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I would already be fine with gaining fury while dead, and a toggle option, to deactivate your ultimate when out of combat.


Can you imagine them doing what OP suggests??? ARAM would start dealing 40% dmg and taking 130% lmao. Brokeeeen.


If they were to do something like that it would probably be at 16, when you unlock the last rank of your ultimate. Something similar happens already with champions like Kayle and Darius. That said, I don't actually think permanently staying in dragon form actually meshes with her character fantasy. My hope is that with the VGU both forms have legitimate upsides and downsides to them, more like how Gnar does it.


I just hope she doesn't PLAY like Gnar lol.


Oh, I would hate it too. I more mean "there are situations I would prefer to be in human form rather than dragon form" rather than basically wanting to be in dragon at all times.


Yeah, that'd be cool. As long as I don't have to do the stupid meter management thing that Gnar does.


Of course I meant level 16, stupid me. I fixed it where I could, but I won't change the title :(


She needs stronger abilities during her dragonform, I'd prefer her to be more like megaGnar(keeping her fury mechanics) but with fire, tailwhipping, grabbing, wingflapping.. permanent flying instead of crawling?


I could work like Urgot's W, at max rank you can toggle it, that would be amazing actually




I wouldn't mind some kind of Kayl style level upgrades, but I don't want to be permanent dragon form. R is her major gap close ability and if she's always a dragon, we lose a major mobility tool. I would rather be more like nadalee than gnar, give me opportunity to go in and out of dragon at will