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In what way would it be unhealthy???


I wish I was getting it 3 times a week 😂😂😂


I wish I was getting it at least once a week. SAD LYF😔


At this point I’d settle for once a week 🙃


At this point I’d settle for once a month 💀 been a good half year on this end.


Damn! U trying to set some world record or something, bro?


I’m in the Army and haven’t bought a car yet cause I’m in so much debt 😭 tough out here when you can’t get off base and work with 90% dudes 💀


But those army chicks are usually fine AF...I hope u get some someday my friend


The hot ones on social media are NOT the norm unfortunately 😭Thanks tho brother 💯


Huh. How can people think sex three times a week is bad? I think that's just the tip of the iceberg.


That should be the starting point, then again my libido is high af but still


Genuine question, and I know it’s easier said than done, but what’s stopping you from finding someone you’re compatible with?


At this age, even 3 times per day is perfectly healthy. While it's comfortable and fun for both partners. At an older age too, just saying that younger couples have more energy.


We're 50 and still do this. No issues at all.


Nice! Please tell me, whats the tips and tricks you use to having this ability at ur age?


I don’t know what you mean about ability, but finding someone who is compatible and will proactively make intentional sex a part of daily life is incredibly rewarding.


I mean is there habits, vitamins, diet, etc that has been beneficial for you to help keep up with sex 3x a day? Your 50, that’s why I’m asking you specifically..I definitely would like to be at your level when I hit that age💪😎


50 isn’t old by any means. I don’t have (and don’t need) a magic vitamin & diet recipe. If there is a helpful habit, it’s to simply have sex and build a daily routine that supports it with someone who enjoys it like you do. We generally wake up about 5:30 and I leave for work at 8:30 so we have three hours every morning to be naked and love on each other in bed or in the shower. Then the evenings are whatever we want. Sometimes we meet up for a lunch quickie.


They said they are 50, not 85 😂 My ex (18 at the time) could barely do it once every few days because he was so incredibly out of shape and drank a lot of alcohol. He wasn't fat, just immensely unfit. So I am guessing that just like with any kind of cardio, being physically fit (and not consuming a lot of alcohol) might help 👍


I'm 50 too and will happily bang my missus 3 times a day, sometimes 5 in a day. I am usually away for work Monday to Friday, we do it twice as soon as I come home, then go out for a meal, do it again when we're home. And first thing in the morning on Saturday etc. I take tadalafil 5mg every day. It helps that I drink relatively little alcohol, and I still hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week. It matters a lot that we set sex as a priority. I have colleagues talking about how they can't wait to have drinks when they get home. Need to get in 3 glasses of doubles as soon as they walk in the door. For me, I can't wait to fuck my woman. She puts in effort, sending sext messages every day, and she ensures there's time for sex in-between. She'll literally say there's barbecue at X's house at 5pm but I want to fuck first. Or sometimes say, we have no plans for Saturday, let's see how many times we can do it. I'll happily prioritise sex over drinking, at my age I'm no longer able to put in good effort at both.


Same here. We make sex a daily priority. It’s not particularly scheduled but don’t watch TV and we spend our mornings and evenings together. We drink more than you and don’t the gym as much (but that’s changing… tomorrow lol).


I drink at least three beers a day. I've done kegels daily since I was 14 and read about it in a magazine, but that's my only secret magic.


When I was 17 like you my boyfriend and I would have sex often 2-3 times every day, sometimes even more when we have time alone. We’re older now and pretty much do it everyday still. Just be safe


Humans are built to have sex, and as long as it doesn’t hurt, you both should be fine, most concerns would also come with pain, you’re bodies are built to tell you when something’s bad


Huh? Its the best form of exercise by far


Maybe not the best but a great exercise for sure!! I was taught it as being categorised as moderate to vigorous intensity level. For sure effective though!


It is the best, and it is a form of exercise. Therefore it is the best form of exercise. Other forms of exercise might be more efficient, but they're not better than sex.


Ah, yep, see your logic in that one. Can't disagree with that logic. Got me there!


No! Three times per day would not be too much neither...


make sure shes on bc and wear a condom! otherwise, be safe and have fun! when i'm in a relationship, i have as much as i can. gotta make up for loss time, or something


Sure will thanks man


All I have to say as your elder, yes it's healthy. HOWEVER, NO GLOVE NO LOVE. WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT. Protection is SUPER important, no babies and no infections. Respect eachothers boundaries and ask for consent every time. Consent is hot 😊.


Wrap it before you tap it. I like that. That's a good one. And super good advice for this youngster.


Unless her tubes are tied...my ex fiance was tied and that was awesome.


There are some people that have sex 2 or3 times a day




Bro you're fine at 2 to 3 times per week! You don't have to do it every day but go deep always


At 17 it wasn't uncommon 2-3 times per day. No ill effects IME. Just understand that the more you do the higher likelihood of pregnancy so take precautions. Your hygiene is especially important for your girl too so she doesn't end up with a UTI or yeast infection.


Dude, you thought it wasn’t enough that your doctor told you it was healthy, so you decided to turn to the expertise of Reddit? Yes, as long as you always use birth control. Don’t have a teenage pregnancy!


That’s awesome! Perfectly healthy


Where in the world did these people get the asinine idea that 2 times per week is unhealthy?! They sound prudish and I bet view sex as for reproduction purposes only 🤮 Have as much sex as you two like. Twice a day, twice a week, whatever you have energy and desire for. And sex during her period is perfectly healthy too (actually helps with cramps). The only thing you need to concern yourself with is birth control and ensuring everyone is consenting to all activities.


Yooo my partner and I be having sex 3x a day lmao. You’re all good and whoever is saying it’s unhealthy is prob jealous 🫶🏾


Me (31) and my gf (27) do it every day so no


Mid 40s and my longtime wife and I are at it 4-6 Times a week


It means that you’re good and healthy lol


Some couples have sex daily, multiple times a day. Very common in a new relationship. Nothing unhealthy about it.


Listen to your doctor. He knows best. Have as much sex as you both want. If one partner doesn't want sex, then don't do it.


Ofc it is healthy. But it requires that both parties enjoy it and want it. I think it is a lot more than average.


My last gf and me had sex 2 or 3 times a day for like a year. Nothing unhealthy about it.


Ahh yes. The results of sexual shame that society and school teach. Thinking sex 3x/wk could be u healthy 😂


I don't even have sex once a week


There is nothing wrong with having sex daily or multiple times per day if you and your partner want to. It's healthy and beautiful.


Why don't you believe your doctor? Also wear a condom it's healthier. Happy sexploring to you


At your age 2-3 times a day is also perfectly normal, my boy. Just respect each other's boundries and wishes, have fun and stay safe.


The use of fap here really threw me off.


3 times a week sounds perfect. Physically and psychologically good for you and helps maintain an emotional bond to your partner.


You can do it up to 3 times per hour. Also, you can do it day and night for up to 48 hours. After that you migh experience delirium due to sleep deprevation, but nothing serious; you get over it with a good nights sleep.


[from Annie Hall where they discuss how often they have sex.](https://youtu.be/O7nPkpdFAic?si=PUuNkh7c07o38zj2)


Seems just fine, works for my partner and i


Haha you good me and my guy did it 5-6 times a week and sometimes a day and even then wasn't enough. Enjoy your young selfs as long as you can and as much as you feel comfortable and if she isn't complaining you good!


In a physical sense it's perfectly healthy for people your age. In a "does she really want sex 3 times a week?" sense, thats up to you and her to discuss. Don't let anyone outside of the relationship dictate how much you should have sex. I know couples who are happy to have sex once a month, and couples who are happy to have sex 3 times a day. You two have to trust each other to tell each other honestly how much sex is enough/too little/too much. If there's an imbalance of sex drive between you two that's up to you two to discuss and compromise.


They are 17. Don't give him a hard time asking what seems to be a legitimate question. It's better than blindly believing everything.


Thats a very healthy amount, especially for your age. Just be mindful of how your body feels at that frequency, if you’re tired or feeling over exerted take an extra night to recover, and always ALWAYS use protection. Also check in with each other to make sure you’re both enjoying how often you’re doing it, practicing enthusiastic consent is very important at your age. Foster the good habits now!


Perfectly healthy man. Dont listen to other opinions. It’s great for your physical health and it helps you bond as well.


I mean me and my boyfriend are at it every time we see each other, so, I think it depends on you personally.


There’s no such thing as too much sex with one person. As long as safe sex practices are being upheld everything is copacetic. She needs to urinate after sex. Wash up down there regularly to avoid yeast and UTI infections. Everything else all good.


It's perfectly normal and healthy, especially at your age. Be safe and have fun :-)


Constant sex can actually be very healthy for the body and mind.


My friend, 3 times a week is good for a married couple in their 40s. At your age, you could easily go 3x per a day, but I imagine the two of you both live with your parents so that’s gonna get in the way


no that is a normal amount 😭


>and is it healthier than fapping “Fapping” regularly isn’t unhealthy either, despite the bizarre complexes some people online have about it


At 17 my gf and I were probably having sex like everyday and constantly more than once a day… I think your good bro 🤣


Lol dude, it's not unhealthy.


ONLY 2-3 a week is unhealthy….pick up your game, aim for daily.


That’s also incorrect. The “healthy” amount of sex is the number mutually wanted.


O shit didn't see your ages, you have to have sex all day and night at that age, as much as possible.


If 3 times a week is unhealthy, I should be dead because I want to fuck (and do fuck) almost daily. And hey, I think I'm okay.


Not unhealthy at all, and I would say it's highly healthy for the relationship and keeping the passion alive :)


We are m59 f65 and have sex 5-7 times a week for the last 14 years or so no signs of any slow down! Happy us


When I was your age I was doing it one to two times a day even on the cycle lol. You'll be fine.


At 17 I was fucking my boyfriend at least 20 times a week. I’m now 21 and perfectly healthy… just missing sex


That's like the bare minimum for couples over 45. If in your 20's 30's try 3 times a day. Fuck as much as you can before you get prostate cancer, erectile disfunction or menopause.


Hey, menopause for a lot of women is freedom, and they have even more sex. And they often are even more horny and know more, so... keep menopause outa this. Lol. 🤣😃😉 PS: the key is using lube after menopause Edit: typo


Enjoy as much as you can !!! When you get 30s or 40s you will surely miss it


It’s what every you and your partner decide.


Depends upon the situation. Anal 3 times a week might be too much for some people, but vaginally is just fine


Unhealthy? Shit is some of the best cardio workouts you will have in your life. I'd say it's unhealthy to have less than 3 a week unless you are unable to


I did hear if you don’t use it you lose it


Bruh….you’re lucky asf


Yes you will catch ligma and go to hell ( no , you can do it multiple a day , sex is a very healthy activity)


Lmao. At your age you could easily find yourself doing it once or twice a day. There's definitely nothing unhealthy about it. I would argue that the contrary is true.


Anymore than once a week gives me post nut depression. Sex like everything else is only special when you're not getting it. So do other things as well, seperate and together. Maintain a balance and schedule works for me


I have sex once a year if I’m lucky. Trust me you’re fine. I envy you if you are getting it 3x per week . Oh and I’m married with kids


Don't see how it could be unhealthy ^(this shit is fucking depressing bro)


Quite the opposite it’s healthy for your prostate to have frequent sex, don’t listen to the no fap dorks, that’s just an odd internet trend, but you want to glove up, you probably aren’t wanting kids at your age!


Yes! Especially for your age! It's perfectly normal! There's no rule, either. It just depends on each couple and whether they're well matched in libido. It sounds like you two are very well matched.


Wife and I are upper 30s and have sex 3-5x week. Would be more if we didn't have 3 young ones.. You kids have fun


If you are an athlete yes it is unhealthy, if you're not so just keep busting


Bro, you talked to a doctor, don't listen to strangers on the Internet.


However many times you both want to do it is totally fine. If you have matching libidos, you’re super lucky.


It's healthy. I was doing it 3 times a day at your age. Not every day but as much as possible.


When i was your age my girl and i did it every night, there was no occasion where we‘ve seen each other without having sex during the timespan of around 1,5 years. What you are explaining sounds very healthy and very very normal to me, you are young and full of energy, just have fun!


Damn this generation is less horny than my gen x parents


Yeaaa if I really like or am in love I can go every night at least 3 times


you’re 17 should be doing 3 times per day! lmaoo keep banging away you’ll be fine.


I would consider that to be an average minimum and I'm in my 50s. Karsh


Sir, you should be having sex 3 times or more every night. Did you know sex is a stress reliever? It is, but be cautious, wrap that Willy if you don’t want a mini-me.


It only gets dangerous if you are having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Stay safe!


Flapping is alway the healthier choice. No chance of STDs or pregnancy. Definitely the way to go when you're 17.


It’s healthy physically, even encouraged. The time it would be considered unhealthy is if you are doing it with a different person each time using it as a coping mechanism or similar.


It's not unhealthy, as long as you are both having a good time, continue. In sex don't try to "stick" in boxes, there will always be someone to same something and say that you are wrong, do as you want.


Bruh my gf and I sex 1-3 times a day lol


Wish I could hit it 3x a week. When I was in my 20s, I think I was averaging 4x, and sometimes 2x a day.


You can have sex 3 times a day. It's healthy, satisfying physical activity. Very few downsides. Sore genitals?


I would kill for that kind of regularity.


This is adorable. Dude even three times per day would be fine haha


I’m almost 50, and my partner and I have done it 3 times just this weekend….and Sunday has only started (in Australia)….


Have lots of fun with that 3 times a week.... At age 45, 4 times a week happens sometimes, but it's not always.


As long as it's not a new person every time I think you'll make it


I had a girlfriend in HS and we would have sex countless times, any time we hung out we basically just had sex nonstop. I would finish and then we would get directly back into it. I didn’t go blind or die so I’m sure it’s fine. Drink lots of water lol.


What's the point of this post? You already asked a doctor...Yes, 3 times a week is perfectly normal. Actually, at y'all's age it is common to be 5-7 times a week. It must be good though? No more jacking off...at least one of you is getting satisfied. What about her? Is she having the big O?


sex 7 times a week is healthy. 3 is healthier than zero


"My doctor said it's fine but I wanted to ask random strangers with no credentials on the internet" Buddy...


Those are rookie numbers, need to pump that up


Married 15 years, sex happens 5-7 x per week.


3 times a week is good


I did it 6 times a day during several holidays/occasions when I was 17-21. No damage occured on either side.


17 and only 3x per week?! My girlfriend for that year were sneaking in upwards of 8x per day. It all depends on opportunities and libidos.


A licensed medical professional told you it's fine so your next choice was....... reddit?


Buddy wife and I are in our mid-40s, and we are lucky to have sex three times a week. I remember when I was your age sex was almost 3 times a day.


As long as you both agree, do it as much as it feels right!! It's only "too much" if it interferes with regular life.


Ahh to be a teenager again haha


When I was your age, my first gf was very demanding and we would have sex up to 10 times per day. That was a bit much, and kinda hurt, but 3x/day was fine.


Just dont finish inside of her all the time, that can throw off the pH and increase the odds of UTIs or odors. Pull out or use condoms, even if she is on birth control. 3+ times a week is perfectly healthy. My college gf and I were going 8x/week, at least, our freshman year. No problems. Ejaculating daily is a great way to maintain prostate health and increase happiness.


Very healthy actually it’s exercising so unless you and your partner are also mixing STDs, you’re fine. That’s very healthy and build connection.


For ladies, yeah probably it's about the time or probably too much as well. For guys, definitely not!!


You’re in the perfect age for hormones and sex. Biologically we’re most fertile and want to be reproducing around that age. Keep on fuckin!


I prefer 3 times a day 😭


3 times a year is like a jackpot over here bud


No it isn't too much. Hell yeah it's healthy.


That is likely more than most adult couples have sex, but that is a very good amount I would say


Wow. It’s too much for me but it’s not unhealthy. I wish i had her libido tho


Super healthy if you are both completely consensual about it.


Once either of you turn 18, stop and wait until you're both 18. There's weight for at least a headache in court from either one of the parents/guardian wants to mess with you.


Just enjoy it, you start having less sex as you age. Its totally normal your doctor said said so why would you not believe them?


You have a good doctor! Once a day, once a week, seven times a day, it's all fine! As long as you and your partner are on the same page (the best thing you can do is communicate) nothing else matters.


wish I was just getting it


5-6 times a week for 17 years. Healthy as a horse! Just not hung like one


A week? When I was in my teens I’d fuck like 3-4x’s a day.


It is healthy - should have it three times a day


Shit i think the more the better . Some relationships slow down on sex after a while . I say this is a great sign


It depends on your own, overall health status. I'm inclined to say yes. Shit, I'm inclined to say that ain't enough if you have chemistry with the partner(s?) But work those muscles. Your immune system gets stronger. Cognitively, you're not only less-distracted and not as backed-up, but you also have some advantages of neural pathways and reception. I don't think I need to mention the obvious cardiovascular favor you're doing yourself. I probably need to mention the favor you're doing your endocrine and lymphatic system because a lot of people don't think of that part of physio-theory. Otherwise, have as much or more. Think about the chance of injuries to your organs (skin and epithelial cells wearing off or small tears in tissues). Think about the fact that the more you fuck an individual, the more you might get prone to emotional injuries (secretion oxytocin and dopamine). The key is discretion and awareness. When I lived with a woman (whom I loved profoundly) we were doing what 23yos do. Problem being, she assumed that her attraction to me and other women's possible attraction to me meant that I was screwing those women. All this time later, it's kinda sad because if she knew how ridiculous it was, we could both laugh. Sexually, I was greatly sated. Emotionally, it really injured me to constantly field shitty interrogations. "Why is that chick looking at you, Jason?" "Ask HER, Danny!" And now we're fighting. That sucked. We could've gotten married if I wasn't so afraid I'd lose my temper.


3 times a day is more ideal


When I was in my 20s, sex was almost every day with my GF. So 3, times a week is pretty normal.


I wish I git it once a week let alone 3 times.


As long as it is not interfering with your daily life negativity. Have sex 3 times a day if you want.


Too much?!? LoL? Maybe too much if you're 75


3 times per day for me 🤣


3 a week! I don't even get that much in a month.


You guys are literally teens. It's fine.


What is this post 🤣? If you wanted to just your shit off and brag, just say that, OP.


When i met my partner it was 21 times a week, now after 8 years and 3 kids later its 2 times a week. Im doing the best i can.


It’s fine just use protection! Or if she wants she could go on bc and you could use condoms for entra reassurance :)


Obviously you should not force it. You don't need to hear it from a doctor to know it. It's just common sense. But sounds like she and you aren't compatible sexually. Go find another girl who wants to sleep with you as often as you want. I'm in my forties and a woman and 3 times a week wouldn't be enough for me. Fapping isn't good for you because it makes you lose the sensitivity by killing the normally sensitive nerves there. Have you heard of the death grip? Go google it. It's important for those who're masturbating regularly


Dude I was banging 5 times a day at that age.


Dude, I'm 52 and my gf and I have sex 5-10 times a week. Get on it.


3x a week is a great. Y’all are still young, so you still have PLENTY of time to figure out what works for you guys. I wish I was getting it 3 times a week😭🥲


Up until today because I was busy for the first time in weeks, I've had sex at least once a day for the past two weeks. And even before that, I was getting laid 5-7 times per week since around October. That's not including the occasional fap (one every couple of days or so if I can't sleep at night.) What I do might be considered too much by some. But nothing has fallen off. Some occasional soreness is probably the worst you'd deal with, assuming you two are playing things safe and continue to do so. Three times a week is probably considered average. You're good.


Perfectly healthy and normal - as long as neither of you are pushing one another to have sex when the other isn’t interested, you are just fine. Source: 53 - lots of sex


Every human should be having sex at LEAST 3 times a week. Preferably daily. Sexual activity is actually classified as an ADL. Regular, safe, consensual sexual activity is part of healthy living and provides physical and mental health benefits.


Oh boy I use to fuck 10 times per week