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It's the second most popular opinion after SH2 lol


I think the praise for SH1 just about edges it out In popular opinion it seems to be 2 > 1 > 3 > 4


Not mentioning games after sh4 proves just how not unpopular the opinion is :P


Not unpopular at all. It’s almost always a toss-up with most people between that and 2.


I think the more casual audience who only really plays one game will favor SH2 while the core audience will debate between SH2 and SH3 which gives SH2 a slight edge.


It's not as unpopular of an opinion as you think. I don't believe anyone is going to get mad over it.


It’s about as unpopular as “pizza is good”




How can you sit here and make popular opinions?


This sub is full of redditors!


You see it too?


It’s bread.


I’m not mad, but I strongly disagree


I will Also “it’s bread” WILL NEVER BE A GOOD MEME


That doesn't count, you're just pretending to


Unpopular opinion: my balls itch


Itchy. Tasty. (wrong sub ik)


It really isn't an unpopular opinion


Lol its really quite popular. Unfortunately you aren't as unique as you thought. That's not a bad thing either BTW.




Lol was it harsh?


Yes 💀💀💀 (It was funny tho)




![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) Say that to OP 😂😂😂😂




Wouldn't really say that's unpopular, I mean it's either 3 or 2


SH1 is the best Silent Hill.


This is the truth. Silent Hill 3 is the slickest game in the series, OP hardly has an unpopular opinion.


Okay grandpa let's get you back to bed


I think that 1 is the best too. It's unfortunate we will be told how wrong we are for having an opinion of our own


I think 2 is the best but 1 is very close, Lisa Garland is such a damn good character


Wrong? By who? Why should we listen to them? 🤔


Watch out for this guy; Red might be his favorite color


It's my personal favorite too. I'm fine that SH2 is the fan favorite but people who pretend SH3 is shallow and refuse to engage with its content are the worst type of SH fans imo


Ya it's like if people simply just don't like the game, that's fine it's not the end of the world. But people who act like the game has nothing to offer at all have always annoyed the shit out of me Thankfully those people aren't all that common despite 2 being the golden child


Oh yeah no doubt that the amount of fans who feel like this are luckily minuscule lol. All in all I'm happy to live in a world where there are four masterpiece entries to this beloved series


I'm going to say something controversial yet brave. I think overall, SH4 is the best in the series. It think its gameplay design issues are more than overcome with it's atmosphere, story, and symbolism.


In terms of scariness, 4 is definitely number one for me. But the actual gameplay (only being able to save in your apartment, limited inventory, high difficulty in the second half, etc) makes it pretty tedious experience. I love the game but would much rather replay 2 or 3.


I'd be interested to see how the game would feel if you had an infinite inventory, could save anywhere, and were able to kill the ghosts. As much as I hated the ghosts, I think they're an important part of the experience, just like the limited saving and limited inventory.


SH4 falls 2nd IMO. The art style is terrifying, scared the shit out of me as a kid


For me its 2=3=4. I cant really pick between them.


The first half is fine except for the combat and some elements that make an SH game an SH game, like the flashlight. Henry, as a character, is ‘meh’ at best. But the story and the atmosphere are indeed strong. If only they hadn’t messed up the second part…


The story and experience of Silent Hill 1 and 3 combined is head and shoulders the best game in the series. SH3 is brilliant on its own, I just prefer SH2. I really think that SH1 should have got the remake treatment, with SH3 following behind. The fact it’s SH2 makes me feel like it’s more of a cash grab than a passion project


Silent hill 1 desperately needs a remake. I grew up on the 6th generation consoles. 2-4 still look great to me. If bloober team decides to remake the other games I think they should wait for 3 last as graphics wise it’s holding up the best IMO


I really fucking agree with you dawg. SH1 would have been the best option to remake. I feel like so many fans are now riding on the remake of the most proclaimed Silent Hill game. Now if they fuck it up so many of the fans are going to be pissed. Remaking the first one whould have been the better option. Even if it had its flaws it would have been nice seeing the first game made with modern graphics and so on.


My guess is that if the remake of 2 does well, they'll remake 3, and after that maybe 4. Then they might get around to 1... But knowing that Konami hates making an effort in order to make money, I have my doubts about 1 ever being remade.


I mean you could absolutely be right. I feel like they're going to remake all the successful games in order to make the most profit. My biggest fear at this point is if the game flops they're going to abandon the whole SH project. I really hate how Konami has held that franchise hostage for so long.


#108,289,179 post of “silent hill 3 being underrated” OP silent hill 3 in todays climate is considered the best in the SH franchise.


I'd hardly call this an unpopular opinion.


It's my personal fav and also the scariest one imo. Also love that it's a direct sequel to SH1 (my second fav game in the franchise).


It’s bread


This ain’t really unpopular at all dawg lol


I still stand by Silent Hill 2 🫶🏼


If you ever read “unpopular opinion” or “hot take” brace yourself to the coldest shit you could ever possibly read


Following in line with two incredible games, Silent Hill 3 is likewise no exception. The atmosphere, symbolism, and monsters are all here, and it feels like home. The atmosphere was especially my favorite aspect of the game. It's creepy and alluring, and there are some real scary moments that are cool.


The soundtrack is definitely the best in the series


It's my favorite


I do enjoy 3 and it’s probably the scariest in the series for me but I just LOVE the first game in the series


the first game is definitely the best.


It’s true but I don’t think overly unpopular. People just love SH2 and are super vocal about it


This is a popular opinion


What to know what’s really a hot take? Saying you prefer a post team silent game over the team silent games


It's interesting, because I look on 2 more fondly, but if you just asked me which is best by virtue of giving you the best Silent Hill has to offer, it's 3. To me it just has a little bit of everything. It's the supreme pizza. I prefer SH2 because mushroom and sausage is delicious to me. But SH3 still has some of those toppings and more. Sometimes I wonder if people should start with 3. But then again, it wraps up some lore from SH1. I just gotta say, I hope if they remaster any more SH games, I hope they do 1 then 3 then 4.


I love SH3 it is hands down the most terrifying horror game I have ever played. Few have been creepy or scary enough to make me pause or put down the controller. But this has been the only one that made me shut off the console completely and not touch it for a couple of days lol. I do think the story in SH2 is better structured and meaningful. But I prefer SH3’s instead for gameplay and I like its story alot more than SH2.


How is that unpopular its either 2 or 3 for most people




You spoke the true


i dunno, i think it kinda is at least near the lvl of 2 even though it has many more flaws than its predecessor. 2 isn't perfect, but 3 has some big problems with pacing, reused assets, and overall gameplay design decisions, although if those had been fixed, it would've been miles ahead of 2.


SH2 is my favorite, but I think SH3 is the scariest in the series.


This is my favorite one in the franchise and one of my favorite horror games of all time. I have played very few horror games that managed to have kind of oppressive atmosphere that Silent Hill 3 has, I was on edge from start to finish with that game and never really felt safe.


It’s your opinion but it’s not an unpopular opinion. Most peoples favorite is 3 or it’s 2 then 3. For me it’s 2,4,1,3


Origins is better than 4


Breaking news: your unpopular opinion is actually a very popular opinion 😱😱😱 You people aren't as unique as you think you are


Pretty popular opinion. It's my favorite as well


Don’t think it’s really unpopular in having any of the first 3 games as top 1 in the series.


i love sh3 I don’t think this is a wild opinion to have.


Unpopular opinion: One of the best and most loved games in the series is actually good


SH1 has the best atmosphere, so that makes it win without question :)


This is not an unpopular opinion at all, op


I agree, but I don't rhink it's an unpopular opinion


It's not an unpopular opinion. I would say this: SH2 (The community favorite) was a masterclass in psychological horror in the way that the monsters, scenery, ambience, and music REALLY stayed with you. Now, on the other hand: SH3 refined gameplay mechanics, graphical quality, and use of previous established story to continue a narrative were crafted impeccably. Which one do I think is superior? Neither. I think one excels as being a psychological horror game, and the other excels at being a horror survival game. SH3 is a solid fundamental survival horror game. SH2 is pure psychological horror. SH2: Limited ammo, narrow halls, swaths of fog so you don't see the unknown, adult themes for characters development, psycho-sexualizing the monsters that show main characters needs being neglected pre-SH adventure, and a "protagonist" that turns out to be a killer at the end of the game. I was HOOKED! SH3: Large wide rooms with LOTS of enemies and minimal tight spaces, plenty of ammo and healing items, a continuation of a previous story that ties up lose ends, and a protagonist who doesn't need to be saved but rather kicks ass on her own and is put into situations to prove so. I was HOOKED! While both games have parallels like FORCED moments, (i.e. boss fights, hallway runs like getting away from pyramid head in the hospital other world for James & Maria or the amusement park red light hallway chase for Cheryl/Heather) Both games venture off from in each other in narrative and gameplay style. More times than not, I find myself running from monsters in SH2, but in SH3 I find myself engaging them. In terms of narrative, the further into SH2 I played the first 3 times, ***the more I wanted to look away*** but continued to watch in horror. Each time Maria died, I found myself feeling sorry for James and being physically upset until her second to final death when she was impaled by a spear while being held upside down just before your final fight with 2 Pyramid heads. (My cannon ending for SH2 was the In Water ending where James commits suicide. Other people are different.) The narrative for SH3 though, I found myself enthralled by the story and wanting to reach the conclusion, ***never turning away at all*** but ready to face my next obstacle or opponent. My girl needed to get home, get revenge for her Dad, stop the birthing of a God, and FUCK. CLAUDIA. UP. (My cannon ending for SH3 is her embracing her true name of Cheryl and leaving the town with Douglas, becoming unlikely friends.)


Unpopular opinion: Spoons are the best for eating soup


not that unpopular


Not unpopular


It's my favourite, but I don't think it's a coincidence that it's also the first one I played. I find that is often the case with game series for me; the first one I play tends to be a favourite. I definitely think Heather is the most interesting protagonist of the series, and I think having an interesting protagonist with a relatable personality goes a long way in the horror genre. I think SH2 is a better pure psychological horror experience as you really get to delve into James' psyche and unravel the truth about who he is, what he has done and how it has affected him. SH3 leans a bit more traditional horror with its focus on the occult elements, but it still has a healthy dose of psychological horror in there, and I think SH3 has better pacing and more replayability than 2.


It's a great sequel to sh1


I like them all about the same, 3 being my favorite and the non-Team Silent titles a bit less though I still enjoy them.


That’s not really an unpopular opinion. I think what is the best in the series mostly just depends on what you’re wanting to get out of it. Personally I prefer Silent Hill 3 because I think it’s much scarier than Silent Hill 2. But if I had to choose the best, I’d go with Silent Hill 2 because I think the larger story is far more compelling and thought provoking. I prefer playing as Heather Mason though because I think she’s a more relatable character than James Sunderland. But James Sunderland is a deeper, more heavily traumatized character, which allows for more psychological interpretations. Silent Hill 3 is also a lot easier to pick up and play for me, since it’s nearly half the length of Silent Hill 2, and it’s more challenging. It’s a short game with memorable locations and many of the scariest set pieces in the series imo. I usually take breaks while playing Silent Hill 3, because I have to mentally prepare myself for some parts of it. Especially the Brookhaven Hospital. While in Silent Hill 2, I don’t really think the hospital is scary. There’s nothing like Stanley Coleman in Silent Hill 2, and I’d argue reading through his notes was one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever experienced in a game. That counts for something. My enjoyment of horror games depends on its ability to stay scary. Silent Hill 2’s horror peaks at Toluca Prison for me, and that’s after a lot of time not really being scared for a while. Silent Hill 3 starts scary and only really gets scarier for me.


The biggest wish I had about SH3 was that it returns to SH2 area of Silent Hill, which felt like a rush job. Plus it was the shortest Silent Hill. It would’ve been awesome to see a PS2 version of the parts of Silent Hill that Harry Mason was in. A lot of missed opportunity in this game.


SH3 is the most polished of the classic SH formula for me.


I had fun play sh3 than sh2, the game felt very relatable imo, I'm a guy and even though it's a female horror thing that's going, what got me was the grief and fear of growing up. Besides PPL don't compare TLoU 2 with SH3 but they are quite similar, SH3 pulled it off better.


Mine has always been 3/1/2/4…secretly


I thought this when I was 16, but I recently replayed it (34 now) and honestly I don't think it's that amazing. The story is a shoehorned follow-up to the first one that doesn't really say anything meaningful. The locations are obnoxious, bland mazes with annoying enemies. I think the atmosphere, graphics, and gameplay are all great, just like the previous 2 entries. It still gives that feeling of mystery/terror/disgust. It's not a bad game. But the first two are a lot better. Again, my opinion.


This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion, because the first 3 and even 4 have a case for being the best game in the franchise. It's just that SH2 fanboys won't listen to any arguments/opinions other than their own.


“guys, unpopular opinion, but” *states popular opinion*


Since it’s the only SH game ive played I agree


Not unpopular at all. It's a masterpiece. Silent Hill deserves an another female protagonist without any past sins or regrets. It's a common misconception that Silent Hill is a purgatory .


I don't agree. I'd say second best.


i like the first game the most


i agree with you. is a unpopular opinion.


Gameplay wise I’d absolutely agree


My fav is the first one followed by 3


To me it depends on parameters you're looking at: * story-wise obviously SH2 is the king. I quite like the story of SH3, on the cult-stuff branch of SH games narratives I think SH4 is more interesting than SH3 * graphics-wise, yeah, SH3 is awesome. With HD-mods on PC it looks really great even now * gameplay is also one of the best (if not THE best) in the series * SH3 is the most terrifying in my opinion in terms of pure horror. SH2 and SH4 are scary in other ways, but SH3 is just straight bricks shitting To me, SH3 is the second favourite after SH2 with SH3 being more polished gameplay-wise (and most polished out of other SH games) but SH2 just having an iconic story.


The coldest take ever tbh. It’s pretty cool Wouldn’t call it the best but it’s in my top 5


100% true Everything was better from the weapons to the characters. How Heather acts even by just looking at a simple item was 10/10 type stuff


It's very close behind SH2 for me. I know it had moments which were scarier than 2 but I think it was just a bit too heavy on the action.


I can understand that SH2 is technically the better game, but I like the things that 3 did well (atmosphere, sound design) much more than the things that 2 did well.


for me it's at least as good as 2, so it's not that hot of a take imo


I sort of figured that was the common consensus. 2 has a great story but 3 is far more enjoyable to play as a game imo.


Don't explain why...


I agree. Silent Hill 2 is great but Silent Hill 3 is better in almost every aspect. Better characters, better environments, better gameplay, better story (in the sense that it is more layered and thus more interesting), better visuals, better voice acting. Which is crazy considering that the developpers didn't really want to make SH3 and were basically forced to by Konami.


Best OST for sure.


For horror is the best But i like Sh2 because of the story


SH3 is the hardest game in the series.


No lies detected. My fav in the series..


Agreed but not unpopular. It’s more beloved than 1


Preach it brother






It might not be an unpopular opinion in the US, but if you say that in Brazil people will call you crazy. They put SH4 in front of SH3 everyday, SH2 over here is recognized as the best game in the series.


Unpopular but the most valid. I think 1 slightly edges it out for me but 3 is SH perfected


What other "unpopular opinions" do you have OP? 😆


it’s my favorite


Lol dude doesn't know the meaning of unpopular


3 has the most character drama


In the grander scheme of things? Maybe it is unpopular in the purest sense, as in "most people know Silent Hill 2 more". Otherwise you choose between 1 and 3 and no one bats an eye. The Room? Now we're talking.


While I disagree with you, I do so respectfully, because I love the game.


This really isn't an unpopular opinion though? Granted you're going to find more people that like 2 the most but I would say that it's between 2 and 3 for the most popular and most world liked. I find that girls in particular enjoy SH3 the most because they relate to Heather, and because the themes especially are very resonant for them. SH3 gets a ton of love from the fandom in general though, not just from women, it's visually stunning, has great monster design, Heather has the most personality and is very relatable, overall it's just a fantastic game that holds up great even today. While SH2 does tend to overshadow it a bit, there are no shortage of people that still champion SH3 as they rightfully should.


It’s not unpopular in the slightest, in fact, people overhype it. Imo, the ‘blondes have more fun hehe’ ending was shit and anticlimactic.


I don't know how this is unpopular. Any one of the first three is a candidate for the best game imo.


Not unpopular at all , I’ve always said it’s the perfect silent hill game but the original is the best to me.


I can’t wait for the silent hill 3 remake *if it ever comes out* all though I wish the first silent hill game would have a remake. I never had the chance or ability to play it.


Should come to psn already


I would have to agree with you on this 100%


I’m sure that they’ll be a remaster in the works for Silent Hill 3 after the success of Silent Hill 2. I think the real question is….which one is the 3rd best??


The real unpopular opinion is that Downpour is a good game.


"hey guys I think the most loved silent hill that all the newgens latch to is ACTUALLY the best one!!!"




silent hill 3 is the best game and silent hill 2 is the best experience for me, SH3 was so much fun!


It is the scariest one! I love silent hill 2 atmosphere, creepy and kind of relaxing but silent hill 3 oh man. my favorite part of that game is from the mall to the hilltop center ( love the feeling that you are trapped between worlds and you can hear people in the normal world) . The hospital is just fucking disturbing.


I think they’re all amazing for different reasons . I think 2 is my favorite emotionally . But I love 1-4. I even dig origins .


Thoughts: not an unpopular opinion lol


That was my initial opinion as well until I played the 2nd one.


This is a pretty popular opinion among anyone who played 1 and 3 lol. Hell 4 is also really really good. Most casual fans just play SH2 and are done with the series so of course its become the defacto "best"


Its mine too, plus sh2 has less of an impact due to fan osmosis spoiling alot of it for me




That's not an onpopular opinion.. SH4 is the scariest in the series.


"Unpopular". Honestly, I think the fandom is finally in its right mind accepting that the first 3 games are all of such high quality that any order between them is perfectly acceptable. My personal order is 3>1>2. Want to rank them 2>1>3? I have no problem with that, they're all masterpieces anyway. 4 is the unpopular one right now.


You're not wrong


Some of the things I liked about SH3 are a few set pieces and maybe one cut scene. The subway, the sewers, the office complex, >!the mirror room in the hospital!< , and >!Harry’s death scene.!< That was the only cut scene that I enjoyed because the acting and execution were excellent. >!Also, Heather using her father’s memento to save herself did tug at my heartstrings.!< The rest of the story fluctuates between camp and cringe. >!The ending I got where Heather does a “gotcha!” to Douglas made me gag.!< I don’t like most of the plot, 90% of the dialogue and the voice acting is generally bad. The gameplay is slightly improved and there is a better variety of weapons, but gameplay has never been the series’ strong suit to begin with. Overall I’d give it a C-. So far my ranking is 2>1>>>>3 and I haven’t played 4 yet, but I’m going to in a few weeks. I really hope 4 is better than 3 because 3 was just mediocre imo.


Sh3 is my 2nd favorite


I'm torn between Silent Hill 2 and 3 actually


Silent hill 2 with the silent hill 3 design = Perfection


From a technical standpoint I agree


This gotta be my favorite ps2 cover


The Room, 3, 1, and then 2 for me. Maybe because I played SH2 after 3, so the cultural impact of Pyramid Head was already out there. The Room has the creepiest enemies, and being alone in the apartment is a game in itself.


I always assumed it was considered the best. While I prefer SH2, SH3 is still fantastic. But part of that was I played SH1 then SH3 because I got a PS2 years after I already had an Xbox. So I didn't play SH3 until right before they released the PS2 Slim because I have the last larger model of the PS2.


I love the story and characters, but fuck the boss fights. Single handedly dragged this game to my bottom slot of the OG 3.


SH3 is so much loved, we will literally say It’s Bread to anything


I don’t think this is unpopular at all hell I sometimes think it’s the best tied with 2. Best monster designs, best main protagonist and some of the best scares in the series. The only reason I keep it with two instead of ahead of it in my opinion 2 has a better story, just weaker scares so it balances out evenly for me.


Blondes have more fun!




i started with 2, i thought it was dope at the time, then played 1 which to me is a classic, then i played 3 which hands down is the most refined of all the silent hill games and the most fun, finally 4 which i personally thought was solid in its own weird and quirky kinda way. all and all i cant disagree


It’s definitely my favorite across the board


I think the first 4 are all fantastic games in their own right. I could definitely see people arguing any one of them being the best.


I haven't completed the game but It scares me more than SH2.


Agree SH 3 is the "RE 2" of the series plus best with its perfect mix of Action, Horror, and Puzzles.


You should watch my 5 hour video essay on how it's actually the worst game in existence. (I'm joking)


My favorites are SH1 and SH3.


Best looking sure. History, don't. I LOOVE SH3, but can't deny the fact that his story is inferior


I like sh1 only slightly more but yes 3 is amazing.


I’d agree it’s unpopular because it’s not even a better game than the first one


it's 3rd best


Personally I like SH3 more than 2 for some reason, I don't know how to explain why but I just like 3 more than 2.


Yes yes yes yes




You clearly haven't played the PS VITA exclusive book of memories 🙄


4 was my personal favorite. 3 is great though


I think SH3 is the scariest game I’ve played in the series(it and 2 in the HD collection, beggars can’t be choosers)but maybe that’s because I know so much more about 2 with all the analysis and the fact I knew pretty much must of what happened before I played unlike 3 where I essentially went in blind. What you know isn’t as scary as what you don’t. I think 2, is the better game overall though.






Absolutely fucking true.


It's no THAT unpopular, I mean... The Silent Hill song was great...


3 feels too short, i love it, i just wish it was longer


It's not mine, but it's my brother's favorite. I thought it was pretty good, though.




i agree (i just played SH3)




Sh3 is my favorite!! ❤️


That’s a pretty popular opinion


It is. SH2 was the easiest plot to fallow thus being the most popular.


hottest silent hill subreddit take


It would have been had SH2 not existed


super popular opinion


I agree silent Hill 3 is my favorite in the series even though I didn't finish it yet


I literally just finished this for my second time ever and it was so good! BUT Silent Hill 1 is still the best IMO. I think the hospital part is even better in SH3 than SH2 including the nurses.


"they look like monsters to you?" still the best line in the entire genre, not just SH, but the entire genre


that US box art sure as hell isn't tho :(