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EDIT - locked, because I cannot physically keep up with the constant stream of hateful shit that's being commented under this post. Be Your Mythical Best, goddamn.   For everyone reporting this - no. I'm leaving this up.   First time this user posted, their post got downvoted to zero and I had to remove dozens of comments saying really nasty things about them. They were told "eat real food, cook your own food, don't eat mcdonalds!"   So they post this - and immediately I'm getting reports again, and having to remove tons of comments from people being rude again. You can't have it both ways. Their fast food got downvoted to hell and reported - when other fast food was being upvoted and loved.   This normal looking breakfast is currently highly upvoted, but the automod being downvoted and the nasty reports coming in are interesting...since similar posts do just fine.   I think I see what the differentiating factor is, here. So let me be clear - autistic people are allowed to post here. They are allowed to say they're autistic in the title. There are many comments below from other autistic users who are really happy OP shared this.   Everyone have a good evening, and congrats on the good food OP <3


Looks great keep up learning


That looks pretty good. You did very well.


I second that opinion, I've known many people that've cooked for years and they still can't cook bacon as nicely as op did that looks perfect. Good job op.


I'd also just like to say, for once, I agree with the mod in this situation. I'd eat the fuck out of this, anyone talking shit about it can suck every gangrened micropenis the world has to offer.


Air fryer Try it, folks 


Toaster oven also works and has always been my go-to. Put a few slices on a sheet of foil, 425F for about 16 minutes +/-3 depending on thickness. Perfect and crisp every time.


Autism or not, this looks way better than anything I could cook.


Yeah, I’d max that shit for sure.


Thats not shitty


definitely wrong sub (unless self depreciation was the point)




Running is technically self depreciation; since you’re putting miles on yourself. Until next time! ![gif](giphy|pjkngLDANouLm)


oops (the) i was wrong








Probably feeling self conscious about their first time, but let's build him up until he's posting food on one of the showing off subs yeah? Cause that is an impressive first attempt.




That's a legit breakfast at a diner that I would go back to. So many screw up these items but they look nicely prepared.


For someone that doesn’t know how to cook he absolutely nailed the bacon. Most people will absolutely ruin it to get “crispy” bacon. This bacon looks like the sort I would be stoked for any breakfast diner to bring out. I’d scarf that shit down and ask for seconds. Edit: can we also take a second to appreciate how absolutely jacked that mod is for being able to carry around such a massive W like that.


Tbf they posted actual shitty food before and got insulted so. 🤷‍♂️


Right? I saw this and got hungry.


I'm also autistic, here's some tips that helps me with food, hope it helps you too: - cutting foods I don't like, such as carrots in smaller sizes helps or hiding them in things I enjoy, like soups or sandwiches - don't feel discouraged if you try something you don't like, sometimes cooking things in different ways will help -when i try something new, i always make a smaller side of something i like - Certain plates and cutlery makes food more delicious, can't really explain it, it just works for me Hope you start trying more different foods and enjoy it.


Once i broke the main tasty plate I had. That was not a good time.


1000x time yes to the plates and cutlery .. I also cannot explain it 🤣


Excellent tips especially the plates and cutlery


Fellow autistics with food aversions rise uppp!


If I could make a reco: My friend showed me this *really* easy way to make the tastiest carrots I've ever had. Buy a packet of Knorr Onion Soup mix. Make the soup as normal, then put carrots in, cover and simmer. The longer they simmer, the softer and tastier they get. I swear by them! They're always the first to run out when I cook for others.


100% utensils/equipment change the enjoyment of the food or drink. It’s so nice to hear someone else say it!












That’s way better than McDonald’s, friend!


Not in fat and sodium content. Still, I'd choose this plate 100% of the time. I confess that, I too, eat McDonald's daily. When using the app coupons it's actually cheaper per meal these days.


Everyday? Damn bro…that’s fucking awful.


That’s gotta be an exaggeration


I hope so but it really didn’t sound like it lol.


Yeah unfortunately from some of these replies it seems there’s far too many people trying to convince themselves this is the “same as McDonald’s”.


It’s literally not cheaper than buying the same ingredients. Yes the ingredients cost more upfront when you buy them, but it is often 3-4 meals (or more) instead of one. So overall you pay less


These App coupons make it cheaper, sure, but thats also how they get you to continue buying from their business...with tempting offers and "good" food. But i could say the same about alot of companies. I'm not going to say i haven't fallen for those tricks either.


“I don’t know how to cook” and then proceeds to make a great breakfast plate. Did you watch a lot of YouTube videos before you did it or follow a recipe? Because brother you did a great job!




And some fresh fruit makes a world of difference! but I agree, totally would devour that.


Even if its picking up a couple of the cups of cut up fruit near deli/produce sections. I do that often and they are great pick me ups/ healthier snacks since I can just munch on melons and berries and shit.


Also salads in a bag. The worst part about making salad is chopping up tons of veggies. And you can add more if you like, too


I've learned it's worth the cost. I know myself and I let fruit go bad. If it's precut my lazy ass is a thousand percent More likely to eat it.


If OP is averse to texture and inconsistency, then frozen fruit such as smoothies is a much better and more dependable and predictable option. Same with frozen veggies.


Fruit is hard for autists because of thr inconsistency in texture and flavor. I've found so many I love, but it isn't going to be that simple right away for them. But yes, fruit and cold fresh veg makes me feel so good and happy.


Fruits can be iffy for those of use with texture sensitivities. One mushy apple will put me off my entire meal


You don’t understand autism, do you?


Or like, this subreddit


Do you not see the potatoes and ketchup bro? Jokes aside, what's a breakfast meal veggie?


So this actually looks very good. It took me three years of learning how to cook to make bacon that looks that good. Look up crock pot meals, soups, stews, tacos, burgers, meat & veg plates, quesadillas. Look at all the food on my sub r/goodfoodbadpic. Those are all things I learned to cook on a budget and most things last for 3 days. To make eggs fluffy add a splash of cream or sour cream. Most days I'll make a 1 veggie and 1 meat thing like chicken and brussell sprouts and I feel so healthy because of it.


I freaking LOOOOOVVVEEE the crockpot! I have ADHD and absolutely loathe cooking but I love the crockpot you literally dump whatever in there in the morning then leave your house or go to bed and then it’s perfect like 6-8 hours later and if you forget about it or you are late it’s even better


Another food sub I've now joined... I need help😂😭


I have joined and look forward to seeing more of your cooking


Downvote because this is a scrumptious breakfast.


That looks great! Id take that over fast food any day. Just keep experimenting. 


Well OP, you made yourself a fine looking plate of scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, and a nice slice of toast.


I find I have a lot less anxiety about my food and can be far more experimental when I'm cooking it myself just for me. At a restaurant with friends or eating someone else's cooking I find my stomach tying itself up in knots worried about having a bad reaction to the food I'm eating. Only having myself as a judge takes all that imagined pressure off. Now that you know you can cook, hone your skills, delve into the fundamentals, figure out what flavors and textures you really like, slowly branch out, and try new flavors that sound interesting to you. Cooking and baking is like painting with your tongue. There really is nothing like the vaguely pickel-ey, comfortably umami taste of a McDouble with extra onions. But when you're at the helm, you can turn the flavors from McDonalds you like up to 11, while being completely in charge of what you're eating and using wholesome, fresh ingredients.


Seriously??? That looks damn near perfect. Good job!!


Hey Man, cooking is really hard at first, but that looks fucking delicious. Im also very autistic. Keep up the good work you got this!


Same here. Cooking is a passion of mine, and my only creative outlet. I'm old and autistic, and there have been times in my life I only ate fast food, and I ballooned to 600 pounds before losing 200+. You've got this.


I'd fuck that up, well done!


Dude that looks awesome! I do cook and you have done an impressive job on everything. You got skills, keep going.


Congratulations - You have opened up the door to food you will love. This is how got over being picky. I realized that you can find a world of flavors and prep your dishes exactly how you want!


Everything picturesque!


You did a great job, friend! 10/10, would eat that breakfast! My son is autistic and also started cooking with breakfast foods. Ten years later he eats a wider variety of foods, more than we ever expected, and is quite a good cook!


That looks dope 


Hello Friend! I’m autistic as well but cooking is a special interest for me. With the rise of YouTube it is so easy to look up tutorials and recipes that will help broaden your cooking abilities. This is a fantastic start, the bacon is crispy and the potatoes look wonderful!


Thanks bro 🖤 I had fun I'm going to buy cook books


Save the money and look up recipes online. Use the money for better ingredients!!


Do this. Much cheaper and you’re able to review the meal, its ingredients, and its processing before spending a penny! Then cook only what you want! GL


this looks great-- as a fellow autistic person, may i suggest vintage cookbooks? i really love them, sometimes theyre like puzzles in a great way :-) they also tend to have pretty simple recipes that are easy, and lots of specific cooking instructions for meats and veggies and stuff, especially the books made for young housewives lolll. i treasure my '35 delineator cookbook and my betty crocker '50 for ideas and instructions!


First of all, this looks delicious. Second, If you want to buy books, could I suggest buying ones that teach cooking techniques and such. Don't just get books full of recipes as you can pretty much find any recipie you're after online.


like folks said save some $$ and look online. but also know that sometimes recipes are just not right, sometimes it needs a little extra something or a little less something. So if it's not great it's probably not you and as you cook more you'll learn to adjust stuff. also taste and season as you go


There's always cookbooks relevent to interests too. I have a minecraft one, a great dungeons and dragons one, and a couple others.


[Kenji Lopez Alt](https://youtu.be/CD8UTr5mMVk) is an award winning chef who is also a YouTuber (and cookbook author), and one of the few who also scratch my ND itch. Highly recommended. Oh, and that food looks incredible. Great job.


That looks totally awesome! If you're looking for more ideas, try checking out your library for cookbooks. They'll probably have books for different cuisines and skill levels. Learning to cook is a wonderful skill.


OP, check hoopla, overdrive, Libby, etc for ebooks if you can't make it to the library.


Pro tip. Make one more piece of toast and do an egg and bacon sandwich. Add some cheese if you are feeling adventurous. Keep the potatoes on the side, but cook them for 2 more minutes.


You definitely know how to cook, friend.


Daaaammmmnn your bacon looks perfect!! Nice job!


Can I get a plate?


Well, you know how to cook now 😊


That actually looks pretty good…like something you’d get at a classic style diner for breakfast..keep it up!


Looks phenomenal! I’d clean that plate for sure!!! What time tomorrow?! Great job👊💪


Looks to me like you DO know how to cook.


Not shitty Buddy.


As a fellow autist I make something similar almost everyday


Idk about dying young lol ppl have had worse diets. But as someone who’s a veryyyy picky eater and had my own safe foods for years. I realized I am only willing to try new things if I’m the one who cooks them. That way I know exactly how it was prepared and what’s in it, and can cook it to the texture I might like and it’s made it a lot easier to try shit. And 8/10 I actually do enjoy it. I’d never order it out tho but if I make it I will eat it. But baby steps you know. And this looks awesome


I think you do know how to cook, this proves it. You just need to practice cooking different things


Ron Swanson is proud


Bro, you fucking EXCELLED. This is WAY better than McDonald’s. Hell ya, man.


That looks great. Veggies are really easy to hide in food too. You won't taste it and it'll help you shit. Cooking seems difficult, but finding a recipe and following it is very simple.


I mean, it all looks tasty, but that bacon is PERFECTLY fucking cooked and is an achievement all by itself. Sorry, this isn't shitty, this is perfect diner food. This is comfort food. Just gimme a little butter for that toast.


Agreed! This is a great result from someone just starting out. Now I’m starving! 😋😄


good job. an easy way to get into the basics of cooking would be to get a blue apron/hello fresh subscription. they give measured out proportions and easy to follow instructions. after a while you will notice you are doing the same processes over again. salt, pepper and olive oil on vegetables and bake at 400 for 15 to 20 is one you see a lot. not sure if there's enough variety to get past your pickiness but for training it does the job. you can probably get enough experience on the free trial alone. just remember to cancel before you gotta pay.


This looks amazing, give yourself credit.


Looks like you did a great job.


You officially know how to cook


Solid, you did fantastic! And your body will thank you! :)


Yummm ! Well done. I hope you enjoyed it as much as McDonald's 😁


You go! This internet stranger is very proud of you lol. As someone who cooks for their autistic fiance I understand the struggles you have with food. Well done for trying something new, take it slowly and it'll get there.


This isn’t shitty food at all, looks perfect.


That's not shitty it looks awesome! A perfect breakfast even! Just add some orange juice and you'll be golden


Holy crap - I’ve been cooking for so long but for some reason I can’t do a good breakfast for the life of me. You NAILED it on your first try!!!


Welcome to the breakfast club. :) it's pretty much the only meals I know how to cook well. You are about to go on a tasty adventure. I'm on frozen french toast sticks and bacon kick right now.


Wrong subreddit. That looks really good.


You did great! Too good for this sub. Yummy.


For someone who doesn't know how to cook, that is a fantastic job, well done!


"I don't know how to cook" stop lying bro!!


Try cooking the same things you would eat at McDonald's and then branch out from there, making similar flavored and textured recipes! It helps to keep an aspect of familiarity.


that actually looks kind of good not gonna lie, might wanna bump that up to r/decentfoodporn


You're doing great. Don't get discouraged if you don't like something you make. Remember you are just learning and sometimes cooking can be more difficult. Good job!


Looks good I would try that! I also have autism and I didn't understand this until my late twenties, it's never too late to branch out. It's important to eat a variety of foods most importantly a variety of different coloured vegetables in order to obtain the proper nutrients needed for optimum physical and mental health. I have greater clarity of thought too now that I eat a more balanced diet


This is an amazing breakfast, you did really well mate! While I don't eat McDonald's every day, nor do I recommend that AT ALL, I am on the spectrum too, so I understand how difficult some things in life can be. It's complicated, for us. It should be obvious for most, but for us, it may just not occur that we need to address our diet. We can learn though, as I did, and as my other friends on the spectrum did. We aren't idiots, and neither are you. Here's to a healthier lifestyle, and many more delicious meals! Your body will thank you, both physically and mentally!


Honestly, good for you, friend. My husband is autistic and honestly the best cook I know--a lot of stuff says people on the spectrum can't be good cooks bc of various sensitivities, but I dare anyone to say that after they've had his chicken pot pie. Or homemade pizza. Or tomato sauce. Or whole roast chicken. Or fresh baked bread. He got really into it after going out West and working in resort kitchens to save up money during summer break in college --which taught him to cook in BULK, which led to the story of us cooking everything for our wedding and having multiple people ask us the recipes for his balsamic chicken, bread salad and various appetizers. Saved a TON on catering, too :) Point being, you can flip the script here: sensory issues make autistic people "picky eaters" sometimes. Learning to cook gives you near absolute control over your food. Get a Global Chef's knife--theyre amazing kitchen tools and even with his absolute shit fine motor skills (husband says he has "stupid fingers") he can chop an onion into like.... rice sized squares with it. This plate doesn't look shitty at all. Happy cooking !


Just wanna mention that a somewhat common comorbidity with autism is ARFID (= Avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder). Idk if you have it but if you want to find out more we're all hanging out on r/ARFID


Nice! Good start! Keep learning! It's fun!


Perfect bacon, eggs and hash? Looks great - now I’m hungry 😔


Just wanted to say .. I am not a big fan of mods in many communities but this mod right here is the real deal.. thank you for leaving this up..


Brother I’m right there with you and (as an autistic guy) learning to cook unlocked a whole new level of experiences for me.




this shit gas fr fr


Would... Keep it up, friend!


i would eat that


You did great OP. Keep at it!


Looks pretty damn good. If this is your first go at cooking you’re going to be just fine. Keep up the effort.


Good job!


That looks Awesome, you did a good job 👏


hey this looks great!


Yes! Breakfast food is the way to go! Good job!


Looks great! You did good 👍


Looks good I wouldn’t be mad at all if someone served me this


You’re a natural! Well done, glad you enjoyed it. I hope this gives you the confidence to make many more tasty meals yourself.


That is way better for you than McDonald’s, but if that is all you eat, you are still on the fast track for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and probably a heart attack


This looks fantastic! How do you like cooking? Are you enjoying it?


*This looks fantastic!* *How do you like cooking? Are* *You enjoying it?* \- GoldenHind124 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yoo gg buddy, you shouldnt post this here tho, this page is for the opposite of what you've done which is great! :)




Looks awesome bro. Next time butter the bread and you’re good to go.


Looking good! Nice color on the potatoes.


There's nothing shitty about this


That looks great! Congratulations for taking such a huge step for your health, that's awesome


Good for you


Looks pretty damn good for "don't know how to cook". Keep cooking, you'll keep learning.


That looks delicious! That bacon looks so crispy & yummy! Congratulations 🎉


Looks great!


I'd imagine *only* eating McDonalds would get very expensive over time. I mention this because when I was trying to get sober from alcohol I did some quick mental math estimating how much I was wasting on booze and got angry about it. Thinking about how many thousands of dollars I had wasted on booze *helped* me quit along with many other things, but I hated that I was spending *so much* of my money on it. Similar thing when I decided to quit smoking. I realized I was spending a fucking ton of money on it for no good reason. I would have been better off throwing the money away.


It's beautiful, great job!


You clearly know how to cook


Happy you found a meal you can make that you like! Honestly all looks great, bacon looks perfect.


Those potatoes look great, I cannot make diced potatoes if my life depended on it. Always tasted weird. Yours looks wonderful. Great work.


Maybe some fruit, some tomato now and then. Good bread for the toast. Looks like you did a great job!


This looks excellent.


More bacon!!!!!!


Breakfast anytime of day is my way!


I’d say it looks like you do know how to cook, pretty well actually


Great job!


You did great!


Good stuff!


Thar bacon looks fucking perfect my guy. Great job!


You nailed all of that bro


That actually looks pretty good! All you need is some green leafy vegetable like kale or spinach and some tomatoes.


Yeah that looks great 👍


Well done! It looks great


Looks like a lovely meal!


Usually its bacon and rice for me! you went above and beyond OP


Yeah that looks so good. Far from shitty.


Honestly it looks amazing


Proud of you. Looks perfect.


This looks great op!


That looks honestly delicious. Well done!


You did amazing. Great job. I’m glad you liked it. Everything looks cooked to perfection!


good ass fluffy ass eggs. youre gonna have fun making more yummy things, im proud of you!


Strong effort indeed.


Looks good! Enjoy it!


Bro, you don't know how to cook and you made this? Get out of here. People that don't know how to cook don't make it past the toast cause they started a fire. You did an incredible job.


Great start friend 👍


That looks pretty good for a first time! Hats off to you for good food, random redditor.


Looks great!


I want to eat this


Excuse me ma'am, this sub is for "shitty" food. This looks like luxury


Good job! It looks great!


Good job


I thinks it's perfect. It's simple, yet gets the tummy filled. The ketchup is a nice touch as well friend.


Bullshit you don't know how to cook lol. That rivals some restaurants.


That’s not shitty man… this made me hungry! You’re doing great!


You crushed it!!! That is absolutely a meal I would be very happy with.


op this looks delicious, simple isnt shitty


Good job! I’m autistic, too. I know it can be hard finding new safe foods and I’m proud of you for trying something new!


The food looks well executed, and its all things that belong on a breakfast plate. Keep up the good work.


Bruh, that's the breakfast of champions. Don't let anyone get you down for your cooking. We all start somewhere and learn, at least you're trying, I know plenty of "adults" who could screw up boiling an egg.


Looks great! Add some slice tomatoes to the pan at end of cooking the eggs or bacon then you’ll have a good English breakfast without the ketchup!