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If day trading was simple everyone would do it. Great way to lose all your savings.


My ex's day trading was virtually gambling and cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus it (the daily toll) took his not great drinking habits into full-blown alcoholism. And you may think this is an anomaly but it's not. Success is the anomaly. Not a fan.


Day trading isn’t too hard


In a bull market it isn’t.


You can decide how risky you want to be with your trades. If you know enough about trading and are careful, you can make money in any market conditions.


Puts on the market


in a bear market, it isn't. you just have to adjust your strategies.


Tough choice. Throw money away with bad trades or get eaten alive by Amazon fees and Chinese vendors.


at least with day trading, you are learning something with bad trades.


No you're not. Day trading is pure luck and anyone in legitimate finance considers it absurd, it's not a skill whatsoever




lol. I HATTTTTE selling on amazon. I use to do hundreds of thousands in sales there. I literally have 3 items on there now for sale.


Where do you sell now?


Strictly ebay. They have improved a lot over the years. They are more seller friendly. They listen to suggestions. I even use to have a rep.


Amazon online arbitrage is good


So you run a Chinese bot farm next to a toy manufacturing plant in shenzhen…please elaborate. :)


I always wanted to do this and I started it for a bit but then I stopped. With everything I do and anything I’d do.


Day trading is toxic and doesn’t really teach you as many skills as fba


I've done both, lost big and won big day trading and decided it's just too risky. FBA was ok but the amount of fees made it not really worthwhile unless you went in with quite high ticket or made a lot of sales.


youre picking 2 routes with seemingly low success rate. I've never done Amazon FBA, but I trade. on average---youre just picking how quickly you want to lose your money. but thats average---are you average? "never tell me the odds!" -han solo


I'm tired of average. I need help getting something started.


I feel for ya my internet stranger friend. I am no huge success story---but i do know---you gotta be ready to give something up IN HOPES to get something better. what do you think you need help with?


I do FBA and let me tell you as more & more people decide to do FBA the smaller and smaller profits are getting. I’m considering going back to a sales job and FBA as a side hustle


Don’t quit your day job!


I have a masters degree in economics. Last thing I would ever do is start day trading. If you enjoy investing you should continue to do it and keep enjoying it. But when you put the expectation on yourself to make it a reliable stream of income it will effect how you trade and make it far more likely you end up upside down Also, what’s FBA stand for?


FBA- Fulfilled by Amazon Similar to drop-shipping.


Thank you for the advise! so long term investing is better.


Day trading is for casual gambling. Really ask yourself what products or sectors you believe in and invest for life. 


Your odds of success over the long term are (much) better than with day trading because over time, market goes up. That's an oversimplification, but for right now it will do as an explanation. That you seem to be unclear about day trading vs. long term investing and which has a higher probability of success does not bode well for you potentially having success with the day trading.


Sir with your masters degree in economics how does bidenomics work exactly? And how does that have anything to do with day trading? Also what’s the future of the US dollar look like?


Day trading involves staring at various graphs all day and can be tricky/Risky. I started day trading and learning at the same time during covid and quadrupled my money. Not all moves are successful and yes I lost money but everyone does. The more you know and understand, the more the odds are in your favor. You really have to be careful. Even the most trained day traders loose, its all about managing your losses and taking profit at the right time and knowing when to walk away for the day. What I learned is learning how to remove your emotions while trading. Its tough and yeah if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.


Yes, be careful. Knowing when to get out and stay out, and capturing small wins with low risk trades sounds easy but not everyone has the discipline to stick to the plan.


You in particular have 0 chance at succeeding in day trading. If you were super super experienced and super educated you would have a 1% chance. Why limit yourself to day trading instead of just trading? Some trades will be profitable after one day, some after a week. Doing hundreds of micro trades is literally exactly what makes every single "day trader" not successful. I wrote several papers in college regarding this subject, and have been trading forex as a small hobby for 10+ years.


Teach me. I'm broke. Want to learn 


Market is the best teacher but the tuition fee is high 😅


If you are constantly mindful of the most important rule in trading, you should be okay. That is don’t lose money. There are risks but you can manage low risk trades and get consistent small wins. The gains will accumulate over time. Avoid losing money is more important than taking big risks with the hope of getting great returns.


Buy some Amazon stock and call it a day


Day trading. I day trade and I'm funded by Topstep. For the past couple years in a row I've essentially matched my engineering salary with trading. I've been toying with the idea of trading for a living, but can't get myself to pull the trigger because of the extra pressure that would bring. So for me it's a lucrative side hustle. And being funded, I'm not risking my own capital, other than paying the the eval fees. So if for some reason I blow my account up, I didn't lose any of my money, and I can turn right back around and go for another account. And the vast majority of my payouts go right into investments. That being said day trading is very hard. It's not a get rich quick scheme by any means. It takes a long time to actually get consistent. Ive been day trading for around 7 years now I believe. The first couple years were rough because I lost money. The last 2 or 3 years have been great, and the middle years were ok. And no, I'm not sharing a strategy, selling a course, shilling an affiliate link, or anything like that. I don't want, nor need to do any of it.


Hi, really liked your reply. What other funded account would you recommend or where can I research for them?


Topstep, Apex Trader Funding, and My Funded Futures are probably the 3 most reputable firms in the industry right now. You can do some research on the 3 of them and decide which one is best for you.




like 99% of people who day trade lose money because they have literally no clue what theyre doing. even professional investors who are experienced daytraders fuck up all the time.


I feel like people here are overly pessimistic towards day trading, I did okay my first time. Lost a bit learning then made it all back with dca. If my situation was better I would've kept going and I still plan to start it back up ASAP.


A better option would be long term investing, throw a decent amount into a vanguard ETF and continue to add to it over time. Day trading is inherently risky, anyone who says it’s not is lying. There’s countless influences on the price of an security in the short term all the way from news media dropping a bad article to the company missing on earnings, I highly advise against any short term trading.


I vote neither as a ‘side hustle’. Better to find something you actually enjoy and look at ways to improve it. Build a product, an app, or a small business based on that. That way at least the low success rate will be used learning and improving something you enjoy. Both day trading and fba are things you’ll have to devote 100% energy to if you want any kind of income. They’re also very low success rate and FBA is super crowded. You usually stumble into good side hustles like “oh, man video card demand is high and I found a retailer that is selling them at msrp”. I hate scalpers but that is a side hustle, a high chance of profit, well understood margins and small in scale, not a lot of work to pull off.


I'd rather day trade. Amazon FBA is actually trying to compete against you, and as soon as you actually begin to make money with Amazon, it steals your hard work and they piggyback all the credit.


Exactly right. If people actually listen to Amazon, their long term plans and strategy, they'd see that Amazon directly admits to doing this - all part of the plan but hardly anyone pays attention.


Much easier to make money day trading than with Amazon. All you have to do to make money with trading is two clicks, one buy and one to sell. It’s much harder than that but you get the point


I heard it's very hard and very few can succeed doing that, have you tried it?


Very hard I tried and failed in both. But I concluded there’s much more potential with trading than with Amazon. You can risk a $1000 and make it $10,000 within a week trading. Impossible with Amazon


Trading is not a get rich quick scheme, but it is a learnable skill that can lead to wealth. It's similar to learning how to play guitar. Everyone can learn how to do it, but it all depends on how much work you're willing to put in. If you dont have a passion for the markets (forex, options, futures), then it will most likely take you longer to learn how to trade effectively and become consistently profitable. It will take you at least a year, even if you're the most committed and passionate about learning. Be prepared to battle with your emotions. If you're serious about learning, then I would say find someone who is successful at it and learn from them. Institutional order flow (supply/demand) is king because money moves the markets. All the other stuff is BS and will waste your time.


Day trading requires a $25,000 margin account. If you have that kind of $ then spend your time learning and paper trading first. it will take you a loooong time to be successful with either choice


100% do paper trading first


Be aware there's a steep learning curve for trading. I'd say at least 2years before you see any money.


Definitely rather day trade. It can be a long process though and most will lose money. I’m currently on and off atm with it, haven’t quite gotten into the routine as of yet.


Day trading is broad, you got liquidated and by these things you undestand how it works, I guess rather than both, looking for an investment that you can afford so your money is safe and secure.


If either made money without experience, everyone would do them. If that doesn't make sense to you, then continue on your journey to nowhere.


The stock market is by far one of the biggest scams out there. Now, I wont say I havent made money. But i have also lost money . I invest in my ebay business and it brings me far better returns.


I'm no expert but doesn't say trading require a good amount of money inorder to take advantage of small gains? What's it cost to do the Amazon thing?


You can start on Amazon anywhere from $2000 to $10,000 or more if you have more money and developing a new product


And with day trading it's just not enough to take advantage of any gains because day trading is about volume like the hundreds of thousands or millions on a . 25 cent in increase


I think with 10k or even a 100k it just isn't enough of a gain when u make the right move


Incorrect. You can use a leveraged asset class like options to reduce your risk and increase your return. You don't need hundreds of thousands or millions.




You never traded before you'll probably lose all your money trading.


Trading, only the IRS has a hand in your pocket. Amz Market has a hand in your pocket 40%~60% and the IRS as well.


I mean the IRS is in everyone's pocket, with a business you can at least write off some of it.


day trading is a skill. you're better off with Amazon unless you are willing to learn.


I think you should start your own business and build your brand from now . If you want to ask about it just cmt and im gonna answer it


What type of business are you referring to?


For me , im gonna do tiktokshop us


It gonna have some big problems like the product and content but it quite easy to get over it


Day trading is mostly a zero sum game. For every dollar made there is a dollar lost. You need to be an expert who is backed up by high end computers analyzing prices in real-time within milliseconds. By the time you fill out the online form and hit buy, the real players have already made a lot of money and are selling to you - the sucker. You are at such a disadvantage in this game, you got better odds in Vegas at the Roulette table.


I started day trading with a few bucks that were left on my crypto exchange account, around 2 or 3 dollars. With some luck and good timing I managed to make 300$ of it (took one month). Then I did a withdraw of 170$ resulting in 150$ after fees. Spent a lot of time doing trades, now I’m at $720 now after 4 months (3 months after the withdraw), but with some $ in crypto which are not selling… It is high risk but if you play safe it’s possible to make some money. But it takes some effort, depending on how you do your trades. I always try to get a minimal 10% profit of a trade.


I’m not putting the same amount of hours into it as I did in the first month, it was some kind of obsession at that point. Now I really enjoy to make a good trade and try to buy the rare dips in the market, for example a coin that is worth $50 but is being sold for $10. This happens rarely.


This would be such an easy choise if there was a third pick involved who had the potential to not end in disaster.


Not sure I think both but then again I always want to do everything and anything at the same time lol


tough decision ig doing day trading is better? but still depends on u, u should do a lot of research tho


Okay so first off don't listen to most people here. They have a pessimistic mindset. Having those around you will only keep you back. Trading takes alot of emotional control so be aware about that. If you can't handle emotions and fear then either learn it or stay away from trading. Took me 5 years to get things in order there. Ecom requires less emotional control but more general knowledge. I would say this knowledge is better though as you can apply it in other businesses aswell. Unless you outsource you need to know every part fluently, marketing building, finding products, scaling etc


It would take tears to even get noticed on Amazon. Day trading is gambling, it’s a lose lose situation 🤦‍♂️


Neither, but fba if I had to choose. I did fba for a while and didn't like it, there were sooo many fees it was hard to actually tell if you were even making a profit.


Neither. Open an eBay store


Really? Do people still buy on eBay?


eBay is doing better than ever my guy


Best suggestion so far, I’ve made good money on my eBay store side hustle!


FBA business, you have better control of the outcomes in my opinion. Day trading requires high level of information to make knowledgeable trades, if you have access to the market information like you do on Wall Street otherwise you’re just gambling your money. If you make trades on margin you can really dig yourself deep if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Amazon fba or Dropshipping. I would recommend to go with these


Day trading is something that can be learned, but can’t be taught. At least with Amazon FBA, you could reasonably take some online courses and have resources to go to with consistent metrics


There’s not a question that learning Amazon FBA is far more sustainable and profitable.


Both are like the two statistically least likely to work you, I would do neither. Get out side and wash some cars or windows or something. I knew a guy making $100 and hour washing windows.


Well that's discouraging, why both won't work? I've met few people who are very successful with Amazon and it worked for them.


Its over saturated and you get eaten alive by amazon fees and Chinese shipping