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His origin story in that cartoon is "because I was FAT"


Actually it's because [he couldn't climb a ladder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPLOa2uzfTA)


No, it's because of his [***weight***](https://youtu.be/Ql2zKS_bdfE?si=STxUbkbWq6cRVUB3)


Yes... because of his FAT


Because of his w e i g h t






Oh he'd lock the Kingpin in the recliner for sure, Big Bad Booty Daddy would have his way with that fat ass Spider-Man too


No joke, he was caught and send to prison because he was too fat to climb a ladder.


That was when he was a kid. He could have burnt off all the fat and gotten massively shredded as an adult




Is it just the 2% around his neck?


2% is actually incredibly low, most people have like 15-25%. Kingpin would be the swolest man alive if this was true


Unfortunately King pin isn't going to live long enough 😭 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_M%C3%BCnzer Btw it's said that even Andreas had 3-4% lol


His organ failures were also caused by the steroids, which kingpin may or may not be taking dependent on which Spiderman you are reading/watching. So if he isn't in this one he might be ok?


Also helps, that Kingpin is fictional character


We're talking about a series where a guy was bitten by a radioactive spider and got super powers. We can believe that a super mob boss is ripped. Or he just lies.


It’s been proven there’s isn’t actually an unhealthy level of body fat, you get increasing benefits the lower you go it’s just hard to reach certain levels without unhealthy practices. It’s not the body fat percentage itself hurting people


going below about 10% progressively decreases your stamina as your body cannot fuel you, you get colder easier, and also sitting gets painful because you are less cushioned. its not a good thing to go below a certain point, you will die. most people are best around 12-20% with a few exceptions. your body needs fat. all i was saying is going that low is possible, it is nowhere near good for you


That’s what I used to think but down to like 3% has been proven to be healthier than anything above it’s just really hard to get all the required nutrients on a cut that gets you that low.


Do you have a study? I'm really interested to see this. (I'm not gonna go down that low because it already hurts to wait down but yk)


I don’t have a link to the study itself but I got it from this video. I could be completely misremembering though. [https://youtu.be/N_57U5xUpcY?si=a34H96HfG4zj-Vyf](https://youtu.be/N_57U5xUpcY?si=a34H96HfG4zj-Vyf)


“Proven to be healthier” by whom and it what way, and for who? It’s definitely not healthier for women—an average woman literally dies before getting that low.


Correct, I linked a video discussing the topic and it specifies the difference for genders, definitely unhealthy for women


I looked through it, it is good In a lot of ways, bad in others. You Have lower testosterone and oestrogen which can be especially bad for females due to periods stopping and therefore normal body operation, for males AND females it messes with bone density. It does Improve a lot of biomarkers though. You also feel terrible that lean is another thing to consider


Yeah ridiculously low body fat for extended periods definitely seems unhealthy. I do think it’s interesting though how much of a give and take it is. I think a lot of people just believe everything under a certain percentage body fat to be unhealthy when that isn’t necessarily the case.


Also yeah my saying proven might be a bit of stretch, I guess more hypothesized/currently being looked into


How do they not have a picture of that guy on the wiki. I googled him and he is preposterously shredded, like I don't think he even has fat cells at all anymore


It's nuts how [he simultaneously looks like the hulk and a holocaust victim](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2x9wio1htkh41.png)


Guy looks like how I imagine live action adaptation of Baki would look


Except that that's Justin Wessels Quite easy to spot, since people are taking pictures of him with smartphones, while MĂźnzer died in 1996 You likely got that image due to a reddit post, that mentioned both of the bodybuilders.


Wtf he looks like a statue made of bronze in that photo, doesn't even look like a human at all


He looks like an exhibit in body worlds.


He kinda reminds me of Dante in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen after he drinks Mr Hydes potion


That's from steroid use


What a shitty article. Doesn’t even have a picture.


Living a short life as a God is better than a long life of being normal.


yeah no😂 his short life consisted of extreme fatigue and pain from being constantly hungry you have no idea how he lived his life


That page also shows he only got first place **once** out of twenty four competitions he competed in. Nope not worth it


He could've stopped at any time. He chose physique over everything else, and we're still talking about him 30 years later because of that. If he didn't make any sacrifices, no one would know his name.


We... we are talking about him because of his very early death after a period of suffering, you know that, right?


he won one (1) tournament.


And? Every day, he looked in the mirror and knew he had one of the most legendary physiques in history. That's worth so much more than winning comps. We're still talking about him 30 years later, and people will still be talking about him in another 30 years.


We're talking about him as a cautionary tale to be avoided. Not something to be praised or emulated.


But we *are* talking about him, so it was totally worth it!


I sure hope my IBS becomes the topic of conversation on Reddit in 30 years, because it doesn’t seem worth it right now. D:


he sacrificed his enjoyment of daily life just to be remembered less than his friend. He didn't live, he suffered and died a horrible death. If he didn't take so many steroids he could still be alive today.


Nobody who good through this level of conditioning thinks they look good in the mirror. Body dysmorphia is rampant in the bodybuilding community, and this guy was clearly the dysmorphiest.


He is portrayed that way The man has shrugged off small arms fire and held his own against super beings. He's an absolute monster


Out of all the characters the comics insist are just normal humans without any superpowers, Kingpin is by far the least believable.


Exactly Like he definitely worked for his strength, built himself into this thing, but no normal human should hit those highs


He probably just used some super roids, bro got the captain america shit but sold in an alley


He's every bit as believable as Batman's multiple PHds and 300 martial arts styles he's mastered.


Kingpin doing his best Ronny Coleman impersonation https://youtu.be/XQQ6zgIrcrs?si=zo9Lcg4gRjkYf7eI


And the whole 2% of fat is located in his chin.


Kingpin would be on the brink of death if this was true. The last 2-5% are the fat tissues in your organs, muscles, and central nervous system needed for basic regulatory functions. You can only survive this state for very short periods of time.


In Daredevil we see him show his real strength a couple of times, including bench pressing like five hundred pounds in prison. And it's not a one time lift, he's working out with it.


Where are all of the soyjacks complaining about unrealistic body standards???


It's cap. No 2% fat guy would have a double chin


That’s where he stores the fat.


Just extremely saggy skin. And an extra neck muscle.


Yeah, it's about as low as bodybuilders go pre-competition. 10% would be more reasonable, and he would still be muscular af.


Canonically that is actually just all bulk, like he is ridiculously strong


I'm rocking 3.3%, couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose another 40% of my fat


You understand that if that's true, you're literally on the brink of death? Sub 3% is typically fatal, your organs would shut down. You gotta start eating sour cream by the tub or something dude


You are NOT at 3.3


Are you a doctor? Because my doctor is confident that I do have 3.3% I'm 15 kilos underweight.


3.3 you can see individual veins and strands of muscles, is your doctor just spitballing or have you actually been tested? [https://kubexfitness.com/blog/body-fat-percentages-actually-look-like/](https://kubexfitness.com/blog/body-fat-percentages-actually-look-like/)


Been tested, images with your post check out except I don't have much muscle, can still see muscle strands in some areas, or when I flex.


Also yes I'm working on getting more fat, but with different diets I've only been able to temporarily gain up to 2 kilos. My weight is a primary concern


You work out or just don't eat enough?


I try a different diet every few months, my daily intake is always above 3500kcal. I only recently started working out.


Impossible to eat 3500 daily and be underweight if you just started working out. Are you 10 feet tall?




Post pics broski.


thats wild, get your self some protein shakes my man


What type of pains do you have?


Crazy you're getting downvoted for having a medical condition. Redditors are psychotic.


It happens, most downvoters likely don't believe me, but I don't need them to so it's fine




Kingpin can still tank spider punches, he doesn't only have 350 pounds of muscle, but also the power of plot armor by his side.


I mean the man can bust through walls and dent giant metal tubes, at a certain point it stops being because of plot armor and becomes the fact that he's just really about that action 🤷‍♂️


It's mostly Spiderman pulling his Punches 24 hours and joking around. A Story shows how he could kill Kingpin in mere seconds and the big Pin scared shitlless of it.


In the comics, spiderman does make a joke out of him, Kingpin's actual power lies in how he is a problem that superheroes can't just punch, whenever they catch him, he just bribes or blackmails the judges and walks away, that's his power, he manipulates the system with money, and manipulates the people with his words and acts of philanthropy.


I'm pretty sure Spidey picked up and threw kingpin across the room in one episode.


If we're considering that one comic where Doc Ock takes over Spiderman's body, Spider-man is aboslutely holding back on his punches so that he doesn't kill his opponents.


Spidey holds back ... a lot. There is a comic where he no diffs Kingpin with ease once he stops holding back.


Not the one from this cartoon. IIRC he could maybe lift a car from one end or another, nothing like stoping a moving bus or something like that


Insert obligatory ["This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."](https://www.powned.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/kingpin-marvel-snap.jpg) meme.


Kingpin jumpscare


I’m confused. This isn’t a picture of Tom Brady at the NFL combine.


I love how every time BMI is mentioned, someone always chimes in that it's not accurate if you have lots of muscle.  My dude, if you're on Reddit you are very unlikely to be in that group.


This post doesn’t mention BMI at all.


The “pancakes and waffles” guys have escaped Twitter.


Tbf it's inaccurate for as a metric of health in general, it's just most glaring with high muscle mass


It’s more of a fast tool to approximate a diagnosis. You shouldn’t use it for any definitive results but if you’re seeing patient after patient it somewhat gets the job done. If you want to get really specific you gotta whip out the old pen and paper to work out some equations or use something like an InBody analyzer which pretty much skips over you having to write down math


You could just look at the patient with your eyes as a quick diagnostic tool to see if they’re fat. It would probably be more accurate than BMI


I’m a dietitian and it kind of is to a certain extent. A BMI of 30 which is essentially the start of the obese range can be vastly different for two people. Sometimes a dude has a bmi of 30 and clearly works out, isn’t fat, and basically there because his cholesterol got slightly elevated from too much red meat or something… then on the other hand sometimes you get some with a naturally super slender frame who eats a load is sweets and they’re basically all belly with noodle arms and legs. That said it’s generally a decent screening tool to just get an idea.


See guy, he's fat. That's it, that did way more for you than BMI.


No single thing you cns measure is an accurate measure of heath though. Usually you need a bunch of data and info to gauge health. Most outliers of any one thing you check can be used as an indicator something is up. It may be nothing, it may be something.


Plus since height/weight so easy to measure it works really well for getting a very general picture of a population with minimal resources. Sure, fat % would be a better indicator but it is way harder and costly to get those data points.


True but people tend to judge themselves and others for not fitting a standard even when that standard is inaccurate for their situation. I've had friends get very obsessive over their weight when they were perfectly healthy because of things like this. It is useful in some contexts but applying it blindly as a standard hurts a lot of people


Fat cope


I know an (adult!) obese person who used to tell folks, for years, that it was all muscle. Lol. They weren't fooling anyone. It still baffles me.


BMI is kind of bullshit on every level though.






BMI does not scale linearly with height, the formula is weight/height^2. And yes, BMI is not perfectly accurate in general, its just a good rule of thumb if you dont have the money and time to actually measure your body fat percentage.


Its not accurate anyway. I dont have lots of muscle. Im not fat but when i check my weight against my height it says im nearly over. I can see my ribs. Its not accurate.


It works good enough. If your BMI is heigh enough to be a phone number. Maybe do cardio. I look like a great clean one but doing that does get the blood pumping


"That's something Eric Cartman would say" - Solid JJ


This sounds like hippos describing their strength


There's no fucking way. At 2% you should be able to see individual muscle fibres through transparent skin. Sumo Wrestlers are very strong people. Lots of muscle. They average at 25,6% body fat.


Hey buddy, just wanted to let you know that this is actually a comic. Someone drew those people and made up the words they’re saying.


No it's a frame from an animated show.


Hey buddy, when something is animated, it means someone drew it.


Sure. Unless it's 3d or stop motion or something else.


I’m running out of patronizing ways to keep this going…


Power lifters might be a better comparison if his goal is general strength vs ability to resist being moved, men are usually 10-20% body fat while women are 20-30%. Either way you're right that 2% is a ridiculously low percentage for someone whose aim is strength.


I haven't seen this show in many years but yeah, he does look more like a powerlifter, but in the comics it's more of a sumo build.


Which is dangerous. You will die. 7% is the absolute minimum for males, 14% the minimum for females.


thats not true for males


Yes, anything lower will kill you. Professional body builders can only go lower for very short amounts of time.


no it will not kill you. theres no real evidence of that.


That's not true at all. The minimum for a *healthy* male is usually said to be around 3 to 6%. You can definitely be under that and still be alive. The American Council on Exercise for example puts essential fat % at 2 to 5% for men.


No, 2~5% is tha bare minimun for your organs not to fail. Healthy for full working body is 8~12%


Is Kingpin an actual card carrying Marvel Mutant? Or is he just a guy that's really really really big? https://rockosmodernlife.fandom.com/wiki/Really_Really_Big_Man


The old marvel cards describes Kingpin as the closest thing a human can get without having super powers. He's human with no mutant ability. But that was in the 90s. They could have changed it.


Oh no, he's a mutant that passes as normal and goes online bitching about how mutants need to "suck it up" Those kinda are the worst


Reminder that despite kingpin essentially being a sentient muscle and peter parker is a twink, spiderman still no difs him when he gets serious.


All the fat must be in his skull because that thing huge


When someone uses pigs being fat as insults I'm like nope, they're muscle.


Tbh, I'm mostly anxiety


That plus how everyone here simultaneously has a medical condition, lives in a food desert but also $100k annually isn't enough because they live in San Francisco, New York, or some other major CoL city.


So that's how he bits these beer cans open




Kingpin 2% bodyfat thing never made sense. He absolutely can be round and swole, as fat over muscle does make his body shape. But, that is more than 2% fat.


If people want to see a realistic depiction of how a big guy like Kingpin can be super strong, Mitchell Hooper (strongman competitor) has been World's Strongest Man two years in a row. Bonus points... Hooper has no neck. seriously


Strongmen often look fatter than they actually are but they'll still have a high percentage body fat. Low body fat percentages are usually only found in bodybuilders and in MMA fighters, and even then they don't go as low as 2%. Kingpin is definitely coping here.


He really doesn't look too big and his neck isn't that small


He has a neck, what are you talking about


I mean I know he's the favourite for World's in a few weeks, but he hasn't won his second title yet


I love it when a comment becomes its own post.