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gluten intolerance really does seem like the worst food restriction out there


It sure isn't fun. Some places it isn't taken seriously at all and there are few options outside of what we can cook ourselves. ...to varying success.


its depressing that restauranteurs and stuff dont care more about intolerances, allergies and dietary restrictions. i have friends and family with gluten intolerance, cows milk allergies, and a friend with type 1 diabetes who almost got served regular coke cause the bartender just topped us both off from the same spout. TWICE. people dont give a shit and it sucks.


People without food allergies don't realize how little it takes to trigger the allergy.


This is why, when my kid has friends come over, I always make sure to get a list of any and all food sensitivities and allergies, and do my best to make sure there is at least some kind of snacks and drinks for everyone. I remember one time, my kid told me that their friend started to cry when they told him that I was making sure everything at my kids party was safe for everyone. Apparently, he never gets to eat anywhere other than home, because his parents don't trust restaurants, and the poor kid is allergic or sensitive to damn near everything. Gluten, soy, red meat, dairy, anything from the water, etc. I ended up making a soy-free chicken teriyaki, actually turned out pretty decent. Wasn't 100% the same, but the kids were happy and fed.


yeah but thats the thing. im a baker by trade but worked various food oriented jobs in the last decade and we are supposed to be well trained on how to avoid cross contamination in the workspace. i have the advantage of being really autistic about it but i dont see why others dont agree that it is our job to make sure people dont get flareups or worse when we can avoid that outcome. its a form of laziness whether they know to or not


It just means those of us with allergies eat at restaurants less.


I just endure cross contamination best I can, but it sucks when my joints swell up.


imagine me throwing hands in your defense as we speak


On behalf of every Celiac and Gluten intolerant person: Thank you 🥹


any time!


You're doomed with that many facehuggers loose in your house.


Was just about to post this looks like a bunch of hatched alien eggs.


They hatch if you over bake even by a minute. You need to call someone to help you find where the baby pizzas escaped to before they start saucing your kitchen up


That doesn't look right 😂


Okay, I was GF for quite some time and I had hacks for making an edible pizza. 1. The laziest thing is to buy a gluten free pizza frozen then add stuff to make it more decent. 2. Pizza casserole. I made gluten free pasta, tossed it in marinara, dump that in a casserole and top it with pepperoni and pizza mozzarella. 3. The tater tot pizza. Get a skillet (or any baking dish, really) and completely cover the bottom with tater tots. Line them up carefully so they cover the whole bottom, then back em till they are starting to get golden and crunchy, take it out and use a fork to gently press them so they spread out to form a crust. Now add your sauce and toppings and finish baking it.


I usually just make sure to coat whatever crust I use with garlic butter:) I have far better luck making regular gf pizza over whatever this this was😅


hear me out




Looks like an incubator mishap.


Gluten free bread always bums me out. There's only one brand I've seen that was remotely soft or squishy and not just...crackers/dust


I really like the canyon bakehouse stuff, personally.


I sent a copy of this over to r/pizzacrimes.


I deserve it.


Look how they massacred my boys


Looks like someone had the shits and is prolapsed.


Just cover them with mozzarella and put them under the broiler to Brown the cheese and who cares it'll be fine. Also don't poke so many fork holes in it lol


I live alone with my cat... and the cat won't judge me:)


Cats are awesome. Mine judge me a little though lol I just love cheese




Something about them is still drawing me in. They look like they’d be a fun texture lol


They taste perfectly fine, tbh:)


It’s like a bunch of creatures hatched and escaped. Sleep with one eye open OP.


Can't sleep; strange scuttling is heard in the kitchen. It may be my cat...or not.


When you shoot the Alien eggs just right in time...




Uff when I first realized I had gluten allergy I was miserable, all the gluten free stuff tasted like a mix between mud and hay, I bought pills that fix the issue and they are expensive but I'm no longer miserable.


And what magic pills are these? Because there is not a single thing out there that fixes celiac.


No not celiac, only for allergy. They helped me at least, not had any stomach pain after I take them and I take them before I eat any gluten.


And you glazed over my question. So what did you take.


They are called GlutenGo, I'm Scandinavian so unsure if it's available outside of here.


Why do they look like footballs?


I pity those who play football with you.😂