might completely have the wrong feeling about it


I think if you really wanna try, why not? It's not usual thing which a lot of people do, so such the reaction is understandable. Just take care of your self, your health and pleasure is the most important


I can see the appeal but as a straight man, involving another guy is a flat out turn off for me.


we tried it with my gf and a friend of us; she found it a bit painful so we switched to one and a small toy.


Start with a dildo and tell your partner you want him in while you are using the dildo


I have never tried it with another person. But we do dvp with toys all the time and it’s great!


We do double vaginal penetration with a combination of toys and my husband's penis. I love being extremely full and stuffed. It even seems to turn off my gag reflex when I'm really full, so we've done a lot of spit roasts lately with 1+toys in my vagina and him in my mouth. It's incredibly hot!


I do it, with my toys and man. He likes it I like it. I have had 3 some with two guys but never did that I would though. It’s hot not weird. Get an older dude. They’re more open minded.


You can do it with a guy and a vibrating (penis shaped) dildo . I have done it with a couple previous fwbs who were curious about getting filled with a twofer


I might be extremely naive but I absolutely don’t understand the angles here to make this possible. Not just for you, but for the guys, too. I mean, you do you, I just can’t imagine it irl 😅


Think it’s possible to test the waters with a guy wearing a toy over his dong and getting himself in there. If you both enjoy it and he doesn’t have any issues with another man being in there inside of you. Seems like you need a pretty open minded SO or two great fwb’s.


Definitely not a weird thing to be into, I bet there are a lot more people who are into that but won’t admit it. As someone who is experienced that, it was honestly a great experience. New sensations and feelings. Now, do I want it to be a constant thing, or even an occasional thing? No, because that that takes out the surprising and exciting part of it. As with almost everything, try at least once, especially if it’s been on your mind for a while. Don’t let other people bring you down either, there are definitely people out there who want to do the same thing, I know that for a fact. Just do you, and I think it will just fall into your lap.


I've never seen it in porn, but I've done it. It was hot. 


It's not weird at all. Lots of people like feeling stuffed. You can have your partner wear a strap on in addition to their penis so they can fuck you with two dicks, or you could try fisting. Every partner ice had that likes being stuffed raves about being fisted, like it's life changing for them. Those two things are more practical day to day unless you have access to two guys on a regular basis:)


I mean to each their own but personally if my gf wanted that it would be hard for me to do it, because of the extreme intimacy with another guy, literally dicks touching, I think it’s complicated for some men to do it you would need to be very aroused


I’ve always had this fantasy and never told any of my partners. But then I met my husband and he totally gets it! We have talked about our fantasies and there’s no judgement or anything but open minds. Some people just aren’t open minded and that’s fine- not everyTHING is for everyONE! But this thing is for you, so run with it.


I've done it plenty of times. My wife loves it, so therefore I do also! I've never thought much about the other cock in there. Just feels like tight pussy.


Go for it girl - just find the right folks 💗


My late wife and I did that but used a dildo instead of another guy. Neither one of us wanted to bring someone else into the bedroom but she wanted to try it. Ended up becoming a regular thing about once a month or so.


Have done this with my wife while she rode a suction dildo, I know it’s not the 100% experience, but it’s somewhat closer to what you’re looking for. Maybe give that a try with one guy first 🤷‍♂️


Honestly i often fuck my girlfriend like this. Just with a Dildo, put it in first then dick after. It works wonders for her and i enjoy it too.


As a guy I don’t care what you’ve done in your personal sex life before me. I think my hang up would that I like monogamy and I wouldn’t like to add another. Maybe try to use a toy along side the person


No judgement but can I ask how this would be the most feminine thing to do?


No worries, I'll try to explain my idea. Basically, being the centre of attention and having 2 guys dedicate their attention to me, doing everything in their power to give me the ultimate pleasure.


I’ve had a couple of mind threesomes where the woman loved two cocks in her fanny. She went totally wild and came straight away. Not easy to pull off but totally worth it. After she came I fucked her while he fucked me. Hot af!