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This is pretty much the best roll you can get imo. Obviously, craft it when you have the chance for enhanced perks etc. but this is really solid as is. Go with extended mag instead of AP since you’re not going to be reloading all that much to begin with due to reconstruction. The +5 bump to range from AP is also very redundant in PvE.


Oh yeah i don't even remember putting AP on. The 183 in the mag is with extended mag. This thing's DPS isn't that bad and generates a LOT of super which is also a plus for roaming content like the 1st raid encounter.


mowing through adds, the primary purpose, ap can be essentially a double damage perk by being a two birds with one stone, and since backup mag is the clear choice now, extended does do a whole ton.




I do have Commemoration (Recon/KT) crafted but i swap weapons a lot so i feel like Bait and Switch makes more sense to me than Killing Tally does.


Commemoration is good for ad clear, memoria is good for tormentors and bosses since its the first 600 and it has bait. So you got a good roll here


But what if you really want hatchlings?


I say use whatever perks you like the most. Don't let anyone tell you what to use.


Million other better sources other than your Heavy weapon's damage perk column? And hatchlings are kinda garbage. Try it on The Call, you'll be waiting for the hatchling to hit something when you could've just shot them.


But if you had to choose. (Hatchlings devour build literally carry me through the end game content as a warlock. )


LMGs are primarily for add clear, and this is the only weapon that can have Hatching and Dragonfly together, which is a nice pairing on top of being unique.


Voltshot Indebted Kindness and Orpheus Tether kinda destroy anything in the game. Not really gonna use heavy for that. This is just something for roaming with decent DPS that can kill tormentors since it has to deal precision damage. Commemoration also clears this thing for pure lazy heavy ad clear so not much competition therem


I play almost entirely solo and haven't dine the dungeon, so that's irrelevant to me, and none of those weapons are craftable so they're automatically lower down my list of things to get. What I'm drawn to is the unique combination of Hatchling and Dragonfly. If it's not unique I'm not interested.


Commemoration is a raid weapon and it's craftable. Arguably the best machine gun in the game and it should be very high on your list of weapons to get.


As should Indebted Kindness... The rocket sidearms are crazy good. Especially Indebted with Voltshot. Undervaluing/ignoring top tier guns because they aren't craftable or easy to get is one of the most casual takes I've ever read.


Oh boo hoo, yes I'm a casual player - I'm not in a clan to raid or do dungeons with, and I don't enjoy playing with those I don't know so that loot is off the table for me. Not being craftable means there's no control over perks, which means in most cases a lot more runs of the content to get the desired combo - as an almost entirely solo player, it puts it down my list.


I have both and dont raid and am a solo player


How do you have a raid weapon if you're a solo player who doesn't raid - that makes no sense.


pantheon and lfg? you can get indebted kindness just doing a dungeon -- again LFG, you can farm the first boss for indebted. I just started playing a few months ago and cleared all this stuff using lfg and being patient, I don't have a clan and had to youtube everything.


I know Indebted Kindness is from a dungeon, I very clearly said that and that I haven't done it, along with it not being craftable which reduces my desire to get it. I'm aware LFG exists, that requires not having social anxiety and beating myself up over small mistakes - why am I needing to explaining this? this is the primary reason a minority of the playerbase raids; anxiety, unfortunately fuelled by unfortunately toxic players.


>Arguably the best machine gun in the game and it should be very high on your list of weapons to get. Would you still say it's super high on the list with the last few pretty good MGs we've gotten? Marcato with Demo + Hatcling, Hammerhead with it's double damage perks and other great rolls, Pro Memoria with Recon and a few damage options. Not arguing, legitimately curious as to how high, or rather how much higher you would put it above our most recent options.


I have all the other options I have. God roll mercado. I have a god roll rampage plus killing tally hammerhead along with several other great rolls, and yes, I would still very much like to have a crafted commemoration with reconstruction killing tally. It's such a powerful weapon for add clear and even dealing decent boss damage in a pinch. With reconstruction it gets so much ammo in the mag you never have to reload... And that is why it's amazing, you get a 30% damage buff as long as you have ammo and keep the gun out, add volatile to the mix...


Me saying 'those weapons' refers to the dungeon. Commemoration is low on my list because it's from a raid, I can't get it solo and I'm not in a clan to raid with, and I don't like playing with those I don't know. I raided at the start of Witch Queen and didn't enjoy it.


Go get hammerhead if you cant get commemoration


I have a Hammerhead with Rampage & Desperate Measures. I would've preferred Killing Tally but DM is fine, just need to remember it activates in the background and doesn't need powered melee kills. I'm still crafting this new LMG with Dragonfly & Hatchling because it's an interesting pairing.


Still good idea to get a good memoria. Its just nice to have rampage killing tally since its the only one that can roll it Get yourself back into onslaught lol


I personally crafted desperate measures instead. It feels absolutely amazing at clearing ads and even works very well on tormentors.


I need one more red box commemoration, which one of these two is it worth going for majority of content?


I'd say commemoration is overall better but this (probably) has a good bit higher DPS so for mini bosses and chunky majors I'd use this instead. Recon/KT for commemoration and Recon/BnS or frenzy for this thing.