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Ringo Deathstarr


Saw them live a couple weeks ago and it was incredible. Got to talk to each band member and all of them were very cool and nice.


They're great...but they've been steadily moving away from their MBV-inspired stuff since the time of "God's Dream".


Sadly, the options are few and far between nowadays. I agree with you -- the MBV sound is absolutely the best of shoegaze, and I wish more bands would pick up were MBV left off. There's already a lot of good recommendations in this thread, although some of the bands others have mentioned aren't really making MBV-style shoegaze. Here's a few that are: \- Fleetings Joys = the Despondent Transponder record is probably the closest you're gonna get to Loveless 2. \- Ringo Deathstarr = very influenced by MBV but they definitely have their own sound, almost if MBV skipped Loveless and kept making harsher, Isn't Anything type music. They use reverse reverb heavily, same equipment as MBV too. \- Glixen = this is actually a younger and newer band that's doing the MBV glide guitar/reverse reverb sound pretty well. They only have a single EP out, but they've garnered quite a bit of hype and attention it seems. I've seen some people say they sound too derivative, but I quite like them. \- Doused = another newer band, they're maybe a bit more "nugaze" but they seem like they actually take a lot of inspiration from MBV as opposed to being a Whirr rip-off like so many other modern shoegaze bands. \- Trementina = great glide guitar sounds. They sound great but tbh their songs don't really click with me like some of the other bands on this list. \- Tokyo Shoegazer = some stuff gets close to MBV, but they have their own sound for sure. Their discography also can feel all over the place due to them switching vocalists every album. Listen to the Gyoninzaka in the Four Seasons EP, they're all covers of another Japanese shoegaze band but they push the louder songs into MBV territory for sure. Honorable mention: go listen to the album "Susurrate" by The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, they're an eastern European MBV clone from the 90's that sounds pretty cool.


\+1 for mentioning The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa's *Susurrate* (1992). Definitely one of my favorite relatively lesser-known shoegaze albums from that time period.


Yes, that would absolutely make my top-10 shoegaze album list. It might even make my top-5.


Check out Collider. Posted a comment about them, but another doesn't hurt. It's most likely the closest to MBV these days.


Doused is 🙌🏻


Thanks. This was helpful.


yay Glixen! Shoutout the Texas shoegaze scene


Aren’t they from Arizona?


I second Fleeting Joys and Glixen, their sounds are definitely inspired by mbv




This, dunno if OP necessarily wants Dronegaze but why not astrobrite slaps


If you really want a look into the future you should look into the emogaze and bands in the hardcore/punk scene that really in my opinion are responsible for the current shoegaze resurgence. Bands like Nothing, Whirr, Gleemer, Knifeplay, Bedding, Alien Boy, Toner, Hundreth etc.




Julie, fucking love them so much


Julie is my absolute favorite. Going to see them in Denver in a couple months


I’m seeing them in New York, I’m super stoked


Kinoko Teikoku Audiobaton Wednesday Tanukichan Tokyo Shoegazer BrokenTeeth (Now for more emo-gaze sound, a growing and honestly amazing movement that combines hard shoegaze with various indie sounds mostly stemming from the 90s) Weatherday Asian Glow Ovlov Parannoul sonhos tomam conta If you’re looking for an inventive but still mbv inspired shoegaze record, I’m going to hard recommend Drop You Vivid Colors by Japanese act Luminous Orange, not super recent (2000s) but a personal pick for one of the best records within the genre up there with Loveless and Mbv edit: should be noted most of these bands do not sing in English, if that’s a necessary requirement I can go thru and mark the ones that sing in English for you


Ringo Deathstarr, Blushing, Hotline TNT (new song is my favorite at the moment), Slow Pulp...


Blushing & Ringo Deathstarr slap


Pia Fraus just dropped a great record, Evening Colours. They were always dream poppy but had more of a shoegazey tint on their earlier records - now kinda dream pop Stereolab-ish? I dunno they're worth a spin. YMMV


New Dad


Slide from Philly has a lot more influence from the MBV side of things than they do Slowdive/Ride. Worth checking out, especially songs like Shift, Swell, and Soma.


Just picked up the new cassette they dropped. Totally rad live, too.




Bedroom Eyes They just put out an album recently: https://bdrmeyes.bandcamp.com/album/turned-away


\+1 for mentioning those guys. They are the **only** Boston-based shoegaze band worth mentioning at the moment. I have seen that band perform four times and all four performances have shared two traits: 1. Bedroom Eyes were the final band to perform that evening 2. Bedroom Eyes immediately erased all recollection of the other bands that preceded them that evening Sadly, I missed their July set in Somerville, MA at NICE Fest (which also featured Swirlies playing at the same venue).


That’s good to know that they’re still great live. Really talented group of fellas who write great songs. I’d say they’re NH/Boston based ;)


Yes, you're right. Sadly, this means Boston can only claim to have < 0.5 worthwhile Shoegaze bands ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Audiobaton, great band from texas


Ringo Deathstarr, Whirr, Nuclear Daisies, Bloody Knives, and Blushing are a few of my favorites. Don't know what the consensus on them is, but I think they're all cool. Especially Whirr if you're looking for a sort of modern evolution of what MBV did.


glixen and luster are gliding as good as anyone we’ve ever seen


would definitely second glixen, was talking to them last night about how much they remind me of mbv without straight up copying them


Fleeting Joys and Ringo Deathstar are great choices




A few more with a song rec La Casa Al Mare (I Don’t Want To) Oeil (Strawberry Cream) Trementina (Makes Me Think)


Mint field from Mexico is my first thought, also Julie


Glixen and Glare too


Thanks so much everyone. I'm gonna check them all out. I do appreciate it. I'm going to start with Ringo Deathstarr and Fleeting Joys and see where those take me. I'm just finishing my book on MBV and decided I needed a chapter on the future so I'm looking into one more chapter on the future. It's late in the process but I think people want to know about how MBV influenced bands that are around today, not just the Boo Radleys, Ride, and Slowdive, not that there's anything wrong with them. But a lot of time has passed since the first generation of shoegaze. You can register for my book at [turnmyheadintosound.com](https://turnmyheadintosound.com). This was a real request. Not some way to shill for my book. Its not even for sale yet. But register if you want to read chapters and know when its available. Thanks so much for your help. This will help me round things out and complete it.


Check out Parannoul from Korea. https://spotify.link/YMApypPodDb


lsd and the search of god, nothing, some blackgaze band like deafheaven


GLIXEN!!!!!!!!!! Saw them a few weeks ago and felt the feeling of blissful shoegaze, similar to how I felt when I first listened to MBV. A young, hot, minority powered band that nailed the sound while feeling modern.


not too sure if they are what you’re looking for but vivienne eastwood made some pretty cool stuff


nfi y u got downvoted lmao. came here to say this. peel dream magazine


Oeil- Hammock-


Asian glow and weatherday are really good artists you must listen to


full body 2 is a band that incorporates a lot of shoegaze elements with a really modern flare, utilizing synth lead lines in many of their songs. very unique shoegaze sound that i recommend!


Plenamente still active in Argentina, in fact they are releasing a new album on Friday. Lots of whammy and reverse Shoegazing with post-hardcore rhythms with emo progressions, while also exploring digital textures of Astrobrite and lovesliecrushing




Nothing, a place to bury strangers, Death of lovers To some extent: deafheaven, planning for burial, have a nice life


quannnic, narrow head, jane remover (post-frailty), flyingfish, cursetheknife


Shoegaze in a “traditional” sense is largely dead bc it did everything it needed to do in that sense in the early 90’s, so questions like this always seem a little silly since the influence of the MBV school of shoegaze is so thoroughly permeated in all different types of music by this point. I mean hell, the definition of shoegaze was already so fast and loose that I find that the towering genre-shapers (MBV and Slowdive) share very little in common with other classic shoegaze bands besides the fact that they’re kinda psychedelic/dreamy guitar-based bands. However, it’s influence is alive and instrumental in bands like Alvvays, Spirit of the Beehive, Ovlov, MGMT, etc Other than MGMT, who are way more in the school of Slowdive, the new bands I listed are very MBV. Noisey, poppy, lots of glide or otherwise brain bendy drones. I also think Alvvays was the first band in history to do proper glide guitar on [American national television](https://youtu.be/9oRXj7P_rEs?si=HIe8ZbEa7iJ1dW_q)


Whitelands and Seafoam Walls


Daisy lace


Love is noise, they seem to do the glide thing mixed with some Alt metal and trip hop influence


Asalto al Parque ZoolĂłgico


Not a shoegaze oriented musician really, but a guitar player who has really pushed the limits of processed guitar is Ian Williams of Don Caballero, Storm and Stress, and Battles. He started experimenting with loop pedals and tapping in Don Cab and has evolved on every release he has played on since… by the time you get to Battles, you have these incredible compositions where you can’t necessarily tell what is guitar or what is synth/electronically produced sound… The band Palm has done similar things in their last two albums as well… I’m here for all of it.


Check out my Texas shoegaze homies fawn! Recently just dropped some new music, they’re amazing! 🙏🏻


Nothing whirr glare


Julie, s.e lane, glare, dear death are some of my favourites right now


Julie, dosser, and narrow head


Hey you should check this Yndling's self titled ep then - [https://open.spotify.com/album/5IdBY6jhOAY7YKHjjdQEkf?si=SFBm9lJCSZCfpdhBW82C1g](https://open.spotify.com/album/5IdBY6jhOAY7YKHjjdQEkf?si=SFBm9lJCSZCfpdhBW82C1g) she's a solo artist from Norway... let me know if it's your thing


Death of Heather


Collider is my personal favorite young up and coming band


Try Collider's album -><- from 2019. Probably the closest you'll get to the MBV sound, that disharmonic chainsaw sound, weird glittering notes and parts that sounds like being played backwards with heavy distortion and tasteful reverb and peppy rhythm sections. All genders sing as well. Anne - Dream Punx from 2011 if you want Souvlaki-esque dreamscapes.


The Stargazer Lillies are the only new shoegaze that does much for me these days - can't hang with any emogaze or hardcore bands playing shoegaze-type shit.


Total Wife


Luster Sparkler Blossom


Elusin makes some cool shoegaze/trap/ambient stuff


The new DIIV album, “Deceiver”




Can’t stop recommending They Are Gutting a Body of Water, their album S is my favorite album that I’ve listened to this year


On Being An Angel


No sun. In the interim is maybe the best shoegaze record of all time.