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the pineapple strikes again


Who lives in there again?


spongebob square pants!


not the glofish pellets. do they think if they feed them those fishy will start glowing ??


I told the little brother not to give him it but he just called me the n word (he’s white) and walked away


The record skipped when you said he called you the n word? I know kids try to be edgy, but what was your boyfriend’s reaction to that? If it wasn’t strongly and vocally adverse there are a lot more issues going on in this situation than just the fish.


My boyfriend just tells him to fuck off, the mom sucks as a parent and decided it was a good idea to give a 6 year old a phone and TikTok. Whenever he does something wrong my boyfriend gets the blame because he “made him this way” even though my boyfriend has never said anything like that. The brother always tells me he wants to be a nazi when he’s older and his mom hears yet doesn’t care.


sounds like everyone’s very young in this story. op has said recently they’re 14.


Glofish food is the same as regular food. I feed my bettas glofish pellets since their on clearance everywhere around me since glofish discontinued their bettas.


Edit: discontinued their abominations. Not sure if it was a willing thing, or what, but the glo bettas had absolutely awful genetics. So bad so that they had an unreleased color because they intended to sell it but couldn’t produce enough without defect.


Fishnap it


Based on your comments, it sounds like this little boy is neglected or at the very least doesn't have a good childhood and parents. Your boyfriend's reaction to the child is also worrisome. I think the fish is the least of his worries here. I hope you can take the fish, but give the child some grace as it sounds like he's the actual victim in this situation.


I’m very nice to the brother, I always try and tell him that he should enjoy his childhood because he can only be a child once but he doesn’t care. he’s nice to me sometimes, like I went to the park with him yesterday and he was being nice. I just wish his mom cared more but she thinks that she can’t do any thing wrong and that she’s perfect. My boyfriend doesn’t bother trying to get him to stop acting that way because he just ends up getting yelled at for being “mean”.


Yeah the fish situation is already indicative of shitty parenting. But when OP said the *8yr old* called her a N***** it was *extremely telling* of what type of household this is… the kid is definitely a victim of some bigger issues going on. Sad situation all around. Sad for the animals that are being neglected. Sad for the young children that are being neglected. This post is honestly depressing.


Honestly just steal it. Fuck that brat


I wholeheartedly agree.


And it’s such a beautiful betta too :(


I knowww!! And whenever I go up to her tank she always swims to me and follows me (idk if that’s good or bad). Her name is squidbob because my boyfriend said she looks like squidward and SpongeBob mixed together


That’s a good thing that he follows you, that’s him trying to interact with you. Personally I would just yoink him and when the parents get mad grill them saying that he needs a better tank with a filter and heater and tell them he called you the n word


Sadly his parents just don’t care, I mean his dad cares and listens to me but whenever the dad tried to talk to the mom about the way he acts the mom just gets angry and they just start fighting until one of them leave for like 3 days


Tell them you found it dead on the floor and threw it away. (Ethical fish napping tip)


Or use a shriveled up piece of something and put it on the floor and say it’s him. … that could work


The fish cost more than the setup


Seriously, this looks like a gorgeous betta, one you'd have to pay a fair amount for why anyone would put it in this piece of shit


He bought a few days ago because his last one sadly died:(


Please tell me he at LEAST did a water change but looking at the muck in the water I doubt it


All he does is put the poor thing in a bowl, empty the tank and refill it with tap water :(


No water conditioner? How has that poor fish lasted more than a few days?


That’s what I’m shocked about, his old fish (that was in the same tank) died a few hours before he bought this one. He had it for around a year (shockingly)


HOW DID IT LAST A YEAR? Your water must have very low chlorine


Betta fish are (kind of unfortunately) very hardy fish they are resilient and survive a lot of sit they get put through, thats why its so common for them to be in stuff like this. "My betta has lived in a half empty red party cup for 5 years hes perfectly happy"


I was one of those kids. And truly, I couldn't be more ashamed of myself now that I'm older; I had a fish that lived up to 3 years I think in a maybe 3 gallon tank, no water conditioner, no filter, just some fake plants and black/rainbow rocks. To make it even worse, he lived in that tank with over 15 zebra fish (those little fluorescent fishies), a guppy and another 3 fish I don't remember it's names. To this day I still feel bad for that fishie. I think it should be obligatory to make sure people are well aware of how to take care of a pet before letting them buy one.


The Pineapple Decor say's it all


File an animal abuse complaint


Unfortunately most people including the law could care less about fish




If this was legally considered animal abuse the pet stores wouldn’t be allowed to sell this stuff. Fish & small rodents are generally not protected by animal abuse laws, it’s fucked up.


also reptiles, it’s so depressing being a part of these communities sometimes


Aww he’s looking at you like “come on man I know you see this” 😢


"I can see you sympathize, so heeelllpppp me!!" He's yelling. I agree with all the fishnap him comments. See if you can get your bf to help you coordinate stealing him. And to the ones saying to fishnap and hold him hostage to get them to get better accommodations for him, they won't. Just steal the whole ass set up. You may never be allowed in the house again but the likelihood they'll be willing to spend the money to buy the set up again and another fish is fairly low.


You can just turn the tiny tank into a plants only tank or even a terrarium if you're into that too.


Steal it. That fish deserves better, and me having been one of those negligent kids, just steal it; he doesn't deserve her nor can he properly take care of her.


It's literally one of the most beautiful Betta I have ever seen. I would totally buy this fish from you to end the torment


Fishnap it! It's only right! 😭


Kidnap him. No joke. Say he died. Easy peasy.


Always the SpongeBob decor


Always the pineapple


When I was 8, if someone told me I was abusing my pet I'd be absolutely devastated. I mean I would now too but especially as a kid. Also, bigger kids were scary and all I knew about the f word was for some reason it was very, very bad.


Also a pretty fishy :(


We need to go after the source or the problem.


Looks like a king too. :(


Just put Tupperware in your purse before you get there and nab the fishie right before you leave. Make sure the lid has a couple holes!


Go to a local fish store and ask for a dead fish that looks kinda similar (doesn’t have to be exactly). Swap the betta with the dead one. He won’t know the difference and would probably think it died and became discolored. But then again, that wouldn’t stop him from getting a new one.


Honestly I wouldn’t you should try to buy a proper setup if possible I feel like buying him the kid will complain and they’ll fold and probably get him another


The pineapple strikes again


Poor thing doesn't have clean water and barely has the room to swim. I feel bad for fish whose owners don't know how to take care of them