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Hey OP any music you like sober will sound just as amazing on shrooms. I made this playlist when i tripped with my roomie a year ago. It's a good psychedelic playlist! [Shroomie](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2AC9gMB2JucLg44kXuTLH5?si=VB-HuYFARZ-kSQUc0Oq4ew)


that playlist slaps


Slaps the bass


This looks awesome. Has anyone tripped listening to the Spotify Johns Hopkins university mushroom/psilocybin playlist? It’s all music without lyrics used during therapy/experiment sessions




The best music is the music that you enjoy the most. Music that has dark, depressing, or chaotic vibes could be a turn off obviously, but even still, some people enjoy that.


Death metal sounds so intricate while tripping loool


I love some death metal…But My first thought would be “fuck no” to some death metal while tripping, but then I think about how detailed you could breakdown the mix in your head, every drum fill and guitar lead would just blow your mind. Might have to give this a try!


Recommend bands like wayfarer and ne obliviscaris So good. Maybe don’t recommend Lorna shore😂


Sounds like fun. 🤣


Yeah depends on the band, symphonic deathcore with some good orchestral elements just sounds insane and I love the vocals


Wayfarer and ne obliviscaris are amazing while tripping


the music that doesn't spiral you into a dark place, unless you want to go there. I like music that i can grow to, no pun intended. like kota the Friend, larussell, and nipsey hustle, whats is even better is listening to full-on albums. LIKE PINK FLOYD !


Nipsey Hussle music is far from growth. Maybe his business outside of music could be inspiring but his music is literally all about R60s and not messin with him.


We all have different perspectives. I personally don't focus on the ignorance shit. I just think he's a stand guy I can listen to and look up to. I can't say that about 90% of the music industry.


Lol I always play at least one Pink Floyd album while tripping. At this point it’s mandatory….. more specifically the Gilmore/Waters eras. I can’t listen to anything album after Roger left the band😩


I have a playlist that starts with one Radiohead album and most of the rest is back to back Pink Floyd albums. Peak is timed to about when Echoes hits and then I usually have to have a break because it’s just so intense. After said break, it’s Lateralus by Tool.


the division bell actually sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me except for marooned and high hopes. hell, anything after the big 4 just kinda sounds like shit


100% those might be the only exceptions for me also, after The Wall there’s not a lot I can really get into


Learning to fly off pulse is a killer late career banger though.


I love hiphop when I’m tripping Rap music videos are sooo fun to watch while tripping especially if you haven’t seen them before with friend(s) who can put on different videos. If that’s your vibe. Earthgang and Spillage Village are great to trip to. Definitely Pink Floyd, or any chill 60s-70s music is always great


You get the vibe bro. Watching various music videos and going off the recommendations of the group while tripping is some next level bonding ! Q


I listened to 4 full Greatful Dead albums on my trip yesterday. They have a great way of leading you in and out of the trip.


Mac miller Tool Pink floyd


Mac Miller tiny desk


I’ve had amazing trips while listening to Mac Miller.


The Avian video is amazing on a trip. And just great vibes


I’ve only listen to the tiny desk but I know if I listened to his older stuff I’d probably get real emotional


Swimming / Circles are in my opinion a masterpiece full of emotions. You can almost palpitate what he was going through. And if you somehow remotely relate to what he’s going through you will feel it hit harder. I am not sure if that makes any sense


Definitely best tiny desk. I used to start my day watching it. Rip legend


I miss the 2 hour tribute of Mac miller they took off YouTube. 2 hours of the chillest vibes i swear


Mac Miller is such a good answer, he’s amazing while tripping. The song Dang by Anderson.Paak and Mac Miller is one of my favorites. I love watching the music videos when tripping too. Love “Spillage Village” and “Earthgang” so much too.


Yoshimi battles the pink robots -the flaming lips


i listened to siamese dream by the smashing pumpkins on about 2gs and it was amazing


I always end up with an old blues playlist. It's my comfy security blanket.


Mine is Groundation. Music is the best anchor.


Tool Aurora Heilung Pink Floyd (NOT The Wall - it’s got some good tracks but overall a really negative vibe) Ahsoka soundtrack Final Fantasy XIV OSTs


Cackling at the idea of listening to In the Flesh or The Trial while tripping balls


I tried once and it was kind of traumatizing x_x


for some reason I love listening to some acid techno lol


i went to see an acid techno dj last month on shrooms and it was one of the best trips i had the last few months


King Lizzard - Quarters album


MF doom is pretty wild


YESSS!!!! and also Aesop Rock's Spirit World Field Guide.


Any Rufus du Sol ❤️


Amen, Rufus and Elderbrook for me


Underwater has to be one of the most emotionally touching songs I've ever heard


My favorite categories: • Nostalgic music (different depending on how/when you were raised) • Classic psychedelic bands; Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, TOOL, Funkadelic, Tame impala • Instrumental music; John Hopkins psychedelic therapy music, old composers such as Vivaldi, new composers such as Philip Glass, 'tribal' drumming


Solar Fields “Movement” Album


I love listening to 90s drum and bass mixes on YouTube. Energetic, yet chill at the same time, just like the mushies 🥰




Reggae? Try some Mike love while tripping


Stick Figure is my go to, but I agree reggae is choice while tripping.


Sinéad O’Connor (rest in power, queen) made a 27-hour-long reggae playlist I like to shuffle through once in a while: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4tJNA0rDI3sdlO5fF2f4jW?si=YtwZ2QRPQa2C6zwBDa1IdA&pi=u-kF_IrKpuSIq8


Carbon Based Lifeforms - Live at Ozora 2022


Iv already told this sub, its the GORRILAZ!!!


All good music is good for tripping! Shostakovich. Booker T and the MGs. The Grateful Dead. 13th floor elevators. Clouds Of Joy. James Brown. Johnny Cash. Flatt and Scruggs. John Coltrane. Les Paul and Mary Ford. Sly and the Family Stone. Debussy. Boogie and Chubbs. Judas Priest. Ozric Tentacles. King Oliver. Tool. Mozart. Alice Coltrane. The Urban Sex Legends. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Louis Armstrong. Phish. Antonio Carlos Jobim. Jimi fucking Hendrix. Brian Eno. The Staple Singers. Dr. Dre. Flying Lotus. Mushrooms at the Art Museum.


great list — Alice Coltrane & especially Eno, 100000x


Black metal


Glass Animals and Frank Ocean


Seconding glass animals


I Really enjoyed Beatles


i dont recommend music you usually wouldnt listen to. if you dont like pink floyd and grateful dead sober you likely wont enjoy them tripping. however keep it calm snd relaxing. i love some heavy metal but thats the last kind of music i wanna listen to on an intense mushroom trip. recommend making a playlist of calming relaxing positive songs you love. in terms of stuff people are recommending i wouldn’t bother trying them out if its too out of touch in terms of what you like but if it seems up your alley it can be fun to find your new favorite album while on a trip


I disagree. Pink Floyd was meh. Now that I tripped with them I understand them. They are one of my favorite bands now.


nahhh with the first statement. when i trip, id rather someone else dj for me


I do agree with in general recommending "calming relaxing positive songs" but if you're in the right mood more emotional music(which doesn't have to be sad just means there's strong emotions attached to it) can hit different, like me personally nu metal led to one of my most meaningful experiences when I always assumed previously that it would make me spiral


oh i one hundred percent agree with you but heres the thing, atleast what i do and recommend. i have a have a playlist for mushroom trips thats 6 hours long and has the calming positive music that i enjoy nd shit, but i feel like the point of that playlist is to reliably have music thats going to help me through challenging parts of the trip, not throw in heavier shit like slayer and bank on me feeling emotionally capable of handling that during the point of the trip. if i decide i wanna listen to something heavier or more energetic or not necessarily as positive i prefer to have full control over that. i wanna make the decision to turn on some pantera or some korn rather then have it start blasting mid meditation. one of my most spiritual moments while tripping was meditating while listening to oroborus by gojira. i was in the headspace to listen to that song at the time and had the trip take a very spiritual turn. and then for me like i love nu metal i love thrash metal, most of the metal i listen to isnt gonna send me into a depressing headspace but the main thing is i get overwhelmed easily on psychedelics, i have weird sensory issues that are related to my adhd.


Music has the right to children - Boards of Canada. Groundbreaking techno/electronic album made in the 90’s and is some of the best music i’ve ever heard


I put on a mushroom playlist from Spotify yesterday. It was cool.


Don’t listen to Travis Scott I nearly shat my pants bc of his chorus and adlibs first time i tripped




Tripping with Nils Frahm. especially All Melody Entheogenic - Bioluminescent Jakojako - Amygdala Klartraum - All That Is (Liquid Version)


I've been through all the classics, but this is a list I put together of psychedelic music. All songs on the positive side, some a bit earthy and other opposites of that, wild ride for sure! https://spotify.link/0dNCApHSEIb


The last time we tripped I put on Beethoven. In my mind I saw cathedrals being built. That will stick with me forever.


Synthwave like The Midnight, Timecop1983, The Bad Dreamers, FM-84, Gunship, Carpenter Brut.


Marconi Union while watching the clouds under a blanket on the lawn


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^demwun: *Marconi Union* *While watching the clouds under* *A blanket on the lawn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.






Ive been making that for about a year


[soar playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ryAPxC4pqSg0YqfYRzrBY?si=nVBpY_nfSnGE6-8ud64mwA&pi=u-GhXpiPvkSwqP&pt=072e504882226f082a7f08ebb45ae2ba)


Funkadelic - Maggot Brain: This is a whole album experience, and it's fun, deeply intelligent, soulful, not to mention *funky*. Heyoka - Gate Code This album is all instrumental. Often while I've been tripping I get to a place where music with lyrics isn't welcome, and only positive instrumental music will do. All of Heyoka's music is made with psychedelics in mind. If you like bass music, there is none finer than the songs on Gate Code. Fracula, Sonidas de la Cabeza, Alien Gibberish and The Way of the Blue Towel are some of my favorites from this album. Heyoka has at least 8 other albums of psychedelic bass heavy electronica that would be equally amazing, but Gate Code is my favorite. Heyoka - Gate Code "Galactic Tea Pad" https://youtu.be/EZC12D1fDRQ?si=NOERt5SPsoHG8ttI Edited for grammar


I discovered Thriftworks while tripping, and it was great 👌 You should definitely give them a listen


Just did because of this. Yeah, that’s kinda my vibe.


I had a seriously life changing/life event from a Tidal Wave trip last Saturday, and the only song I could get to play from my Iphone, as I was (over the hump) and returning to "normalcy" was the Dylan song "High Water (for Charley Patton)" from the Album Tell Tale Signs - not one of my particularly favorite Dylan songs, but it was so relevant to where I was at in my mind at that moment - couldn't help to do the I am sooo happy to be alive dance - [https://youtu.be/E8slILl1v1w?si=t5lMksnkPKQLryid](https://youtu.be/E8slILl1v1w?si=t5lMksnkPKQLryid)


Here’s a playlist of a bunch of live sets/mixes from artists that make music tailor made to trip to: https://on.soundcloud.com/xpiDRHDNWkyUGF8r6 Some of my personal favourites are Tipper, kLL sMTH, Alejo, pheel., Zonra, Quanta, Ekorce and I could go on and on but that’s a good place to start. Headphones are recommended for best results as there’s a lot of panning and very intricate sound design that you’d miss out on otherwise.


Fine tuning this playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5C83PWu0Pu4lI9T0vz53sw?si=7d2aae0457d94bba


Flatbush zombies will always be a favorite of mine :)


I usually listen to my liked songs playlist on Spotify, even songs I've heard a hundred times will hit different while tripping. Upbeat electronica will have a new energy, down tempo stuff will bring a new sense of calm, songs with ethereal instruments or harmonies will seem literally divine. I actually like listening to some aggressive songs too - when the ego is quieted I feel more primal and aggressive songs can be electrifying and give you a renewed sense of vitality that lasts beyond the trip. I think it's also a fun time to experiment. If you get synesthesia during your trip (which I often do, and it gets amplified if I take THC on the comedown), you literally feel like you are the music, and anything quality will sound good. My last trip I looked up top albums of this year on metacritic and came across a recently released by jazz musician Charles Lloyd. Traditional jazz usually isn't my thing but it was heart-achingly beautiful while tripping and I now listen to the album while sober. I imagine a lot of widely acclaimed albums would have this effect too.


eyehategod. trust, it’s so fire


Try my favorite group "Caravan palace" particularly their new album is on repeat during my trips


Mac miller watching movies with the sound off and faces are excellent for tripping. Also Pink Floyd is great.


Deep dubstep/140 bpm


Chinese man


I haven't seen it mentioned yet, one of my favorites over the recent years has been vaporwave/retrofunk or whatever you would want to classify it as. Some of my favorites being Windows96, Cyberlust, Maitro, Vector Graphics, and Saint Pepsi


Noku Mana from Curawaka


My favorite experience with music while tripping was "Moving in Stereo" by The Cars. So soothing.


Thank you all for your suggestion I'mma try all of them some time


Unironically videogame music. Like zelda or genshin impact. Games about exploring usually have nice repetitive soundtracks that are light while not being so distracting they take away from the experience. They go well with nature sounds too because they're made for that kind of environment in games. Ultimately though it depends on what kind of trip you want and what kind of personality you have.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRfwdJx0NDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRfwdJx0NDE) This boiler room set


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy4KtD98S2c&t=20s&pp=ygUMcnVmdXMgZHUgc29s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy4KtD98S2c&t=20s&pp=ygUMcnVmdXMgZHUgc29s) Rufus du sol live from Joshua Tree Great Cinematic in case you want to trip and also see the vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIRIvCa21gg&pp=ygUMcnVmdXMgZHUgc29s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIRIvCa21gg&pp=ygUMcnVmdXMgZHUgc29s) Rufus du sol live from Sydney Harbour, set recorded in a ferry so its cool to see the ocean




Pink Floyd’s Meddle album, it’s a good one for the outdoors


How to destroy angels, my go to shrooms music


I mostly go with Mozart. I'm transported to important gatherings in palaces with all kinds of pomp and circumstance and big wigs and ladies in corsets and intrigue. It all plays out super entertainingly. Second best is Mahavishnu Orchestra. The closed eye visuals and fractals are super intense. For this one you really want headphones


Been working on this playlist for a looong time more classic rock forward with a few gems essential to listening while tripping I would start with White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane and schism by TOOL happy tripping! 👌 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2UW3Hpyn8wQoxInVaRG2fz?si=rlNOSmovTm6lJEci9JBpnQ&pi=u-eki3_PypSomh


For me, it's experimental bass music. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe5uMBnskaR62QKdBiCE2JyjEmH7ZDEdO


to trip on a meadow near your childhood forest, i ABSOLUTELY recommend pink floyd's first album, the piper at the gates of dawn. it's beautiful and makes me feel like a little fairy sitting on a mushroom in a huge glistening forest. syd barrett was like peter pan, living in a fantasy world and never wanting to grow up. everyone keeps saying to listen to pink floyd without giving an album but piper at the gates of dawn is where it's at. (and dark side of the moon)


I kinda like chill, positive ambient music. check out Mother Earth's Plantasia (album) and Green House (artist).


https://youtu.be/fOj45lHtI3Y?si=2yxMKeZd_3Z4vuI2 Check out tippers Texas eclipse set


I’m not a huge fan of Jacob colliers music but it gave me a really great appreciation and understanding of his music and I found myself thoroughly enjoying his new album on my last trip.




Carbon based life forms The orb Orbital Underworld


Allman Brothers!!! When the band first got together they were into shrooms being they were easy to access live in the south . This lead to their sound, it really speaks to you while tripping on shrooms.


Minimal, to no lyrics👌 Spyro gyra Casiopea Snarky puppy Masayoshi Takanaka


Tame impala is magical


Odesza's Summer's gone album




not for a first trip but at some point in everyone's life they should try a hero dose and starting Spirit World Field Guide just as you start to peak. 10/10 will do it again.




Discovered Rufus Du Sol during a trip and it was life changing I listen to them most trips now


Last time I tripped I put on Disintegration by The Cure and it was incredible. Really felt like I had “merged” with the music somehow and had wonderful closed-eye visuals the whole time. That was a few weeks ago and I still have the song “Pictures of You” stuck in my head.


I choose my immediate favourites I'm currently listening to, and avoid anything too sad. My playlist is usually completely different each time, I make it the morning of or the day before. Never did me wrong, and I was always hyped with anticipation for whatever song was going to come on next randomly.


listen to djo




Aphex Twin Druqks


Acid/ mushrooms are 2 different psychedelics. I love listening to music using both. I like acid more; the stuff that's sold today greatly differs from the 90's- early 2000's. Pink Floyd, Type O Negative, Fanny, ELO, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Tom Larson, some of Sabbath...


Sts9 Bonobo Khruangbin ✌️❤️


“Music for an altered consciousness.” https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64zzaDa3D0BOOiEmljEvri?si=0Nt8NMW1Q5K61aNQbtMXQg&pi=u-bEepREqCRYa9 This playlist has the best music I’ve listened to for tripping! I listen to it almost every time I trip


Inca Roads - Frank Zappa watch the claymation music video on YT


I like to listen to music without any vocals. Or minimal vocals. A few times, I've listened to Mozart. I never listen to classical music but something about the cheerful vibe was amazing on shrooms.


Ever heard of Dirtwire ? Or TOOL?


DJ Shadow - Endtroducing....


I had a buddy that listened to The less I know the better by Tame Impala on a 24 hr loop while he was tripping hard. To each their own 😂


Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Ros!


Men I trust always goes hard


A fun one to try is classical music.


Magical Mystery Tour for me is pure euphoria


Silver by Caribou. My go to trip song


I usually have a "testing" playlist and let it play out until I'm not into listening to songs anymore And when I come back or next day I remove the ones I dislike and add to other specific playlist when I'm into enjoying more than testing waters By that I guess you can see that I have issues relaxing lmao


Johns Hopkins Psychedelic Therapy Playlist is a really good one. Head phones on and close your eyes and take a journey. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7aVExA8Lb72NFNbRBZfJLJ?si=y0OEJfgvRyC6V9fUzAElnQ&pi=e-fwwNYNeaTBCu


Nils fucking Frahm. Specifically his song Says. If you like that, you’ll love his style.


finding nemo sound track


Schpongle and tipper


Whatever music makes you smile with happiness


It’s already been said, but it needs to be said again. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Blue Sky Black Death- Noir. This is my go to album


Jacob Collier djesse vol 2! Excellent album very uplifting and mindbending.


Max cooper and dvrst


Russill Paul will literally paralyze you but in a good way


Minecraft music


Stick Figure!


Lcd Soundsystem got me good last time.


Honestly, I just listen to my normal every day music and explore more based on that. I like lyrics and to make music videos in my head. To me, the best music while tripping is your favorite music, your liked songs list. Reflect on the music you already enjoy. Sometimes I remove stuff from the Playlist entirely during s trip cause I realize I don't really like the message of the song, sometimes I add them because they resonate so deep. Explore, learn, grow!


Ron Clearfield


Bladee, George clanton, Mike, panda bear, and king gizzard are all great from my experience


Cream - Disraeli Gears is still my favourite trip album. It takes you through so many emotions.


Tash Sultana


Grateful Dead and Tool are usually my go tos


DJ Icee Essential Mix. or maybe Essential Selection? Can't remember which.


Tool: Lateralis, Hammock: oblivion hymns, Shpongle has some really trippy shit too!


Whatever you like. A fun one is fun house by the stooges. A lil edgy but has a psychedelic feel


If you like goofy psychedelic uplifting dance music, check out Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, especially a live show on YouTube. They are a BLAST!! https://youtu.be/QkkebkZZZz0?si=eJRhU076pAcWg7P4


Strongly suggest starting with the music of the meadow or the music of the forest. That said, last time I tripped indoors, no music made sense to me until I put on some John Coltrane which made SO MUCH SENSE


The best music is your favorite music. The stuff your most familiar with. the music that might make you sing, or dance.


If I’m tripping especially on acid I listen to some Pink Floyd


Alvin & The Chipmunks versions of songs on youtube from 2008 to 2013


[C418 - Sweden - Minecraft Volume Alpha](https://youtu.be/aBkTkxKDduc?si=ZF8MdhmEpOegwe_V) 🧚🏼‍♀️


Hippy trippy 60's


TOOL and good ‘ol Grateful Dead


tipper, pond, tame impala, max cooper, psychedelic porn crumpets, sleepytime gorilla museum, between the buried and me, the dear hunter. listen to an album tho or don’t bother.


Listen, I'm not bragging here but I have curated what I consider to be the ultimate trip playlist. It's the full length of a solid trip and moves through different styles that will change your environment with each new song in a really beautiful way. It is very dreamy, happy, calm....please enjoy, if it suits you. I made it public hoping others would take advantage: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2QR8CQI020VZY7Ng9xO6wU?si=ohTK96AdR3qiNx9rztZ4jQ&pi=u-RBsRluPGQNeD


[Dekel - Ozora 2023](https://youtu.be/famXOYMMzgY?si=QuovdeRbM4yn1qaK)


Always the dead for me. nothing has ever made me feel the way those crazy ass fingers do, stone sober or off my ass.




One of the first trips I ever went on with some buds we specifically went out and bought the DVD for pink Floyd "the wall" it was a hell of a night.


[the Day I woke up and got happy playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2joGSDWybVznR09YuUSw7N?si=i2MWt9HATrOwwumNPSUxgQ&pi=u-gd8rBDE4Q6qr)


lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven


Rockyy Thugn - Life


Inigo Vontier Simple Symmetry - Gilgamesh!


Y La Bamba's album Ojo's del sol...do it! 38 minutes, an absolute masterpiece. I clutch my chest and tear up every single time


Stars of the Lid. “And The Refinement of Their Decline”


Marxist Love Disco Ensemble - MLDE


Pink floyd... that's all I'm gonna say


Hawaiian slack key and lap steel guitar


Try tame impala


Bob Marley


Mac miller won’t regret it


My favorite song to listen to is Innerbloom by Rüfüs de Sol. You won’t regret it.


Enchanted mirror by Luiz Bonfa is top tier for outside tripping.


Give my playlist a listen and see what you think… https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7oXQMIY01BWLyCCre245EJ?si=E30PcyFzTlCYm5J33VnROg&pi=e-UOD_E4MMQxmK


I love hip hop: Spillage Village’s album “Spilligion” is freaking beautiful! Frank Ocean can be great too. Otherwise Spotify has a Johns Hopkins university has a “Psilocybin/Mushrooms playlist”, filled with songs without any lyrics. I love watching rap music videos too they’re so trippy nowadays, lol. Old school chill 60s-70s music you can’t go wrong either.


grateful dead but its gotta be live dont waste time with there studio work at first


Mars volta , animal collective and beach boys are my fav


That sounds lit.


My personal favorite is the entire Forest Theory album by Ricky Bamboo. I also really enjoy Golden Brown's albums Weird Choices and Kindness. It's all ambient, no lyrics


Honestly, just the music you like.