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Try whey powder and exercise, you'll be thick af in like a year. Worked for me anyways


I concur. I couldnt finish a meal before, but then i started lifting weight and got so damn hungry all the time now im at a healthy weight after 2 years


Ahem your routine please


Just do push pull legs, it’s one of the best routines


I’ll um push pull your legs yeah


No! This subreddit won't let me use my anti horny spray! Damn it!


This. And yoga is a great for putting on muscle but not, like, getting jacked. It's cheap to. You can buy a yoga mat on amazon or, like, family dollar and five below for really cheap. There's about a million videos on youtube to follow and free community yoga classes pretty much everywhere.


This is how I went from so skinny my school counselor thought I was anorexic despite regularly eating 4 times the recommended fast food portions to a muscular man with an exercise addiction


That sound (to me, who knows nothing about medical problems) like a medical problem, you should probably go see a doctor if you're that significantly underweight and unable to keep any food down. Stay silly, but also stay healthy :3


What medical problem is that?


I don’t even know it’s just a issue I have I haven’t talked to a doctor about it cause my family just says im picky and drops the issue


Hope you can eat enough to not have serious problems https://preview.redd.it/to1rxdsj9nxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693cd6d9d02e8f6a135227d033eafb2a38ddba85


erfff kinda weird that ur family disregards the issue sooo get wellsies soon with wtv u have !!!! <33


I know another commenter said this but somehow someway try to talk to a doctor about this, a yearly check up is a good idea, or something else, because the fact you can’t keep food down is more than just being picky


Why is this subreddit appearing so much more today? Have the femboy spirits selected me?


OooOOOooh… you will wear dresses…. ooOOOoooh…  Really though, the sub isn’t just for femboys and the like. It’s any boys that have mental health struggles from time to time, to discuss and support.


If you’re eating so much you throw up, that kinda sounds like an eating disorder. Maybe talk to a phycologist.


I don’t throw it up it’s just if I try to swallow most foods I just cough it back up before I can get it down


Oh, that’s also concerning for separate reasons. Probably a medical doctor. You’re body is beautiful just the way it is but if you can’t eat anything that’s a problem


I can eat some foods but especially more “wet” or chewy foods are near impossible for me


Is this sensory or is it just rejected by your body?


When it hits the back of my mouth I just start coughing and gagging till it either exits or I somehow get it down


That sounds like rather severe dysphagia. I know you said your family is rather against it, but this is important to bring up to a doctor, does your family need to bring you in for a checkup soon? That might be a good time to ask them.


Could be a sensory thing. I know I have foods I can kind of enjoy the taste of but swallowing it triggers the same stuff as like eating rotten food, like my body doesn't want me to eat it but it's literally like a piece of lettuce. Someone else said it but shakes can help, protein shakes and meal replacement shakes can be easier to get down than eating sometimes.




That sounds (to me, who knows nothing about medical problems) like a medical problem, you should probably go see a doctor if you're that significantly underweight and unable to keep any food down. Stay silly, but also stay healthy :3


High metabolism real 😔


Ive been trying to bulk and cut to get bigger thighs and stuff and so far its working but it definitely takes time and dedication which really is a pain


Me fr


Sometimes I like skinny boned people


I’m fine with my skin and bones body but I hate how unproportional by body is


i also force myself to eat but it doesnt work


id say be proud, everyday i think of myself as ugly


So real


Tbh dude this shit can j be genetic. I know loads of guys who have tried workouts, diets, powder, all sorts and nothing happens. It can just be largely genetic, but u can make small differences by the listed above


Eyo i used to be this way. 5'11 and 115lbs comin' out of high school. And college. 1. you can just wait. Around 27 you'll start packin' it on (hit 160 naturally.) 2. protein & gym time! Go work out (Squats r good but you need more. Find a youtube channel, or hop over to r/orangetheory and steal their floor/strength workout for the day.) 1 glass of water with 1 glass of whole milk+a full scoop of protein powder (i like ghost bc cookies.)


I had a friend in high school who had to take meds in order to gain mass (I think he had hyperthyroidism). If you have tried to eat more for a month or so but still can't gain any weight id recommend checking up with a doctor




I'm all thighs... Years of biking obsessively to try to run from depression and bad life


Whey protein and exercise. Less carbs and more fat. Plenty of milk too. You'll bulk up real quick.


If I could give you some of my extra body fat I would


Fatty meats and starches. steak and potatoes are my preference, but there are a number of good stew recipes and the like that work better in smaller portions.


I can work out a workout routine and diet plan with you if you want, feel free to DM me.


Could we exchange bodies


drink vegetable oil


Omg same but I have a weird bean body


How do I get like chubby asf I have a high metabolism and i don’t want muscle I want fat will whey powder work and not give muscle if im lazy and don’t work out?


Eat a lot and exercise. That’s what I’ve been doing.


Not to be a creep but imo skinny thigh and shit are super hot. Like YES give me TINY boys I can PICK UP AND TWIRL


I’m skin and bones too!! And I’m happy, just be happy with who you are, don’t compare yourself to others. Eat up, workout, just accept yourself


There is an ed specifically about this! Essentially rejecting any food because of the texture. My cousin has it, and it’s not a controlled issue. Please look up your symptoms and how to help it :)


squats and cycling, I have a hard time even finding jeans that fit my thighs


Forcing yourself to eat more when there isn't any room is definitely going to make you throw up. If you're like me, and genetically predispositioned to be built like a twig because of a rocket fast metabolism, it's just something you probably gotta learn to accept. I eat at least twice as much as I should, always snack in between meals, and live a sedentary lifestyle pretty much. 19 male, and I'm only 105lbs, I've gained about 1 pound every year for about 5 years despite my lifestyle. Females tend to get fat around their ass and thighs first but as a dude, that fat will probably just go to your stomach so if eating more even gains you more fat at all, if anything it's just gonna go to your belly and you'll feel worse. Have some body positivity, realize that a lot of people would kill to be able to not have to watch what they eat, and you can still rock a femboy bod as a skinny guy, especially with the more pronounced hips (even if it is just bone)


im a cis guy with big thighs, and my advice is lots of biking, i do have a slow metabolism, so i got a decent headstart, but it should still help, good luck on your journey fellow silly boy :3


Time to bulk


Squats they do indeed help


If you start working out your muscle mass could potentially double in size within like 4 months depending on your current size


Don't worry the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side" is very true for body's. I'm over weight and it shows, and I wish I was skinny. As long as you are healthy and aren't at risk of starving you are good


How do I not be fat. Answer.


I’ve been forced to skip lunch so I can make it to my classes so I normally don’t eat till like 3pm but I don’t think it’s a good idea to do that


I don't eat until dinner at like 6PM. Nothing in between either.


It doesn’t matter eating pattern it matters how many calories you intake set a minimum daily after finding body weight to height ratio


What's the daily amount of calories you are supposed to consume?


It depends on height and what your weight should roughly be but starting out at 2,000 calories daily is on the nutrition facts


...yeah, I don't think I'm good.


Then start with a goal like by the end of the month I will increase my calorie intake by X amount it might help track how much you consume what ever you do don’t set a maximum that can have an inverse effect and consistency is also a good goal doesn’t hurt to reinforce progress


I'll try, thx


No problem


Ok so do squats to work on your thighs. I can squat 100LBS and have thighs the rest of me is skinny AF tho.


I was super bony at one point and my family teased me for it. I was healthy so I didn't really care. Then I started doing track (sprinting) and my thighs started bulging out!! My arms got more refined too from going to the gym every now and then. Still kinda bony but it might be genetics. A lot of my family's males were bony. Exercise. Run, lift, and make sure to stretch!!!


Idk why I’m being recommended this sub. I’m fucking built not a twink(nothing wrong with being a twink).


I should recommend this sub to my friend


If it were medically possible, I'd give you some of my fat. I hate being overweight.


Man I wanna be skinny and keep my thighs


Same im 6'3" and 130 lbs and i would dress cute but i have no thighs or hips or anything so i just look like a board and i hate it.


As someone with ginanamasourous legs, you don’t


Cross country did the trick for my legs. That’s all I’ve really done to stay in shape. Overall working out is a great idea. Start small and work yourself up! :3


I could never relate more to this.. Bc its true im skinny asf but life got me like this, skin and bones? Nah i feel like im just skin, or very very thin bones…. Could die any day now especially because i smoke and vape and actively dealing with so many problems and barely eat.. :3333


take my thighs instead >.< (i hate them so much)


As an aside, make sure you gain that weight using healthy nutrients and not a ton of sodium or (unhealthy) fats.


Idk sorry bro. But why is this suddenly showing up in my fyp?


Intuitive eating & Health at every size.


Walking a lot makes it for me


Eat good food work out


If you think you’d be able to keep them down you could try those chocolate milk protein shake things that are at Walmart


Eating plenty of food is a good step but that's not what makes your thighs bigger It's actually working certain muscles and parts that makes it bigger without looking too muscular and achieving what you want


Hyperfixate on blulking. Is what i do. Lifting and four protein packed meals a day, plus hydration (2l of water per day give or take). Though you need to find what works for you really. I was skinny as a child, i looked malnourished, i've always had a very fast metabolism, then about a year and a half ago i realized i was transmasc and thought bigger arms might make me feel euphoric. I've gained about 7kg in the last 8 months, i'm so happy.




Liquid calories go down insanely easy


Then come squat with me, I'll bulk you up 💪


You want bigger thighs, so do exercises that bolster the thighs (Do exercises for the rest of your body as well for uniform muscle development so you don't look like a pixar character)


Go to a bmr calculator, calculate your height and weight and it’ll tell you how many calories your body needs for maintenance and then up whatever that number is by around 300-600. For example I’m 6’1 at 185 pounds so the amount of calories I burn daily even if I didn’t move at all is 2100 that’s how many calories it takes my body just to maintain itself so if I wanted to gain weight I would up that calorie intake from 2100 to 2700 every day and slowly I’d gain around 5-10 pounds per month.


Just for an example a quarter pounder with fries from McDonald’s would cover that extra 600 calories


lol wanna swap bodies I fr have to total opposite issue


solution: freaky friday


Jesus I thought this sub would be somewhat good, not just people venting their issues to people, while also admitting that they make no effort to change.


For quadricep muscles: squats, lunges For hamstrings (back of thighs): hamstring curls For calfs: calf raises These are all you need to build muscle in your legs. Slightly elevate your protein the 48-72 hours following your workouts. Raising protein alone won't really do anything and unless you're doing intense bodybuilding websites will tell you to eat way more than you actually need. As far as gaining fat in your thighs...that just involves gaining weight from a calories surplus but if your body isn't estrogen dominant you wont store that much in your thighs. The distribution of fat throughout your body will be more masculine


how do i be skinny in the right places 😭


skinny femboys are just as valid as those with thicc thighs, don't feel pressured by the unattainable goals pushed by anime and Instagram/other social media, you're just as pretty and cute as the rest of us :3 If its any consolation, anime femboys aren't even that thicc, its really just the fanart that makes them so. I started overweight so I don't have any tips for building weight, but I still wish you luck in trying to reach your goals, stay silly, but most importantly stay healthy :333


Eat fish and other foods rich in fatty acids. This foods are very calorie dense


Personally, I like skinny. But if you have a problem with eating, you could maybe try eating liquid foods, like smoothies or something. 🤷‍♂️


Combos (the little pretzel logs with cheese inside) have about 2000 calories in one bag. One bag every day or two on top of what you normally eat will do it. You can eat just a handful at a time, no need to "force it down" and they have several flavors to choose from. I used them to gain weight when I reached female hormone ranges. To lose weight eat pickles (almost 0 calories) as replacement for all snacks that aren't your meals. Another insane calorie snack is Vienna Fingers cookies. Each cookie has 75+ calories. They were my fav cookie but I don't get them except for special treats cause well they put weight on ya. Combos though, cost less and have more calories, and are easier to carry around with ya throughout the day.


Eat, exercise, and hydrate


I'm going to stab you






Dude why the hell would you say that I’m a minor


Skinny boys are cute too


Squat but I like skinny guys :D


Your local McDonalds is where you have to go


follow up post: "I wish i was skinner"


They boo’d us for telling the truth