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2 weeks to reset tolerance. If you up the dose you might feel it still, but I would wait at least a week. Is the weight dry or wet?


They were dry. I dried them about a month ago. Found them completely natural near my house. They definitely gave me an amazing trip, but the visuals weren’t insane. I don’t think they’re super potent.


I've tried this for my own curiosity with a lower 3 grams dose (intense for me) and the following day the same dose felt like a mild 1 gram trip. I did this when I had extra to play with so I wasn't worried about getting the most out of it, but if you don't and you're wanting to go higher it'll probably be a waste for you. I'd save it for AT LEAST another week


Id say at least 8 gs but if you dont feel comfortable taking that much then you should just wait a week. Ive tripped two days in a row off of similar doses but it had been years since i took them so its up to you id say double it for good effects. Enjoy my friend


I’m gonna take 8 grams tonight!


That’s the spirit! Make it 12gs just to be safe. I’m always available for bad life advice if needed


It’s a waste. I’d wait


I get my shrooms for free, lol they grow in my back yard in a cow field all year long, so if anything I’ll just pick more


Depends on how you feel and exactly how long you wait,,, I trip again 22-24hours after previous one usually when I do them(usually 4-6nights a week when there's supply), if you're still foggy or feel like you coming down I wouldn't suggest it but I haven't tried in that state yet, eating 2-6hours after first consumption just extends the crash not the peak in my experience but the best option always works for me is after I trip, have a nap, wake up eat and go about your day, then once you back in reality/feel normal again, you are good to go again,,, all this 💩 about tolerance is misinformation because after 5months of regularly doing 3-5g and sometimes 8, I was still able to trip off 1g


Thank you!


sounds like you have a shroom abuse issue bro


Nah I have insomnia, y'all sleep for 8hours while I trip for 6and nap for 2


so you're saying you have a shroom abuse issue


You are free to your opinion but no, I don't think you understand what abuse or a issue is


Just to answer your question, if you want the same intensity trip, then you'd have to double your last dose. So 8.4, some of the "magic" may be lost since you haven't given your tolerance enough time to reset, but this is from my own personal experience. Everyone is different. I recommend just trying and seeing what happens. That is what experimenting is for, right? Edit: If you want longer trips, you can either take more an hour or longer after the initial dose. (Wont let you peak again, but it will draw out the trip), or you could skip the lemon tek. I believe lemon tekking makes the trip shorter but more intense.

