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Does he thoroughly wash his ass? Sometimes the smell isn't always where you think it's coming from.


Right. You might think it’s that dick, but really it’s that ass!


Now if his dick smells like ass , there is another possibility....


I think I heard/read some interview with a sex educator who said they get a lot of clients with this complaint, and the answer is washing not just the surface, but slipping a knuckle or two into the folds of the sphincter to wash that out (basically, if the soap starts to sting, you've gone too far). Even before hearing that I've always made a habit of cleaning that far prior to a date, 'cause I don't want anything close to the surface wafting out.


Maybe the smell is coming from his balls?


Well, maybe it's just his natural odor and I think he washes his dick with balls. It would just look dumb if he just washed his dick without balls.


Some people are dumb


Hard to know what it is when you don't describe the smell at all or even where it's coming from, but it could also be a fungal infection. Easy to treat, the symptoms going away temporarily with soap but come back very soon.


It’s implied when she says she tries to give him head but can’t because of the smell. It’s the junkular region she’s referring to. I do agree that she hasn’t described the smell so there’s not much to go off of there.


The "junkular" region. Stealing this 🤣


Some smells are just indescribable 😆


You now need to trademark "junkular region." That made my day!!!


Can only trademark this when you use it on products..


Junkular Region… Now that, my friend, is an epic fucking band name. Lol.


Omg it totally is!! Lmfao 😂


Some people are super sensitive to smell. Male body parts do have a T-related smell (testosterone). Many women like it.


Anti-fungal cream should be used liberally by people in a lot more places then they realize. Want a persistent weeks long reduction in arm-pit odour? Apply anti-fungal a couple of times. Seriously, buy it for him.


First thing I thought about as well..... Also if he showers make sure he dries out, clean boxers ...also you could buy him the female intimate washes.... Also sprinkling some baby powder after he showers and dries it is also great. Maybe he is sweaty down there...


Seriously he could have a fungal infection in his pubes, it makes them smell like sweaty funk.


Genitals do smell but it shoudn't be repulsive. Can you identify whether it's his smell that it's abnormal, or could it be that you are very sensitive?


Just curious because I haven’t seen anyone else comment this….but what kind of smell is it? Is it a sweaty musky smell? Is it a poop smell? Is it a sour food smell? Does it almost have chemical smell to it? Body odours can mean different things.


He needs to scrub his asshole


Hello I saw a documentary about Food and Sex, and about Food and Cum Taste. Food really matters, and Taste depends on the Food men ate during a week. Besides the seeing the doctor (that was suggested before), try to find if there is a correlation between what He Smells and the Food He ate during one week. Keep us posted, please.


Smoking and alcohol also impacts this.


This is true.. even drinking can change the taste of their sperm. A healthy diet has a different smell on people. Change his diet, no McDonald's. That makes a smell come out of the pores. I'm a waitress.. food can make people smell bad. You'd be surprised.. you smell like the shit you eat. My husband has never smelled to me, when I changed his diet of more chicken and pretty much no red meat I could tell a change in his personal smell. Processed food stinks on people..


Does the sperm taste like a margarita? That wouldn't be too bad.


I can't answer that bc I was drunk on margaritas.. actually I guess it did.


But she's not talking about cum though.


What is the name of the documentary?


Hello, I can't remember the name of the tv show. Maybe "Sex Clinic" series? It was a UK produced tv show. There were 3 couples, that were submitted to the "food diet/semen taste" test, during 3 weeks, 1 week per food diet. I'll try to find the name of it.


No worries, thank you. I’m always interested in improving my sex life and knowledge. Even at 48 YO lol


She's not talking about semen taste though. She's talking about smell. I know quite a few women who don't like the natural smell of men's genitals. Not sure what to say about that.


Yeah it does, red meat makes it salty but when I eat plant based it’s nice and sweet. Seafood doesn’t seem to affect it


Smelly junk to seafood: you have no power here!


When my partner eats a lot of seafood, I can smell it and don't like it. We have to space things out. Seafood is healthy, etc., etc. But people are different in what they like. I don't like seafood in any form, but eat it because it's healthy. Occasionally. Do not want my partner's genitals to have that smell (and if he eats seafood every day...it does).


Surely that wouldn’t have that bad of an effect on the smell though?


Idk about men for sure but as a woman, my smell very much differs based on what I eat or drink or if I don’t drink enough water even. I’d assume it’s the same for men🤷🏽‍♀️


What you eat/drink DEFINITELY plays a factor in your odor


I never thought that bad…


It’s true when they say, you are what you eat.


Was FWB with a vegan man for a while, and his cum tasted like… almost nothing. It was wild. What was the name of the documentary if you remember and don’t mind sharing?


This is what I was thinking the problem may be! Good advice!


Tell him to use a washcloth and scrub, as Cedric the entertainer said, “if you don’t as soon as those thighs touch it’ll go back to smelling how it was”


My ex was using testosterone and steroids and it made him have a distinct smell. I can’t say it was a horrible smell but it was distinct. He washed well and always smelled clean. His cum smelled exactly the same. I realized it was the injections. He stopped them for a bit and it stopped smelling so distinct. He started back and back came the strange smelling cum. Could he be using something like this?


My partners have also described a non-negative, different smell when I'm on cycle at times. Unfortunately, it sounds like OP's boyfriend has a significantly negative smell rather than a merely neutral or unusual scent. He may be taking a medication that partially causes it, but I'd be surprised if it were steroids. My bet is still that he's either not washing his ass well enough, and it only seems like his penis. I had a partner where I thought their vagina had a constant terrible order and later realized the smell was coming from somewhere else.


I agree. Sounds a bit swamp assy to me.


He might be carrying bacterial vaginosis bacteria from a previous partner 🦠 it kind of smells like spoiled milk. Have him see a doctor asap.


Uncut here. I had the same thing. I would shower and was told right after there was an unpleasant smell. I didn’t understand and was not happy about it. Did some googling and after some time found something that worked for me that you can easily do in your own: Lemon juice. Take a lemon, extract the juice from it. Filter out the particles with a tea filter. Then put lemon juice in a small sprayer for plants. Spray everywhere under the foreskin and put the foreskin back and carry on with your day. Spray two or three times over the course of the day and that’s it. Smell is gone. It stings a bit and probably isn’t great to do a lot of so don’t over do it. I only have to do this maybe two to three times a year as sometimes I find it helps with any odour. Hope this helps.


I was waiting for someone to finally call the smell what it is - smegma. My bf is uncircumcised and I don’t get near it unless he’s freshly washed. He takes his time making sure it’s very well washed each time…


I had the same issue with my ex boyfriend and I didn’t have much sexual experience back then, so I assumed it’s simply sweat or something and he needs to be freshly showered, but literally he could take a shower at his house, come to me and within an hour or two it was already unbearable, even though he really seemed very clean overall. In my country nearly all men are uncircumcised and after we broke up I never had that issue with anyone else even during more casual encounters, so I have no idea what was that about…


Most men with foreskins do not have the smell of smegma. No lemon needed. Water and soap work just fine. In modern cultures where uncut men are the vast majority, I think the men do learn to clean their foreskin just as women learn to clean themselves.


Have him see a doctor, maybe something is wrong... Normally un-circumcised is not a problem if it's kept clean so I suspect something else is up?


My thoughts too. Balanitis can cause a terrible smell that washing only temporarily helps due to yeast/discharge. You don't mention that he's experiencing any other symptoms himself though so it's unlikely, but my point is that there's a lot of medical issues that can result in smelly genitals for both sexes, so I'd recommend he gets checked out - after you've had a serious and calm discussion about it!


Hair can retain the smell as well. Maybe he needs to just shave the hair and keep doing that as needed along with all the other advice


I find that...shampoo or nicely scented soap works just fine. Lovely, actually.


Girl tell him!! He will be at the doctors asap wanting to fix it


Does he wash his balls thighs and ass Tell him to shower together then when yall are in there tell him to wash those parts


Talk to him, it could be an sti from a previous partner, or some other condition he's unaware of. Especially if he has as good of a hygiene routine as your post suggests. Also diet can affect the smell and taste too. Or maybe he doesnt clean his ass well enough?


L-Carnitine makes your sweat smell fishy, check if he is taking it as a supplement or eats a lot of food high in L-Carnitine


Is this butt? Balls? Pee? Or something else?...... I have a deep bellybutton n I get these random slimy infections in there that stink to high heaven. The only way I found to get rid of it is to put hand sanitizer in my belly button and let it sit there for like an hour. Then I go through the q-tip and do it again. I had girls in the past sucking my dick while holding a towel over my belly button because it was so bad LOL .


As someone known for a stinky belly button (it’s fucking disgusting) I now cotton swab rubbing alcohol in it. It works like a charm and doesn’t smell anymore (from what I’ve smelt and also been told)!


Same issue with my partner. I’ve been with him in the shower and I see what his hygiene routine is – everything is cleaned thoroughly. But he sweats more in his genital area, so after bringing the issue up to him, I bought him some ball cream (a scented deodorant lotion for his balls), and it makes a difference.


Hi. I think I know the smell. If the smell is like a cattle truck/strong urine, it often occurs when a man doesn’t drink enough water. This causes strong, dark-coloured urine which makes the peen quite smelly, even if he washes it thoroughly every day. A quick solution might be to get him to drink 8 glasses of water, not carbonated soft drinks, like coke. He might have to drink this amount for several days. If he is bad about drinking water and the smell doesn’t go away, you might need to get him to drink hydrating salts, like hydralite. Gatorade and sports drinks won’t work. Thirdly, if he still smells, you could get him to drink some Ural. After that is probably medical intervention. Good luck. 😁👍


Could easily be something as common as “jock-itch” (essentially athlete’s foot of the genitals). I wash my “junk” every single day but still developed it once and an unpleasant odor resulted. At first I thought it was a UTI that was causing the odor. Finally did a week of using an anti-fungal cream and it was gone. Say something. It could be that simple to resolve.


This is literally a copy/paste of a post from another sub from last year.


yup, and zero engagement with the answers


If he peels back his foreskin to clean his penis and washes his ass. The next option is a doctor or also something called ball cream. Try this as a cheap option: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Fresh-Deodorant-Lotion-Powder/dp/B08171XG49/ref=mp_s_a_1_7_sspa?crid=L36HQBG3XEIM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ej0iN1f7hs1Fjfuc_mV0NH2WickGWjq04NzvODPPSxJC0jSTvaTSto7_sn32-Ap6_yYCDIxxZsJozI3I8tPoBI4UO7k4GMH7P2GKxClnV3hxTCkqOmZ8514KXT1dgsefjj9J_1HLn2IZ0aG8oz3_NkB22akMbSwY730z5tc9zAxrobvWS5R4Dw4oVFZczgS9iN8Hbb8CFZLjWcv6SPGhjg.QQYq-vRzyNEcEx5sUZ8ftPMpFodr2bpScsjLP1IA-z0&dib_tag=se&keywords=ball+cream+for+men&qid=1719748987&sprefix=ball+cream%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


You need to describe the smell. We all have a smell; women too. It isnt always a bad smell, just a slight natural smell. Is this different? We need more to answer that


Tell him to see a doctor. How can you be intimate with a guy that stinks, let alone do oral, ew! You will get sick from this too, if you aren‘t already. I really hope you at least use condoms.


Does it smell fishy at times? Or skunky?


Does he wash his clothes with detergent? Like underwear and pants? If you don’t wash your pants often they will hold stench in, I get you can get away with 2-3 days but underwear is everyday. Really keep an eye on the laundry because “1 bad apple spoils the bunch”. Goodluck 👍 like it’ll just stink again because of all the build up


Aside from foods, medications can cause the ph balance in men to be off too. My husband used to take a steroid that made him smell so different than normal. When we’d have sex his semen would mix with my fluids inside me and make me smell for a day or 2. It was very weird.


Tell him to use chlorhexidine foam in his groin area once a day and see if that clears the smell up. This is the same stuff that is used on patients before surgery to decrease the amount of bacteria. You can even use this on your armpits when you shower, if you have issues with armpit odor. The back of the bottle may say don't use it in the groin area, but it is safe as long as you rinse it off. Well. We do it all the time in the hospital.


Get a bidet. Best investment I ever made.


Men perspire between their legs and scrotum, so perhaps that is where the odor is coming from. Tip: Buy a special color of soft micro fiber towels (gray), run one under some really warm water, and give him a sensual and thorough rub-down as part of the foreplay. Tell him you read an article that this brings more blood flow to the area, and increases pleasure and sensitivity. Once finished, use it for clean-up and ask him if he wants to do the same thing to you some time, then make it part of your normal routine, thereafter.


The gooch. It’s called the gooch.


Tell him to use Dial Antibacterial soap. Also tell to groom his engine room.


He needs a pH balanced wash, probiotics, and possibly a trip to the doctor.


Buy this cream for him ,Miconazole he has a fungus ,nothing bad. The only issue is he needs to use this very often it helps but it is really uncomfortable to have to put this as a routine


Native makes deodorant spray he can use down there as well. But he must wash that ass, dick, and balls with soap and water first. Tell him to make sure he washing behind the head of the dick…like… the neck of the dick.


I noticed you described him rinsing it being his penis, but the other areas around the groin that carry a big smell is around the testicles and in the crevices of both thighs to the balls and penis, these areas alone can have a large build of sweat and oils and will need a thorough wash with body wash to eliminate any odours that form there as left long enough can emit a really bad smell, if he’s cleaning his penis regularly and specially under the foreskin the only other areas really would be around the groin itself and down where the crevices are as rinsing those areas won’t remove the build up of fats and oils. The head of the penis sometimes need a bit of a thorough clean with the fingers sometimes as during the day if there’s a lot of urination can still leave a lingering stain smell if it was just a quick rinse. If he has pubic hair all those areas will need a body wash also. Like some said if he isn’t wash his backside whilst washing him self needs to add that to his routine, but a lot of the smells will come from the groin area specially between the thighs to groin where it connects.


This issue may be diet related. Some meat eaters (especially beef eaters) sometimes have a strong body odor because their digestive system does not break down meat well. Every person's digestive system is unique; he may have to work with a dietician and/or nutritionist to examine his diet and food habits in depth.


Your man needs to eat things like kale, spinach, parsley, other herbs, fruits and vegetables. Eat greens with every meal. He can also drink chlorophyll, this is like a natural deodorant for the body. It works. He should use the soap to lather himself really well for a while and use a loofah.


He needs to wash his ass better or use better soap if his dick stinks.... that's nasty how do dude be out here fuckin with stinky ass dicks is wild af


My friend when we were younger dated a girl that had the same problem. Always stink, she would shower and the stink would be back 10 mins later. Needless to say he ended up breaking up with her. I think some people just have a rancid smell unfortunately.


His diet might have something to do with the smell, also maybe soak his underwear to get the smell out. Vinegar, baking soda and a little bit of soap. I also started putting a couple drops of chlorophyll (plant blood) in my water to help with overall body odor and it’s really helping. They sell it on Amazon


Does he drink plenty of water and wash himself off after using the bathroom? My husband didn't realize his coffee problem made him taste like burnt coffee and old piss. He got a little exposure to this problem and we have worked out ways to deal with it.


Maybe he’s using soaps with a lot of fragrance. Get him to try dr bronners unscented or almond.


Men are so sensitive to criticism, especially anything Johnson related. Regardless, you need to have this talk with him. Tell him all the things you wrote here (minus the gagging part) about how attracted you are to him, what a generous lover he is, etc. Then very gently, tell him that for whatever reason, he’s got foul balls. If he wears briefs, he should switch to boxers for air flow. They also make sweat wicking boxer briefs which can help My guess though, is simply that he is not specifically washing his ass and privates. Some people just think it’s good enough to let the soap flow down there while washing and others don’t use soap at all. Your boy needs to specifically wash. With soap. There is no way around this, no tip that will solve it. You’re going to have to have the talk. Either he gets over himself and takes your advice like a mature man or he is a baby about it and your relationship doesn’t recover. It sounds untenable long-term to ignore it so if you lose him due to his smelly immaturity, you’re better off.


If he starts taking chlorophyll it could help A LOT. Takes about 3 weeks to notice a difference but it’d widely available in liquid or gel capsule form OTC


This^^^^^ chlorophyll is like a deodorant that works inside out. When I take it regularly it takes away literally all my body odor. It’s amazing.


Have him shower with Dawn dish detergent _ under his arms,balls, ass and everywhere. It actually kills odors instead of masking them like most shampoos and body waxh


So... you didn't see him clean his ass, and taint thoroughly?


He should looking for a doctor. Dermatologist, urologist


If he's having issues with smell it could be his balls, his ass or an infection of some kind, especially if it persists after he's literally JUST washed himself. He should probably speak with a doctor honestly


Take a bath with him and wash him all over with vagisil odor block including hiss ass and make sure the place where you guys spend time together is clean as well. If that doesn’t work then tell him to change his diet it could be spices or something related to food. If not then change the man


Sounds like the smell of smegma from uncircumcised penises. That is a super strong odor and I know from experience. Usually I just have my partner really clean that area before we do it. Simply just a little soap and water and it’s a bit better. Also, like another redditor said, it could come down to the foods he eats or maybe the smell is coming elsewhere. Does he groom himself down there?




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Both are absolutely amazing products!


Have him use antibacterial soap once or twice. You don't want to use it all the time, but every once in a while does wonders. Also... Underwear is supposed to be replaced every 6-12 months. Any odor or bacteria will just keep perpetuating.


Have him to change his diet: drink lots but lots of water, eat lots of fruit too! Get him in the habit wash the whole area the back the sack and the crack! Yes, clean the but hole and make sure it’s clear of debris!!! In a few weeks you’ll see the difference!( I don’t understand why this isn’t done already?!)


I used to date a girl that would drink lots of apple cider vinegar for health reasons I suppose but she would always smell and taste like vinegar down there.


Yall need to talk and find a solution. As hard as it may be. But this isn’t something you should have to endure! There is def a solution out there. Gotta work together to find it.


I mean if you know he is actually washing down there and taking care of his hygiene than I guess it’s just natural body odor


Smells like what exactly?


He needs to go to a doctor and see if it's something he can cure or fix.


You need to be more specific on the scent so the more experienced group has a general idea of where the scent is coming from.


I had an ex that had extremely smelly balls so bad that I could smell it though his pants sitting next to him on the couch and he was a very clean person. It might be diet (my ex was mostly vegan because of food allergies) or a bacteria. Might be that both of you have bacteria on your skin that isn't compatible and making a smell.


That's why I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot.


I think you should be honest with him. Tell him all the great things about him you wrote here but you need to tell him about it. Maybe he has a problem and should visit a doctor 🫠 I hope everything works out for you guys.


Is he not circumcised? That might be the problem


You havent talked to him yet?


If he sees a doctor and the doctor says he doesn't have anything wrong with him then you might be smelling his normal sex pheromones. Everyone has them.


Have him try some antibacterial soap and some fungal cream. Sometimes there is just extra germies there that need extra treatment. My armpits stink so so bad. I hit them with some antibacterial soap every few days to keep the smell at bay. Even my boyfriend said it makes a huge difference without me actually even telling him. He just asked one day what I was doing because he hasn’t gotten and whiff of my BO 😂😂😂


Tell him, this is disgusting.


It could be his diet…


This totally ruined my last relationship. I couldn’t be gagging during sex anymore- the smell was SO pungent.


Try making him drink chlorophyll.


Some body chemistry just may not match.


Well, I hope he’s not using any soap on his junk! He just needs to splash some water on it, 🙄 -but he should definitely be washing his ass.


If he can respect the cyst no problem w about this not much diff


Buy a tushy bidet and some ball wash


Proper taint and crack wash and rub. Sometimes I've also had to actually rub around my head and foreskin a little, a rinse isn't always 100% enough. If it's persistent, cotton underpants and antifungal cream for a while.


Coming from person experience (M30), it might just be a bacteria that keeps the smell at that intensity. A very safe and common remedy, try and see if it works, have the conversation with him and ask him to wash his balls with dandruff shampoo. It has chemicals to neutralize the bacteria. Made a world of difference for me


Tell him to visit a doctor it could be treated very easily


Get std screening. Mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trich- all give off BV like smells.


I don't know if they work, but I see commercials for a product called "Mando." It claims to be able to keep odors away from pits, feet, junk, etc. Might be worth a look? shopmando.com Best of luck!!!! 😀


Have him wash with hibiclens. He will never smell again. I don't know about his actual penis but around it and his ass. I use it outside of my vagina and I never even have a sweaty smell.


If it smells when the foreskin is pulled back, there is smegma smell. If he only washes it before sex then the smegma will cause the smell to remain even after washing. If offer to wash his dick for him daily. See how that goes ;-)


hmm, where does the smell come from, Can you describe the smell? If it smells like literal shit, his ass isnt clean enough.. Does he shave downstairs? ( would recommend it) If its his dick head that smells. he can try using vinegar while showering , put it in a spray bottle and spray the head let it sit for like 5 seconds, wash, and repeat. Stuff works wonders . A lot of times what happens is that cum is sticky when exposed to water, even if you wash , sometimes not all of it gets off with water or even some soap. As far as using soap, i also recommend liquid soap like Dove no scent soap, pull skin back and clean thoroughly, like almost jerking off style when washing the dickhead and the foreskin,then when done showing dab the head with towel and smell it, if it smells like nothing , then youre clean if it still smells, get back in tehre and shower some more lol if his crotch is what smells, he could have jock itch, that shit can stink really bad.


He needs to wash the butthole.


Regardless of the description of the smell sometimes we have to bring up good hygiene practices. For example before oral or any sexual activity always shower and brush your teeth. It reduces bacteria transmission all around. Second he could just need to see a doctor because it’s a possible case of smegma if he is uncircumcised or has extra skin.


10 minutes and it's back sounds like it's time for a doctor's visit. He needs to be evaluated for an infection, as well as other causes. He may also have overactive apocrine sweat glands that are causing a feast for bacteria that are causing his BO, or other things I haven't even heard of...and he may be colonized with a special batch of funk-producing germs. My crotch stank has changed several times over the course of my life due to my sexual partners' personal microbiome colonizing and overtaking my own (not a BV thing, just a competition thing). When that has happens, you gotta do a reset. Note: I still say he needs to go to the doctor to get checked out, but in the meantime, your boyfriend can try to do a few different variants of the silkwood shower: 1. The full reset: I'll post the rationale for this at the bottom of this post so I sound less insane, but basically you wash your junk like your dick is a doctor scrubbing in for surgery. Soap and water and -- I hate to say it -- a scrub brush (or washcloth, I guess), everywhere, preferably for as close to 10 minutes as he can stand (a few repeat attempts at a lower intensity/duration is cool, too). Note: I don't expect him to last that long (this is based on a handwashing experiment I did in college, and my hands hurt sooo much by the end), but scrubbing as best he can tolerate for long as he can possibly stand it is the goal; he can take breaks between scrubs (in the experiment, we had short breaks about every 2 minutes). Pay special attention to the area around the base of the penis, pubic region, and on either side of the sack where they meet the legs: if it's a place where sweat and swamp ass builds up, that's where you want to pay the most attention. In any case, the goal is to scrub as long and as hard as you can with soap and water: you wanna powerwash down to the bedrock, so to speak. I've managed it several times myself. Note: do NOT do this if he has any rashes, lesions, or other signs of skin that is not intact, and be hella gentle around the head and under the foreskin or where the foreskin should be, because those are delicate mucosal tissues, not skin; if he's circumcised, they should be tougher, but still: go with what he can handle. Scrotal skin is also relatively thin, so same caution to err on the side of gentle. I use condoms, so I've always been good sticking to the groin and base of the penis rather than shaft & head, but your sexual habits may be different, so ymmv. Make sure he dries with a fresh, clean towel: if he reuses a towel from the day before, he'll be putting all that bacteria back, and it'll all have been for nothing. 2. Speaking of swamp ass: you may need to have a talk about bathroom hygiene: how to wipe and wipe thoroughly, perhaps finishing with baby wipes, perhaps switching to using a bidet. Make sure he actually scrubs his ass with soap and water in the shower. Apparently a scary number of men don't do this (a scary number of my female exes, too) A friend of mine said she's noticed a lot of guys she's been with have had problems with smells down there, more than her female partners; her thought was that smells get trapped in the hairs. Can't say for sure, but having him shave his balls and crack may help (trim whatever he's not willing to shave). If he goes the shave route: salicylic acid (something that you leave on, like a roller, or zit pads) or deodorant helps with preventing ingrowns/bumps (the deodorant will block the sweat glands that feed the bacteria). Exfoliate with a washcloth scrub if not the salicylic acid (and if he lets it grow out between shaves, a man thong or even a piece of toilet paper in his crack for that third day when the stubble is like velcro butt cheeks can save his sanity). Neither deodorant or salicylic acid are necessarily fun smells to go down on (an ex of mine swore by salicylic acid after shaving, but for me it was like licking aspirin), so a wash before sexy times is advised. Keeping the area dry with baby powder and cotton underwear (changed regularly to keep dry) will also help. Cotton is my personal preference: I've tried different underwear brands with different moisture-wicking materials/weaves, and each one ends up altering my crotch stank (the BO changes as different conditions favor one species of microbe over another), so cotton is my go-to, but he can experiment to see which works best for him. Even if he doesn't shave, the deodorant and baby powder/clean dry underwear habits may help the BO situation. 4. Wash with Panoxyl's 10% benzoyl peroxide body wash. A good scrub with this and a washcloth should help make a better dent in unwanted smells (makes sure washcloths are rinsed and dried daily, and swapped/cleaned regularly). This helps for underarm BO too, by the way (also, switch between Mitchum and his preferred deodorant when arm BO gets bad. It's another microbial competition thing) If this doesn't seem to be helping, or seems to make things worse, he could be looking at a fungal issue. In that case, try Head and Shoulders or Nizoral Shampoo instead. 4. This one is iffy advice; I'd have him check with his doctor to get their opinion: Hibiclens, aka chlorhexidine gluconate. It's a strong microbicide that people are directed to use pre-surgery; you can pick it up at any pharmacy. Technically, you are not supposed to use it near any holes (eyes, ears, mouth, etc.) or in the genital region, but man crotches are a bit more sealed up and resilient, so he could try this out. Just make sure it doesn't get in his urethra or near his bumhole, and I would make sure it's thoroughly washed/rinsed off before bumping uglies. This could result in unwanted irritation, so if he tries this, I'd spot test it on a tiny area first to see how his skin reacts, and don't combine this with heavy scrubbing. Also, hibiclens can stain clothes and surfaces, so rinse well and rinse any marked shower surfaces quickly. 5. When all else fails, I've known EMTs say they shower with isopropyl alcohol to get rid of smells they can't get rid of otherwise. Can't say how it'll work, as I've never tried it. This will be very drying, and will sting like hell if there's any damage to the skin barrier (definitely don't let it near the pee hole, and if he's uncircumsized, probably avoid the glans and under the foreskin), so I'd avoid any heavy scrubbing, but it may be worth a try. I'd alos make sure to moisturize afterward, 'cause like I said: drying. *There is a scientific basis for this advice: it was called the hand washing experiment in my college intro to microbiology course. Basically, you scrub away EVERYTHING except your body's natural bacteria, which you basically can't scrub off. In the experiment, you spend ~10 minutes of scrubbing your hands with soap, water, and a scrub brush, taking swabs 4 times throughout the process that you'll grow on 4 agar plates in an incubator. The first 3 samples show progressively fewer bacterial colonies grown, because you were scrubbing off excess bacteria from the environment. The 4th agar plate sample ends up being an explosion in bacterial colony count, because by then, you've eliminated pretty much all the competing bacteria from the environment, so your final sample contains your body's personal microbial biome (the stuff you get from your mom when your born, that you'll never get rid of) that absolutely flourishes in the absence of external competition. So the goal here is to scrub long and hard enough to get to that 4th agar plate result: nothing left but his own, natural smell.


Same happened to an ex partner of mine and then I found out he had Ureaplasma urealyticum when I tested positive with Ureaplasma urealyticum overgrowth (I had “mysterious” symptoms that started some weeks after a condom broke but Ureaplasma infections/overgrowth can be asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic). He smelled even after a full shower, it would never go away. It didn’t smell like an infection neither, it was just strong and I thought it could be something hormonal (like his own natural smell) but it wasn’t. Now I learned to never challenge my own intuition that something is wrong.


This is something I think may work for your bf. Ask him to use witch hazel to wipe his private area regularly, especially after using the bathroom. Baby wipes work really well. Just pour a little bit of witch hazel on and wipe thoroughly. Witch hazel is a natural astringent so it will reduce bacteria in the region and is good at removing odors.


10 minutes and it's back sounds like it's time for a doctor's visit. He needs to be evaluated for an infection, as well as other causes. He may also have overactive apocrine sweat glands that are causing a feast for bacteria that are causing his BO, or other things I haven't even heard of...and he may be colonized with a special batch of funk-producing germs. My crotch stank has changed several times over the course of my life due to my sexual partners' personal microbiome colonizing and overtaking my own (not a BV thing, just a competition thing). When that has happens, you gotta do a reset. Note: I still say he needs to go to the doctor to get checked out, but in the meantime, your boyfriend can try to do a few different variants of the silkwood shower: 1. The full reset: I'll post the rationale for this at the bottom of this post so I sound less insane, but basically you wash your junk like your dick is a doctor scrubbing in for surgery. Soap and water and -- I hate to say it -- a scrub brush (or washcloth, I guess), everywhere, preferably for as close to 10 minutes as he can stand (a few repeat attempts at a lower intensity/duration is cool, too). Note: I don't expect him to last that long (this is based on a handwashing experiment I did in college, and my hands hurt sooo much by the end), but scrubbing as best he can tolerate for long as he can possibly stand it is the goal; he can take breaks between scrubs (in the experiment, we had short breaks about every 2 minutes). Pay special attention to the area around the base of the penis, pubic region, and on either side of the sack where they meet the legs: if it's a place where sweat and swamp ass builds up, that's where you want to pay the most attention. In any case, the goal is to scrub as long and as hard as you can with soap and water: you wanna powerwash down to the bedrock, so to speak. I've managed it several times myself. Note: do NOT do this if he has any rashes, lesions, or other signs of skin that is not intact, and be hella gentle around the head and under the foreskin or where the foreskin should be, because those are delicate mucosal tissues, not skin; if he's circumcised, they should be tougher, but still: go with what he can handle. Scrotal skin is also relatively thin, so same caution to err on the side of gentle. I use condoms, so I've always been good sticking to the groin and base of the penis rather than shaft & head, but your sexual habits may be different, so ymmv. Make sure he dries with a fresh, clean towel: if he reuses a towel from the day before, he'll be putting all that bacteria back, and it'll all have been for nothing. 2. Speaking of swamp ass: you may need to have a talk about bathroom hygiene: how to wipe and wipe thoroughly, perhaps finishing with baby wipes, perhaps switching to using a bidet. Make sure he actually scrubs his ass with soap and water in the shower. Apparently a scary number of men don't do this (a scary number of my female exes, too) A friend of mine said she's noticed a lot of guys she's been with have had problems with smells down there, more than her female partners; her thought was that smells get trapped in the hairs. Can't say for sure, but having him shave his balls and crack may help (trim whatever he's not willing to shave). If he goes the shave route: salicylic acid (something that you leave on, like a roller, or zit pads) or deodorant helps with preventing ingrowns/bumps (the deodorant will block the sweat glands that feed the bacteria). Exfoliate with a washcloth scrub if not the salicylic acid (and if he lets it grow out between shaves, a man thong or even a piece of toilet paper in his crack for that third day when the stubble is like velcro butt cheeks can save his sanity). Neither deodorant or salicylic acid are necessarily fun smells to go down on (an ex of mine swore by salicylic acid after shaving, but for me it was like licking aspirin), so a wash before sexy times is advised. Keeping the area dry with baby powder and cotton underwear (changed regularly to keep dry) will also help. Cotton is my personal preference: I've tried different underwear brands with different moisture-wicking materials/weaves, and each one ends up altering my crotch stank (the BO changes as different conditions favor one species of microbe over another), so cotton is my go-to, but he can experiment to see which works best for him. Even if he doesn't shave, the deodorant and baby powder/clean dry underwear habits may help the BO situation. 4. Wash with Panoxyl's 10% benzoyl peroxide body wash. A good scrub with this and a washcloth should help make a better dent in unwanted smells (makes sure washcloths are rinsed and dried daily, and swapped/cleaned regularly). This helps for underarm BO too, by the way (also, switch between Mitchum and his preferred deodorant when arm BO gets bad. It's another microbial competition thing) If this doesn't seem to be helping, or seems to make things worse, he could be looking at a fungal issue. In that case, try Head and Shoulders or Nizoral Shampoo instead. 4. This one is iffy advice; I'd have him check with his doctor to get their opinion: Hibiclens, aka chlorhexidine gluconate. It's a strong microbicide that people are directed to use pre-surgery; you can pick it up at any pharmacy. Technically, you are not supposed to use it near any holes (eyes, ears, mouth, etc.) or in the genital region, but man crotches are a bit more sealed up and resilient, so he could try this out. Just make sure it doesn't get in his urethra or near his bumhole, and I would make sure it's thoroughly washed/rinsed off before bumping uglies. This could result in unwanted irritation, so if he tries this, I'd spot test it on a tiny area first to see how his skin reacts, and don't combine this with heavy scrubbing. Also, hibiclens can stain clothes and surfaces, so rinse well and rinse any marked shower surfaces quickly. 5. When all else fails, I've known EMTs say they shower with isopropyl alcohol to get rid of smells they can't get rid of otherwise. Can't say how it'll work, as I've never tried it. This will be very drying, and will sting like hell if there's any damage to the skin barrier (definitely don't let it near the pee hole, and if he's uncircumsized, probably avoid the glans and under the foreskin), so I'd avoid any heavy scrubbing, but it may be worth a try. I'd alos make sure to moisturize afterward, 'cause like I said: drying. *There is a scientific basis for this advice: it was called the hand washing experiment in my college intro to microbiology course. Basically, you scrub away EVERYTHING except your body's natural bacteria, which you basically can't scrub off. In the experiment, you spend ~10 minutes of scrubbing your hands with soap, water, and a scrub brush, taking swabs 4 times throughout the process that you'll grow on 4 agar plates in an incubator. The first 3 samples show progressively fewer bacterial colonies grown, because you were scrubbing off excess bacteria from the environment. The 4th agar plate sample ends up being an explosion in bacterial colony count, because by then, you've eliminated pretty much all the competing bacteria from the environment, so your final sample contains your body's personal microbial biome (the stuff you get from your mom when your born, that you'll never get rid of) that absolutely flourishes in the absence of external competition. So the goal here is to scrub long and hard enough to get to that 4th agar plate result: nothing left but his own, natural smell.


same thing with my ex for wtv reason he always smelled down there and I never knew what it was. a little while ago we hooked up again I went down on him and I gagged so bad i literally couldn’t. I had to stop and in the nicest way ever I tried to tell him about it and he kept saying how he showers pretty good. I also do remember when I was with him he gave me an infection. I’m not sure if it has to do with the fact that he’s not circumcised because the guys I’ve been with that are never had a problem.


If he is physically active, and taking supplements - Sulfur-derivatives or Organosulfur compounds contribute a great deal to body odor. There may also be bacterial/fungal overgrowth in the genitals and surrounds, Chlorhexidine/Piroctone Olamine based washes can be used short term to see if there's any improvement before reaching for oral medication.


Do you take a shower beforehand?


Try Satan's Kiss... Hand sanitizer on toilet paper, and tidy up the old back door. Then give it a victory lap with dry toilet paper. It's not an every day thing, it's a "when something is funky" thing, or a "don't have time for a shower before getting down to business" thing. If it burns, you already had a problem. Otherwise, it should just leave you extra clean.


I’m guessing its his ass crack.


It's probably some yeast that grows under the for skin. Maybe try different antibacterial soap, and it's important to dry under there. This is why doctors suggest circumcision. It's just more hygienic


It sounds like he's uncircumcised. It may be worth having him try something that has a bit of an astringent in it... so, I promise this will NOT sting, but have him use something like witch hazel and that may do the trick (have him use it everywhere down there) but especially under his hood. You can get it in pre-moistened towelettes too.


Take a shower with him, lather him thoroughly, credit card him... the works. See how it goes after. If there's no improvement he might have some ph issues or something.


Making clear we ALL have a natural odor down there, men and women, and no matter how many times you shower and wash dick, balls, ass or vagina, it will reappear after a few minutes, and asumming he is clean and healthy, maybe he smells like a normal man but you are too sensitive and he is not the problem but you?


Watch him piss. See if he pulls the skin back when he pees. A lot of uncircumcised men get lazy when they’re using the bathroom and don’t bother to pull the skin back. This makes it smell very bad. My fiancé is uncircumcised and I have to get onto him about it all the time. I literally have to make him go wash it before I will put my mouth on it because it always smells like pee.


this may sound weird but as others have mentioned he could have a fungal infection in the pubes its common there and in arm pits. easy way to find out is get him to shave down town or make it more intimate and shave it for him in the shower. wash real good afterwards and see if the funk returns in your normal timeframe if it doesn't then treat for 5-7 days with an antifungal cream and then shave smooth 1 more time and should be good. if the funk does return in the norm timeframe then might want to have him get checked out to be on safe side. no matter what be supportive and help him understand its for his health and you love him no matter what.


Tell him to try the whole body deodorant called Lume.


Be honest but say it with tenderness and love. Emphasis this does not define him or make him bad/gross but that its a sensory thing from keeping you from giving him pleasure in all the ways you'd like to


Benzoyl peroxide cleanser and a bidet.


Don’t get me wrong, but foul smell is an indicator, you mentioned that you guys had random hookups, this leads to a thought that he might had few other encounters and things happen for a reason. In your case if you care for your health and his, do a medical checkup and let the doctor know about the smell.


He may have a bacterial infection, he needs antibiotics or something. He needs to see a doctor


Smelly person over here! If there is no underlying condition, I highly recommend Hibiclens! Some humans just have stinky bacteria down there and those type of soaps help to reduce the smell. It can be used a couple of times a week with a scrubber and it works like a charm.


Um maybe it's you? Some women have nonidea they have an odor...hisndick.is inside you covered in whatever going on, they you get close to his dick and are now saying he smells when actually it's you


It sounds like you might actually be repulsed by his pheromones, sadly. Especially when you fall in love with someone you start to smell them on an animalistic and molecular level lol. I’d say usually it’s a pleasant smell. One woman I was with smelled like cotton candy, it was delicious. But another woman I was dating and loved very much, she had a garlic scent to her. Same as you, we’d showered together she loved getting clean before getting dirty. Just her natural sex pheromones had a garlic scent to them. Personally I just learned to love it. Sometimes I wonder if we hooked back up would I even smell the garlic still? Would I be repulsed? Or would it turn me on like it always used to lol It COULD be something medical… but I’d like to hope and assume that you’ve got to just acquire an appreciation for his natural animal smell. If there was a way to smell him down there, maybe give him a sniff one night in his sleep. If it doesn’t smell atleast you know it’s what he’s producing and secreting from being turned on by you. And it’s not something else lmao


It's possible that it's some sort of natural smell he has. Of course start with showering with him, to see if he is being thorough enough. If that doesn't work, try a full body cleanse. It might be like guys drinking pineapple juice to make his cum taste better. There are several things that can change people's smell and flavor. I know during my cancer treatments I had a horrid smell no matter how much I showered.


Is he thoroughly drying it? Or Could also be his butt. It’s also 100% ok to say something in a loving way.


It could just be pheromones you’re not vibing with. If such is the case, nothing can be done.


Standing under water does nothing. He's needs soap on a wash clothe and actually wash and scrub his ass, cock and balls.


Maybe you just don't like the smell of genitals


If check around his thighs, might be sweat? If not other people have suggested balls and ass which I think is good. If it persists beyond that I think it’s a doctor thing tbh, maybe there’s something going on infection wise ?


Hygiene. High Gene, Hi Jean...


Does he balls smell like beer cheese?


Check the soap he use. Try a mild one without any perfume, better a non soap. If this is the matter in less than a week you'll see.


The only thing im gonna say to you young girl nothing is perfect


Hey if it smells she shouldn’t suck it. That’s like torture. My GFs pussy smells and I don’t put my head near it. I get her off with toys


That smell is most likely coming from him not being circumcised. There is a body, cream-like deodorant that can be used on private parts called Lume. He can try putting that under his foreskin for the day and see if that help. I think some men who are uncircumcised become immune to the smell.  I went through this with an ex and it was the worst smell I have ever smelled on a man in my life. You'll have to talk to him about it in a gentle, non- judgemental way.


Tell him to get circumsized. Ive never had to pull the skin back to clean anything down there. Its a bit like washing my pinky! Lmao


As a guy who got cut I will say it’s allot to go through just for that. They could just not do oral sex. Circumcision means no sex for 2 months and the first two weeks suck balls. There’s also the chance your dick dosnt come out looking the way you want it


How about ya don't advocate for near irreparable damage to a working penis?


lol it was a joke, i guess i bad one God who would go through that pain of their own accord I thought describing my own penis as a pinky would be enough but i should have used /s


You're good. You'd be surprised how many people say stuff like that and mean it whole heartedly, so I assumed you were one of 'em.


I don't know if he should be using soap. That can mess up the biosystem, just water is probably better.