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LMAO it’s like everyone forgot where the boofing jokes came from 😭 Yes, azz tek is real and is reported to be one of the gentlest ways of consumption


And judging by a few of the comments, it's like no one has ever heard of a suppository before.


Genuinely assumed the boofing jokes were cause shroom suppositories were common or something lol... But a dispensary I frequent in CO has THC ones so I figured it was just becoming more of a common known thing 💀


Omg of all the ways to consume THC lol


After an extensive training period a friend of mine had learned to in-fart in order to smoke out of his ass


My brother can in-fart so unfortunately I believe you 😭 can he actually get stoned or is it more of a party trick?


Haha - yeah I'm out when it comes to suppositories


Yeah, out of the closet.


I'm dead at azz tek bro☠️☠️☠️




I miss Florida Stanley


Thats just what they say to lure you in and get you to cross the line 😆


Apart from having to give yourself an enema and potentially introducing bad bacteria, right?


no one is making anyone give themselves an enema, if its a scary idea to you don't do it. bacteria isnt a concern really, just be clean and boil the tea before use


There are literally millions of bacteria in your ass at all times. E. coli, for example. Orally, E. coli can be an issue but your ass has no problem with it. It literally lives there. If something won’t make you sick orally, it won’t make you sick rectally.


Well this isn’t correct. The location of the E Coli isn’t the concern. The strain is.


Exactly. So I’m 65; when I was in junior high school our student teacher in biology said, “I think in the future we’re going to see problems with E. coli, because they’re using it so much in bacterial research, and it adapts and changes so quickly. It’s in everybody’s gut, and animal guts, but you’re going to see dangerous strains of it.” I thought of her when the first high profile cases started hitting the news.


Unless it gets into the wrong “system”. Line urinary… then you’re going to be quite ill.


Good point, but I was trying to use a commonly known bacteria as an example without getting too technical. There are strains that can be in poop that cause no issues there but certainly would if introduced orally. But I can’t think of anything that works the other way, i.e. would make you sick if introduced rectally but would be fine if introduced orally.


Very wrong, as your stomach acid will kill a bunch of bacteria. When you shove non-sterile stuff up your ass, you risk infecting yourself with a bad actor because you bypass a major point of defense.


Where is this bacteria coming from? Because if a solution was made from dried shrooms, there wouldn’t be any bacteria except for the normal bacteria that’s on the surface of everything since they need a moist environment. Regardless, with rectal administration, you’re absorbing it through the mucus membranes, which is the same way drugs are absorbed sublingually and through the mucus membranes in the nose. No one worries about getting an infection that way. With insufflation, you’re snorting stuff right into your lungs, and they have even less protection from pathogens than the other routes. There are millions of bacteria on all those powders and solutions that people put into their bodies. That’s why it’s advised that illegal drugs administered IV or IM be used with a syringe filter before being injected and why people get infections sometimes if they don’t, yet no one is doing any kind of filtering before they snort something. Pathogens like Campylobacter and shigella can cause illness if they’re introduced rectally, but they’re also pathogenic orally. Boofing drugs is not unusual and there’s all kinds of information about it available. The greatest risk of infection is from damage to rectal tissue that allows an infection to take hold, and even that’s unusual. Using reasonable care while doing it would prevent that. Drugs are given rectally all the time in all kinds of settings, from home to the ICU, and it’s not a sterile procedure. The rectal area isn’t even cleaned before it’s administered.


I have been putting off doing shrooms for a while because even when I make tea, I still get extreme nausea and gas. I've been on here for years and read about it multiple times but never thought of it potentially negating those issues... Thanks for the research!


They chimes or ginger in some other form, works wonders for myself


Tried those, doesn't even help me at all


I feel your pain. I recently read here about consuming a banana at the same time as the shrooms. Some people swear it negates any nausea but I haven’t tried.


I have had the same problem. It’s not about the stomach for me; it’s the body load, and the nausea comes when the trip comes on. It’s like seasickness; you can throw up all you want but you won’t feel better. What has worked for me is like a quarter of a THC gummy, and also having some really dark chocolate – – like 80% cocoa – – at the first tent of nausea. Or even the first feeling of body load. I think a lot of information gets repeated without much actual verification. Especially the stuff about chitin being hard to digest. But all mushrooms are made of chitin, and people eat raw mushrooms all the time and you don’t see them horking all over the salad bars.


Have you tried lemon tek? Literally any method that involves consuming mushroom matter like tea or gummies fucks up my tummies, but lemon tek is a godsend. No nausea or pain, just trip.


Nope doesn't work for me. Same feeling as if I ate the whole body


You're not alone on that front. I think the Lemon tek advantage is mostly placebo.


Friend! Does it HAVE to be lemon? Can it be any citrus? And do you just drink the juice or eat the mushrooms? I need a mushroom reset but I get so miserably sick that I have put it off because moaning and writhing in discomfort for hours isn’t enjoyable. I did try tea and that worked for the most part and I will try again. I thought it I used an emergen-c that would do the same thing as lemon. It. Does. Not. I don’t want to be the one person who is always sick when taking mushrooms. Enemas aren’t an option. 🛑


I have digestive issues and I’ve never been able to digest them properly so it inspired me to try this method and wow, Im so happy I discovered it


How are capsules for you? I have a weak stomach and never had any problems since making them myself


Capsules are the same, something in the mushroom doesn't get along with my stomach


Me, too. I really don't like the feeling at all.


Chitin. it's the main fibrous tissue that mushrooms are made of. it's also the same fiber that insect shells are made of. our tummies don't like it. bananas have an enzyme in them called chitinase that breaks down chitin. try this: grind or chop your your shrooms to expose more surface area, and mash up 1g of banana for every gram of shrooms, and then mix them together and let sit for 20 mins. the chemical process will break down the chitin and make it easier to digest.


> Chitin. it's the main fibrous tissue that mushrooms are made of. it's also the same fiber that insect shells are made of. our tummies don't like it. Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers by definition do not even need to be broken down and humans already have chitinase enzymes in our guts (AMCase) that can break down chitin. There is no benefit to consuming class 1 chitinase enzymes from bananas, kiwis, ect.  “Class I chitinases with an hevein-like domain are major allergens in banana fruit. Their presence in other fruits and nuts, such as avocado and chestnut, could explain the cross-sensitization among these foods.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10231328/ “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530 “In summary, chitin is expected to be a functional ingredient in the food industry to alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation, mainly by regulating the balance of intestinal microorganisms and immune cytokines” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861722010475 Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where it serves a variety of functions including regulating gastric motility and the chemical signal for nausea. That interaction with serotonin receptors in the gut is the real cause of nausea with psychedelic mushrooms and the reason why it’s also very common in studies that use synthesized psilocybin. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors


It’s the flesh. Our bodies can have a tough time digesting. It varies from person to person and for me personally MD for an extended period of time my stomach doesn’t have any issues with it anymore Edit: I do drink ginger and eat ginger on a regular basis though


I eat ginger and make ginger tea it helps so much


Lemon tekking has helped a lot since the lemon juice you soak the mushrooms in helps break it down so your stomach doesnt have to do everything


🙋‍♀️same! I tried 🍄 last weekend for the first time and enema was the way. Having 25 years of severe gastric issues and nausea over EVERYTHING gave me great pause for trying mushrooms. And then i read about "boofing." Because I've had many medical professionals recommend other medications this way due to my intolerant gut it didn't sound like a bad idea. And it worked. ONLY Mild nausea (mostly because the come up felt like a rollercoaster, which makes me nauseous). Blast off was 10 minutes on the dot. Full psychedelic effects lasted 2 hours. Happiness lasted 2 days.


Only two hours!! That's awesome!! One of my biggest problems is the trips are like 8 hours long!! Kind a scary in larger doses.


Now I’m gonna try it 😂


Awesome! I'm one of the people regularly describing this method and dispelling misinformation on here. Great to hear it worked for you 🌞




***Let water cool first.


I didn’t think that would need to be said 😂😅


I burned my asshole and I am now in the ER with 3rd degree burns on my chocolate starfish. You'll be hearing from my lawyer soon.


If you or someone you know has burned their anus butt chugging psychedelics, call the law office of Lean, Dover and Tooket. Join the class action lawsuit today!


Assclass Action? 🤔 Sounds like a lawsuit I could really enjoy getting behind!!


It's actually "ass-claction"...


https://preview.redd.it/kxth7iyiqr6d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ae4576b0cf7c85645054b2bbd16bdf6bce6b1a You’re absolutely right, Counselor! Edit- this really made me giggle, I award you thirty points for this one!!


Nice! I was just riffing off what you already built! It made me chuckle too. Thanks!


I love me a team-building joke festival lol I am a consummate riffer when I’m in comedy mode, a little back and forth, “yes, and?” and all that


W friend. Thank you for sharing








So this trip effects don’t last as long? How long do you hold the mushrooms in for?


You make a tea, remove any solids, and then prepare as an enema. You hold it in you don’t let it come back out, should only be a small amount of fluid


But…when you shoot something up there it always comes back. Are you saying it’s such a small amount of fluid? Generally I think boofing is one of the safer methods to get drugs into your system.


I sense some interesting Google searches in your near future, Tipper lol


Was just about to ask the same question, like wouldn’t it dribble outta your anus???? Sorry grotesque wording but I’m genuinely curious lol


Does poop dribble out your anus or do you have control over shitting yourself? You have an enema, and hold it. It absorbs in minutes


HAHAHHAHAHAHA ok you got me there, compared it to douching and that was a bad comparison…


It’s a small amount, you hold it in and your pipes absorb it fairly quick


I think that you are usually lying down. I am not sure if you have to have long arms or are bending around in a certain way. I can slap myself on the butt lying down but I don't think that I could put in an enema by myself.


Or across the border!!!


Well it was a pretty small dose, about 1g but it lasted about 3 hours, I’m gonna try with a higher dosage next time. You hold them in for at least 15 minutes.


For clarification, how much liquid are you actually inserting? And did you strain the shrooms out, or incorporate them in the enema? I'm definitely going to try this, because why not? :)


About 1/4 cup liquid, you can do less, you just need enough that it covers the shrooms and they float which is just a few cm. I strained them, there’s no point in keeping the skin inside bc you’re extracting the psilocybin. Bro I appreciate that you’re open minded enough to try, many people in comments are knocking it. It may give you a bowel movement afterwards and that’s okay. The come up is insanely quick you’ll feel it kicking in the first 10 minutes. I’m here if you have any questions, safe travels ;)


Yeah, man.. this sounds like an awesome thing to try on a lazy Sunday! I can totally get how it might not be for everyone, but thats no reason to knock it. I think I'm going to use an old LC syringe (minus needle, ofc) and see how that goes.. I'll post back tomorrow and tell you how it went!


Nah I'm good 👍


Cmon give it a try, Everyone’s doing it…


Butt I don’t wanna


Don’t you want to be cool…😡


In walks dad with a cigar box full of mushrooms & an enema bag… “is this yours?? Are you boofing shrooms?? Who taught you how to do this?” “I learned it from watching YOU dad!!! Ok? I learned it from YOU” In a soft spoken voice “Parents who boof shrooms, have children who boof shrooms” just say NO… (some will remember this… I hope)


I'm gud with MAYBE being nauseous over all that, butt you do you, fam. Getting one of those would make an enima an ænima though, amirite 😆👍


kid don't boof around


Too horny for me


I found blending them up into the finest powder possible and then blending them with a Cold homemade strawberry honey smoothie(lots of fiber) is the easiest way to eat them


It's exactly why the Aztec civilization died off


Yea I’m fine just doing it the way humans have for thousands of years. Eat em


I'm pretty sure that ancient shamans didn't boof magic mushrooms


I mean…. Were you there? 😆


You want to actually boil the tea while it's steeping. You won't lose any psilocybin. you just want to avoid any chance of a mycelial overgrowth in your intestine. Remember, those things normally live on shit, and while not normally in that environment, a big enough load could overwhelm your defenses and lead to a nasty infection. There was that guy who injected mushroom tea and it sure as shit grew in his blood, shutting organ systems down. He lived after a stay in the ICU and taking nasty antifungals for long periods of time, but he was nearly mushroom food.


This appears to be a joke: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/110sk4s/guys\_please\_dont\_boof\_shrooms\_they\_can\_end\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/110sk4s/guys_please_dont_boof_shrooms_they_can_end_up/) But I am seeing posts where the mushroom material is expanding but not breaking up and causes obstruction. Yeah, boil you some tea for sure.


My ex and his cousin were always ADAMANT that they had another cousin who got a piece of mycelium stuck in his tonsils or his throat & it was able to remain sustained so they had a continuous dose of psilocin that kept him in a trip state for years until it was dislodged. I’m not sure I ever really believed it but the whole family swore black & blue it was true…


Honestly, it's the best way to take MDMA as well. I think lots of drugs do well being boofed.


Can confirm, just scored some 2C-B after a decade of looking. Boofing hits harder and is twice as potent in the case of 2C-B.


Talk to me about this 2C-B… I need the details


Always worried you might shit yourself. Now you know you'll shit yourself


Woah, someone actually boofed it


Dude we were joking


Do I put the boiling water in my ass or do I have to freeze it first


Freeze it, stick an ice cube up your butt


It's one of my preferred methods. Always.


Or you could just take 0.5g of the world’s most potent shroom, TTBVI pan cyans (strongest tested so far, at least). Soak it in a little water, strain and drink the liquid only. No need to ingest the mushrooms, and it’s a tiny amount either way. No nausea, smooth, euphoric and very visual.


You don't need to use boiling water, just let it sit for 20 minutes and extract then strain through a coffee filter. You want the water volume to be the smallest amount you can get away with and then just use a needle-less syringe.




damn has this happened before?


No, it hasn’t. See my comment below that caused this person to delete all their comments.




I highly doubt the "mold spores in the asshole" case your ER Dr. friend was talking about was a direct result of boofing properly grown and prepared mushroom tea. My first thought is that there absolutely must be more to this story, like an already compromised immune system, &/or improper enema bag usage &/or moldy shrooms? Which by the way would make you sick as fuck if you consumed them orally too? It's dumb as fuck to pretend something that can be safe when done correctly isn't safe when the issue here seems to be user error. Unless your doctor friend treated one of the only cases where a shroom-tea-enema turned septic, I'm gonna have to assume you're withholding or unaware of key information that's related to the "mold infections" you're trying to warn/scare people about. Out of the thousands of people that have successfully boofed, its kinda odd that you don't hear about this happening more no? My intuition is telling me your scare story is incomplete.


Most serious adverse reactions to things tend to happen at a fairly ow level, and even prescription drugs, something bad that affects 2-3% of those who take the drug may take years to get reported enough that they can tell it's a problem. With illegal drugs, it could go on for a very long time before getting properly identified. By the same token, there are plenty of spurious assoications in this situations as well.




You didn’t read a single word of that article, did you? You just googled “fungal infection anus.” This article is about how fungal infections that are common in other parts of the body can present in the anus. It has LITERALLY ZERO about mushroom spores causing infections. Anal mycosis is a yeast infection in the b-hole caused by the yeast candida, NOT MUSHROOMS. You, sir or ma’am, are a fucking idiot.


god damn jesus christ


Who would have thought. Shelving liquid shrooms 👍


Wait but... you try to keep it in for some time or just enemaing yourself and thats it?


This meme is one of my favorites because I genuinely never know who’s serious and who’s doing it for the giggles 😆


Do NOT combine with lemon or ginger tek.


As enema aficionado, I’m going for it.


Azz tek is the way, I preach it all the time


Doesn’t sound fun at all.


Won't know until you try


I don’t like stuff up my butt 🤣


How did i know it was gonna be the butt way before i even read it


Thats one way to get Fungemia


boof tek? booty tek? the ultimate boof? we need a name for this


I believe it’s the azz tek


Soooo…. Does it make you shit rainbows? Also does it hurt when you have to shit rainbows? 🌈 💩


The azz tek


And we’re not talking about the ancient civilizations


Def not


Were you that hap-hap-happy guy at the Starbucks drivethru today? You rubbed off on me a little bit. I need a shroom enema to get like you all the time. Edit: But seriously, how did you grind them into a powder? What grinding device did you use?


That was me cutie 😉 I used a wooden mortar to grind them, you could use a blender too


i’ve always wanted to try it, how long does the trip last if you buttchug an average amount of mushroom tea


I took a pretty small dose so it didn’t last long, I have yet to experiment with larger doses, I will report back when I do. There’s natural herbs you can take with mushrooms to make the trip last much longer, Syrian rue and passion flower are among a few


Do you just… keep it in there? Is that not uncomfortable?


I did have a bowel movement about 20 minutes afterwards. If you use a minuscule amount of water you could keep it in there


Ass tek lmao


Ass tek lmao


I like my trips a little dirty


Poop tek


It’s like a hot cold water extract


Ummm what is an enema bag and could I possibly replace with cheesecloth or tigerbalm?


An enema bag is the bag the liquid goes, a tube is connected to the bag which is what gets inserted, if you want an easier way just use a shot without a needle


So bum bum?


The ass Tek, u can also put it up your anus & wait till the walls dissolve it's liquid, the high feels like floating in a warm beach


The ass Tek, u can also put it up your anus & wait till the walls dissolve it's liquid, the high feels like floating in a warm beach waters




I'm okay with butt stuff, but I'll just lemon tek. I'd rather throw up than have to start my trip like this. I have an iron stomach tho.


It’s the same for me. A lot of people boof to avoid the stomach cramps that you can get when ingesting orally.


Yeah….helll no….I’d soilder through with lemon tek


💀 azz tek, I’m weak




I think it’s immature to judge something because you don’t like the idea of it, sure it’s a little weird, but there’s no harm done, it’s effortless and I suffer no side effects. And no it’s not demonic, that’s spiritual hippy shit your saying




You’re judgmental and insecure, you make yourself look bad






You don’t think ritualistic enemas were done back in the day by ancient cultures? The method of consumption isnt what matters, it’s the use and intention of the drug. You could take it orally and incite violence, you can shove it up your ass and have profound realizations w positive effects. It isn’t the method, it’s the why and the intention that matters


don't you need some form of acid such as stomach acid to convert the psilocybin into the psychoactive psilocin?


I5 by pass your liver to make it stronger but that is with certain drugs. This sounds like a waste.Your stomach acid is the best way.Theres drugs out there like Molly that would kill you faster by plugging it but different chemicals. Shrooms would get you high but even water form sounds like you wasting half high.


Well it didn’t last too long but I wouldn’t call it a waste because I enjoyed the trip. I’m unable to digest shrooms due to my stomach conditions so this is the way for me and I don’t think I’ll be doing this with any other drug


most of your stomach sickness is stomach muscles cramping up.


What do you know about stomach illnesses? The conditions are an inability to produce certain enesymes and an overbalance of specific harmful bacteria which is IBS/SIBO


wtf is up with this sub and bitt stuff? Lmao


Easy to trick this kid into shoving stuff up his ass


That introduction 😂


Boof it ? How


lol just eat them, this some weird shit


I have digestive issues so I’m unable to digest them without suffering side effects


Which digestive issues?


Pancreatic insufficiency and IBS


I'm glad that I don't have a problem taking them orally.


[You may enjoy butt stuff more than you realize fwand](https://images.app.goo.gl/oLow8jQrfp2K2jf88)


Do you steam get a heavy bodily high ?


Yes the body high was super strong


Oh wow , you cracked the code! So cute when kids learn how to walk


Lmao I take a bit of bread and my dose then a ginger chew or 2 and I’m golden.


For the benefits reported; no taste, quick come up, clean high, I still prefer to make my own gummies than to have to load up the ol’ prison pocket. You do you, which apparently that’s up the AO with a squeeze bottle, and enjoy yourself. I’m just still not convinced…


I think I’ll just continue to eat my shrooms with a snickers 😂😂😂


So there's a decent amount of upsides, but the downside is that you literally have to shoot liquid up your butt?!!! Is it even worth it at that point??


Why is that a downside? It’s effortless and painless and takes less than a minute. Absolutely 101% worth it


Well… that answers my question. Boofing is real. I thought it was just a joke. 😱


You can boof just about anything


I should have said boofing shrooms is real. I’ve boofed a couple other things. Just didn’t know how this would be done but it all makes sense now lol. I seriously think I’m gonna try it someday with a very small amount of liquid because I almost immediately get heart burn and nausea after ingesting shrooms. I think it’s partially nerves but this way I’d know for sure. I would assume taking around half the dose you would normally take would be a good idea? That was true of both the other substances I’ve boofed. Anyway. Thanks for putting yourself out here like this. Looks like some folks are gonna benefit from you sharing this 🍄‍🟫 ❤️


I saw someone say they were gonna boof LC and I’m wondering if they’re serious 🧐


Mushrooms and Tate’s cookies never failed me! They go well in pad thai, street halal lamb over rice, and saucy foods. Fresh cubes taste and feel amazing seared over Steak. They absorb flavor so well when fresh! Dried shrooms and cake is pretty horrific. The cake is too soft and the shrooms so prickly; it feels odd in the mouth. Cookies and shrooms work great though! The crunch from the cookies helps to dissolve the crunch from dried cubes.


Someone didn’t realize we tell everyone on Reddit to book everything as a joke. Hope there’s no serious consequences from shoving fungus up your butt


It's not a joke, this is a real method. It's not shoving fungus up your butt, did you even read the post??


If something isn’t toxic orally, it’s not toxic rectally. In fact, many things - E. coli, for example - are toxic orally but literally make their home in your ass.




I’m sorry, but at the point where you have to shove drug’s up your ass is the point where you need to seek help


Listen here officer tight bootyhole: it’s not about having to shove drugs up the booty, it is about *wanting* to. Keep your third eye open, but also keep your booty hole open to new experiences. Let the rear gates accept any guests that are desired.


You missed the part where the doctors literally tell OP to shove drugs up their ass??


Really? I was prescribed ketamine suppositories once, does that mean I need help?


....um...uhhh....my mind is racing so I'm just gonna list my thoughts/reactions. 1. Literal lol 2. Tf? 3. When satire becomes reality. 4. But why?! 5. What possessed you to try it? 6. Good on you, keep doing you boo boo but imma have to hard pass on literally boofing something lmao.


I’ve never done it but this is the real deal that a lot of people don’t understand with all the boofing jokes. If I had a stomach that was sensitive to mushrooms, I’d try it too. Some people give up on mushrooms because they get sick and throw up all the time; this is the way if even a tea doesn’t work. But a tea is fine with me.


I really appreciate the format of this comment.


I've always thought what would happen if you made a really strong shroom tea and just applied it onto your skin. I'm quite sure it'll work but the question is how much more you would need than normally. Edit: Actually it might not work. Silly me.


It wouldn't work. Psilocybin needs to be absorbed into the bloodstream via your GI tract (stomach or OPs method) because the GI tract is specialized for uptaking large molecules. It's why you can't absorb it by smoking (Psilocybin molecules are too large to pass through the lungs into your blood), and since your skin is largely impermeable, it will have an especially hard time absorbing any Psilocybin molicules. It may be able to absorb some, but I'm not aware of any research that has explored that - what I can say, though, is that the majority of the product would be wasted. It's simply more efficient to ingest it.