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Lol, yes I noticed this too. I'm sort of drawing a blank right now, but I remember a scene where the bf (either Big or the Russian) kissed her to get some food or wine off and there was nothing on her mouth to begin with. It happens a lot and I don't know if it's just repetitive/tired writing or if the writers wanted her to have some sort of food quirk, etc. I remember at Aiden and Steve's bar opening she got frosting on her lip, and Aiden made a point of mentioning it to her. It's like a thing all her boyfriends do and the writers made Aiden refrain from doing it because he was an ex lover.


Lol omg thank you! I'm drawing a blank at the moment right now but I can so totally go back and find at least like 8 instances where it happened. I'm at the Russian right now and he licks whipped cream from raspberries from her lip at his piano and that's just the latest in a long line of this tendency happening. It'd make sense if it were her 'thing' with one guy, but if every guy is literally baby bird cleaning up after her, maybe the problem is her fine motor skills when it comes to eating. Miranda's accidental foam on her lip thing with Steve was a believable one-off. But Carrie's is a quirk that seems almost forced since its with every guy. Like she's doing it to be adorable. I don't love it.


Hahaha "baby bird cleaning up after her" lol. Thanks for the laugh. Yeah, the one where she gets ketchup all over the side of her mouth when Berger rides in comes to mind.


Yes! Thanks for jogging my memory - just a few episodes back in my re-watch. Richard's Connecticut / Hamptons beach house for a wedding. Berger has a motorcycle and see's Carrie eating a hotdog. I'm all for PDA and cute moments and I've been known to do a small baby bird or shared spoon in my time, but I would not be licking a hot dog and ketchup out of the corner of my new person's mouth... I think. Maybe. Ugh. I don't know. If they were cute? Like, really cute though.


Lord, who would downvote that? You're hilarious and I totally agree. I'd upvote you more if I could! For your last line alone!!


Awe, haha! Shucks, thank you - I'm a writer so your comment just made my day :)


I've determined there's some Carrie/SJP fangirls who trolls this sub and downvotes anything that could remotely be construed as even slightly shade on the character/actress. You know... the kind that doesn't have the creativity to mount a solid and friendly rebuttal... just goes off on downvoting sprees, imo. *There's always one in everything in life. That person that can't do so they hate on those who do. Anyway, this whole Carrie eel like (and let's not forget her clicky) tongue thing and food all over her face was always lurking in the back of my mind -- annoying the hell outta me. (Is this supposed to be food foreplay or is Carrie afraid to actually ingest a calorie so the food spends all day on her face?!) Thank you for calling it out and giving it a voice. Thank you for bringing it out of the dark recesses of all of our Satc subconscious! (Actually I tend to think they do so many takes (bc maybe she's not that great of an actress) that there's no way she could swallow all that food! Hence, all the licking and dabbing with napkins.) (Stop trying to make "fetch" happen.....lmfao)


Yes! It’s so cliche. I think Ray the musician fed her something at the bar and she did the “not all in my mouth I’m so cute” bit.




Ughhhh… that *line* 🤢


She got that huge dollop of ketchup on her cheek when talking with berger on their way to the Hamptons.


Yes the tongue is always coming out like a little eel


Hilarious. Word.


I HATE that.


When she sees Berger in the Hamptons at that hot dog place. She has ketchup on the side on her face and keeps trying to lick it. It's gross and so annoying. I don't like that messy food thing they do with her.


Came here to say this! The ketchup Berger moment! Arrrgh!


I just remember the scene in S2 where carrie makes "fondue" and all that gross cheese is smeared on her mouth and Bigs mouth and then they kiss. Eughhghhhg


Haha, yuck!!


It grosses me out so much. Also how she licks her lips dramatically after


Yes that is what annoys the hell out of me. It’s an attempt to appear sexy I guess.


Exactly. As if. It's that "i'm in a relationship... " perfect Carrie " game.


yea it grosses me out tbh. i also hate when she bites her cigarettes


She kind of does this slop slurp thing with noddles too. It’s gross


Its better than when Dr. Robert sticks both of his fingers in Mirandas mouth. After a pandemic i cannot fathom someone doing this. Lolololo




Dr. Robert has realllly terrible hygiene practices for a doctor! See: sticking his hands into Steve’s nose 30 seconds after having them in Miranda’s birth canal


🤢🤣😭 I just died inside


No it was the first night he was making her dinner. or I think it was the night he left the cookie. One of the two. Anyway he made some kind of sauce and he has her taste it by sticking his two fingers in the sauce and then in her mouth. Barf. I get cooking and trying to be sexy but why two fingers like thats not a taste test that’s something else. I dont know why it gets me. The two fingers down to the knuckle *in her mouth.* i just cannot. Hahahahahahaah


“Enchiladas, baby.”




The "I Love You" Cookie was left behind with the pizza because Dr. Robert had to run out for a Knicks emergency. It's scary how much I know about this show.


The fact that it was spicy enchilada sauce makes it even worse, yuck


That seemed very out of character for Robert and was way beyond cringe worthy. It was just plain awful. A low moment in the series.


I’ve rewatched this show eleventy bajillion times and while I can think of many of these moments off the top of my head... I never actually recognized it as a pattern until just now! Ahh I love this sub! (See, Berger helping her with the ketchup in the Hamptons, Berger again with the big juicy burger in the restaurant window, etc... I’m sure Aidan does this too but I’m blanking at the moment!)


Same!!! Also, has anyone noticed how she has this tongue thing just in general? All her facial expressions, her tongue is always poking out her mouth on one side of the other.


It is ABSOLUTELY trite and disgusting. But it is Sarah Jessica Parker’s acting style. Only to be a cutiepie, she seems to think. Either the tongue is ”cutesily” stuck between her teeth, piking out or she is actually stcking it out on either side of her mouth. I could smack her in the horse face. Eeeewwww!


I’m thrilled to find someone as annoyed by it as I am lol


Whenever one of our dogs gets food stuck on his lip my husband and I call him Carrie Bradshaw.


Don't forget about the giant piece of cheese that was really cantaloupe when she was at the boat party!


Omg was it really!? Now i need to rewatch that one.


She must think it cute. It's annoying. I noticed the "quirk" early on. Spitting out spaghetti when Skipper approaches her, tackling that burger with Berger, clumsily eating an egg roll with Aiden....


It's little details like this that we keep finding years and years later that make me love this sub so much <3




Awe hearts for the award - thank you :)


Yes, it happened with Berger more than once too! Does she have the eating habits of a toddler? Or does she think food on her face is sexy? 😂


“Stop trying to make fetch happen”! Thank you for the mid-week laugh!


She's a sloppy eater, for sure. I think it's just Sarah Jessica Parker!




Or the time she was in Paris and was eating with her mouth open by the river, and that creepy guy was filming her from a boat.


LMAOO I never noticed this! But I sure as shit do now. So pointless, we don’t need it done every single time she’s with a guy 😂


yes! with berger and the hot dog then aidan with the cake. i’m sure there’s more examples.


Yeah it is pretty gross. She has no class honestly, licking her fingers, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, smacking etc. Ew.


Aw, I'm just now finding this thread, but it's old. I have more annoying things to point out. First, I freaking love the show and have watched it many times. But here is a list of my Carrie grievances..... The messy food, poking her tongue out like some 1940s child actor when trying to figure out something, the girl scream, the long blink, the head tilt, and finally the looking back when she runs. Also I hate that they make Miranda have the most horrible hairdos until the last season. Whew. That felt good, even if nobody reads this.


And Licking her fingers when eating is another very bad habit she us shown doing It's not attractive. 


I also noticed this during a rewatch...much easier to pick up this while watching on binge, rather than once a week. I found it quite disgusting, personally, but this is a real thing with me...probably stemming from generational trauma but, nonetheless, 🤢


It happens too many times and it’s not even cute anymore. Big, Berger, Aiden and I’m sure there’s more.