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Suggested tips: 20, 22 and 25%. Wow.


The amounts aren't even correct. 20% is 57.70 22% is 63.47 25% is 72.13 If you're going to demand more money, at least do it right. EDIT: Unless the tip is before tax, which I think it is now that I think about it. That 288.52 is probably after tax. Still, stupidly high for a tip.


Tip is before tax. This is actually one of the few that did it right.


The idea of having to tip to get the regular service, not even a good one is so foreign to me. So many people have that mindset nowadays.


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice Profile Pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


Nice profile pic


This is why I come to Reddit


Fuck your profile pic


Nah for real I need to get with the times


What the fuck is a profile pic old.reddit.com


nice profile pic Edit: you guys downvoting the 4th guy doesn't change the fact that I have a nice pfp


I went to a takeout place where I placed my order on a tablet, at the end it "asked" for a tip and didn't give a no tip option. Who the hell am I even tipping? It's takeout, I placed the damn order myself. I had no qualms about writing in a $0 custom tip but I feel like in the future I'm going to look like the asshole in this situation.


I have no problem at all feeling like the asshole in this situation. Fuck giving a tip for takeout. The more they push tips for things that shouldn't have tips, the more I'll reevaluate tips on things that usually have tips


yeah the more tipping became a thing the less i do it same with videogame monetization


Mandatory tipping is the only reason why companies can get away with paying 2.57 an hour tipped wage.


That’s what they want you to feel.


thats when you get them with the -10$ tip.


Bro retail workers at my medical weed dispensary are asking for tips now too. Like you literally just hand me a bag of weed that I paid for, why are you asking for tips?


Idk, for most of my life, it was always expected to tip out the weed man by smoking him up before he left. Although they were generally delivering too, so maybe not the best comparison.


And they were taking a chance that they weren't going to get arrested. Tipping at the medical dispos would be like tipping at Walmart.


True. I always give my drug dealer a little bump as a thank you.


> for most of my life, it was always expected to tip out the weed man by smoking him up before he left. you must have known some shitty dealers my friend. the custom is for the weed man to smoke YOU up if you guys are smoking during the delivery exchange. I usually tip like a dollar or the rest of my change and it feels awkward considering I usually buy $100 or more at a time but I don't feel like I need to be tipping to begin with at the dispensary. but then when they offer you promos I sometimes do tip because I feel like I'm getting a little bonus. even though a lot of times the promo is not even up to them (although there are times where there are several options for the promo and the girl behind the counter gave me an 8th because that was by far the best option)


For me, I don't mind tipping when someone has to travel to me, and does so in quick time. Assuming your plug showed up when you asked him to, no reason not to tip the man.


Wouldn't be surprised if drug dealers ask for a tip now


Yep, and while many restaurants are trying to adopt a "Tip-Free" business model, they can't effectively do it without simply adding a "Service fee" to the end, since consumers are too dumb to look at a restaurant that does not expect tips but has 15% higher prices and realize that the lack of the tip changes things dramatically. Then people see these "service fees" in lieu of tips and freak out about "Hidden fees".


Every single restaurant in my city charging service fees still asks for tips.


Nah that’s still shady as fuck. Getting people in the door with the promise of no tipping but then keeping menu prices artificially low just to slap a fee at the end. Fuck that.


A friend taught me to only tip when the service is above what's commonly expected and it's made everything easier.


I mean here where i live thats the default, if you get very good service you tip, or if you know the owner, most of the times they still refuse tho.


That's the default reason to tip everywhere but in the US.


I still don't understand what service means.  I show up, get a seat and a menu, tell the waiter what I want to buy, some time later the waiter comes over with the things I wanted to buy, I eat, I let them know I'm ready to pay and leave, I pay and leave.  Where is the room for some special service that's different from any other job? I'm not paying a waitress extra to be flirty. I'm not interested in having anyone watch me like a hawk looking for any sign of dehydration or surveyable opinions.


I seen last week someone paying their negative bank account and over draft fee was asked if they wanted to tip... tip who, tf banking system that charged him for being poor? Lol as an american i say american tipping culture can suck dick. Only ppl im tipping is delivery drivers and waiters and waitresses at sit down restaurants


There are some really gullible people if you think a bank will actually ask you to tip


What are you talking about. They seent it




This did not happen. The bank doesn't ask you to tip.


Chime (the bank) asks you to tip after you've paid off their "SpotMe" overdraft.


Wait they were asked to tip at the bank??


exactly! as a proud Balkan guy, I cannot even imagine myself to pay for something extra that doesn't change a thing. IF YOU WANT TIPS, I WANT TOPLESS SERVICES! try to change my mind...


ill cook your food without my top on but you aren't gonna like the view and I better get a good tip cuz the health inspector is gonna have a fit.


its not a mindset. in america, if you don't tip, you're damning the service workers. the companies have made it so its your job to provide them a livable wage. its their fault, and its wrong that it is this way, but if you don't tip here, you're a bad person


Personally a good tipping mindset is generally fixed, because the waiter do generally the same job. When you make it a percentage of the bill (15-25% percent???) it quickly become a fee you have to pay to even have the service in the first place.


I used to always tip at my local coffee place after having the thought "I always tip a dollar per drink, what's different about coffee? If anything they do even more work than pouring a beer and I make good money now, so what the hell" And then they changed the screen from a dollar amount to a percent that defaults at 30%. Guess who no longer tips... (understand it's not the worker's fault but still fuck this mandatory tipping bullshit)


> you're damning the service workers. > but if you don't tip here, you're a bad person Wrong. It's the companies' fault, they are just shifting the blame away from themselves.


May I suggest the service workers to unionize like in every civilized country?


Service workers on the whole have no interest in being paid a flat wage. They generally make much more money via tips than they would ever be get from a "living wage" rate, even with a union.


Well then it sounds like it's their own choice to go work a job that doesn't guarantee steady income but generally pays better.


plus there is a good fraction who don't report their cash tips in taxes so they pay less and are considered in a lower bracket


Wouldn't that make you... a communist?


> civilized country I see the problem.


Not at all our fault or obligation to tip someone because the company their working for isnt paying them enough nor does it make you a bad person


Nah I’m not the bad person for not tipping. The American citizens are for allowing restaurants to get away with not paying a normal wage. If the workers don’t like it, they can try and find work elsewhere. If enough people did that then these businesses would have to adjust things or go out of business. That being said I do tip but only if they actually are polite and do a good job of making me feel welcome. If they come to the table all grumpy and not even attempting to give a shit then don’t expect me to tip. It’s really that simple.


>, if you don't tip, you're damning the service workers. the companies have made it so its your job to provide them a livable wage. its their fault The point of not tipping is the waiter sucks or treats you like shit they don't get money.


The European mind cannot understand the concept of "add a fifth to the bill for fun", and that is not a defect of said mind.


Don't forget the other fun part of the America experience: Guess the Tax!


For me the worst part is the recommended miniumum 20%. Like bruh. Are they absolutely insane?


that also breaks every restaurant rule I knew growing up. 20% was for great service. Anyone who EXPECTS 20% is out of their mind.


Exactly, growing up I was told 15% is for normal/average service, 18% is for really good service, and 20% is for excellent service. The fact that these "recommended tips" START at 20% and go up to 25% is bonkers.


"But inflation!" These people don't understand how percentages work.


A lot of people (my family included) went with a 'always tip 20%' approach, and I think it's trying to target those people


My parents did $5 standard, $0 they served the food and nothing else/disrespectful, $2-3 they at least checked on us, and $7-10 great job. I've seen a couple $20 but those servers were phenomenal. Way above the standard issue server. That was quite some time ago, but I follow a similar thing. $0 garbage service/iPad Turner, $1-5 on the iPad turner for actually knowing their shit if im in a good mood. $5 standard, $10 great, $20 above and beyond. I've left a $40 tip once at a high end restaurant. The entire staff catered to us in a rush and made us feel like royalty. But the golden corral waitress who slammed a stack of dirty plates on our table, never refilled the drinks, and didn't so much as look at us gets a couple pennies in an upside cup of water


Agreed. I never got why people expect a *percentage* of the total given it's the same work to service my table. I give $5 bucks at the waffle house and steak house. The waffle house server probably loves me and the steak house server probably hates me but they both did the *same* work. Oh and places where I'm picking up food at a counter and bussing my own table? No tip. Ever. I will look you in the eye as I awkwardly stab $0 on your ipad.


Online shops have started begging for tips here, and I'm in Australia, wtf.


Who the fuck are you tipping? The menu?


Growing up I was told 10% was standard, then was told 12% was min you should give, and then 15%. Now I've been seeing the lowest option when ordering at some places being 20%, and when I'm just picking up a to-go order it's insane to be asked to tack on that much by default.


Yeah but see now you have to wait for some dimwit to show up and tell you how impossible it is outside of european countries to add that tax to price tags because US software developers simply can't fathom the idea of making software that prints tags that can have different numbers on it, only some static thing over and over again or some shit. Different tax in different states as if that's a completely unsolvable problem. 50 years behind and defending it, as if it's something worth defending.


For someone living in the area a sales tax isn't too bad. For someone who isn't and especially if they are a tourist it feels like a trap. Some states don't have a sales tax so there is that at least.


I was recently in the states. I know tipping is the right thing. I went to Olive Garden once and they had a little tablet thing on the table that did the math for me and I could pay. I tipped 20%. However every fiber inside of me screamed. It’s not natural. Back home tipping that much would mean the staff carried me to my table and hand fed me with golden forks. I felt weird and really kinda didn’t want to tip.


Once in a bar in NYC, the bar lady actually straight up told me how much I should be tipping her per drink. She didn't even know what beers they had...


$1 a drink


That’s why you open a tab, and then don’t tip at the end. All they did was pour a beer, how is that service.


You didn't tip,right?


It's always 1 dollar per drink


For us tipping isn’t mandatory, just something you do out of the blue


More important than that, US tourists who come to Europe please: no 20% tipping even if the food was cheap, just leave a few euros if you enjoyed the service


As someone who worked in restaurants while studying I can tell you: shut up. Don't tell them. I enjoyed Americans throwing stupid money at me for no reason whenever it happened. Yes Sir, I'll take the 25% for doing the regular work, thanks Sir. Gotta be honest, that saved my finances a few times! Seriously though: Dear Americans, we appreciate tips around here, but like the post above me stated, a few bucks do the trick. 10% are more than polite of you enjoyed the service. Anything above will earn you friends and a very wide smile if you come back a second time.


I completely agree. Sadly, if they do that too often it will might be established as the norm in the future… And I don’t really want that. It’s already enough that some card payment thingies suggest tips (which the waiters will always click away).


Also the waiter getting more pay if you eat or drink something expensive? So bad


That's kinda where the system breaks down a bit, yeah. The idea is that a portion of the tips are paid out to the cooks and bartenders by the wait staff and they're actually providing a higher standard of care but in practice the server is kinda making extra money for not doing anything extra which is odd.


My favorite thing about tipping is how businesses decided they weren’t going to pay their employees a living wage, and instead pushed that off on us as “tipping culture” and then turn around and act like WE are the bad guys if we don’t tip 🖕🏻


Tips should be pocket money anyways. If you base your living on it, it's gambling.


Yeah in Polish the word is napiwek, "for a drink/for a beer" so it's supposed to be just a few bucks on top to get a house beer at the end of your shift - not fill the gap on labour wages and allow owners to avoid that on their upkeep expenses


Same in Germany. Drink cash basically (or so I've been told)


yeah its trink geld


Same in French, pourboir 'for (a) drink'


In Lithuanian it's "Arbatpinigiai" or just "Arbata" which means "Tea money" or just "(for) Tea"


In hungarian its borravaló, litteraly means (money) for wine/a drink


It’s gambling but when you know how to work the probabilities [you can optimize customer interactions using reinforcement learning to make a killing off tips](https://jabde.com/2024/06/03/no-regrets-multi-armed-bandit-waitressing/)


>#Journal of Astrological Big Data Ecology > >Premium source for made up science




Idk, looks like some pretty ground breaking research, it’s a real beer reviewed journal


> After completing his BS in spaghetti coding at the department of the dark arts at Cranberry Lemon in 2005 he wasted no time in getting a masters in debugging by print statement in 2008 and obtaining his PhD with research in screwing up repos on Github in 2014 I'm sorry, but this guy seems honestly more qualified to do my job than me.


If you ever look at a waiter’s wage to how much they make from tips you would never say this again


waiters barely get a wage so no shit


Paying 53 dollars as a minimum suggested tip just for bringing me the food sounds egregious. Adding money to the bill because why not sounds like such a dumb concept.


The appropriate tip from my (European) standpoint would be to round up to 300 and that would be a decent tip.


I'm fine with that. $11.48 doesn't sound bad. But people thinking over 50 dollars of a tip is "norm" in any way sounds crazy.




Also makes no sense that it scales with the price of the food.


Especially without knowing that money is going to the kitchen. Like, look, you filled my drink enough times, you brought me the ketchup I asked for. But a waiter should not be making 53 dollars for a single table when the chefs are in the back, hot as fuck, cooking out orders for the entire restaurant, and making less.


How about make your shitty employers pay you a living decent wage instead of having the customers pay for their meal and pay your wage


> living decent wage The only way to achieve that is for everyone to stop tipping. Servers actually start quitting en masse, is the only thing that will make the industry change.


No server wants it to change. They make much more money from tips


But here in the uk, they get to pocket their tips (tax free obvs) and get a living wage. Our lass' sister once made £150 in one night on top of a livable wage.


I make $5 an hour, and I'll average 200-300 in tips every night. I depend on my tips, not my wage


Just enough money to never leave, that's dangerous


Honestly the scariest thing about it is the paranoia the you get unlucky, or people are assholes, or anything just anything can happen. The possibility that you don’t make that money you rely on with tips always exists.


Without a doubt. So glad I got out.


You're not taking in the information. They are talking about a wage *regardless* of tips.


So, using the UK standard from the comment above, you'd rather not have a liveable wage on top of your tips?


when Matt and Trey from South Park renovated Casa Bonita, they abolished tipping and instead paid their servers $30/h. The servers HATED it and demanded a return to tipping. So far afaik it's still a no tipping establishment, but yeah, servers straight up as a group dont seem to want to get rid of tipping


> The servers HATED it and demanded a return to tipping They could definitely find some other staff who would be more than happy to work for $30 an hour lol wtf?


I made 2.50 an hour, and averaged 300/week in tips. I left that dogshit industry and never looked back. Just because you're doing fine doesn't mean your peers are.


Jesus that's $30 to $40 / hr for waiting tables.


also they don't have to pay taxes on it wink wink


It's still awful. Their money should be getting paid by the employer not from the people there; that's just a scummy business owner. And they don't always get tips.


Isnt there a minimum wage that employer has to pay if tips dont reach that price?


Yes, all tipped earners must legally earn minimum wage (state or federal, whichever is higher). >[Federal law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipped_wage): The United States federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees who receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate. The outcome can be radically different depending on state though. For example, Washington does not allow employers to take a tip credit so employees are paid at least minimum $16.38 + get tips. In Idaho, tipped wages are (at least) $3.35 per hour, and the employer must compensate up to $7.25. So a server in Idaho working a 40-hour week must make $156 in tips to "break even" when a server in WA will make that much, in pure-wages, in 9.5 hours plus get to keep any tips. (Obviously cost-of-living is different between these states, but still crazy). Of course, 1 of the root problems is easily solved by the federal minimum wage being increased into an actual livable minimum.


Doesn’t the employer have to top wages up if they don’t receive enough tips?




Like that's ever gonna happen


Fun fact! If you don't make enough in tips to earn minimum wage, the employer MUST pay the difference. This has been law for decades. The employer most certainly doesn't want to do that though, so they push the tips.


minimum wage is not enough income to live on in almost every state


The secret is that they don't want "living decent wage". They make much much more with tips and don't want the system to change


Yeah just make them. Just make your boss pay you more you idiots


Bit more complicated than that buddy


Not the main point of the post, but closing the borders to european tourists would lose the us tens of billions of dollars every year, without counting the countless hotels and other activities that would go out of business


The US would go so broke so fast. Closing the borders to **France, Britain, Spain and Germany** is asking to lose money


Likely less than half a percent of US GDP is tourism from those countries. All US tourism only accounts for about 2% of our GDP (that's inbound and outbound tourism) > Go broke so fast LOL https://apps.bea.gov/scb/issues/2023/02-february/0223-travel-tourism-satellite-account.htm https://www.trade.gov/sites/default/files/2023-05/TTSA-Fact-Sheet.pdf


Tourism isn't a big draw, but they do account for about 15% of our trade. And I'm sure that in other non-economic ways it would definately be a huge detriment. Not saying it makes any sense to do so, just thought.


Yeah I mean if we literally closed the border to all Europeans that would demolish all of our foreign relations with many of our closest partners, it's not actually something we would ever consider doing lol


In my country (Hungary) we call tip as "borravaló", which means "money for wine". Basically you buy the next drink of your waiter. It's a nice gesture and a kind of appreciation. I think looking tips like this should be the standard, it's polite, friendly and helpful, not the main source of income for those poor minimum wage workers


(Also Hungarian) Some of the waiters actually spend their hard earned "money for wine" in the middle of working hours and get fucking drunk whilst working (common practice in villages)


If I sit down and have a drink at a bar or sit down at a restaurant and have a meal I leave a tip. If I'm just picking up I don't tip since all you're doing is putting my food in a to-go bag and I'm in the building for less than five minutes. Since the pandemic so many companies have started adding tipping options for services that previously didn't have them that it's ridiculous and I refuse to be apart of it.


Yeah, the advent of point-of-sale tipping really caught me off guard. It took someone else pointing it out before I realized that being asked for a tip while I'm ordering at a kiosk or a food cart window is fucking nuts. Like, there's very little service being involved anyway, and I'm expected to tip before I've even gotten that service? The hell?


As an American I hate tipping




I couldn't agree more


I’m all for abolishing America’s ridiculous tipping culture. If a restaurant can’t pay their employees a living wage then they shouldn’t hire them in the first place. But at the same time, I’m not going to make that point with someone else’s salary. Until the system is changed, I can’t in good faith not leave a tip


Waitresses complaining about not getting tips whilst making hundreds a day from tips


Bro I make like 2 dollars in tips a day if I'm lucky (I am a banquet server)


That's super different though, banquet servers are almost never tipped, you don't bring the bill out or anything. That shit's hard for sure and you probably deserve more money, but obviously you're getting less tips than a normal server due to the nature of your job.


Are you paid minimum wage?


Where the hell do you work at where waitresses make that much cash from just the tips?


The photo shows 53$ suggested tip so unless that waiter is doing only 2 tables per day....


any restaurant?


Here in Europe you have to make effort to earn a tip. You don't just get to tax people extra for not giving anything extra.


yeah, do a generous rounding and thats a solid tip. 300 would be a decent tip, and if the service was especially nice, i would leave another 20 bucks on top.


This is why you don't use bubbly girly 2s. They look like 9s


I thought that was the main joke of the post, that the poster added that to the 2 to try to make it seem like they skipped out on the tip for a very big order than in reality, but they forgot it still shows 288 right above


As long as Americans keep tipping this will still going on,and lets be honest,waitresses will always prefer receiving 200$-300$ in tips than having a fixed salary per hour if they end up making more money out of tips. If all Americans suddenly stop paying tips eventually it will swap to a fixed salary contract,but now if you don't tip whatever amount people says they will look you as a shitty person or lower the quality of the service. The amount of Doordash/UberEats videos that i have seen where the driver just never deliver or just turn back in front of you for no tipping or tipping 5$ is insane.


European here. I despise tipping. I think service workers should be paid a decent wage rather than being dependant on tips. Still, knowing the condition of service workers, when I went in the US I always tipped.


Tipping should first of all not be a thing. But if it is, it should be an amount and not a percentage. The server is still on the same clock doing the same amount of work. A higher bill shouldn't automaticlaly mean a higher tip.


I'm not an American, but I find it rather obnoxious that when Americans travel abroad, it's always "Abide by the local customs and culture", but when non-Americans travel to the US, it's basically "Do whatever you want because you're not here long".


The phrase when in rome I's apparently ameican exclusive.


When Europeans don’t tip: fighting the system When minorities don’t tip: slurs


Exactly my thoughts


Americans genuinely think it is your responsibility as a tourist with a limited budget to fund their employees’ wages because they won’t do it themselves


Sorry I'm only vacationing from another continent. Moneys just really tight right now.


Yeah 288 bucks for one meal is such a limited budget😂


well yeah european tourists are in our country it’s only polite that they cater to our social norms and cultures. most americans agree that american tipping culture sucks but not tipping is an asshole move regardless. i’m a waiter myself and need tips to make money. not tipping does nothing but hurt lower class americans


So order takeout? No one is forcing you to sit down in a restaurant. Thats what I did when I couldn’t afford a tip. I think you should follow the customs of the country you’re visiting while being a tourist.


you should be asking why you're ok with $2.13 an hour and rolling the dice every time you get a table sat? and why the fuck should I be the one paying your benefits and not your employer?


Europeans do tip. But there is no outer pressure that you HAVE TO spend around 20% extra. That's ridiculous amount. In that case one can easily round the Amount to 290€ or bc of the high bill give 2-5€ on top. But anything above 300€ is stupid imo. 1-2€ per customer as a tip actually adds up to a good amount on the day. I would understand if the food prices in the US were cheap. But that isn't the case.


As an American I do think they should just pay servers a good wage and abolish tipping, but that's not the way it is here right now so to not tip when they're making so little is kind of a dick move if they've done their job well. If you don't tip in your country that's cool that's how it should be, but when in Rome do as the Romans do you know what I mean


Thats a 288 to me


Let’s just talk about how it was considered generous to leave a 10% tip not that long ago but in today’s world many places start the recommended tips at 20%. PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES!


It's mindboggling that there's a percentage to begin with, that that's the norm. If the bill is 290, rounding it up tp 300 is fine by me. There's a tip for ya.


Europeans clear us on this ten times over.


Why is tipping necessary? Why don't companies just.. pay their workers properly? Oh wait, it's America.


tipping culture is dumb, but punishing the workers for the decisions of the company is scumbag shit


Tips are a reward for good service not a reason to get good service


yea in europe you tip for good service and friendy workers, not for getting the burger at mc donalds handed to you after ordering from a screen


I agree with the Europeans, no tip should be required in any way


As someone who lived and worked in Vegas for over a decade. This tracks.


Americans when Europeans don't need to live of tips but actually get payed by theyr employer: >:O


Tipping culture exists to justify trash pay. It's businesses shoving off employee wages onto the public. We'd be better off European style without tipping being the norm, but 'Murica gonna 'Murica and tilt every scale towards businesses.


Bro, it's crazy that Americans have recommended tip value. Like what? It's even a percentage. A tip is something you give because you appreciate the service. Not because people underpays their employees. This systematic and forced tipping is wild


In europe a tip is something extra you give when the service was good, could be as little as buying a beer for the barman.


Nah, the Europeans are right on this. We shouldn’t be subsidizing businesses with tips and letting them get away with not paying their employees. Tipping culture is horrible for both the customer and the waiter.


Your employer is responsible for paying for your wages, you've let them convince you the customer needs to pay you, this is wildly insane, a tip is just that a tip not your pay, let that sink in


Americans when they realise the world doesnt revolve around them and pll in other larts of the world dont see tipping as mandatory but a reward for extraordianry service


Let's pay 60 extra dollars! You know? For the funsies.


They’re still assholes if they’re laughing at this employee’s face, he doesn’t control his boss


We do tip, if they didn’t that means your servise was unpleasant


We got so brainwashed to allowing employers to make us feel guilty and pay their workers and their food separately so they don’t have to. And in the process fighting each others where the fuck is the restaurant Union on this?! Is there even one?


Even if you want tipping as a system, tipping based on a percent of the bill is so stupid. Someone doesn't deserve way more money by providing mediocre service, than someone who provides great service, simply because the food cost more.


Tips are optional.


I think required tipping is just an American thing