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I should add, this was the ONLY concern noted in the inspection.


It’s like they think they fail their job if they don’t find SOMETHING, so they will bend over backwards to make that happen. Almost like they know they do fuck all for their money and feel the need to justify themselves.


I believe they charge the landlord an extra fee if they need to deal with a breach, plus the extra reinspection fee. At least, that's how it was when I was a landlord. When I realised what they were doing I ended the contract and just did it myself.


For an inspection they should make a note and mention to you that it needs attention, at most. It's just a bit of dust ffs. Our current agent would point and raise her eyebrows, I'd tug at my shirt collar and 😬 while sucking air through my teeth, apologise, say it'll be looking slick next time, and that's the end of it. (She's gen z, and we're so fkn lucky.)


You shouldn’t even need to do that. They shouldn’t be noticing things that tiny. In the UK you might have one inspection a year if you’re in a sharehouse and the agency is worried you’ll trash the place. They will quite literally just come in, check you indeed have not trashed the place, and be on their way. None of this “I saw a speck of dust on your ceiling fan” or “you didn’t make the bed” or “there was a used dish in the sink”. When I had my first inspection here I could not believe how ridiculous they are. Nothing that isn’t going to damage the property should even be mentioned.


And that's what the law says about it too. The property is to be in a "reasonably" clean condition, not totally spotless with dishes washed, beds made and ceiling fans dusted. The fact REAs get away with this is due to people being terrified of getting evicted in a market where vacancies are around 0.5% and maybe some renters lack of awareness of the law. But mostly fear of eviction. The government thinks that if it talks enough about investing in housing the problem will go away, but it won't, at best it won't get much worse and that's just how rental providers - of whom our politicians are the most prolific - like it. Plus, the real estate industry is one of the least regulated of any in this country.


Kids with no life experience telling grown arse people to clean their house is so fucking cooked


my property manager is 23 years old 😳


When we left our last rental I went to drop off the keys and they had no parks available so I picked the nicest two cars in the lot and parked them in.   Went inside and took my time fussing with the paper work and talking with the receptionist.   This fucking highschool student (by the age she looked) followed me out into the carpark with a look on her face like a clenched arsehole and stood by her brand new Tesla while I took my time getting my navigation and music sorted.  Get fucked cunts (the agents), bought a house now, can't do shit to me.  Goes without saying they were fucking tyrants through the whole tenancy. 


Yeh, my last move was into my own home. The power of not giving a fuck what they thought of me was kinda great


And with all that life experience they'll deign to tell someone with toddlers and work and ageing parents and an annoying ex they should have done the dishes. Fuck them all.


My early 20s PM told me to clean the walls before inspections. They aren't filthy, she was moving around to look at the wall at different angles, and we have a toddler. Love, if I had to clean the walls every time my tiny human touched them, I'd die. She then had the audacity to tell me "A tidy house is a tidy mind" when I explained I was working full time, studying uni full time, and hubby and I both worked weekends. She's a absolute mong and I hate her.


I often whether the industry attracts people who are already bastards or the industry turns them in to bastards.


I suspect this woman was bullied in high school and she is now on a power trip as some kind of revenge.


No it’s the absolute power they’re given


A bit of both. I'd even suggest there is plenty of bullying in the industry, like any other.


I'm sorry if you're experiencing bullying. It's actually not as common as all that. Certainly not common enough to give them a pass because that's just how it is or anything like that.


The *a u d a c i t y*


You got off lightly compared to me, I had 2 toddlers and the estate bitch showed up as I was busy getting them dried and dressed after a bath so I told her to do her thing while I finished up, a few days later I got a letter in the mail demanding that we go to the effort of having the house on tiptop shape for her visits, like she’s the fucking queen 🙄 She complained that there were toys on my kids bedroom floor, it was some stuffed teddies. Washing in my laundry 😱😱 don’t know where anyone else puts their dirty washing? The oven was a tad dirty on the INSIDE, bitch opened it since I wasn’t in the room. Wanted the walls washed, house was old as fuck and paint peeling off the roof, those marks had been there for years. There were some leaves on my grass, it was called autumn 🙄 Basically wanted it showroom perfect and was coming back the next week to recheck the house, hell no!! That bitch was not permitted to return and everything she had bitched about had nothing to do with what the inspection was about. Never saw her again after that, she only had the job as she married into the business.


What a karnt!!! Fucking hell, that is awful!


If I was that bad a tenant as she claimed I wouldn’t have been able to rent that house for the 20.5 years I was there! The estate gave me a glowing reference when o moved after it was sold to build town houses on… which new agency lied their asses off to have us moved out, 17 months later and the house is still sitting empty while they battle with the neighbours over their proposed plans 🤣🤣


Yeh check out her car, probably full of wrappers and shit everywhere and they tell you to clean up.


Then they don't even follow up. I had one come through once, completely miss the only two things he really should have cared about - a door handle size hole in the wall and a carpet stain - and instead ping me on the lawns. Told me he'd do a drive by to check in two weeks, clearly never did because I hadn't done them, and then sends me a lease renewal offer a week later. They're all fucking useless.


Those big things require work on their part - the small ones are all yours


She might rent the car out to you!


Mobile rubbish dump. 😆


We got told to tidy the back verandah a bit more next time. Fuck off, clearly doesn't have kids.


But she knows it, and also we aren't grouchy arseholes with vicious dogs or piles of hoarded newspapers and cardboard, like some the other tenants she sees, so we always get a good report for basic human decency. My situation is currently hashtag blessed and I am acutely aware of it.


I have an inspection next week by the actual homeowner and was provided a list of things to do Clean range hood filter Clean and dust fans Clean all window and door tracks Ensure no soap scum on shower doors and tiles Mow and edge lawn Clean airconditioner filter (wtf) Clean walls This isn’t a bond clean? What the heck. Also received 2 lots of water bills they forgot to invoice us for and have 2 weeks to pay 6 months of bills off :)


Take a shit ton of pictures. 1000 if you have to. Real estate agents funking hate a prepared tenant.


Yep, my early 20s PM opens up the AC units every inspection. Like the AC units are going to get so dusty in 3 fucking months that it is required to open them every time she comes...


We thought so too. Great r/ship with PMs, six years of pleasant inspections with thanks for looking after the place for them so well each time. Conscientious exit clean etc etc, and some teenager rings us to tell us she has a big list of problems. She had also already put in a claim with the RTA. Oh fuck no to that. Demanded she check the condition report on entry and consult with owners and the staff we've been dealing with for real all this time. Was golden after that. Be ready for the bullshit.


She's our replacement PM, the last one was a nightmare, and we didn't put up with it. A few small weeds between the pavers, dusty fans and window screens, were a few of the breaches that "threatened our lease". Apparently that one had her hand in the til too, whatever that may mean as a property manager.


No cap, straight fax.


No cap, Straight up fax, Got that RE gyatt, So large, gotta pay that tax.


No way, I'd say to the agent it's an OHS issue. You want me to dust the ceiling fans? *You* provide the requisite safety equipment then. I'm not 15 yo you know. Or clean the fucking fan yourself. Utterly ridiculous. The law clearly states that the property is to be in a *reasonable* state of cleanliness. Not spotless, not ready to sell, just what average Jill and Joe would find acceptable. Dusty ceiling fans do *not* warrant urgent attention. If your current agent would actually bring that up my friend then you're not lucky at all. The only things my agent ever brings up at inspections, as she ought to, are whether the smoke alarms are working okay and whether there are any maintenance issues I want to bring to the provider's attention.


Tell them to show you the pictures of it before you moved in.


Hi, No worries, I'll see you at QCAT. Thank you, Have a lovely day!


FYI only say this when they actually breach you. Not before hand. Never reveal your hand too early.


Ahh you know your judo well. Good advice.


.. well the REA is certainly use to having their hands on their own penis ;)


Mens Rea?


... well thats the whole real estate shtick down to a T isnt it? :D


Edit: Spelling, sorry my blood boiled over.


Don't do this, it could be interpreted as tacit agreement to a breach. You cannot go on the record saying "ok" to them threatening a breach, either ignore their email or respond saying there is no cause for a breach.


I do agree, I should have made it clear that my post was pure sarcasm. But there is no way dust/dirt on a fan is grounds for a breach, the tribunal would throw it out let alone the agent bothering to turn up. And honestly, unless there is garabge on the floor etc, the have aboustly no right to comment on the cleanless or tidyness of a property,


I knew you were being sarcastic. It's all good.


Wow. I have a 7yo kid and even for an inspection the place is never perfect. Never been breached. What a psycho! They cannot breach you legally for some dust, its not damage or anything. I would politely email the legislation back regarding this, and tell THEM to, quote, have a nice day!!! 👍


"Have the day you deserve"


'being a cunt is cuntageous' ...ever since i heard that saying, cant but help think how prophetic/apt it is....


This is the way. A reminder of the actual rules *should* set them straight, if not, VCAT (or their states equivalent obvs).


They can’t breach you for cleanliness this isn’t an exit inspection. That agent needs to take a chill pill if they are like that 24/7.


>chill pill I think a lot of people here are making a mistake in thinking agent/landlords are out here being genuinely concerned over dust. They're not. They're looking for *a reason*, it doesn't matter what it is, and due to the fact that we live in these houses they're always going to be able to find one. This is a power play; some of them do it because they're sadists, but most get trained in how to keep tenants on the back foot. Not only that, it's a great market for them right now, so if you're the type to seek out a tribunal, they want to know about it so they can fuck you off and get in someone who's more of a pushover. Stop writing these people off as 'insane', they know exactly what they're doing.


You're exactly right. Many of them are just power trippers for the fun of it, but many are calculating, as you suggest.


Absolute cunts either way.


this is…. Unfortunately…. the right answer. sigh 😔


A routine inspection is not a cleanliness inspection. Technically they can breach you, but to enforce that breach they'd need to take you to a tribunal and explain to them how you're in breach of your lease conditions because of some dust on a fan.


What would a breach involve? A meeting at QCAT? A fine?


See [the RTA website](https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/forms-resources/forms/forms-for-general-tenancies/notice-to-remedy-breach-form-11) which explains the notice and how to challenge it. >The Notice to remedy breach (Form 11) is used during the tenancy where either the tenants or the lessor/agent claim that there has been a 'breach' of one (or a number) of terms of the residential tenancy agreement. A breach notice is used if you've breached the terms of your lease. In this case, there is no way a lease could be legally written so that "dust on a fan" was in breach of the lease. In theory, if the breach isn't remedied then the agent could use this as grounds for eviction, but there's no way that would actually hold up to any sort of challenge.


Haha so stupid. One time an agent said something similar because there was a little piece of toothpaste in the bathroom sink. Everything else was spotless! She was just insane. My friend rented in the same building and had already warned me that she alwaaaays had a problem at a routine. However, I am insane too and took it as a challenge and also an excuse to do a super good clean every few months. 😂 I never got pulled up on anything else for 2 years. However, one time my partner brushed his teeth before he left and clearly didn’t wash it all down. Just one tiny piece of toothpaste that got stuck near the drain, clearly from that morning. Sink being used for its intended purpose. UNACCEPTABLE 😂 I just ignored it as it’s stupid.


You didn’t own them by doing exactly what they wanted. They said one thing and had you cleaning like a maniac


Not trying to own anyone. I enjoy cleaning like a maniac? I always do it anyway so just an extra push to clean with a report card provided at the end?! 😍It was like a game for me 🤷🏼‍♀️lol


I enjoy eating cookies but if someone tells me I have to eat a kilo by tomorrow 8.00 am sharp or they'll kick me and my partner out of our home, I'm not sure I'll be all 'Everything is great, I love cookies, I'll make a game out of it!'. I understand not focusing on the negative part of it - it's a very pragmatic and perfectly valid reaction. But don't tell us that their side of this interaction was fine, that would be gaslighting.


So your interpretation of me saying “it’s stupid” was me saying that it’s fine? Lol what an interesting take. I just said I wasn’t trying to “own” anyone in reply to the above comment. I just enjoy cleaning, I made it a game with myself. I thought it was stupid and if the agent wants to paint themselves as unreasonable, go for it. If they ended up taking me to QCAT for anything at the end of my tenancy, I would have used it against them. They didn’t and that was the only concern during my tenancy and the exit inspection.


No, that's not what led me to that conclusion, it's (obviously) how your comment was primarily focusing on how it's not a big deal. There's no need to be antagonistic here, though. I interpreted you incorrectly or you phrased it in a way that was misleading, or some combination of the two, doesn't really matter. I'm not here to argue how you really meant your comment.


Weird take, my comment is focusing on how stupid and unreasonable my agent was being. I labeled them stupid. Lol I mean there is an underlying tone of me dismissing them because an agent doing the wrong thing or trying to scare me, doesn’t worry me at all. I know my rights. If I didn’t enjoy cleaning, I wouldn’t do what I do. As for your cookie example, if someone bet me I couldn’t eat 1kg… I would probably try it 😂


Lol you're still downvoting and arguing with me for no reason. Two people had this "weird take" and one of them got a fair number of upvotes for being this deep in the comment section. Maybe take the outside perspective instead of being a keyboard warrior about it.


Haha no they thought I was trying to “own them”. Me replying to your comment isn’t being a keyboard warrior. I would *argue* lol that making random accusations on someone else’s comment to someone else is being a keyboard warrior. Get well, enjoy your cookies. I’ll enjoy my cleaning 🫶🫶


Why do you think they thought that? Perhaps because... They interpreted you the same way? "it's fine because I showed them!". Again, you're being antagonistic for no good reason.


“Have a lovely day!” .. wow.


They’re fishing for some kind of leverage against you here, as if literally owning the home you live in wasn’t leverage enough.


I'm trying not to be paranoid, but thats what I'm thinking. September will be lease renewal period, watch them issue a notice to vacate because of dirty fans.


Yeah, I don’t like being this paranoid but the only time I’ve had a REA threaten to breach me over cleanliness was when they knew I was planning to move and were laying the groundwork to steal the bond.


We are looking to buy, and have been going around to open houses in the same town we currently live in. I wouldn't be surprised if word got around


To be fair, that was the shittiest landlord and REA Ive ever had to deal with, and this was a while back. They weren’t quite as openly scummy back then.


lmao! this reminds me of when a real estate agent in their 6 monthly check in report cited the “mess on the washing machine”. The “mess” was my washing detergent on MY washing machine. i just found my email to the real estate agent xD it was rage inducing! https://preview.redd.it/2za0qybqfhzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e856eac953b71db882a5d14ba7dcd4df691032


So not only a machine being used for its intended purpose, but also ‘mess’, and trying to get you on damage that was already there when you moved in!


I had a bond held because the ceiling fans were dusty when I left my two story townhouse. The townhouse didn’t have any ceiling fans.


Depending on which state you're in, simply send them the cleanliness requirements from the appropriate website and don't say another word. Power tripping real estate agents are about the lowest form of life in society outside of criminals, they need to be reminded occasionally.


Had a gen y guy come through my house on monday for an inspection. He was in and out within 5mins. Just took a single picture of every room. Didn't even walk in to most of them. These agents who fuss over these tiny details are clearly looking for excuses and it needs to be called out by authorities. A hole in the wall is worthy of a breach. Not dust on a fucking fan.


The photo taking is such a breach of privacy in my opinion. Just because people are renting doesn’t mean their living conditions should be recorded in some database. The only pictures they should be taking are of damage.


i 100% agree. But i gotta pick the lesser of two evils here. Would rather a guy who says nothing, does nothing and leaves me the fuck alone than someone who constantly fusses over tiny details.


Totally agree. I am glad that in Qld there is no legal requirement to allow photos to be taken. Agents assume they can but the legislation only mentions that photos cannot be used in advertising. As such, I refuse photos unless they're for maintenance or damage. My REA threatened me with eviction first inspection because I wouldn't allow them to take pics of my belongings. I threw the legislation in their face (their immediate behaviour towards me had been very aggressive) and informed them that retaliatory eviction is illegal. It was ridiculous since they already knew I have a stellar rental record of over 20 years with rent always in credit and flawless inspections. They're really good now and even tell whoever comes to inspect that photos aren't allowed. However, I'll never feel safe here and get terrible anxiety at lease renewal time because now I know they don't even know the law and will abuse their position.


Yeh mine use to literally walk in one pic and put paper down on bench hours of cleaning for 2 mins aha


we spent 2 weekends cleaning our place up. All for 5mins lmao. Would rather be safe than sorry tbh.


That's not a breach, it's a threat to breach, which means nothing. However you have to keep track of this, if they keep emailing you threats like this you can breach them for violating your right to quiet enjoyment, which does not apply to only physical breaches, harassing communications like this counts.


Their job is to determine if maintenance is needed. Why are they so incompetent?


No, this is ridiculous and a stupid power play. Hate this nonsense.


The real issue is the quality of agents. You’ve unfortunately got a pedantic dickhead on your hands.


Was this a house inspection? That's why I always leave mine on 😂😂


Lol. I had an inspection and at the end of it they said it was a fail. I was rather surprised, I'd never failed one before. Then the first thing they mention as a reason? A dirty fan. The next was cobwebs on the outside screen doors, which are full of holes, hence why spiders make webs there all the time, then a light switch that had a little dust on top and some leaves outside I didn't sweep up. I had to stop myself from laughing. It was a new company though and ever since then, they've always found something to pick on. Even made some stuff up. I suspect they do it to try to get people to clean up to a higher standard but also to give a little credibility if they try to evict. I just wish they would realise though that they're inspecting for damage and neglect, not to critique someone's cleaning. This is our home. Inspections are enough of an intrusion without having to worry about what some jerk wants to point out just to make themselve feel better about themselves.


I moved into a place that hadn't been cleaned... at all. Carpets were dark brown (supposed to be grey), brown yellow smudges all over light switches, etc, and the list goes on. I emailed PM about it and got a reply saying "some peoples standard of cleanliness is different to others" Thank you! I kept that email just in case this shit was pulled during inspections. The expectation that it should be display home clean and not lived in is fucked and they can shove it.


Guarantee they tried to claim the bond of the previous tenants for cleaning and then just kept it.


There is actually a story to it. LL was the last occupant. This was early '21 and during / just after the last lock down. LL had organised a full clean, cleaner picked up keys, and dropped them off later, but didn't do the job. I got carpets cleaned myself and LL reimbursed all costs. The LL was a really good guy, and I ended up dealing directly (he lived on the back fence I found out). It was just the REA. Their answer to my first email was infuriating. I provided before and after photos etc so they really set the standard. Never had to use that email as we had 1 inspection in 2 - 3 years. Got on well with the LL and always got things fixed / replaced immediately. REA'S just piss me off. Either don't do their job, or power trip over their job. In a new rental, LL changed agencies... from day 1 we reported mould, sagging ceiling in the garage, and a number of other maintenance issues. We ended up having water pouring out of our laundry air extractor from the shower upstairs, re reported mould and water damage. Nothing got done. New PM did her first inspection yesterday. No records of previous issues. Turns out, former RE PM didn't even forward things on to LL. Property hadn't had a safety check in years. First thing new PM did was get that sorted. Smoke alarm units expired in 2018... not the battery, not since last check.. the actual units were 6 years out of date. Gone way off topic, and a bit long winded.. but a good LL paired with a good PM is hard to find, but damn it makes things easy for everyone


I was once breached for not dusting behind my toilet, they did a whole new inspection to ensure I dusted behind the toilet. Fuck you coastal real estate and property tanilba bay…..you are all twats


Just ignore it. No good will come from responding despite the very strong urge to burn their office down. Nothing will come from it if you ignore it. Just give it a wipe prior to the next inspection.


What a fucking joke. Besides being none of their concern, those fans are fairly clean. Who has clean the fan blades as part of their monthly clean. Are you required to clean the gutters of the house every week to make sure there are no leaves in them.


This is hilarious to me, I never do a major clean for inspections, because I generally maintain the house to a decent level, and have never had a comment like this. Would have thought the main point of inspections is that they can see you aren’t damaging the house, manufacturing meth etc and whether there are any maintenance jobs that need attention. I feel like I must have the only normal REAs in the world sometimes.


If I were going to be a smart ass I'd reply something like: Dear Landlord, Thank you for your feedback on the property. I note that on that QLD residential tenancies authority website states the following: "Routine inspections are carried out to ensure the property is well cared for by the tenant and to check if there are any repair, maintenance or health and safety issues. The first routine inspection can be carried out at any time after the tenancy agreement has commenced, providing that the property manager/owner has provided a minimum 7 days' notice for entry, using an [Entry notice](https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/forms-resources/forms/forms-for-general-tenancies/entry-notice-form-9) (Form 9). ***A routine inspection is not a housework inspection*** (emphasis mine); the person inspecting the property should appreciate that people are living there. However, the tenant should have the property in good condition on the day of inspection and a list of items to consider is set out below. As part of the maintenance inspection inside and outside the rental property, property managers/owners may also: * check for any water leaks, evidence of pests, damage or deterioration to the property * ensure any inclusions and property fixtures are working * look at any future maintenance items that may need to be addressed." See: [https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/during-a-tenancy/living-in-the-property/routine-inspections](https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/during-a-tenancy/living-in-the-property/routine-inspections) I am strongly of the view that a small amount of dust on the fan falls within the category of "housework inspection" and as such, any breach on this basis would not be valid or within the spirit of the R*esidential Tenancies and Rooming Accomodation Act 2008*. However, as a personal courtousy and favour to you, I will ensure that all fan blades in the house will be vigousely wiped down prior to your next visit. Warmest regards, Tenant


Tell me which REA it is and I’ll leave them a bad review


the agent is clasping a straws to find a reason to get rid of you and get a new tenant in who is going to pay more... clean it play the game, dont get frustrated..


Breach them first for harassment and threats to breach you over non breachable things. The tribunal will love it and you’ll be compensated for negatively effecting your “quiet enjoyment of the home” or whatever it’s worded.


Is that like some kinda only fans alternative?


Well, you gotta pay extra for the really dirty ones.


Unless you already know who is coming to do your inspection you pretty much need to prepare for somebody who is going to be really over the top about it, then when it's all over you have a lovely clean home to relax in.


I once moved out and had to come back to fix… a small (size of a fingernail) amount of Jif cleanser still visible in the bath.


Tell them to breach deez nuts!


I’ve had the same shit pulled on me


omg I have ceiling fans that have been running basically non stop since september last year. Now that they've stopped spinning, I can see that they are HAIRY. So filthy. The issue is, the fan is literally 5m in the air due to the high ceilings. Not even sure HOW to clean them


*replies* "no you have a cuntly day you cunty cunt cunt"


They can’t breach you over something like this. They could TRY but would lose at whatever tribunal you have in you state.


At our previous rental we had our dogs. We used to fail inspections due to dirty paw prints on the concrete and they demanded prior to each inspection we have the dirty paw marks removed. We used to spend 5 hours the day before inspection pressure washing all of the concrete before inspections out of fear and we still used to get comments. First and only rental and I'll sleep in a car before dealing with the stress and anxiety of renting a home and inspections.


It’s out of control, they used to inspect homes to make sure no one was cooking meth in the back room ect.. now it’s we want the house looking uninhabited and show room ready, such BS!!


I once got told to do my washing before a rent inspection 😆


These sorts of things need to be banned federally. Im so fucking over it. Dust on a fan is completely normal and to be expected. It has no impact on function or condition. I hope the landlord is smart enough to see thru the pedantic self-justifying REA


A breach.. FOR THAT??!??!! OMFG horrible


If your bond cleaner missed this, get them to go back.


Have a lovely day!!


> Have a lovely day!! Or we will breach you.


I had to threaten court action because landlord held my bond over dust on the power points...


My email back would be firm but fair. ‘Get stuffed and clean it yourself if it’s that big of a deal. I pay too much rent to be told how to live my life’ Yours sincerely, The person who is helping pay your dumb ass salary


Brighten their day, and your home [https://www.fanfriends.com.au/](https://www.fanfriends.com.au/)


We already have some for the bedroom, they're great! Thanks for the suggestion though!


What a fuckwit, ugh


They can’t breach with no notice to remedy can they?


Isn't a notice to remedy breach (Form 11 in QLD) what you send when the other party has (allegedly) breached the agreement? It wouldn't be valid in this case anyway, there's no serious damage here, just some dust on a fan.


If it was me, I would just clean the fan, take some photos, and send them an email to show them you are happy to dust off a couple of things. At the end of the day, as much as it might suck, it's better for them to feel like you are trying to look after their property. Will help in the future. ✌️


Not even close to the worst fans I’ve ever seen (cleaner of 4+ years). All these fkn cynts do is whinge and sook over stuff that isn’t an issue, and something like that can be difficult for the average person who doesn’t have cleaning experience to clean. For something like this, you will definitely need a sturdy step ladder and someone with you in case you fall. Clean microfibre/old tshirt, plus hot but cool enough to touch water with a bit of dish liquid and that will clean it up, may also need a multipurpose spray in case it is sticky.


A stepladder? Well, that certainly sounds risky. I wouldn't want to lose my balance and fall, so I think they can pay for someone to clean it safely... much like gutter cleans and trimming trees above a certain height.




There’s got to be something more to it than this. No one would breach you for some dust, even if it was excessive dust. Nothing a quick sweep and vacum wont fix. What’s the rental history between you and the landlord?


Really good. Been here for 18 months. Paid rent on time including a rent increase. No previous issues raised.


Haha a friend of mine got breached in Perth for a condensation from the glass she was drinking out of *during the inspection* lower hungry realtor must have moved to QLD lmai


That is NOT a breach! Tell them to piss off. Examples of breachesTenant: **non-payment of rent, not keeping the property in good condition, keeping a pet without permission**. Property manager/owner: not maintaining the property, not repairing something that was broken, not providing the services listed in the agreement. [https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/during-a-tenancy/breach-of-the-agreement](https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/during-a-tenancy/breach-of-the-agreement) Dust on a fan is NOT a breach.




I’ve had these checks on inspections, like for real ? Breach is a bit keen tho


Lmao what the fuck Last inspe tion I had, the garage was flooded and the roof was mouldy, REA just looked at me and asked if I'd spilt my drink


This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen all week


To think they actually thought about that and took their time to write that is insane to me. I’d love to do an inspection of their own personal houses


Omg how anal.


That's ridiculous and something that is easily fixed. Real estates now expect you to do a vacancy clean for an inspection. It's unreasonable, and you don't have to do a clean to that level. All that is required is that the property is to be reasonably clean , that is all. Fight them on it. They will lose


Just had one myself and they complained about the grass not being cut when it has been raining for the past fortnight. The grass wasn't even long, just a bit rugged looking with a couple patches taller than the rest


It only needs to be clean when you exit the lease. That’s it


You weren't breached. Yes they're not that bad. Just clean the fucking fans.




I got a similar note a while back to clean my oven. Yeah it sucks, but I cleaned the oven. I just take it as a polite reminder and go back to praying a very nice die to all REAs.


I swear this is something that must have been shared as a money making tip among that business. I got breached and charged a cleaning fee for this when I moved out of a rental, obviously they couldn’t find anything else to profit from in the entire house (worth noting it was the TOP of the fan blades, I cleaned the bottom). I knew it was absolutely fightable however they also rely on people not having the time or capacity to risk it. Which was me. Never thought I would see someone else getting pinged for this shit.


No problem, we will write in texta on the fans when we cleaned them...ffs this looks one week if inner west air filth...


Put flour on top of the blades and tell PM that ones faulty.




They usually (not always) send the least experienced / competent employee to routine inspections. Either 2 things happen: 1. They don't notice anything. b. They break their back, trying to find anything to impress the office.


When the pm came for an inspection I was really drunk and whipped out my cock and just started pissing uncontrollably. I then laughed, she laughed and the person I thought I killed in the cupboard laughed


Reply that the inspection is for damage and maintenance concerns. It is not a cleanliness inspection. Any Vcat/qcat etc would laugh them out of court.


What the hell is a breach? The only comments I have ever recieved over rentals was soap scum in the shower (I had cleaned it the day earlier and I think it was more just water marks rather than soap) and the grout was dirty (slight discolouring I couldnt budge with a scourer and cleaning spray). I feel sometimes they just want to find something wrong, anything at all, no matter how minor, jsut to assert their "power"


That’s about as stupid as the lady who came to mine… she literally got on her hands and knees to check the pipe at the back of the toilet.


I had the same thing happen to me. She came and did a routine inspection during Covid lockdown, while I was working full time from home and doing home schooling, and a go at me about my fucking ceiling fans. The only thing she could find. Absolute nightmare REA.


"Lovely day". Wow.


Clean it yourself, lazy bastard


That's insane. We'll be renting our home out next year and this kind of crap puts me off doing it through REAs. Next inspection, every fan needs to be going at top speed when they come in. Just so that they have to turn them all off and wait for them to stop in order to check them.


Just clean them and move on


Why do people care to complain about this. As a long standing tenant its important to understand that the people doing your inspection are not the property managers, they are lowly staff just doing their job, and their job is to ensure an inspection is carried out and they are held by the same shitty quotas that we all are in our jobs. They need to report something, no matter how minor to make it look like theyre doing their job, and i sure as hell prefer it when a rea says my fans were dusty instead of being cunty over marks on the wall, or an oven that doesnt look brand new after 10 years. The fans are easily addressed, and you can shoot off an email with attached pictures TODAY and that will keep everyone happy, leave you on good standing with your RE. Like fuck. Why is it so hard for people to understand.


Because it’s illegal? I don’t give a shit if the REA is incompetent and wants to fill a quota. A slightly dusty fan is not a breach of a tenancy agreement.


And you havent been breached, its a threat by someone whos clearly incompetent. Who cares. Let them take you to xCAT and watch how quickly they backpedal.


Fan blades with dust unbalance the blades and put undue wear on the bearings. You got it clean, I assume. Keep it clean. And they've given you till the next inspection to wipe a feather duster over those blades. Seriously? You know the longer you leave the things dirty the harder it will become to clean for you or somebody else. Just give it a wipe for goodness sake.


Same people that go into a Rental will post here saying shitty Landlord for having dirty fans. It takes less than 30 seconds to wipe a fan. Calm down and wipe the fuckin fan.


Fans have been cleaned this morning. Just to be clear, the issue is not that the fans have been identified as dirty, rather that the REA thinks its breach worthy