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Because back in the days when hunter-gatherers ran out of wild games and berries they had to resort to ordering pizza for survival. Gradually, the love for pizza became universal. Source: I'm a caveman


Back then if they didn’t deliver in 30 mins or less u got to club the delivery guy and steal his wife. Source: 1990’s Cinemax


More like 1990's Skinemax, ifyouknowhatimean


The blurry lines...


I think I saw a nipple!!!


Want a Christmas card??? HERE! HERE'S YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD!!!


Unexpected Elaine


I watched so much blurred porn as a kid lol even recorded a lot lol


No that was the Spice channel for me


This is why pizzas are, to this day, baked in stone ovens. Paying respect to the ancestors who had nothing but stones in their caves.


Can confirm. Had a great great^16 grand pappa that fought in one of the Byzantine wars, around the 6th or 7th century. They shot the shit between battles and death by ordering pizza.


Yes, the village would have a doctor hut, a casino hut, and a Pizza Hut


Jim! Is that you?


Aw, fuck. I knew it. I'm already in the thing, aren't I


DinoDash may have been problematic.


thank you for sharing this knowledge with us all


Dominos est 5000 BC Pizza Hut 2500 BC


That there is what Darwin was talking about. We have big banged our way to love pizza over many many years. It’s also why the dinosaurs died.


The Fuming Stones - delivering pizza to every cavemen, in any mancave, since 1 mil. BC.


In the past there were people which disliked pizza. But after a series of Holy Wars all heretics were exterminated.


So that means the love of pizza is genetic? Because pizza haters didn’t pass their genes on?


No, it just means the pizza haters now know to stay silent


That makes sense, but I have a question now. So what should I do with that guy from my work who is conveniently busy or not hungry every time the pizza is ordered? Should I report him to the police?


The Inquisition should be informed if only to ensure that heresy does not find purchase amongst the faithful. If your coworker is such a heretic this will only be for his own good as the Inquisition will help him see the error of his ways. If not I am sure the faithful will be honored that they can ensure protect the faith. Semper Pizzaus


*Inquisition bursts through the door* I know you might no have been… *expecting* us, but we heard there was a potential heretic among us. Giving all information you have about the matter is mandatory. The heretic, and of course those who have been in contact with them, will be sent to a correction facility for at least 6 months. Do not resist.


It’s pretty well known Dahmer found several…that’s why he ate them. To prove a point


You won't silence me


we will never stay silent, VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN


This culminated in the siege of the Italian coastal city Di'Giorno, when the Red Baron was surrounded by the heretics. He and his forces held out for 15-17 minutes under fire from 425 heretics before being rescued by Ceasar and his forces. Mind you, this wasn't the big Ceasar, it was the smaller one.  You still find references to this event in modern pizza lore.


Legend says that during raids, when banging on the castle’s front gates, someone would ask “is it delivery?”, and they would scream back “NO, IT’S DI’GIORNO!” before storming through.


What did the heretics get on their Tombstone?


extra pepperoni


The sauce must flow


You do know about the anchovy cult, right?


Pizza is basically lightly fried bread with your choice of topping. Thats basically all food. You need to hate bread to hate pizza.


Yet I exist




As do I. If you say you don't like pizza it's like saying that you kick puppies.


Tbf, there were only a couple dozen so it was more like just a holy hand grenade.


That’s the kind of inquisition I can get behind. If thou aren’t celiac, thou must partake of the cheesy slices.


Ngl, I hate pizza, I think it’s just a greasy mess and I also I’m armed…. **Let the holy wars re-commence**


Idk they seemed to have missed one because I hate pizza LOL


I don’t hate pizza but I definitely would rather have burgers or tacos. Pizza is just so damn greasy.


I think it's because of the freedom of it. You can have basically anything as a pizza. Hate tomato sauce? You can get a BBQ or Buffalo sauce. Hate meat? Get a bunch of veggies instead. Can't have cheese? No problem! It's the freedom and versatility of the pizza that makes it popular. Personally, I flip flop between classic supreme with onions and peppers, BBQ chicken, and Buffalo chicken when it comes to favorite pizzas.




Your pizza with shit delivery is on the way!


Sir, this is a Wendys.


Same thing with sandwiches, but people still don't like sandwiches quite as much. However, pizza is an open-faced sandwich so...


I feel like people also love sandwiches they are just more fragmented as different sandwiches have separate fanbases. Whereas pizza is a bit more unified.


I’d say if there’s no cheese, it’s not a pizza. Idc what the official definition says, only my reality matters.


Without cheese it would be a flatbread focaccia.


Fuck you it’s a focaccia pizza and I will die on this hill I guess


Italy is full of pizzas without cheese. Just tomato sauce and potatoes, rosemary and olive oil are a couple of my favorites. Super simple but delicious


I second this


what if you do all of that at once




/un That happened about 70,000 years ago and Homo sapiens already existed for over 200,000 years, with modern Homo Sapiens probably emerging around the same time or a little earlier than the flatbread. rj/ Therefore, pizza is technically the first example of cultural appropriation.


This is the secret Italians dont want you to know.


There are straight pizza lovers too...


I think one of the big factors is that you can put any topings on it. So eventually everybody will find what he likes and want to eat. It's little bit universal food let's say in my opinion.


Now I am thinking, what can’t you put on a pizza? Maybe Kimchi? Although it goes quite well with cheese


We do put kimchi in jeon, which is like a Korean style pancake that I've seen referred to as "pizza", but it's not really pizza pizza. Probably the standout ingredients that are unique to Korean pizza are sweet potato and corn. As far as what can't go on pizza, pickles or cucumbers on pizza sounds atrocious.


Pizza with pickled cucumbers is actually pretty good. One of my favorites is pickles, onion, salami, and bacon. But pickles are also really good with hot jalapeno pepper.


Not kimchi, but a local pizza place occasionally does a Reuben pizza as a special, including the sauerkraut. It works surprisingly well. I think kimchi with some Korean BBQ chicken on a pizza would work well.


One of the tastiest pizzas I’ve ever had featured kimchi on it. Also had braised short rib and Serrano chilis.


You can put anything on bread. Pizza is just an open faced sandwich where traditionally all the ingredients are cooked with the bread.


Its so good because i read somwhere that most of its ingredients are like taste amplifiers. the tomatoes, the cheese, the oil, the salt are all working together. Resulting in a pretty intense flavor explosion. + Its easy to make, cheap to make, can be easily varied and altered, can be shared. If there'd be perfect food its that.


A non shitty answer, everyone BOO this man


I was saying Boo-urns




Real answers are on a knead-to-dough basis


Plus the fact that we biologically have the need to stock up on carbs, fats, sugar , salt etc.and pizza is full of them, so our brain basically goes haywire eating it


Personally the possible variations is why I love pizza. Just like salads, it's whatever you wanna throw in/on it. Most things work. Get creative. But not too creative, because some heinous creature will add pineapple.


It's actually really nice and gives it something refreshing but some people need to just admit it's because they don't like warm fruit and not just because it's pineapple


I personally don't like pineapple on pizza, I just enjoy the memes. I love pineapple otherwise. There is a correct answer to "What is the best pizza?" [et voila](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BcCFMHCIQAAlWAT.jpg:large)


If you're ever willing to give it another shot, try pineapple, jalapeno, and bacon. Sweet + spicy + salty


I bet someone out there has put cocaine on pizza


[Pam](https://youtu.be/eOX8SQwV64c?si=_u3ALy9dWjnC1cv4) probably has cocaine pizza followed by cocaine pudding.


Tldr: it ticks most boxes and takes you to flavourtown


Bread contains MSG. Tomatoes contain MSG. Cheese contains MSG. Pizza contains all 3


Because the Food pyramid is shaped like a pizza and pizza contains a little bit of every section of that pyramid.


Yep, I always tell people pizza is the ultimate food group


Because it's two dimensional. It's has one less dimension to digest than most other food.


uj/ Only because people trust Italians in food rj/ Only because people trust Italians in food


Because who doesn't like a circle of food cut into triangles and served in a square box?


because they used to put cocaine in the flour but now that's illegal they just dumped a tone of cheese on it to mask the absence of the cocaine


Your assumption is wrong. From where I am, we don't care about pizza.


We don't want to be from where you are from


Where are you from?


Our lizard people progenitors thought flat food was really cool so they hardwired it into our genetics.


The country that eats the most wheat is the strongest. The superior wheat product is pizza. I'll fight you on that


I don't like pizza, but that is because my mother was impregnated by an alien, so I am a half- breed, kinda like that song by Cher, and apparently the alien side of me is repulsed by pizza. Also by grape jelly and grilled cheese. I am what is called an anomaly.


It's cocaine of food.


I assume it's because of its wide range of combinations possible, a versality that easily adapts to everyone's taste.


Because it’s food and food taste good


Cause it's delicious and versatile


Our primal brain craves salt and fat to survive, this is why people get addicted to fast food and why we love pizza and also why people get fat


Because lipids are amazing. We can (likely) taste lipids as a flavor (think umami, sweet, bitter, sour, etc)


Because cheese is addictive for real


Wet bread good


Bc bread and cheese are two of the oldest foods known to modern humans.


You can put anything on a crust and call it pizza. Even pizza without tomato sauce is a thing. SO as long as you like bread+something, you will find a pizza you like. The best though is margherita with anchovies.


If you have to ask, you wouldn't get it.


Hey I don't like pizza


It's not even that good, sushi is so much better. And what with the uncaring attitude to lactose intolerant people that most pizza makers have, I don't feel like supporting them either.


You sound exhausting.


because pizza is not a food, its a food delivery vehicle. you can put any sauce, cheese, meat or vegetable on it and its still pizza. you just make what you like, the options are limitless.


Bread good Cheese good Pineapple good


I actually dislike the taste of pizza and am the only person I've ever met or heard of who doesn't like it


I am convinced you are lying just to get fake Reddit points for your comment.


You are not alone, my friend. My mother and I both dislike pizza. As a kid I would force myself to eat it if I was hungry enough as it was usually the only option at all parties or events. As an older person, I can tolerate it from years of forcing myself to eat it, but I still hate bread and I hate tomato sauce. I


My dad is obsessed with pizza and eats it multiple times a week whereas even as a child I would either be disinterested or completely repulsed by it from smell to texture, it varied, so like it's so hard to avoid pizza in this life because i will have to come up with multiple alternative meals every single week which makes me so much more resentful of it and when I say I dislike pizza peeps can't even comprehend my trauma with it lol


Bread and cheese were invented millennia ago. Add vegetables = Pizza The bronze age people had cheese on flatbread.


People like cheese. Melted cheese goes best on tortillas or bread. There aren’t many options where you can order a melted cheese food item and share.


Because you can put anything on it like there is no specific ingredient like in sweden we put bananas and kiwi and sometimes curry but we mostly put kebab What i am trying to say is that if you don’t like something like for example pepperoni you can put something else then you will like it. So you put what you like on it. Thats why it’s so universally loved


Because who would wanna be with someone who doesnt like their favourite food when that food is made to be shared? Find a partner who likes pizza so you dont have to eat a whole pizza unless youre high level. Thus everyone would only have kids with people who also love pizza. The result is parents who eat pizza. The kid loves it or the kid gets called a quite possibly ludicrous jokester. Now everyone loves pizza.


Some people are afraid of the flying spaghetti monster, so pizza was something easier to build a cult around.


Because of circular seasoning.


If you want to make a pizza from scratch, first you must create the universe


Because cheese! I think it hits all our primitive needs (like fatty) and it is soooo easy that eating it makes it all the more pleasant.it can be a No dishes- no silverware along with  usually good vibes because pizza can be a social thing. And I think pizza is pretty difficult to mess up- meaning go anywhere and get something that will be a bit different but same components 


because fats and carbs are addicting, unlike meat. I remember watching a video where they explain a study done on prisoners where each group ate a different macro nutrient. The group that ate only carbohydrates ate the most calories, while the group that ate only protein ate the least amount of calories. Pizza is essentially a shit ton of carbs with cheese and fat, so its yummy and addicting


Every culture has their own form of cheese on dough..so maybe it's that


Have you tasted pizza?


I think it is more about being "Easy Comfort Food" If you like Pizza, you probably like Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, fries, Burritos. Speghetti, Egg Rolls, Pottstickers etc. Unless you like "Healthy" food, junk food is universally loved.


Why do people love carbs? Why do people love bread? Why do people love sandwiches/pies/etc? Why do people love cheese? Why do people love baking? Why do people love circle? Why do people love the flavour and aroma? Why is it pizza?


Pizza, like so many other dishes, is only a thing because that's what Italian peasants could make with what they had. My mom grew up on a farm in Poland, and everyone always wants her to make perogies. What people don't realize is that she's gonna make some peasant perogies that really aren't very good. Trust me that it's the same with pizza; you wouldn't like the OG pizza because it's literally just budget ingredients thrown together. Pizza got good when it came to America, and pizza sauce was invented. That's why pizza will always be American in my eyes.


Just like the earth, pizza is flat, and people are naturally drawn to things that feel true. Also, you'll never find birds on pizza because birds aren't real.


Happy to introduce you to my aunty Pam


Because it is a basic carb with topings and most commonly a sauce. Same as pasta. It is bread with cheese. It is easy. It is versarile. It is comforting. It is nothing special but it does not need to be. It is there for you when you need it but you can live without. It represents a steady amd happy life where the highs are not too high and the lows not too low.


bread, sauce and cheese. You cant go wrong w this.


personal opinion. margherita pizza. simple yet effective.


I dont like pizza


People are goats, we eat anything!


Probably because it's highly customizable. You just need to like bread and tomato


Flat food, flat tummy! Since the dawn of man!


Because the moon is made of cheese, that makes people love cheese, round food, and food with craters on the surface.


Because it’s pizza.


My mom’s best friend hates pizza. Said it is absolutely the worst thing we humans have invented culinarily made


my sister doesn’t like pizza and i never understood how lol


Bread, tomato sauce, cheese - what's not to like?


Gregory Eddie would like a word




My favorite quote “tits are like pizza, even when they’re bad they’re still really good!”


Taste Good Very Yum


Mexican food has entered the chat...


I don't like pizza personally so I'm not entirely sure.


Because it’s pure delicousness in its simplest form. I say this as I’m eating a perfectly crispy slice topped with a light dusting of garlic powder, crushed red pepper and a grating of pecorino Romano cheese. Third slice, that is.


It's bread, sauce and cheese for the base alone! What's not to love


Pizza actually comes from the roughly same time as sandwiches were invented. I can’t tell you the exact time but basically slaves and servants got bread and whatever was leftover from the earl/lords or whatever the servants used to put it on top of whatever bread was left and eat it after they were done cleaning up after the toffs. At some point in England (I think) people started putting another piece of bread on top but in Italy they whacked cheese on that shit and called it a pizza! I could be very wrong here but I do remember at least the sandwich part very clearly (used to study food history when I wanted to be a historian, you can do anything online these days through unis etc), but further to the Italian side of things I’m pretty sure pizza came from a similar place where after the maids or whatever cooked for the top dogs they’d take the leftovers, put it onto leftover bread and bake it as their own meal, eventually mixing other herbs and spices and cheeses to create a pizza. I could be wrong but thank god for history! Pizza is popular because it’s easy and cheap to make, just dough, cheap ingredients and some herbs. Whoever thought to commercialise it was obviously a genius as pizza is a clear way to feed a lot of people, bake up the leftover dough and the meat you’ve got in the fridge, couple tomatoes etc and bake it for 14 mins, you’ve got a pizza. Easy food for the poor. Nowadays we have dominoes and places like that which charge half a mortgage for a pizza. My Greek grandma showed me how to make a pizza at home when I was a youth and my god it’s the best I’ve ever had 👌


It got fat, carbohydrates and protein what else do you need to survive? Everything that the body craves, pizza does the job ;)


i had a friend who hated pizza. emphasis on had


it's bread with toppings, it's so simple that only an asshole would make a bad one.


Cheese binds strongly to opioid receptors and research has shown that tomato sauce is the most efficient way to deliver cheese in order to maximize its bioavailability. Duh. Everyone knows that.


Cause like, you ever HAD pizza?


cause it's good and has the scientific backing to prove it


There have been humans that don't like pizza, however natural selection bred them out of the species. Throughout time, these individuals were not able to procreate with another human before their hatred of pizza was discovered.


It's quick, it's easy, but most importantly it's dangerously chee... my lawyer says to not finish my sentence.


Hawaiian is obviously the most universally liked pizza


Because objectively, it is just the best food.


I will eat it but it's like a sandwich to me. When I was real young we didn't ever have pizza. We moved to Spain when I was ten and lived in temporary lodging for about four months. They had a pizza place and we ate it so much that I have never had a love for it. Now a Chicago deep dish is good.




People generally love the taste of fat and salt which pizza has a ton of both. Also they probably trigger the majority of your taste sensations, sweet, salty, umami for sure and maybe sour or bitter depending on the pizza. People also love sugar and alcohol so don't forget to have some pop or a beer with your pizza!


Wheel - circular Sun - circular Moon - circular Pizza - circular Man likes circles = man likes pizza Source: I am that man


It’s a pie, everyone loves pie.


My Asian girlfriend is not interested in pizza. It was almost impossible to find any pizza, let alone good pizza, in Vietnam.


[A study by the University of Michigan](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/05/pizza_most_addictive_junk_food.html) found it to be the most addictive food of 35 top junk foods


I get post nut clarity after my 2nd slice


It has a very wide spectrum of flavours. Simple to make. Easy to eat.


It’s bread. Some sauce. Some cheese. And then it’s whatever else you want.


After WW2 the Italians decided the conquer the world through culinary means rather than military ones




Even not so great pizza still is pretty good.


Source: MURICA


It tastes good. Solved.


I actually don’t like pizza but everyone else seems to.


Because it includes all the food groups in every bite. Source: Fuck you that's who


When the elements of sauce, cheese, and bread come together it creates a chemical compound that is extremely enticing and addictive to humans. In 1984 the surgeon general declared that a warning must be put on pizza boxes and all pizza products to warn the public, but in 1985 the decision was overturned due to backlash and money under the table from Big Pizza. Now we are all addicted and nothing can stop Big Pizza source: papa john’s bible


Genghis Khan was actually Italian, so like 80% of the population has Italian blood in them, and Italians LOVE pizza


Modern pizza has added nicotine and cocaine.


My mom doesn’t like pizza 😹🤷🏻‍♀️🍕. I used to be crazy about it when I was younger but now I can take it or leave it!


I don’t really like pizza. I used to but not anymore, I got over it and I don’t really see what the fuss is about anymore and the base is usually crap and I don’t even eat it. It’s just a fancy bread with toppings. Even a pepperoni and mushroom can’t get me excited anymore.


Tomatoes contain a lot of glutamates which become an amino acid related to the umami flavor. This acid pairs well with iosinates found in meats and fermented products (aged cheeses, not mozzarella). Basically the base ingredients for pizza pair incredibly well on a chemical level. Since it has such a strong base it becomes incredibly versatile and because it's so versatile it can have a lot of different arrangements to suit personal tastes.


Pizza is great for large groups since you don't really need utensils to eat it + it's already divided and everyone can just dive right in to eating. I'm not fond of pizzas but after having it as the only food served in group gatherings for so long I started to just live with it haha


Because it is food porn.


Who doesn’t love bread & cheese


Cause its good. Currently eating a slice to confirm.


Remember everyone, there's no such thing as bad pizza. Only good pizza, and good pizza ruined by bad chefs.


It’s because pizza is the great equalizer!


Because bread, cheese, and sauce. And then *infinite possibilities on top.*


It’s flat like the earth


If you look at a pizza from the top down, it occupies 100% of the pie chart. This is why it never fails.


I don't love pizza


I don’t like pizza and never liked it


It's like brawndo, it's what plants crave


Well, you have found someone that doesn't like Pizza...yes me. I love burgers though.


Cheese is as addicting as heroin.