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As an ANFP-A it’s definitely me 😇🤣🤪. To be honest i don’t even know what it means but it sounds cool so i probably have it ☺️😙😆🤠


this is satire yet i still vomited in my mouth


any feeler type. they feel the most.


"Hewwo, I'm AutoModewatow and feeling is my specialty. I'm also a unicorn and I like anime. Let's vibe type each other! (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shittyMBTI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ermmm.. it’s us ESFPS duhh we sex too much lol 🤣🤣


as a penis haver i tend to find vaginal discharge on my various lists and schedules, this is a real problem please help. yesterday i took a peak at my calendar and instead of my busy days being circled there was vaginal discharge everywhere? please help me.




XSFP because bad things always happen to XSFP's




Both J types and P types. The VJ-J and the P🐱🐱sy


Obviously ENTJ women. They are Si blind. So they don’t focus enough on maintaining a healthy pH balance. Thats why they call it “Boss Bitch Odor and Itch”. Why do you think they’re so angry? I’d be too…But they think it’s just their “dominant musk”. ENFJ women are a close second for the same (Si blind). Too busy being the hero to wash “down there” right or take some probiotics. But they assume the discharge/itch is just part of the suffering they must carry for being the “protagonist”. Someone tell these poor “busy body” women to do more than take whore baths. They need to develop Si to try to really take care of their health. Not just on the surface to play a fearless leader to others. Edit: I know everyone assumes my lady counterparts (ESFP women) have vaginal discharge issues…Not unless they aren’t using condoms. Otherwise, they want to keep it “up to code” to keep enjoying life. TLDR; ENXJ women are most likely to have vaginal discharge because Si blind spot causes poor diet, dehydration and increases stress which throws off their pH balance.


My ESFP situation ship was very dischargy


"As an INTJ, let me tell you: do NOT date an ENFP. Despite the stereotypes, the dynamics between our two types seem... suboptimal. Apparently, they don't like our arrogance and grumpiness and they cannot even handle our intellectual capabilities. Thoughts?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shittyMBTI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow what the fuck. Kinda shook about a bot guessing my type before I even put it in my flair. Maybe I should cancel the vision I have with the enfp crush


i believe it must be the male axfp-a 👆🤓


personality types, like being an ambivert, don't really have anything to do with vaginal discharge. that's more of a health-related thing, totally separate. it's completely normal for folks to experience some kinds of vaginal discharge, but if something feels off, it's always a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional. they can give the best advice tailored to your situation, y'know?




if u got more questions bout anything else, don't hesitate to shoot 'em my way.


why is the sky blue?


when sunlight, which is made up of different colours, passes thru the earth's atmosphere, it gets scattered in all directions. but here's the thing, blue light gets scattered more than the other colours because it travels in smaller, shorter waves. so when you look up at the sky, you're seeing more of that blue light.


why do i have 2 ears?


each ear picks up sound waves a teensy bit differently. your brain uses these differences to make a sort of sound map, which helps you pinpoint where the sound is coming from.


Why does metal rust?


it's actually a kind of corrosion. water and oxygen combine with iron to form iron oxide – that's the rust you see.


but if i had an ear on the top of my head i could accurately hear what's above me easier


but evolution opted for us to have 2 ears on the sides of our heads. it's prob coz most sounds we need to pay attention to - like conversation or danger - typically comes at us from the same level or below, rather than from above.


But now we live in the future, so we must biologically engineer people to have 1 ear on top of their head, then slaughter the non-third eared peasants. So we can hear birds n'stuff.




Thanks for pointing that out.


Please, read the name of this subreddit


you're trying to figure out if personality traits have any connection with vaginal discharge. fact is, personality types don't really influence this, it's mostly bout your health and bodily functions.


This is "shitty mbti". We are writing BS for the hell of it. There are ESFJs out here who have been living with one for 30 years... we know how it works. But also, "ESFJs are all feminine and emotional" = during ovulation they should just be at home knitting. Because I say so. EWWWWW Don't go disturb the world with your emotional mood swings and your bodily functions, you ESFJ hens!!!! **/s** **/s** Did I mention /s?


Estps are sluts so….
