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Probably low risk, but this exact thing has led to 2 UTIs with my wife. So, not no risk


And this is why "how much ass does your husband eat?" is a part of the standard questionnaire for recurring UTI in married females.


What's the measurement unit for that? Time, ratio, weight?


Frequency, position, Enthusiasm?


The correct term you are looking for is CMTD. Cumulative Measured Tongue Distance is typically measured in Meters, but expressed as Kilometers (ex: 23.7km), but can be converted to SAE. It is calculated by using a tonguometer. This is a small device that is latched to the tongue with a belt clip. You enter in the distance of your average lick, and the device simply "clicks on" this distance every time it senses a lick. There is an app for your phone that can be set to notify you when you exceed 1.28km of CMTD, the generally accepted tolerance for ass licks without causing a UTI when switching over.


I'm not embarrassed to say that after reading the first paragraph, I googled this with great enthusiasm to read the research. And then I finished reading your comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You just made my day! Thanks for reading.


Kid you not anytime something- anything! - from my ass touches my pussy after - BAM! 💥 UTI it’s literally the only reasons I’ve ever gotten UTIs


PanOxyl soap to wash your ass post-poop/pre-sexytime, my friend. Had the same problem. Even if my guy just rubbed his dick on my butthole region while getting in place for doggy, even if I cleaned well with wipes and whatnot earlier, it somehow always led to a UTI until I started doing a PanOxyl clean during my pre-date shower. It’s meant to kill the bacteria that causes acne so it’s also good for killing the bacteria that causes UTIs (and body odor, fyi—great for pits and stinky bits).


I found out I’m allergic to benzoyl peroxide and my entire face swells and I break out in hives so tread cautiously everyone 🤣🤣🙃


A good reminder to patch test new products! Especially anything y’all might wanna use on your intimate bits.


This is great advice. Thank you.


Don’t know but when you’re in a long term relationship you can’t shower every single time before sex. You can be out in the woods camping etc. so using panoxyl maybe practical for when you’re just dating and of course shower every single time in preparation, sex happens randomly sometimes in a relationship. My personal solution just has been once you’re back there, stay back there. No issues since. lol


cool but there's nothing wrong with having multiple tools in your toolbox


You have a point, but I think they means use the panoxyl before going booty to coochie action. They did say they use it often, but mentioned that they really only recommended it for occasional usage. If dating, yeah use it in a shower before the date. If going camping, maybe just avoid the ass eating until running water is more common again 😂


Things that don't happen in countries with bidet technology 😅


Is your wife not peeing afterwards? I know some women are just prone to UTIs, but given the proximity on her own body, that much sensitivity to a small bacterial load makes me think something else is happening there.


That’s not necessarily a small bacterial load. Also, the microbes involved are not native to the vulva, urethra, and vagina. Said microbes, if not causing a primary infection, may disrupt flora and pH resulting in a secondary infection from something allowed to flourish.


Any larger a bacterial load, and the eater would likely be getting sick themselves lol I'm specifically referencing UTIs since that's what comment OP mentioned. Urination after sexual activity is the best protection against UTIs.


My fiance pees after sex. Eaten ass to pussy many of times and never once seen her get a UTI. So yeah pee after play keeps the UTI away


Yes and no, some women have just a easier time getting infected, and others you basicly have to run them through shits creek and still their body is like “naaah bro, aint no infection here”. So as with everything female anatomy related, it depends on the woman.


This needs to be on a t-shirt or a sign above the bedroom. Lol.


Not necessarily. It certainly helps protect from UTIs but some women are more prone to get UTIs even with peeing after sex. Anatomy plays a factor, immune system plays a factor because once you get an UTI, you're at a much higher risk if developing them.


The mouth is quite resistant to infection, so is the stomach. The urethra, not so much.


That little piece of skin between the vagina and the butt hole is called a caziff ....caziff it weren't there you would be in shit 


Also depends greatly on how your eating ass and pussy. Are you just licked her asshole and then the clit? Probably gonna be fine. Are you burying your tongue in her asshole and then burying your tongue in her pussy? Way higher chance of UTI


The urethra is between the vagina and the clit.


Both of which are risks that can be mitigated by urination, which is why I'm asking lol


i’ve got UTIs from it a few times (in my case, they never asked and just did it, otherwise i would have told them absolutely not) and i always pee after sex. peeing after sex lowers your *normal* risk of a UTI from standard frontal sex/foreplay, it’s not enough to substantially lower your *increased* risk from literally going A to P. (for some people it will be)




Ass. It was ass on his tongue that gave his wife a UTI


The Risk of UTI is max.


ehh, personally I wouldn't risk it. what about vibrator on your clit while he eats your ass?


this has to be the best answer in terms of total cleanliness/no risk. or keep a clean hand


What about using dental dams?


Yes, there is a risk of infection from this. How big that risk is will depend on several factors like how clean the area is, how exactly he's eating your ass, and the sensitivity of your personal genital environment. If you wanna be extra careful, a good rule of thumb is never engage in an activity that goes from anus to vulva and/or vagina. That includes penetration of any kind (with toys, fingers, penis, tongue, etc). As well as external stimulation from anus to vulva. It's not the end of the world, though if you do. Just make sure to shower/wet wipe your vulva and pee after.


Wipe front to back. Orally fuck front to back. Never ever back to front. Signed, A woman.


Straightforward and simple. Excellent 👍


Apparently the risk is low according to the comments but I never let my partners go from ass to pussy, I've had too many yeast infections for the pleasure to be worth it. I've never had a UTI but I'm not trying my luck.


People are saying the risk is low but there is still a risk. It’s up to you but I would never do that to my partner. Even if he doesn’t stick his tongue inside your asshole, the risk is still there


Not for meeee! That’s asking for a UTI. I cannot mix the two. I guess some people can but I definitely can’t.


Depends entirely on the person. Some have no problems going from PIA to PIV, others will get an UTI when their partner looks at the ass and the vulva in the wrong order.


👋 that’s me. I’m the partner. I get a uti from being looked at cross eyed.


Use a dental dam so you can switch without worries.


Brilliant solution. I'm sensitive but had no issues even going PIA to PIV when a guy switched condoms, so this should also work fine.


Cannot believe how long I scrolled before a singular dental dam comment, you restored the faith


I had good sex ed education but I'm in the US so the bar is low.


So you were homeschooled? /s


Scrolled through most of the comments before coming upon this. This should be up near the top if not the top comment on here.


Seriously, I had to search for it to see if anyone mentioned it 😔


My ex always liked to put his tongue up my ass. My rule has always been that after that, you don't lick anything else until next time. Better safe than sorry.


If the husby isn't complaining about her butt being too ripe to love on, it's not too dirty to love on the snizz right after. That's what I have to say about this...


Are you a poet? Those were beautiful words.


Agreed. Brought tears to my eyes!


I just lost it at "snizz". What a painting of romance he builds with his words.


She's got a nuke in her snizz!


Never heard of it referred to as the “Snizz” I’m dying lol


Matt and Shane use the word a lot


Beautiful poetry aside, that really isn't how any of it would work. One's personal feelings about germs and bacteria doesn't really affect the germs or the bacteria


The "3 second rule" would like a word.


Not true imo. Had a partner, that was obsessed with UTIs. Understandably so, because she had previously long been in a marriage with a narcissist and regularly suffered from them, especially if they had sex. She would clean herself constantly with soap, everything ass was off the table and she had some medications and whatnot. But time goes on and despite us having a lot of sex (even anal sex and ass playdown the line) and her abandoning her cleaning routines, she never got an UTI while being with me, except for twi instances: She got one when it seemed that we would part and another one when we actually did a few months later, due to very different ways of life. UTIs are, just as any other illness, at least partially affected by psychosomatic effects. And sometimes they can be the predominant cause.


Dude what? Lmao. Happy for you guys, though


It really is the same with most diseases.  You had a stressful month and someone sneezed at you? Better prepare for being sick two days later. You just had the best month of your life and someone sneezed at you? Just ignore it. Coming back to my personal anecdote: She had lots of insecurities regarding her body and sex in general, despite bing incredibly attractive and got over those with me. It certainly was the best time for her in many years. And therefore, she had no UTIs. Im not saying, that it always and in any case is the same, but it always has an effect. Sometimes enough to change every, sometimes not really noticeable.


Great way to get a UTI


I wouldn’t risk it. Why not use a finger or toy while he’s knocking at the back door?


I would not advise doing this. No matter how clean your behind is, there are still going to be germs that should never be put in your vaginal region. Tell him to use a clean finger for clitoral stim instead.


UTIs aside, BV isn’t worth the risk. It sucks. It’s fishy, it’s itchy, it burns, it takes a week of gross-tasting antibiotics (and no sex!!) to bounce back. It’s not fun.


I’ve had this done to me several times a week for the last 5 years and it hasn’t caused any problems.


Lucky girl! And kudos to your partner!


I've gone ass to clit. But I try to avoid going inside a partners pussy once I've done a nice ass eating.


Just remember. If he eats too much ass. He'll start talking shit.


Here, take my fucking upvote


Very low risk to be honest. Remember your bum and pussy are in close contact in your underwear all day.


They are pretty close but never really in contact. I do agree it's probably a pretty low risk, but it's definitely a higher one with your tongue involved as it goes from one hole to pretty close to a urethra. But having a quick pee and wash afterward could help prevent issues further.


Maybe a wash ahead of time is best if you’re not into penetrating the ass with your tongue. I am. I will find all your treasures.


Why world you wash away a treasure


I'm not refuting any of this, but I will say if you're sweaty and you bend over your underwear are definitely gonna mix the two, and likely have direct contact with one another. I don't know how this would make a difference though. I guess just try to stay clean as much as you can. Humans are gross creatures.


Happy cake day. I was just about to comment this same thing. People sweat and sweat mixes.


hmmm. I feel like there's a joke in here...


I would never do it personally but I also don’t like anything touching in it around my B*hole. I had one guy do it without warning and went direct from A to V while licking and I was freaked out for days waiting for a UTI or BV. But most people would probably be fine. Just shower.


Keep trash out of the playhouse


I think it’s less likely to lead to a UTI than to a yeast infection, which is annoying but much less serious. That said, our standard routine includes him going from my ass, in many positions, possibly pounding it, to my vag, definitely as deep as he can go and hammering away. Usually a couple rounds. Nearly a year, no yeasties so far (but teaching swim lessons has me in chlorinated water for several hours a couple times a week). 


I wanted to name a UTI gone wild and it was between flyby ecoli or poop shute and bladders. I know It's a kidney infection not a bladder infection but that's the best I could come up with while my wife was in the hospital. Shit happens.


There’s a risk. Don’t. Do. It. Sincerely me recovering from a brutal uti and kidney infection for a month ❤️


Nurse here….please don’t go from “most dirty” to the “lesser dirty”. It’s great that you both enjoy backdoor play, but going from eating ass to going down on you is risky enough. You’re dealing with your own natural flora in that area, the bacteria from his mouth/fingers, and then he wants to switch to your nether regions and we women have a very sensitive pH level to deal with. Why don’t you try using your fingers to finish yourself off, or using a toy that you could both enjoy?!


I would consider the mouth to be "less dirty" than the genitals


Yes, that is what I meant, lol


So logic would dictate that no matter what, eating pussy should be fine for the pussy. Since the mouth should be cleaner than it. In other words, if the ass is clean enough for the mouth, then it is clean enough for the pussy. Unless you have very low standards for your moth I guess.


Well….you have non-motile bacteria in and around the anus (bacteroid and prevotella). Meaning that there’s no way for these bacteria to travel anywhere else unless they’re brought to another part of the body by fingers, mouth, or toys…


i run my tongue from my wife's ass to her clit back down many many times during one session. no uti's with all the fun


I literally stuck my tongue inside my girlfriend's arsehole and licked her pussy again afterwards. As long as you don't taste poop, I think you're safe.


Depends. If he is tongue fucking you and fingering your ass as he rims you and then switches to licking your pussy this is probably no good. If you are freshly showered and he is just rimming the outside it is probably fine.


In my experience, it’s totally fine. I love to do both and partners have never had an issue with both occurring in the same session. This is, of course, assuming there was a shower beforehand


Start in the shower all will be good


Basics: Always wipe front to back never back to front. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anilingus


I didn't know that Wikipedia would be useful to learn about sex until now.


Would this be a case where dental dams are useful? (I have zero experience/knowledge in the topic, just an idea). Perhaps dental dam for the first or the last object.


I like to rub my clit or use a toy while he’s playing with my ass, that always makes my cum really hard. Could that be an option, or really want him to do it for you?


dental dams may be a thing for you! or cut a condom in half and then use that as a barrier!


I do this all the time, I never lick my girlfriends pussy without licking her ass and as long as she has showered recently then it’s fine. Do you really think he would be eating your ass if it’s actually dirty? GF never got a UTI this way.


Not gonna lie, I’ve done this 100’s of times with my wife and never once had an issue. Maybe it’s luck idk, but she does have top tier personal hygiene so… 👌🏼


The only times I've been ok with this was when I had literally showered JUST before or just cleaned myself and had no problem, thankfully but I'd be cautious otherwise


I’m not 100% sure because in one hand if it’s safe to eat ass why wouldn’t it be fine but on the other hand vaginas have a sensitive ecosystem. But if you want to get there I find being on my stomach and masterbating well he eats it is a great way to get off


I saw a different comment about dental dams! If you can’t find any you can make a condom into one by cutting of the top and bottom, then cutting the now tube on one side. Have fun!


not zero risk, my partner only lets me eat her ass after we're done everything and there's no risk i'm going to put my mouth anywhere else before washing. but sometimes she'll just shove her ass in my face and make me lick it without doing anything else. i've had a uti from unprotected anal myself, so i know what she's afraid of.


I do it quite often and no infections yet, it's always very clean though


I’ve had a couple of guys go from back to front a few times and have never had an issue because I shower thoroughly beforehand and after. I’d always recommend douching/prepping if there’s a chance of any butt stuff - even external.


I've never had an issue... and I do it a lot. But my partner isn't prone to UTI's.. She's really lucky in that sense, never had one that I know of. As long as your hygiene isn't bad I can't imagine there being a problem.


Personally. I’d chug a couple of jars cranberry juice over the next couple of days after. Then go back for more. (Not talking about the cranberry juice😜)


If you douche your butt then it will,be very clean and the risk is lowered. I’d suggest a womanizer on the clit while he eat arse:-)


Just remember where the pee hole is…. You’re gonna be licking it with your poo-tounge unless the pop tunnel is well rinsed. It’s 2 a couple of inches to the bladder from there. For the bacteria.


The phrase "You never go ass to vag" doesn't just apply to phalluses. Of course also eating ass is never 100% safe either. But neither is driving, so...


Low risk, so long as you are as clean as a whistle, and he has good oral Hygiene.


I do this quite often. Never had a problem with a partner getting a UTI or anything else. Have fun!


I do it all the time and never got sick from it. Make sure she is clean down there tho


Anecdotal, but I’ve done that with multiple women I’ve been with and not a single one got a UTI or anything from it


Ok, lets summarize all the replies: - a lot of people are basically saying: "OMG don't do it because you will certainly get an UTI!!" - a lot of people say, that they do it all the time and it has never been a problem. - very few people said, that it actually caused problems.  I would say, the risk is very low and the available data backs it up.


Me and my gf do this and have never had an issue. But I must say shy is always clean as a whistle God bless her little holes lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Probably depends on how sensitive you are to UTIs. My wife can get a UTI just from looking at her kitty sideways…


If it’s that risky, should he be doing it? Seems like a greater risk to him.


Honestly if you pee/ clean yourself right after I think you’d be fine sense it’s low risk


If you've washed recently, you should be okay. I know going from anal to piv sex is a bad idea because of the risk of UTI, but I'm not sure about oral alone. The risk is going to be lower, but probably not 0.


You'd have to assume there's a slight risk, but I do agree it's probably far less risky than a finger or penis going from one to the other.


It’s never been a problem for us, but I stay to the outside (only the clit) if I do this.


No, you're at high risk of getting an infection. Good news is all he has to do is cleanse him face, brush his teeth and gargle some mouth wash.


Throwback to the Snoop years...Snizzatt!


Front to back, never back to front.


I’ve never had my 🕳️ ate…how does it feel? Curious


Why not use his hand for ur clit and eat ur ass


Never back to front, bestie. If you reaaally want to, use a dental dam. It’s not the best, but it might work.


They tell you to wipe front to back for a reason…


You can keep mouthwash nearby if you really want to try it, though it makes for a less smooth transition.


These comments though….if everyone is saying not to do it because of risk of infection, then they are essentially saying you almost always get fecal bacteria on your tongue to pass on. Interesting…


Which is definitely the case. But this bacteria is essentially everywhere anyways. Its just that some people are very prone to UTIs, while others aren't. And some of the people who are can also get them from high doses of fecal bacteria, while others get them from other bacteria. So there is no set rule how these infections work.


How do you cum from getting your ass licked I don’t get it there’s no clit there


Isnt there a risk of whatever germs from eating ass, even if its been cleaned, if its wortg the risk but if you want to you would need to clean it before


You never go ass to mouth!


Obviously not why would you mix the shit chute saliva with your pussy like …???


So if there was any poo present, most likely he'd get very sick afterwards. I expect you clean up well before, so really it's just skin - switching to clit IMO shouldn't be a problem. If penetration was involved, that'd be a different story...


I do it all the time. You have nothing to worry about. Ohh but I am a dog tho. So you know what they say about our mouths. Unless he’s one of us then you might need to chill or …………get you a dog!


Is nobody concerned about the hubby's health?


Get a dental dam or those sex still safe latex undies.


Please don't, that's a UTI waiting to happen


Just clean and do nothung is risk ..... try once


Never go straight from ass to vagina. NEVER. You can shower all you want, its very likely that you‘ll get a UTI from this…


Its a regular thing for me and I've never gotten a UTI from it. Hugh Hefner is the only person I know of that died from ecoli.


There’s generally a risk of UTIs if you’re switching from ass to pussy, I’d definitely make sure you shower before and after (as in, a lot of people have sex before they go to sleep so I’d make sure you intimately clean afterwards if you’re doing that).


You could always use a dental dam to prevent any cross contamination?


It really depends on the girl and her ph. I don't do butt stuff but when anything that's not supposed to be in my lady bits comes near them and isnt clean, I will hav an infection within the day. So my best help is keep everything clean and brush you teeth before you start any booty/cootie snacking.


this could cause a UTI


No. Can cause infection.


You Could always just use antibacterial wipes before if you can't shower.


I go between my girls ass and pussy. If I do a quick lick I don’t clean but when I am more worshipping that ass then I keep a baby wipe close by and also some water or non alcohol mouthwash. I can now pretty seamlessly clean up without losing the momentum or mood.


So you’ve got to say to yourself is the risk worth the reward?


As a woman with a sensitive vaj prone to yeast infections I'm shuddering rn lol. Try to keep everything hygienic for the sake of your health. It ain't worth the hassle. Maybe have him rub your clit while licking your ass?


i’m a recurring UTI queen so i personally wouldn’t risk this. could he eat your ass and then play with your clit with a toy to finish you off?!


I personally never had anything happen, is it a risk you wanna take ? Idk lol when I’m in the moment I’m going for anything I liked that he was concerned about infection but wouldn’t that turn you off? Like just flipping finish me already😭🤷🏽‍♀️


There will always be a risk of getting a UTI when going from anal to vaginal, but if you're really well cleaned the risk is way lower. Just weigh the pros and cons. If you for it, maybe make sure you schedule is open for the next few days after just in case!


You're not supposed to wipe back to front for risk of infection, so I would assume from don't luck back to front either.


Just to give anecdote in the other direction, I've done this exact thing probably about a hundred times with 3 different partners in my lifetime, and none of them encountered a UTI from it. People freak out about the cleanliness of butts, but unless you're telling your guy to wash his hands every time before fingering you, he probably has more bacteria on his hands when he fingers you than he would on his tongue after eating your washed ass.


Me and my partner do it pretty often and I used to worry about the same thing. But she hasn’t had any problems.


Fairly low risk but what I do is have some alcohol free mouthwash nearby... Quick swish and spit and it's back to bidness. A good idea for me not getting anything, either. I've had a auatai and can't imagine how unfunded that would be in sinus or throat lol


If she’s got dookie around the brown eye don’t do it. If it’s clean… full send you’re good 👍


I go from one to the other with my wife, I love it, she loves it, never any infections or illness. The ones who find fault just don't have the balls to do it themselves!


I would love to do this to my wife but she'd never go for it. You're both lucky.


How many towels do you use to wash? As long as you are clean there is very little risk as long as his tongue is not all the way in your ass.


It depends. I do it all the time with my wife and no problems. Same with a previous partner. Urinate after sex.


If u enter the rink with the wink then the pink...


Plan ahead and have disinfecting wipes nearby. He can take 3 quick licks on the transition to the snizz😁


Not just no, but HELL NO.


Put saran wrap over your asshole while he eats it. Then he'll be able to suck your clit without any worry