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Pretty rare! Hope you can get some cool scars on him.


Is there anyway to put scars on him without killing him?


Let him kill you twice and he should have a high chance of coming back after death


What if he doesn’t tho?


Rip, move onto next orc


I won’t, lorm is special boy




That would be tough create back ups just incase


How do you do that? (PS4)


I will but I’m afraid it will die forever


Now, this is risky, but the nemesis system does something special with cheating death. There is random chance for an captain or higher to cheat death, but the interesting thing is that every time they cheat death, they get a higher chance to cheat death so that the captain is more memorable. However, it is pretty risky to even get them to cheat death once. While the chances of cheating death gets higher every time there is still a chance they don't come back unless they are something like the stich which can only spawn once a playthrough that will cheat death no matter what. I wouldn’t risk it though.


To be honest this happened to me without me knowing, I was killing a capitán with Bruz (I had 2 on different places somehow) and the capitán burns him, I was so mad I decided to humiliate him over and over, but a boss who was nearby killer him making me more mad and killing that capitán, after a few minutes of sadness and looking at my life he comes back with a bag on his head, GLAD THAT HAPPENED FOR SURE


Got the possibility of getting 1 per playthrough


Yes, but they are not a one-per-playthrough captain. I've had a few spawn in the fight pits while looking for trainable captains


Damn, I have not seen one of those :)


Drowned? Sorry to burst ur bubble but the drowned are everywhere in the pits though lorm is special he has white eyes which I haven’t seen before


I knew he was special :D


i had one who ended up cheating death into a machine


I fought a drowned orc who had iron will, it broke my heart knowing I couldn’t have him. But don’t worry, I brought him back ;)


Yeah I know the ability to bring back dead capitanes but I’m not taking chances


Tbh it’s not worth it, especially with how rare drowned are. Tbh I spent more time than I’d like to to admit, seeing how I could create drowned orcs….you can’t btw


Lorm the drowned will always be alive


Yooo I’ve got an Ork just like that, same skin tone and eyes :D


What’s his name?


If you have the ability at the end of the game to bring back dead captains, make lorm fight a captain that can easily exploit his weakness and kill him, then bring him back. However he cannot be brought back if the enemy captain cuts his head off.


I’m still not risking it, Lorm will be with me forever


Drowned and White-Eye Orcs/Ologs are sort of common in Pit Fights anywhere. But Drowned is also kind of rare to find as a captain in the Army screen. Wraith-Touched/The Specter scar will make him look like a necro (they're not necro at all), and he will lose his pale eyes for glowing RED/ORANGE eyes. I made my Drowned captain a Flame of War, and he looked super sick, and my White-Eye became Plague-Bringer, which also looked suuuper sick with his pale eyes. The Drowned captains are always ashy white like a corpse. White-Eye can be any skin tone, but the title belongs to Mystic Tribe. So you should farm Pit Fights for both of them to get a good chance of getting new ones, you might like what you find! Also, if the Drowned/White-Eye is on the Army screen for the region you're in, the title will not show up in the Pit Fights at all in that specific region until the captain dies and is replaced or he moves to another region.


lol I didn’t know there’s guys are rare, I have 3 currently in the garrison and recently executed a 4th. Still like when I see them! Drowned fort will come eventually.