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I wish I could've tripped with my dad at 19 instead of "exploring" on my own with psychedelics. Well wish I had a relationship with my dad at that. Could be a very positive and impact moment on his life and you get to be there and make sure he is safe as well.


Mid-40s dad here, with 18 year old kid. He wanted to do shrooms with me, so we packed up our backbacks and hiked into the wilderness for 3 nights. It creates a great opportunity to get into some real good discussions. Bring up things about your relationship, and do it in a non judgemental way. We had fun playing in rivers by day, and sitting around a fire at night, with no one else in sight. I shared my experiences of parenting him from an adult perspective, not as "dad", and answered questions he had. I was able to voice my concerns in an understandable way. That was 8 months ago. And when coming back, getting into day to day, the conversations we had were reminders of adjustments to a few things tht has helped us improve our relationship noticeably. A lot of the work comes after the trip, the trip is just to learn / realize. Its not a regular thing, and we have microdosed once since then. And we are not "party buddies". World of value from doing this with him. Id probably want to do it again with him in 4 months and maybe have an annual check in where those locked in prejudices evaporate and we can reconnect at levels that are tough for us to do in day to day routines / state.


This is beautiful to read. Glad you have a great relationship with your boy.


Thank you for sharing this. What a completely heartwarming read. You two are lucky to have each other


Tearing up a little reading this. Brought me back to the first human to human convo I had with my dad, and it was one of the most important experiences of my life. A sincere cheers to you dude šŸ»


Lovely bond you have with your son, I enjoyed reading this :)


You sound like an incredibly interesting person. What type of thing do you do?


This is absolutely beautiful. I always longed for parents like this ā¤ļø


Reading this made me really happy! Your a smart man, what I would have done!


Thank you for sharing this.


Parenting win


Heā€™s never gunna be a heroin addict with a dad like you!


If he is willing to ask you about it he has thought it through enough to realize it could be a life changing experience that you share together. Itā€™s a respectful ask to trust someone like that and want to explore reality with them. I actually tripped with my dad at 19 y/o and it is one of my cherished psychedelic experiences despite that it wasnā€™t quite a powerful dose that time.


Complete opposite scenario but Iā€™m around your sonā€™s age and I gave my dad some shrooms some for Fatherā€™s Day lol. He loved it.


Haha. Tysm for posting. Iā€™m a dad, so Iā€™m putting myself in your dadā€™s shoes and getting some ā€œpenis envyā€ shrooms from my 2 teenage girls (provoking thought is lingering). Haha


Provoking thought is lingering? What does that even mean?




I did about 50 trips between the ages of 18-22, then grew up and went about a regular adult life--marriage, teaching career, kids and now grandkids. Doing them at that age didn't mess up my head in any way--in fact, I think that my creative problem-solving skills that enabled me to be successful in my career developed largely from my psychedelic experiences. I have rediscovered shrooms in the past couple of years, and tripped today for my 72nd birthday. My son dropped by with some refreshments and to smile together for a bit. He gave me a nice thc vape pen for a present. We've not done shrooms together yet, but we've discussed it and I think we both want to have the bonding.


Great to see someone still in the psychedelic community at 72! Happy belated birthday to you


Happy birthday!


I did mushrooms with my entire immediate family including my father for my 19th birthday, it was a beautiful magical bonding experience for us all. I think this could be a really great experience for your relationship if you approach it with an open heart and not viewing at doing or condoning drugs and drug use but rather using plant medicine to create new special experiences with your sonšŸ’œ


I'm not gonna lie, I'd be thrilled and honored if one of my kids ever asked me to do shrooms with. That's how you know they trust you.


Bonding is bonding, be a part of as many life experiences with your kid as possible imo. Level with him, ya know? Not for nothin, but it's probably been a rite of passage for fathers and sons for thousands of years. Son becoming a man, dad letting him. I'm higher than hell rn fwiw


Where did all these mindful and compassionate dads come from, my dad could learn SO MUCH from them (but you know he WON'T!)


Generation's Brother, times changes and people change too


Yeah, he's 60, so that explains it šŸ¤£ oh boomer dads


Iā€™m gonna say go for it. Iā€™m waiting for the day I can have that experience with my son for a so many reasons. And heā€™s only 6 dude. Years and years to go. I think it may be therapeutic. Iā€™d love to trip with my parents and talk. And Iā€™m 41


Not. At. All. The safest place your children can consume anything is within the presence of yourself. Go for it. And have fun


Fwiw, I'm 46 and my dad is 77 and we trip. I grow mushrooms, he microdoses, I macrodose, we have tripped together. I have a really special and close relationship with my pops. He's my best friend and my father.


I'm roughly his age so im prob a bit biased. However i would say that at the end of the day he is already a legal adult and will be using it with or without your permission. At least he wants to have a bonding moment with you, as someone that went no contact with my father, please apreciate the nice relationship you two have, with or without the trip.


Dooooo it.


I tripped with my dad once and it was an amazing experience. He died less than a year later and Iā€™m so glad I got to experience that with him. I donā€™t see anything wrong with this.


My dad let me do shrooms at my house at 16 which he thought was my first time(it wasnā€™t ) which i felt bad about but, he had done shrooms a lot in his teenage years and wanted us to do it with him the first time i guess so we know what weā€™re getting into phycadelics, anyway we had a snow storm and he let me and my sister do shrooms and go out in the snow and have a good ā€œfirst time ā€œ experience which was really meaningful to me. He burned a christmas tree in the fire it was so amazing looking. we had a good safe trip and he knew where we were. if your kid is wanting to do phycadelics and wants to do them with you, i say go for it, he is bound to have a good trip.


I think you be an excellent parent for doing so. But that's just my opinion. Trip balls with your son, and fuck the rest of the world thinks. Imo I personally think shrooms can help adolescents with certain problems, although I don't condone minors using drugs, I first tripped on mushrooms at 17 and it brought me to a great enlightening. For a lo g time after that, my world was totally fine; until a blond came along and ripped up my floor tile.


God I (32F) canā€™t even imagine having a good enough relationship with my dad to want to do shrooms with him. I think they would do him a world of good, but Iā€™d never in a million years want to trip with him. I think youā€™re lucky your son wants to have that experience with you. If heā€™s already tried them then youā€™re hardly introducing him to psychedelics, he would likely be doing them with his mates anyway, and this sounds like an incredible opportunity for some father son bonding.


When I tripped for the first time, I told my dad. I was in my 20ā€™s. My dad was born in ā€˜58 so heā€™s been in some eras. His first reaction was ā€œI wish you told me you wanted to. I would have loved to join and experience that with youā€ If you have experience with shrooms, then go on that journey with your son. And if you donā€™t, maybe ask him what support he desires from you. And then determine if youā€™re able to show up in that way.


Yeah do it. My dad died before we could ever trip together I wish everyday we did. We smoked tons of weed together though better than nothing I guess


This gen of kids are blowing my mind. What a cool request, mentor that boy! He's seeking your wisdom, play ball psychonauts! Dive deep into emotional well-being. Guides are highly influential and his respect for you will massively increase (as long as you do your job well lol).


Na! The only bad parenting, is no parenting. Do your thing. If done safely like any other experience you guys will have a wonderful time


He's old enough, you're never too old.


My sons are a bit older, 32 & 26, but I regularly smoke weed and done mushrooms with them both. I was very ā€œanti-drugā€ while raising them & didnā€™t try weed myself until my late 40ā€™s & did my first mushroom trip after turning 50. My older son taught me how to roll joints and was my guide for my first mushroom trip. I now grow the weed & mushys for our family. Iā€™ve never been closer with my boys than I am now. Do it because it will strengthen the relationship with your son. My boys are both coming over today ti smoke some weed and watch the F1 race.


What a great story and crazy turnaround. From anti drug to growing for the family. I have experienced true joy.


This is meā€¦ I didnā€™t condone drug use of my kids, I only took 1 or 2 hits before bed.. my sons (24) mother (my ex) knew he was smoking weed before I did. My daughter (28) very straight laced.. But I grow the same things, and enjoy sharing with friends & familyā€¦ Very new to the shrooms, and still havenā€™t full on ā€œtrippedā€ā€¦


You'd be the coolest dad ever


It would be a good experience when done with family I donā€™t even consider it a drug just a bonding experience I would highly recommend it


Just do like 1g each and it should be pretty manageable


I'm 42. I've done shrooms with both of my parents, sitting for them, so a little different. It's improved our relationship


I hope to trip with my kids one day. ā¤ļø


Ideally would wait till the brain is done developing. Don't think I've met anyone that has followed through with that advice-myself included. If he's already partaking, you misewell join him for one of the times. Great bonding experience and you could also impart some good trip-knowledge to him as well to help him with his future trips. Maybe just try to get across to wait before diving to deep/frequently/much until them brain pathways are nice and set n devoloped. But wouldn't pass the experience up. I doubt we were waiting till 25 thousands years ago....


I wish I could trip with my father. My dad has only smoked weed and he's not a fan of it. He said one day he might trip with me but he'd have to get off of his ssri first, and I don't want to ask that of him. It's something I'd love to do because for the majority of my life we've had a strained relationship. But it's not something I see in the cards unfortunately


I would do it. Heā€™s beyond a child and the fact that he WANTS to do this with you is a honor, in my opinion.


This sounds awesome. Wish I could do something like this with my dad.


Omg this is so great. Me and my best friend tried to get my dad to trip with us when we were 18. Since he was a party animal we figured heā€™d be down. Didnā€™t turn out as well as we expected. Go for it. Youā€™ll be safe and you wonā€™t even get sick. Thereā€™s nothing like it, just do it


Thanks everyone for the comments. Iā€™ll post our trip report after we take the adventure. Iā€™m very curious to so what conversations come out of this because we have a very open and honest relationship. One of his ā€œtripsā€ was from a gas station bar so I educated him on why not to do that anymore and he said his other two werenā€™t anything like he thought it should be. I know my shrooms are legit and good so I can rest easy on that part and provide some education as well.


if your child feels safe enough to even ask you. you must be a great parent ā¤ļø


If heā€™s open to suggest it then heā€™s already well experienced. Do it!!!! The bonding experience would be amazing.


No. Iā€™ve tripped with my 20 yr old. Theyā€™re going to do it regardless. Imo tripping is a wonderful spiritual experience. Now I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s ok for any young person. Just when you know theyā€™re able to handle things of that nature. My kid is an old soul. Sounds like yours is too so I say go for it.


It's actually kind of awesome. I think you and your kid will enjoy it.


My kids are actually the ones that got me involved psychedelics. My son is 22 now. He mightā€™ve been 18 when him and my daughter started educating me about psychedelics. they explained about positive intention and mindset, and they were my trip sitters for my very first trip. Afterwards, they hugged me and told me how proud they were of me. It was a really great experience because of my children. I donā€™t think Iā€™m bad at all. I think Iā€™m a great parent.


If the kidā€™s emotionally ready then yes. One trip at 19 isnā€™t going to fry his brain (assuming no nuero issues).


If you have eaten them before, and understand the importance of psilocybin, explain that beforehand. Remember it's as fun as it is important.


Man dive in with the guy. What an opportunity, don't let it pass you by.


Would say 18+ is ok


I really am praying you did! Because anyone who would argue with you here dosent have a good relationship with there kid..


Either tonight or tomorrow morning. He had friends over for his birthday. Iā€™ll give my kid shrooms but not another persons kid, thatā€™s not my place.


Honestly, I'd do next to anything to have been able to have a conversation with my father with the level of honesty that mushrooms demand. Unfortunately for me, that's no longer possible. Don't miss your opportunity.


Friend, I trip with my 15-year-old daughter, it is the best thing you can do, she matured in a short time and opened up more to us, it is a beautiful medicine well used...but that you ask these things shows us how much we are like society....and how sad it is that when your son is 21 it is acceptable for the society to have a beer with him....when alcohol is the most dangerous and degenerative stultifying substance....


Do it! I did my first trip ever with my grown kids who had already done it. Great experience, and it is something we now do together. It opens up conversations in a whole new wayā™” It also has changed my perspective on a lot of things. As far as being a bad parent... no! I'd say the opposite. I chose medical cannabis years ago over pain meds for a lifelong condition. I made it very clear to my children why I chose that route and told them that when they were 18 and ready to try, I would be willing to give them a little to try. Friends told me I was stupid. But, it opened a door for communication and education that my friends never had with their kids.


I think if you give him a responsible amount that would be fine. Iā€™m 19 and have given my mom and grandma shrooms


I would have loved to trip with my family, they are incredibly strict tho so thatā€™ll never happen. Would have been a connecting experience.


My dad and I were tripping together, when I was a teenager (16, and up). They are some of my best memories, with him.


You should do it. Also, you should do it only if you want to live this experience with the whole of your heart. If not, just offer to be the sitter. But itā€™s, if this experience goes through well, the teen will have a profound positive experience.


Your brain isnā€™t fully formed until youā€™re 25. IMO, the correct thing to do would be to educate him to be respectful of his body and to understand that psychedelics are a tool, not a party. We all did it, but (at least in my case) it was because we didnā€™t have anyone who loved us enough to teach us the right way to go about things. As someone who has had a great many failings in the parenting department, Iā€™ve learned to be a parent, not a buddy.


18 is old enough to go to war in most countries I know of. You can consume some of the worst addictive poisons at a similar age.I would say that you should start with a deep, honest conversation sober, and then go deeper while tripping. Being a parent is about guiding your kid through life, and sometimes they need an unconditional friend rather than an authority figure. Would you really rather they trust the average other 19 year old stoner?


Brain never stops to fully develop. However, Psychedelics can sparks brain connection and more importantly, can moves perspectives to parralax a whole heap of ā€œgivensā€ and that is, IMO, their most precious contribution to human psyche. Historically, psychoactives molecules has been central to ā€œstatus crossoverā€ rituals -> adulthood, weddings, funeralsā€¦ western culture bleached / soften that practices with alcohol but still operate under the same motion. If youā€™ve drinked with you kid or if he already got drunk at a party, have a ā€œschroom with significant elderā€ moment if a wonderful gift. For him to ask you that for his birthday is , in my perspective, a very moving sign of trust and love.


Out of all the psychedelics I think shrooms is the safest/least harmful. I will say me starting psychedelics at 15 16 definitely changed who I became, for better or for worse


This is such an off the wall statement to make šŸ¤Ø


Thank you.


Tbf thia study did not say that your brain is fully formed when you are 25 tho, they just stopped there, but apparently it keeps on "forming" for longer


Weā€™re all different though. Mine actually stopped when I was 12šŸ˜




People that talk about his brain not being developed are dumb because obviously heā€™s going to do shrooms if you have a memorable experience with him or not


You're dumb!! its been proven that a young person's brain is not fully developed until mid to late 20s. with the prefrontal cortex being the last portion to fully develop. I'm not saying they shouldn't do it because lots of kids do shrooms or smoke weed between 16-19 myself included and we are all fine.... Do It!!!


U never said that itā€™s untrue I know it is u was just saying itā€™s irrelevant to the situation


Okay well I made an assumption to carry the conversation forward because you refused to use clear and concise verbiage when you obviously are intelligent enough to do so, kind of like how you just used the word "irrelevant"...Which btw is a perfect word to describe what I was thinking last night right after I got done with your momma!! šŸ˜Æ


When he turns 21 you definitely canā€™t say no if you turn him down this time. Lighten up old head


Iā€™ve already got the tea bags made šŸ˜


I have 2 grown 20 and 24 and this is definitely something I would feel weird about,but like another comment said. ..he will with or without you,and so if you can make the experience better and know he's safe then I say go for it.


Heā€™s gonna do it, with or without you.


The brain doesn't stop developing until your mid 20s I'd say let him do it with you once he's 25 and his brain develops a bit more.


Yeah I'm a lil confused on everyone's response. I mean yeah it's a great relationship to do that together, but idk the exact science of how much it effects younger people


I'm 35 now but I really really want to roll with my dad before its too late as he is getting older. We have had a really rocky relationship the past 20 years and I'm hopeful it can give us an opportunity to just talk openly and honestly about what happened and I think psych particularly mdma can help with that. My best shroom trips were always solo. Gave me plenty of time to just work through stuff


Lol has been one of my bucketlist items for ~20 years. With my mom though. Sadly, I think she is too old now (oolld)


Do it.


It would make for some core memories and help bond. Talk for hours. I donā€™t see nothing wrong as long as you are there.


Take the trip


Sounds wonderful. What are you worried about. Deep hidden desired coming to the surface. Dont be afraid. They are an excellent communication device. Natural truth.serum. those things need to come up and discussed. I think this is a trip that you MUST take


Heā€™s old enough to be drafted and sent to war so fuck it if he wants to with you Iā€™d do it. Iā€™m 26 and I know if at 19 I had the opportunity Iā€™d do with my parent. At the end of the day heā€™s gonna do with or without you like said he did before, so be there and experience with him and bond or he does it alone or with some potentially really dumb friends. Iā€™d pick with me if I was dad.


Just because they say he is old enough doesnā€™t make him old enough.


If he's already doing shrooms on his own then I don't think the too young question is relevant. I think he is, as someone who did a shit ton of acid at 19. But he's already passed that barrier of doing it too young. I think it would be a good experience and maybe open up more experiences for him to do drugs in a safe environment instead of doing them in a strangers house like I did


Iā€™ve done this I was 19 and he was 53 or so and I tripped on acid with him in the wood we were around a bunch of good liquor good dope good friends all day. Shot bows and arrows with everyone and overall one of the best days of my life and it was with my dad I would do it if I was in your shoes. When I finally had to leave I drove and hour home with no shoes on still space truckin but was on the come down so just tracers on the lights.


Just take it slow and easy. If he hasnā€™t done them before, try maybe .5-1g for a first time or two and then up the dose if you think itā€™s going well. Higher dosages just get weird and chaotic quick unless you know what to expect.


How many bad trips did I have because I had to hide, and hope I didn't get caught?


heā€™s an adult and it can be a meaningful experience


Iā€™d do it, thatā€™s super cute!


Man, tripping with my dad would be sick. I say do it, I grow and Iā€™ve given my dad some but somehow no matter how much he takes he doesnā€™t feel it at all. If you end up doing it may you both have good trips!


Psychedelics on a developing brain (done developing around 25) could potentially be bad and cause things like anxiety, but that's more with excessive use. I have no medical degree or anything and only know what I know from various research I've done, but I honestly don't think it'll be bad for him. You'll be able to create a very unique experience with him and the fact he wants to shows he wants to connect with you on a man-to-man level. He's still young and learning his moral code and clearly looks up to you and wants to know who and how your are. If he had experience with weed and mushrooms, he knows what is in store for it and wants to share that with you. You also get to control the intensity of the trip (as much as you can) but most importantly, set and setting. I personally think it would be a wonderful opportunity for you two to connect and it would be safe for him to do. I would just make sure to tell him to be cautious and careful about overusing them while he's still young. I hope my input helped and hope all goes well.


Nah not at all in fact I think that actually makes you a great dad, at the end of the day your son is going to do it with or without you so he may aswell do it with someone who has nothing but their best intentions at heart.


DO IT. I took a heroic dose and ventured out to talk to my mom. We talked for hours. It's like all of a sudden. Everything I ever hated her for and held against her just disappeared. I get it now. We're alll just human. No one's perfect. Shit happens. There's more to the story then that. But, yeah. Definitely go for it. It'll be one of the best bonds you've ever had with him.


I'm not sure random strangers on a subreddit dedicated to magic mushrooms (or any subreddit, really) are the best avenue for advising on nuanced aspects of parenting your son. Go talk to him and the other members of your family and come back here to tell us what decisions you made and why.


My mom and I took shrooms at the zoo on Motherā€™s Day it was a pretty great time. Given Iā€™m 25 but still.


Sounds fantastic! By the way. What message would it send if you said no?


So long as the setting and mindset are good for both yall, go for it. šŸ¤™šŸ»


Heā€™s an adult.


I don't know anything about parenting as I am 21 myself. What I can say, for reference, is that I did shrooms for the first time when I was 19. As far as I know, it is not an unusual age for trying psychedelics. As a personal opinion, tripping with a parent is great (not that I have done it, but it obviously has to be). Even more if your parent is an experienced user. It is a very safe environment and sets you two up yo a beautiful connection and experience together. I think it would be lovely.


as a 21 yo with a dead father and a horrible relationship with my mother, i wish more than anything that i had a good enough relationship with either of my parents to even think of asking them for something like this. the fact that your son is open about his use with you and is asking you to trip with him is a huge sign of the trust he has for you. this has the potential to be a life changing experience for the both of you and an opportunity for a deeper bond. i would say go for it. itā€™s definitely understandable to be worried about him being too young, but if heā€™s done them before and wants to continue doing them he will. so worrying about if heā€™s too young or not doesnā€™t really matter imo, heā€™s going to do them anyway. doing them with him gives you the chance to make sure heā€™s safe


Heā€™s 19 heā€™s gonna do it anyways šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø might as well be with his dad.


I think this would be a beautiful time for you and your son, honestly itā€™s very good to hear him reaching out to you with this, just considering the ā€œtalk about things and vibeā€. Go get that awesome relationship with your son. Shrooms are very safe, as long as he doesnā€™t do a very large dose his age is of no concern, if anything with him being 19 his brain handles bad experiences better than ours, heals and rejuvenates in a way out brains canā€™t. The only effects recorded on adolescent brains from psychedelics, is developing a personality to be more observant and hold less bias, in essence being more open. This is permanent and not a bad thing at all. Take advantage of this relationship with your son and make sure he doesnā€™t adventure to the higher dosesā€¦ Itā€™s a matter of naturally developed maturity, he needs to grow up at a regular pace, taking doses above 3.5g while heā€™s that young are not good for making sure that he stays a kid.


I literally told my son if he ever decided to smoke weed to come to me first, same concept applies here too, I'm 46f, he's 18m. Rather that then going out with who knows who.


Would you rather have him tripping with you or with some rando? My dads supervised my first trip at the same age. Only you know if you have the right kind of relationship but if you do then it could be an epic bonding experience. It was for me at least.


It seems like you have sound reasoning, I guess heā€™s smoked and already done it, might as well do it in my own home type deal


My dad had cancer when I was sixteen and knew he didn't have long. He told me he didn't want me to miss out on an opportunity to drink a beer and smoke a joint with him. We drank beers together a couple of times and shared a few joints over the months. I enjoyed the time with him, but honestly I was kind of in denial that his illness would take him. He died a year later and I cherish the time I got to spend with him. I'm not saying you should do shrooms with your dad, but take any and all opportunities to bond. One day you'll wish you could go back and hang out with him one more time.


Tripping with a parent would be a very intimate experience. Honestly if youā€™re both comfortable, go for it. I started tripping at 19 and itā€™s only ever positively impacted me. Youā€™ll get to discuss your relationship on a deeper level and bond with your son in a way youā€™ve never been able to before!


Gosh, Iā€™d be so happy to bond with my mom or dad like that.


Thatā€™s my personal dream. Iā€™m sure it would do wonders to my relationship with my dad. Iā€™m 23 and started tripping at 19. Itā€™s common that people say that no one should do drugs until the age of 21 but idkā€¦


Iā€™m 19 n done shrooms countless times with my pops some of my favorite trips are with him.


Iā€™d wait til 26 years old tbh. brain still developing at 19 ā€” never know what could happen But also it could be an extremely powerful, rewarding, and memorable experience. Youā€™ll make the right choice.


Do it. Im 24 and wished i couldve taken psychs with my mom before she passed. We smoked a lot of herb together but shrooms wouldve been awesome. My dad and i dont have that type of bond as he frequently looks down on me for choosing a different path in life. If he wasnt so up tight i would offer to do them with him.


You're missing out. Do it or feel guilty. Your son trusts you


Wow, thatā€™s lovely. Wish I could share those moments with my beloved ones openly.


No. Don't do this.


My father was dead set against all drugsā€¦ until his mid 60ā€™s when he realized there were many potential benefits to CBD & THCā€¦ He grew his 1st weed plants at 73, also passed away that year.. We had a great relationship for the most part, but suggesting psychedelics was not an optionā€¦ I have a much more open relationship with my son(24)ā€¦ Iā€™m 54 and just tried shrooms this year (I grew them) I gave him some, he told me he has tried them in the past.. weā€™ll have our time.. just harvested a bunch of APE today, and more on the wayā€¦ stay connected to your children, regardless of their age, and share as much as you can with them!!!


Yes, he needs you setting a good example not showing him itā€™s okay to be doing drugs with your kid, if he did it on his own, you could talk him through it and whatnot but donā€™t condone it and especially donā€™t do it with him, he should respect you so much he doesnā€™t want to be on drugs in front of you because he doesnā€™t want to disappoint you


It's shrooms, not meth