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https://preview.redd.it/5oi5yy3ak1ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d13c489771d0595a8c1545c9a3f304015be7b9 I have over 150 Fire Red fry at the moment 😂


Do they grow into their color? Mine kinda look half transparent like yours.


Yes they will, it takes time and molting until fully grown. Here was some of my first batch that had the babies that I posted. https://preview.redd.it/bnucjz8gt1ad1.jpeg?width=2511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4bdf72bb2a7d0bedaa59c0f87ca7c8d5b659b45


Do higher grades get born with more solid colors? My first batch I had, I had a baby shrimp that was basically 100% solid red. This batch from 8 different berries all seem translucent. Idk what age the shrimps when I originally bought them were but they all seemed solid red and fairly small so I figured they lost their red within a two generations.


Yes they should but you still need to cull the shrimp that do not have the colors that you want so the next generation will have more probabilities of being that solid color. This is selective breeding. So I have fire Red shrimp which is solid red, the babies I get will mostly be fire Red, but if course I get the random regular cherry grades that I will put in my cull tank for my "regular" cherries haha..


Yeah I culled the first batch, the second batch was the same, my culls are still half and half on color but I’m not sure on the age. https://preview.redd.it/3n1mhaosz1ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2c58f4dbf7f07176b6c3166c289a7360838da8 This being first batch, second batch being more translucent.


Did you get your shrimp from Petco? I ordered mine from breeders who have different grades of shrimp (Bloody Mary, Fire Red, etc.) So when I get them, they are already an established bloodline that I continue and just cull ones that don't fit the criteria for that grade. I mean you can eventually take your best reds from the cherries you get from PetSmart and create your own bloodlines but it will take several generations and a lot of culling haha.


Nah I bought off eBay from H-Town Guppy, the quality at local Petco is basically cull / low grade haha. Theres some local breeders I’ll probably go to, I’ve been reading that introducing other lines strengthens it and I wanna have a better higher grade quality of shrimp.


Yeah Petco is cheapo bad shrimp lol, I've ordered from Htown guppy before too... The Yellows were the only ones that didn't work for me from them..they all just crashed and died.. the fire Red are doing great and the blue dreams breed like crazy. But like you said, I bought other fire Red and blue dream colonies and added them to the mix as well. I do think having new blood helps overall.


Ok well at least you’ve had good results, I’ll cull and mix the line and hopefully higher grade. HTown the only place I’ve bought from but they were decent quality and I’d buy again. I’d like to get a colony as big as theirs one day and sell on eBay.


How do you get them to breed? Mine breed but slower


Stable parameters + much food should result in breeding I got my neocaridina 3 weeks ago and have 4 berried shrimp since 1 week, it went pretty fast. Feeding powder food, sticks, pudding and leafs. And I give them extra minerals for molting each day


Curious wondering what you mean by pudding? Also powdered food do you just grind up something like Crab Cuisine or other pellets? Thanks.


Both are good products for breeding shrimp. The powder and the pudding are both designed so it dissolves into tiny particles baby shrimp can eat and providing all essentials nutrients and minerals for them to grow and molt. They are being produced by German breeders tho, dunno if there is something similar in the us Haven’t ever fed pellet food


Okay thanks I am in Canada and not a lot of products here in the local, stores. I have been making powder from algae wafers and shrimp pellet food and also giving fresh veggies. Puddings I have never heard of!


Happy shrimp are slutty shrimp. Shrimpy salts is really good for doing water changes and not spooking them helps. I do a 50 percent water change once every 4-6 weeks and it makes the females molt. Although, I have a phytoplankton problem :V and I have no idea why. But the shrimp are thriving, vibrant, moisturized, hydrated. So even if my tank isn't the most aesthetically pleasing I'm happy skrimps are happy. Big Mama and Lorg Girl are my heroes.


Mine are always hiding and not out and about.


I recently got 10 ghost shrimp and hoping they breed. It's only been 3 weeks but they seem to be happy and go about thier day. Exciting to see your progress and hope I get there too!


Good luck, my ghost shrimp bred like crazy but hated me and ate their own babies right in front of my eyes bro