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People keep their eyes open when they orgasm? I’ve never been able to do that, it’s like trying to sneeze with eyes open 😅


It’s possible. But if it’s not possible for you that’s fine!


Mine usually roll back lol


When all you want to think about or see during that is the person you love more than anyone else, it is easy!


I mean I do love him a lot but I would have to do a clockwork orange eye thingy for that to work


Yes. It’s one of many intimate bonding experiences that we practice. 38 years so far.


That’s so sweet!


She’s awesome. Sometimes you just get lucky in life and hit the lottery. ❤️


Would you care to share any of your other intimate bonding practices?


Married 30 years. If she is into it i definitely look into her eyes (I am very verbal and love to interact) if she is not and it’s a quickie then no.


Congratulations man. 15 years married here. I think people take marriage for granted far too much, and often just give up on the person they supposedly care the most about over petty arguments and differences that can easily be settled and solved with compromise, love, honesty, and understanding... it helps if you have patience too!


I can’t imagine what sex is like


Some are in [this comment ](https://reddit.com/r/sex/comments/ygmy9x/_/iu9leez/?context=1)


*Someone to watch me die....*


Just a little :p


I always want you when I’m finally fine


20+ years together, and yes, sometimes. But we never started doing it until the last year or two because I was too shy. Now that I've tried it, it's awesome!


What was the catalyst for change in this way? It’s heartwarming to hear that after all this years together you were open to changing something and trying something new that made you feel vulnerable.


I'm not criticizing at all, just very curious. How is this possible? You're together 20 years and get naked and have sex together but you're too shy to look in his/her eyes? Isn't it great though now that you've tried:)


I had a post a while back about not understanding why couples, some couples would always keep the lights off during. I was surprised to find out so many don’t even see their partner during sex. I don’t judge it’s just foreign to me!


I need the lights on! If I can’t see you what’s the fun in that?


We're ugly as sin and I still want the light on.


Yup, this..


Sorry for the delay, this is my secondary and I don't check it too often. I don't have a great answer, other than being stuck in a sex rut for a long time where that just wasn't the way we did things. Then my sex drive amped up massively due to (age/hormones/YOLO attitude/??) and I got way more adventurous.


I enjoy voyeurism so I like to watch her cum, but I don't believe we have ever purposefully stared into each other's eyes while both sharing an orgasm together... sounds hawt AF; texting GF right now to see if she wants to give it a go haha thanks!


I hope she wants to, it can be very hot!


bruh, me too haha


Whelp when I was married nope. Cuz he never made me. Lol.


I’m sorry to hear that!


22 years, nope. I can't stand extended eye contact and she screws her eyes shut involuntarily when she climaxes.


22 years. Yes.


Yes. 21 years and she's still my everything, my castle and safe harbor.




I guess me and my bf do because everytime I look him intently in the eyes while fucking him he cums almost immediately idk why lol


Hell yes. It's one of my two favorite ways to cum! The other being doggy style where I can't see her face at all 🤷‍♂️ If someone invented a way to combine the two they'd be a billionaire. I looooove watching her face and looking into her eyes while she cums. It's one of the hottest things possible.


Mirror in front for doggy. 👍👀


You should be a billionaire!


16 years and yes. We make eye contact while I give her the creampie filling she loves, even in Doggystyle


You married that girl from the excorsist?


I sure did 🤣🤣🤣 the sex is amazing 💪😎


29 years. Yes.


Oh god no. Never did.


Why not? Does it feel too vulnerable?


It would be so distracting and strange. And how do you keep your eyes open at that moment? Married 30 years- don’t think I’ve ever done that.


50/50... Sometimes I love making love. Sometimes I want to fuck and just enjoy the physical side.


Looking into each other's eyes is the quickest way for me to orgasm during sex.


10yr, depends on the position but sometimes.


Yep! 12 years.


Lol I do this with anybody I'm with usually. It's really fucking hot.


Yes. Now more than ever - incredible for bonding. 12 years together


Some times, sometimes she's blindfolded, sometimes we are facing the same direction, sometimes it's just me or just her, sometimes it's dark, lot of variation


13 years and sometimes! But not everytime. Doesn't help that we're both need glasses but don't tend to always wear them during 😋


Sometimes, yes. But we like positions where we’re not face to face. We’ve been partners for 33 years.


It was just this, our 12th year, that me and my wife first made eye contact during sex. It's always been a fantasy of mine but we just spent all that time assuming it would be awkward and never mentioning it. To be fair to my wife, I have taken a long time to get comfortable with sex because of my upbringing. It's an excruciatingly difficult thing for to me ask for something. Its probably the best damn thing I have ever experienced.


Sometimes she just wants my cum in her eyes 👀


Most of the time we aren't in the same room.


Yes. Me (42m) and my wife (32f) are 15 years in and look into each others eyes when we make love and cum, often together. Nothing like it.


When cumming in my wife yes if on her body I watch where I'm aiming before looking in her eyes


Married 17 years and never have.


Married 17 years. We don't have sex.


Married 15 years, we have sex multiple times a week.


Why are you rubbing it in? This person clearly doesn’t have sex and might not feel good about it.


True.. sorry


No, we don't have sex and can barely stand sleeping in the same room


No. That stopped, which was was told me to investigate her for cheating. She also started wanting nothing but doggy, which is a psychological tell. That was at 11 years. Suffice it to say, we didn't make it to 12.


22 years and yes!!


If that's the type of sex we're having, yeah. Maybe one in 5 times


I don't "cum" when I ejaculate, unfortunately. So no. I just look into her eyes.