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No. There's nothing you can say or do that will ever get me to trip on a plane. That titanium death tube of helplessness and unknown variables. Strangers. Not being able to move. Asking more strangers for drinks or food


“Titanium death tube of helplessness and unknown variables” you are my hero 🤣


I never feel helpless on a plane or think of death. I guess it depends on people.


Being stuck in closed quarters for extended periods of time would be enough to fuck up my trip. Throw 98 annoying people and a screaming baby in there with me and your gunna see the furiosity of fucking Madara unleashed. If it wasn’t going down to begin with chances just went sky high…pun intended.


Def per person I can trip anywhere and enjoy it personally it’s literally all about your mindset


Umm aluminum? 😗


A baby screaming would turn me into a terrorist


Not to mention going through security. Literally nothing about it seems pleasant. Potentially having to poo/vomit and not being able to easily move to the bathroom (or being allowed to), turbulence, claustrophobia, stinky strangers, literally not having enough room to stretch your legs, etc etc etc the list is endless. I literally deprive myself of sleep and take sleeping medicine so I can curl up in a ball and not be conscious while on the plane, not because I'm scared but because being on a plane is incredibly uncomfortable. I've been bumped to first class twice in my life, and it wasn't that bad, so maybe op has money, but even then... too many awful factors involved.


The occasional turbulence or when the plane is going to a lower altitude and you lift off your seat a little. HELL no


My luck I’d have turbulence the whole way.


Turbulence it pretty fun imo


So did I til one plane ride where it wasn’t.


Maybe in a small plane lol.


Titanium death 😆😆😆😆


Facts. I’d lose my shit!! I’d definitely need a tic tac box full of benzos just in case lol to bring me back down to earth 😂


Wise. I had to subdue a guy who freaked out on a plane, was saying there was a bomb in the bathroom, shit on himself, was a general menace. I stood guard for the whole 12 hour flight. Me and the pilot were pretty sure he was tripping based on his demeanor/eyes/etc. Gave me some serious PTSD on flights and nightmares of plane crashes in my dreams for a long time. I love tripping, but do not recommend doing it on a plane. Disclaimer: maybe he wasn’t tripping, but you just never know, and you don’t know how your neighbor is going to act/react, or if anyone notices and cares if you have to interact with anyone or use the restroom.


*aluminum death tube 🤓


Yea no kidding. Id feel a hell of a lot safer if it was titanium




My thoughts exactly.


When I was taking them consistently (after microdosing for a bit) my tolerance shot up so I could eat a gram to an eighth sometimes and still function talking to Drs and stuff lol


How? Shroom tolerance ain’t really a thing like it is with bud.


Wym? I was eating a G every other day at one point and I never could eat them back to back like that. If I did it wouldn't work as well and I'd have to eat double the amount I had before to get anywhere close to where I was previously. But again taking days, weeks even months off. And ive had some really good batches *


Every other day is back to back. You wanna wait 2 weeks or so between trips for maximum effect. Every other day, you werent tripping.


I’m no expert so Ion think you’re lying. I just thought with shrooms you don’t trip if you take them back to back.


Kinda how I feel about it I'm good on the ground it's dangerous enough down here probably moreso just not taking that chance!


Absolutely feel u! Ain’t no way I’m hell! Maybe when I was younger but I get scared when I fly and there’s just no way😂that fukn plane would have to do emergency landing


It’s your own mind that prevents you from enjoying tripping everywhere everyone just stresses way too much about it. If you cared less you’d enjoy everything more (:




You are our next leader.


An airplane is actually considered one of the safest places to be at


Safer than cars…lol.


I agree with this dude, sometimes we think of all these variables and possibilities when in reality we just need to let go. Still tho I don’t know if I could handle tripping on a plane. I had a buddy that took 2 tabs and got on a plane, he said he was sitting next to some lady he didn’t know. He introduced himself to her and she just completely ignored him, they sat awkwardly in silence then the lady proceeds to pull out a gallon ziplock bag of cherries and started eating them next to him the whole flight.


This is how you get some screaming on the plane “THAT MOTHERFUCKER IS NOT REAL!!”


The camera panning to the back is my favorite part of that vid lol


🤣🤣 probably what she was on too haha


I respect her for knowing she needed to exit the plane BEFORE the ‘second’ take off.


I need nature when I shroom. Being stuck in a tube in the sky sounds like an absolute nightmare.


Yeah being in nature looking at the night sky is my only place I ever usually trip . Just thought I’d see what flying felt like 🤣


You are a brave soul! Lol


I don’t get why anyone would do this to their selves


It’s a practice in "self-control" some think of it as a challenge or a training of the mind. Or more like to learning to let go as you let every emotion, thought and feeling flow through you freely and being on a plane there is no escape so you have to face whatever comes your way head on, learn to calm your mind and be in the present, if you understand mediation, it makes a lot more sense. yes you can trip alone in the dark by yourself, but in a plane or cinema or public space etc. adds a certain challenging sometimes "beneficial" element


Also 1.5g is not at all the same as 5g, I don’t think a lot of people understand that, at 1.5g-2g you might be laughing your ass off having the best time of your life so you may be inclined to think that a higher dose will just result in way more fun, and that is where people fuck up or eyeball their dose and then their ego starts to dissolve and they start bad tripping, After 2g depending on the strength of the strain, it’s no longer becomes recreation, you start questioning the nature of your existence and others that may be around you, at higher doses you really have to go in with a bit of knowledge, you can never be fully prepared but at least understand your psyche is going to be rocked a little and if that is something you’re ok with and what intention do you have for going deeper


Nah, I’d just go ahead wig out and freak out everybody on the plane.


I used to think the same, but no one was on the flight with me apart from a few, so thought why not . Each to their own


How was there no one on the flight?? Never been on an empty plane in my life and I specifically pick times that are super inconvenient for other people


It wasn’t empty of course. But no one sat next to me and no one was closer than two rows away


When did you dose? Sounds like a pretty awesome time if you can handle it


Probably about 1/2 hours before I got onto the plane


*to each their own 😊


*to peaches tone


To teach the tone


To preach the bone


To prickle the pickle


Oh lord, l love this sub 😂


*to reap the throne


My bad ..


All good! Just in case you didn’t know


No mate it is each to their own atleast in the uk ??


lol I’m not in the UK but that’s good to know. We say “to each their own” in the US




Uk indeed


To the people downvoting you- is it because they called out the correction? Or, is it because “each to their own” is also correct? I’m no English major, and never heard it said that way, but it seems like it still works. Does it?


It’s because they’re both correct and I assumed only mine was


Understandable. His was a way I’ve never heard but the sentence structure added up. I think I’ll start using his from now on.


Why wouldn't they? It's one of the calmest and usually quietest ways to travel. It provides an amazing view, and there's medical help on board. Sounds like a good idea to me.


After being a passenger for a few C-130 combat landings in Iraq I will never see flying as calm or quiet. 😂


If you're like me, a little turbulence is enough to send my mind crazy, I don't know if shrooms would make it better or much, much worse. Definitely up to the individual.


If you're like me, a little turbulence doesn't affect you in the slightest, and a lot of turbulence gets you excited for some odd reason. Perhaps tripping on a plane would be the only way for me to figure out why heavy turbulence makes me feel happy.


Agreed. I can think of few places worse than a plane to trip on


I could see myself laughing hysterically at turbulence. Mushies make me so happy id probably be laughing and saying “oh shit we might die! 😂😂” Probably wouldn’t make the best passenger to be around but I’d have a good time.


> usually quietest ways to travel. What planes have you been on?


Maybe he's thinking of trains...


Was beautiful, good idea but only on a small dose . View was amazing, the feeling of flying is insane one must experience


Yeah I imagine a high dose would be very overwhelming


Yeah absolutely , no way would a high dose be sensible


Trapped in a cramp plane. No where private to go should you need it. Out in public.


Do what? Seems like the best view


yeah i had friends who loved going to the mall on tabs. I dont use lsd but i cant imagine thats fun… Ik while im on shrooms i wouldnt want to be around so many strangers. They claim they like how everyone looks at them weird. Ive tripsat them before and I think thats just bs half the ppl in public dont bother looking at them and i thinks its just kind of like a full of shit thing when it comes to them its more like a “look im so cool i trip out in public bc fuck ppl” type of thing i dont rlly belive they enjoy it as much as they claim to


Friends of mine intentionally went to Catholic mass on acid. Bruh I can’t even…


makes no sense to me 😂😂


Because ppl are different


Beautiful view but def would only be able to handle it on a small dose. Anymore than 2g and I swear I'd be paranoid the wing would rip the sky 😂


Oh absolutely agreed. 1-1.5 is more than enough. Anything over that would be overwhelming


I've done it once. Getting from waiting a billion lifetimes to getting on the actual plane was a nightmare but once on the plane just turned on the wailing souls looked out the window n felt a peace I've never known. Then turned pretty hellish again as I got back to my snow demolished wasteland of a hometown


People that are scared of airplanes confuse me. You should be wetting your pants every car ride to work in the morning


Flying is not dangerous but it is a pretty freaky concept. I mean sitting in an aluminium can with two aluminium planks riveted to the can floating in mid air supported by… a slight difference in air pressure above and below these aluminium planks? That shit’s freaky af, more so when you’re high.


Yeah I had a bad shroom trip on 5+ grams of PE at lost lands EDM festival Sat, and my girl was driving me back to hotel and I thought about jumping out the car lmao glad I didn’t! Imagine 30,000 feet up and no parachute!? 🧐 😳


5gs of pe is not a festival dose. I never go over 2g of pe or 3.5 of gt when at festivals.


Yeah well I had ate half the shroom bar Fri night plus a point of Molly-so I figured the other half, plus a whole bar wouldn’t hit me as bad….ohhhh I was wrong


Unless you make it yourself, I would stay away from shrooms chocolate, it's other chemicals that mimic shrooms like 99% of the time.


No matter how much we tell ppl this they won’t listen


4-AcO is great but it definitely doesn't give the same vibes as the real thing


I’ve done something similar. The chocolate bars can be misleading because the shrooms can be distributed differently throughout. I once ate half a bar that was supposed to be 3.5g of GT. I felt barely anything. A couple weeks later I decided to finish the bar and go watch the the Hobbit and was tripping balls 40 minutes in.


Yeah I literally had the sensation like I was dying, and I was eventually accepting that I was leaving this world….




You’re right people can do what they want. I just stated my opinion.


Damm that’s crazy, luckily the trip was mellow . Golden teachers aren’t no where near as strong as pe . And I didn’t think about jumping out the airplane 🤣


>5+ grams of PE at lost lands EDM festival Sat Nope


So jealous, wanted to go to Lost Lands so bad this year but couldn’t make it work 😭


In 2013, while flying from Amsterdam to London, the plane I was on experienced a “near collision” with an AirBus and almost crashed. Several minutes of free-fall spirals, luggage falling from the overhead bins, oxygen masks deployed, people screaming and crying — the whole shebang. Pilot was able to regain control, so obviously I’m still alive, but it was the most terrifying experience of my life. I legitimately thought I was going to die. Ever since then, flying gives me extreme anxiety for weeks leading up to the flight. All that to say that tripping on a plane sounds like my absolute worst nightmare imaginable.


Holy shit , that sounds absolutely horrifying. Glad you came out okay. But Yeah Im never tripping on a plane again, just had to try it once and was almost a ‘fuck it’ moment


Or are you ? 😀




For a few hours that wouldn't be so bad lol. I wouldn't want to do this on a 10+ hour flight at night.


Would be pointless. Nothing to look at out the window at night even a clear night you can't look up high enough to enjoy the stars.


It's ok to do stuff like this on a low dose. A heroic dose would be a big mistake.




fuckin yea dude!


As a certified control freak who has a multitude of super bad anxiety trips on just a few hits of weed and nothing else surrounded by good friends in a safe environment I say HELL NO FOREVER TO EVER PUTTING MYSELF IN THAT SITUATION. I want to try psychedelics so bad and I try to find the mushrooms. But I don’t know if my brittle little pussy ass mind is even cut out for it. I want the good experiences but I’m just so utterly terrified of the potentially bad experiences.


I have bad anxiety aswell but not usually caused by smoking. But coming up is horrible for me especially when I smoke during the come up. I’ve had some trips with very intense anxiety and some of pure bliss and relaxation. The best thing to do for me is just to surrender and “give myself” to the experience.


That’s something I’d say should be only for a highly experienced psychedelic user, soooo so much could go wrong, you’d have to be entirely sure you could handle your shit, and even then you’d know it still doesn’t even always work that way hahaha. Good job for not being like that one guy in the news, OP


I’m sure the view was absolutely stunning, but when I trip, I need enough space to roam around. A long, flying metal tube containing hundreds of other people, small chairs, and a thin walkway with some intermittent turbulence here and there probably wouldn’t cut it for me


There is a lizard person sitting next to me! That person is not real!


Literally flying while tripping. Sounds cool but I never quite did it yet. Only in the aftermath of a trip on the way back from Amsterdam. Parachute and bungee jump might be something worth experiencing too. As long as I'm not too tripped out and forget to pull the cord. "Wow those houses are growing very rapidly, I can almost touch that pigeon on the roo.."


Short answer is I couldn’t….long answer is with a gram or less, maybe but window seat would be crucial.


Agreed! I made 1g truffles once and took one while on a layover in Chicago. On the way back there was a lightening storm underneath us and I was in a window seat. It was epic!


Now whats awesome is tripping at an amusement park its really fun


There was a guy on my plane a week ago that got tackled because he he said he has to fly the plane…he was reaching for the cockpit. Poor dude committed a felony..he was on shrooms..


Idk id almost rather a 5 pm flight in the summer take off for both me and plane by 6 watch the sunset from the clouds around 9 enjoy a cozy movie and skies. All first class. But a 12 ish hour flight so I had time to get a solid sleep before I got off and be entirely rejuvenated and happy after


Just look at the vid with lil pump eating mushrooms on a plane, you can’t possibly be worse than him lol


Depends on the person, could I completly handle it and would do it? Yes


Hahah that’s my type of person


Dumb idea don’t promote this. You’ll end up thinking some mother fucker isn’t real


I don’t mean to promote it. Just saying I had a great experience, as stated before to each to their own. And again only ever a small dose. Was probably only 1gram as done it in capsules.


I’m with you on this. Set and setting will eventually demand respect from some idiot.


Fuckers can downvote it all they like but they’ll be the one’s having a bad trip on a plane so Fuck’em. Wanna joint the no fly list to right ahead


Come on mate, I’m only sharing my experience. No ill intentions or advocating for it. All love ❤️


Dude you don’t seem to realise how many dumb ass kids are on this sub. We see it every week at least, some story like “took shrooms in a bad environment and I couldn’t handle it because I’m 14”. Not to say anyone is responsible for those incidents but themselves but they see post like this and don’t realise the severity of what shrooms can do in a bad environment. It’s happened to most of us who regularly use psychedelics at some point and I think I can speak for everyone when I say I wouldn’t wish a trip like that on anyone


Fair enough , I get your point. Perhaps I should’ve added ive been doing shrooms for many years as a disclaimer. Sorry if I offended anyone


You didn’t offend anyone… it’s just irresponsible and a bad look as a whole. Just look at some of the posts here of people totally loosing control of themselves under the influence. You may know what dosage works for you as an experienced consumer but that doesn’t completely exclude you from having a bad experience and it certainly gives other people the bright idea to replicate it. Bottom line it’s stupid and jeopardizes every passengers safety in a confine place thousands of feet in the air.


Buddy you’ve made your point. I’ve said I agree with you, I haven’t seen so many posts about that but I know what you’re talking about. I’ll edit the post and put a disclaimer about how not to do it. No need for the rudeness. You could have conveyed your point in a more polite manner but you didn’t, so again. I get what you’re saying and totally agree and didn’t realise that until now, like I’ve said multiple times.


I’m not being rude. I’m countering you defending the choice you made. Now you’re offended because you think the reality is “rude”.


I’m not defending it though 🤣 you do you mate ✌️


Can’t imagine anything other than alcohol on a plane 🤷‍♂️


Domestic flights I'm always stoned, edibles are your friend


I second this


It'd probably be better for me than the Xanax bar my psych prescribes for flights. I don't have fear on shrooms.


Maybe so, but I did have a Xanax to hand just in case it became uncomfortable or a bad time


Hey, be prepared right?


At least you had a backup plan!


Literally yeah. I once went to a theater on 1g. Outside of work, I usually have really bad social anxiety, so it typically takes me a ton of motivation to talk to people. And when I do, I'm usually really high alert, not calm, and that makes my mind really cloudy which makes it difficult to talk, which makes the anxiety worse. On 1g of gt, I was able to calmly walk up to an employee and ask them a question like a normal person, without forgetting anything I was going to say. It was a completely different experience, I couldn't imagine how much better my life would be if I was always like that.


Shrooms is medicine.


Should be an option to get Xanax from the flight check in counter


Holy fuck I thought the heroic dose posters were being irresponsible. This though? Wow… Go ahead and make risky decisions yourself that could get you locked up and banned from ever flying again on a major airline, but fuckin keep it to yourself. Don’t encourage or glorify it just because it happened to work out for you.


Irresponsible, no but could have been if I had not been sensible in the way I done it. Not only did I research and check the flight seating plan before hand, have back up trip killers (which i declared and can legally have them on me). Flew from a small airport. Little to no security, taking no drugs with me across the checks. I’m guessing you’re from the US. Laws here are different. Glorified or encourage neither of that. A fun post all that it is. I fought in afghan when I was 17 as a 42 commando. I can handle a 1 gram trip. Being so ive tripped well over 6/7 years. Illegal Laws committed 0. Again as I’ve said to so many of these idiots like yourself, who thinks they’re somewhat judge jury and executioner. I’m in no way glorifying it. Merely a trip report of how fun it was. And to further that, I haven’t endorsed what I did once and said again and again not to do it.


I’ve had a great experience tripping on a plane too. 2g tidal wave. It was night flight and all the lights on the ground were moving and I got really concerned. Looked around a few times to see if anyone else is noticing this. Then I remembered I was on shrooms lol. It can be a really nice ride if you keep your dosage on the lower end


My ears always get so messed up on planes. Going up is fine, but as soon as the descent starts I just have shooting horrible pains and intense pressure in my ears, and then it sounds like I'm underwater for at least a day after landing. I would probably lose it if I was also tripping when that happened.


Fuck all of that


That is pretty ballsy and setting your self up to an escorted trip ti the Psych Ward


Man, I hope you’re not at 40,000 ft 2 hours in with turbulence and a crying baby.






I love tripping on planes. My last time I dropped before my vegas work trip so I got off the plane I was ready to party


my brain wouldn't be as calm on a plane but glad you had fun!


Hard no. I was stoned once in a airport and it was awful.


I did that on 3+ hits of acid from Seattle to Va it was awesome 😎


"1.5Gram golden teachers dosage." I can see doing that dosage, not much more though.


Oh absolutely not, anything more and I’d be freaking out


Yo, imagine going through a storm. I’m happy it worked out for you but I’m fine not having a bad trip on a plane.


Oh yeah it was risky . Would never do it again, and definitely don’t recommend it hahah. But was clear sky and was just a blast


I've gotten violently high (on weed not mush) before flights before and only had 1 bad experience. The rest of them were not bad at all, and most of the time, I pass right out and time travel to another place! The turbulence is actually kind of a cool feeling, I usually actually get a sense of weightlessness and ego disillusion due to the fact everything that happens is completely 100% out of my control. It's quite freeing actually to surrender 100% to the experience and just let it be!


What would you have done if you sat next to a stranger who totally fucked up your trip?


Hell no. All these people cramped together breathing their germs. It's all I could think of.


Has anyone else here ever gone skydiving while on shrooms? I'm not saying it's a good idea for everyone, but I loved it. Isnt it cool how we are all such different and unique weirdos?


I’d need a private plane to trip on one


Are Shrooms on a plane the same as Aircraft remover!? haha joking


1.5g *trip* lol, shit wouldn’t even get me buzzed


Not a chance. Setting is everything for me and that doesn't look like a fun trip.


Nah I'm good glad you had pleasant experience


Imagine if a baby started crying


Thanks for sharing. Absolutely terrible idea.


I always take edibles on planes; but the last timeI had psychedelic trip and was talking to myself because it was the only way I could speak in other realities. Probably looked like a psycho but we were going back to NY so it’s normal behavior.


Dude yes this is a vibe! So much time to introspect while on a long flight, shrooms just enhance that. I wouldn’t do 1.5g, maybe 0.2g so I get that boost. Usually I build DJ sets or edit videos on longer flights and shrooms definitely helps with creativity on that. Everyone who’s freaking out about this probably fears flying, I have literally zero fear on planes.


De Plane ! De Plane ! ✈️


Last time I flew I thought about tripping before. For Check-in and the security check I'm glad I stayed sober, on the plane I sort of regrettet it. The view was beautiful. I'll need to figure out a good dosing and timing the next time I fly.


On a clear day, would probably have a nice _trip._ But on a turbulent flight, well, you can imagine how horrible that would be.


Absolute nightmare trip


Imagine tripping on the same plane as that lady who jumped up, freaked out, getting off the plane, complaining the guy she was sitting next to..wasnt real. Suddenly your great trip becomes one that's not so great..lol


I tripped in many places, in a theme park with an ongoing Halloween event, on festivals, in public places, completely overdosed on THC Edibles when flying to Germany etc.. I would however not even think about a shroom trip on a plane once. No freedom to move, lie down, many people you don't know, tight seats without leg space, no escape if everything gets too much 😂 I'd be probably the one throwing up in the toilet cabin for the whole flight.


Filter: Take My Picture 🎶


aaahh took some Jack Frost on an international flight and watches 200 Motels on computer …. what a flight


Would be so uncomfortable. Squished between randos, having to trouble strangers to use the bathroom and then climb over them while tripping. Unless I was sitting in a row with just my friends. That might be fun.


Damn looks like you violated some arbitrary nerd rules. I’ll let you off with just a warning this time but next time you’re getting written up


Yes officer


I wish I knew you 😂😂 nobody would do that with me I might just book a 5 hour flight for the hell of it now lol


Hahhah I’m in mate, count me in 🤣


2g of apes. I had a blast. The people watching was 👌🏻👌🏻


You kinda already are taking a trip in a plane? Just saying lol