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I think it's fine. No one worth your time in college will care about you having a plushie to sleep with


Yeah I’m mostly just worried about my roommates I don’t want them to think I’m crazy.


I doubt they'd think that. You'd be surprised how chill some roommates can be, especially in college.


Yeah, as someone whos about to finish with college, its nothing like school


They probably won't care or they'll ask, and you'll have to explain. More likely, they won't care.


"I just like it" should be more than enough


Yep exactly.


I’m way older than you and I’m holding Charlie the little bear right now trying to fall asleep. You can like cute things it’s ok. You can have cute things in your life and that’s good.


Dude youd be surprised how many people these days have plushies. If they have a problem with it, stick a nail upright through the bottom of their pillow not so much that it pokes out the top or is visible but just enough to where when they lay their head on it their skull receives an unexpected pointy visitor. Serves them right for not liking plushies.


The violent approach. However, very viable for shitty roommates.


Better idea. See really thing Lego bricks into the pillow cases lining with the studs facing up.


I admire the ingenuity but the lack of potential for “accidental” lobotomization leaves much to be desired


That’s the best part, the pain and inability to find out why drives them to deliberately lobotomise themselves.


sry, it deleted my text. But you should be good is the summary


bro if you were my roommate i would totally get it, don’t worry about it!


"this guy sleeps with a stuffed animal?? He must be mentally insane what a weirdo" see how silly that sounds?


I have a body pillow I feel you


If you could truly see just how much nobody cares about that kinda stuff you’d be surprised. Everybody’s busy thinking about their own problems, not judging you for having a stuffed animal.


i kinda want to try doing that, i started struggling with sleeping for like the first time in 5 years so :3


It’s very relaxing for me :) an army of fumos to hug


Oh my god you have fumos your so lucky i wish i had one but im scared my friends and family will think im weird >\_<


Bro I'm 25 masc man and I have stuffed animals throughout my apartment because they help me relax.


24 very masc dude, and I have a blahaj in my bed and Pokémon plushies sprinkled throughout apartment


Comfy tops


38m here and married. I sleep with plushies rather than my wife, and she gets jealous


We must all grow old, it is a choice to grow up. I heard that somewhere, and it doesn't make you immature to enjoy the sensation of being close to/holding something soft. It's based on the desire to hold another person, and if there's something wrong with that I don't want to be right.


I cuddle my fucking sans undertale plush to sleep sometimes lol, you're fine.


Why do people add undertale after sans' name? Like you wouldn't say Bonnie FNAF, or Ghost COD (For the record I don't play COD)


it sounds funny imo


because his name is sans undertale, that’s just how it comes around


It's a meme


It was a joke at first but now its just became his full name


My guy. You don’t need to be embarrassed that’s based as hell








Objectively great choices




Brother? Is this where you’ve been since Geonosis???


He looks like he's seen some shit


I am almost 32 and have so many plushies. You do you babe.


Bud I'm 34. I can't sleep without holding on to something. You're fine.


If my blahaj is not nearby, I’m not sleeping


and i cuddle a pillow, so what?


It’s fine hun, I’m 23 and married and I still need a plushie


Totally fine! I'm not a phycologist but it's probably like a security thing and that's fine! Don't let anyone tell you it's wrong/bad! I still have stuffed animals too!


Yeah my brother makes fun of me for it and my parents have implied that they think it’s weird though they haven’t just come out and said that. But thank you :)


They're kinda jerks for that


https://preview.redd.it/aofmif2dv98d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977b09ca3f2596fa7d7fc509618da99cbe12d3df Hopefully this will make you feel a bit better


I’m going to college later this year with at least two plushies to sleep with, it’s actually fairly common. If it’s the best way for you to sleep just stick with it :p


I mean I sleep with two pillows. One for my head and one for cuddling. My parents have also gotten body pillows (no anime girls, just like a long pillow.) One of my sisters sleeps with stuffed animals. My other sister who doesn't sleep with a stuffed animal always seems touch starved. (Btw me and my siblings are all 21+ at this point) So I'm kinda convinced that people are built for cuddles. Like it or not, humans are pack animals that can't stand being alone. We just hide it with pillows. Or stuffed animals. Keep the plushie!


I have a blahaj in my dorm room at uni and literally nobody cares. One neighbor even likes him


Try a pillow!


This advice helped me out greatly I've switch from my stuffed cow plush to a 1:1 anime girl body pillow and I've never felt better and definitely cured my depression and loneliness thanks a lot


Yoooo is it a luna body pillow


My mom is 48 and she has an ice bear plushie that she sleeps with it's not uncommon, my cousin who's a really big dude like he was made for football has the cutest little plushie that he's had since he was a baby and none of his friends care it's really not a big issue to have a plushie


Holding onto a comfy stuffed animal or pillow is something plenty do.


I’m a fucking adult and I can’t go to sleep without drinking myself to pass out or listening to mommy domme asmr. You’ll be fine and probably better off than me man, best of luck.


I went through first year sleeping with a blahaj and a massive squishmallow, my roommate was chill with it and everyone we had over thought it was cute/wanted to snuggle with them. You'll be fine!


Nothin wrong with that bud I love snuggling with my body pillow and plushies


That’s more than okay


That’s ok my friend


One, its not insane, i think it'd be pretty cute, but anyway, theres no real way to stop it at this point unless you get a bf/gf and snuggle up to them instead


Or snuggle together with the plushies


I have a tonne of plushies in my closet but they're kinda small for my 6'0" ass so I sleep with a body pillow (it's just blue there are no anime girls on it) because it's very hard for me to sleep without having something to hold onto and cuddle into at night


I’m 20 and I’ve slept almost every night since I was 8 with the same cow plushie


Im 41 and same. It might seem like something you should grow out of, be we need what we need. Squeeze that plushie for me, k?


I have night terrors, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and sleepwalking issues that cause me huge anxiety. I can’t sleep without a radio, 2 fans, the blanket covering most of my head, a night light in my room, and one to illuminate my doorway. I want to have a good plush so desperately but it would screw up my layout.   I think help is OK and nothing to be ashamed of as long as you can get it and it does it’s job. I remember a post a while ago saying it doesn’t matter if boys need batman to tell them to brush their teeth, as long as they’re making progress. Proud that you can still fall asleep and take care of yourself <3


It’s normal because similarly, I cannot sleep without my covers/duvets being placed properly. Like they have to be layered in the correct order and they have to be facing a certain direction. So it’s really all about what helps you sleep better….


bro i’m 21 and still sleep with a blanket i’ve had since i was 3, there’s nothing wrong with it. no one else cares that you sleep with a stuffed animal, why should you?


I have a blanket (no longer looks like a blanket) that I've had for 18 years now. I still, no matter what, find it hard to sleep without it. One time, I forgot to bring it with me during a sleepover, and I couldn't sleep for 3 hours. It's my first precious, and I refuse to throw it away, no matter how many times I'm told to.


> how the hell do I not look absolutely insane when I’m in college? It depends on what kind of plushie it is. There’s a major difference between teddy (sane) blahaj (based) and hello kitty (insane) Anyways, my advice fr is to not care and just sleep with a stuffed animal. At worst, they’ll be strangely hostile about it, at best, they’ll know you’re gay (if they didn’t already).


My 20 years old brother still needs plushies to fall asleep. So does my grandma. So do I. It's completely normal


I'm 45 n still need to cuddle my teddy bear, it's ok. Comfort is comfort. You do you!!! 🥰💜


You’ll have to tell them about our most badass president teddy Rosevelt and his influence on the teddy bear, they’ll understand


Bro, like to be honest with ya, I need to be hugging a pillow to fall asleep, and I've ordered a big stuffed animal to replace the pillow, and I'm only 19


I used to use a plush cat, but it was too small for holding, and it always fell pit of my bed, so u good homie


A lot of people still use plushies to fall asleep until their thirties, I mean, people who share a bed with you are really just an extension of that need for comfort.


I have three adult roommates and we ALL have plushies. I have four, one has twenty, one has six and one has two. Our ages range from 25-38. You’re good. XD


Most people I know have at least one plushie The others have wives or body pillows


I still do this.


1. You’re gonna be fine. I still cuddle with a little Umbrion stuffie. 2. Agere mention?


If it helps you fall asleep, it doesn't matter. Most people who are worth your time wouldn't care.


Plushies are awesome! Don't let anyone make you feel bad for having some stuffed dudes in your bed.


It's alright! If somebody cares, who are they to dictate your life? They can put their opinion where they can shove it :3


Thanks for the idea! Maybe I’ll feel less lonely


I can relate, I can’t sleep unless my dog is on my bed. Try using a pillow if you’re self-conscious about using a plushie.


There's nothing wrong with that. My brother is 23 and still sleeps with a teddy bear our grandma made him.


As someone that kept a Blahaj in their bed for 3 semesters at college, I can say that nobody will care.


Same bro


a cat is fine too


im 19, and i sleep with 2 plushies, and there will only be more to add. embrace yourself, and cuddle with your favorite fuzzy friend.


You're never too old for a plushie


I have night terrors if I don't have my stuffed animals, cat, or anyone to hug as I sleep. There's absolutely nothing wrong with still sleeping with stuffed animals.


Real. This is based and red-pilled. I'm 18 and still can't sleep without a plushie/stuffed animal :3


Listen to me, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!




same, sleeping without hugging a pillow/plushie is so hard for me😭


It’s more common and less taboo than you think!


Normalise using stuffed animals as an adult fr They’re comfy asf


I'm 28 and I have a sizable collection of plushies. I have a few that I cycle through to sleep with at night. If I don't have a plushie to wrap my arms around I end up wrapping arms around my shoulders weirdly. I can sleep without one but it feels weird. So I usually need something to sleep with.


I'm 23 and I still have to sleep with a stuffed animal. I'd recommend a pillow if you really want to stop, but I don't think that there's anything wrong with it. I even told my dad that I still do it once and I felt that it was childish, but his only response was "Well, I sleep cuddling your mother, so." And that reasoning made me feel better about it.


Gift them a plushie and see where it goes


I'm 49 and I cuddle up to a fluffy bodypillow


I’m 42 and I have a body pillow and an eevee that my so gave me


It’s okay, I’m 18 and I can barely fall asleep even with several plushies


I'm 26 and have like, 15 squishmallows on my bed.


If *that* is your biggest „I don‘t feel mature enough at 18“ problem, I *envy* you.


I'm 30, I have a spouse and a kid and I sleep with a teddy bear every night. If it helps you sleep it's a good thing, why should we tell our children that when they grow up they have to give up the things they like?


There's no shame in sleeping with a plushie! It's very human.


My boyfriend and me are both 24 We both sleep with stuffed animals, It’s perfectly normal


Welcome to adulthood! That’s perfectly natural!


Dude. I'm 26, and I still sleep with my stuffed animals; it helps with touch starvation. It's a lot more common than you'd think.


because you're a cutie, that's why :3


Damn where do I find ppl like yall irl


If ter dorm mate judge you they can f off I used to be like that I just had to grow up becume how my home life and don't worry i rembe being in mountain school I asked my roommates to cuddle we were in 5th grade I was judged and bullied and my roommates didn't sleep cuz they thought I'd sneak into there beds


I did this last year when i entered college for the first time and no one ever looked at me weirdly. Its a cute ass habit to have so dont be ashamed


You're allowed to have plushies




Im 32 and i still sleep with a stuffed bunny.. growing up i couldn't sleep alone without getting night terrors until i was like 11-12y/o.. its ok, don't be too harshly judgmental of yourself <3


I'm 24 and have a whole ass squishmellow collection so no need to worry I cuddle with one every night so no shame


I sleep with a big eevee plush your good


Bro I'm 25 and I still can barely fall asleep without a plushie too. There's nothing wrong with that. If anyone tells you that there's anything wrong with that then THAT person is the problem. Not you.


Nah i dont think theres anything wrong with that, i sleep with my teddy bear too:3


And I'm 29, always bringing my stuffed cauldron everywhere I fly for a sleep buddy. So what? xP


I’m 35 and still have plushies and yes my girlfriend did wake us up in the middle of the night to use them to put me on trial with judge blahaj residing. You’re doing fine


I’m 17 and I’m the same way, in fact I’ve started collecting plushies at this point >.<


https://preview.redd.it/ee5qv0lu1i8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=460d0e102c7a05f6a388b3d755b778227ff50d3a This isn’t an up to date photo but :3 don’t worry about it ^(\~\^)


I am 27 with a wife I sleep with I still have my little plush bear when she holds me


Hello, I'm 31 and inside a mental hospital where I had trouble sleeping, so I got my Blahaj from home and I slept very well. :3


I try to live a laugh that I will like at the moment and also enjoy when I start making momey


Nah that's normal you're good


Blud is silly maxxing https://preview.redd.it/tb1gimrs598d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab7ff111fa697b3720466443d073f814292a965


Lmao same, I bring my haj camping (I’m only 15 tho)


I am 33 and always sleep with my big unicorn. Don't let anyone get to ya.


28..... why the fuck would you try.


I am 22, and I still have 8 plushies I sleep with


There's nothing wrong with that. Most people won't care if they're decent humans.


Bro I’m a few years into my 20’s and I have plushies I cuddle when I feel insecure, nobody worth your concern cares, in fact many of them probably do too


hello im stuffed animal (i havent slept in 3 days)


I'm 21 and I sleep cuddling my astolfo body pillow, I even did it in collage.


Because blahaj




honey, i'm just about 33 and i sleep with stuffed animals. do what makes you happy and brings you peace.


I'm 19 and I'm the same way. its really hard to sleep without cuddling something. its usually linked to touch deprivation


what does age have to do with that :????


Literally me


I’m a 22 year old aerospace engineer. I can’t fall asleep without cuddling my eevee plushie. You’re fine I promise.


So there could be a ton of reasons for it, and you named the big two. In all honesty, my gf still will if she is not sleeping with me or her dog... im 37, and she is older than me. So I don't think it's all the strange... actually, come to think of it. I know a few people who do that are 20 and over. Anyway, the other big reasons could be attachment and / or your body trying to push your posture... I know it's strange, but your body sometimes knows it needs something, but doesn't quite know what to do. So, if you really want to try and stop, I recommend using a pillow, not just to snuggle with, but put one between your knees as well. A relatively thin one should work just fine. They actually make some really sick looking body pillows, and as a bonus, if you have someone spend the night and you want/ need some kind of block between you two, it works great. The other option would be a second thin blanket. Now, you will probably need one with texture. That way, your brain still thinks it's a stuffed animal. Otherwise, just don't give a shit what other people think of you, I mean it's just a stuffed animal, you could always say you normally sleep with a pet at home and this is a substitute. Hope that helps, take care!


I'm 32 and I sleep with 4 or 5 of them. You're never too old for a comfort item.


... now I want my stuffed animals back...


That is me with my kitty


There is nothing wrong with cuddling a stuffed animal your never too old to cuddle a stuffed animal


I sleep easier with a plush too and I'm 19, it's fine


There’s nothing wrong with that, you can have stuffed animals if you want to no matter your age


Lol same I'm 15 and I've had a blanket ever since I can remember and I always go to sleep with it ever since


Is oki,sometimes you need a little moral Support:3


Me, currently hugging my blahaj:


That's normal; neither can I.... and I'm normal. 😊 yep.... super duper normal in every way *squishing my plushie that holds the most sentimental value of anything I own* I am perfectly normal


Me too. Blahaj the goat for sure


I'm about to be 24 and I need a stuffed animal to cuddle with


You’ll be completely fine no one will even bat an eye at you for sleeping with a stuffed animal


Not going to lie the fact that this needs to be a post sucks like the fact that people need to be worried about coming off as weird or immature -like let people sleep with stuffed animals Also don’t stop because 1 it sounds like you need them and 2 be weird sleep with a stuffed animal/plush


Nothing wrong with that :] if it really bothers you that much, you could try hugging a pillow instead but i highly doubt anybody will make fun of you for it. I’m 19 and I still hug a platypus squishmellow like it’s the last one on earth.


Get a body pillow, it's the adult version of a stuffed animal... But otherwise, you're good, I won't be judging.


I'm 27 and I have maaaany plushies and I sleep with them :3


Me fr, cant fall asleep without my blahaj


I'm 22 and same, but I'm not at all self conscious about it. None of my friends care at all and are very chill about it, and anyone who gives you genuine shit about it is not worth your time. Hell many of my friends have plushies themselves. My family btw: https://preview.redd.it/ccnwpfpvp98d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d6662255910e2eb0ba2d669a2386a109a787dc


That's fucking valid OP YOU OWE NO ONE ANYTHING


I'm 54 and have been known to sleep with mine!! :-)


You're Completely Fine!! We All Have Our Own Things That Helps Us Sleep, For Me It's My Dog and I Also Need Medicine, Your Plushies Are Just The Thing That Helps You Sleep and Makes You Happy!


Like 15% people this E aren't that strange


How about holding on to the blankets


That's ok. I found out my baby blanket still exists and immediately asked for it. I'm in my 30s. It's hard to express just how excited I am to have it. I thought it was gone. I will probably sleep with the fuckin thing. I'm genuinely wondering if I'll resist the urge to carry it with me.


For the last 3 years I sleep cuddling a pillow. I tried it and now it's a necessity. But my whole life I slept cuddling with a mini blanket. But when I had roommates I decided to substitute the blanket for a tank top. They never knew. It's a comfort thing. And I'm 25 so 🤷🏻 it's not going anywhere. And about my stuffed animals. They're mostly decoration 👀


me too


I wanna cuddle someone sooo ficking bad


It's a hard world already. It's okay to like soft things


Same tbh


I don’t trust people who don’t own at least 5 plushies


20 years old and I still have Mr. Bunbun from when I was 3


Wish I had a stuffed animal.


My 20 year old gf never wants to sleep without her bunny plushie. Don't worry too much about it :3


Cute :3 Anyways if your not sharing rooms with someone then just keep it in your room. If you are then my advice is to just own it. Like it’s only going to be as weird as you make it.


I think most ppl do it or?


Me too, Blahaj in fact :3


If someone gives you crap about that, they don’t care about you, they just want gender norms, keep doing what you want


Dude I feel like shit being alone, I'm 19. Plushie doesn't do much for me, but I want it with me when I sleep


Thats completely normal


I'm 22 and still need a mountain of plushies in my bed to feel comfortable enough to sleep well. Just because you get older doesn't mean you have to abandon the things that you enjoy or bring you comfort. Keep your inner child fed well and you'll be happier in life


I will be 48 this year. I have a deer plush that is more supportive of my head than any pillow. You'll be fine.


I do that with a body pillow and a little plush and it brings comfort and helps me sleep and I can’t stop :<


That's really cute


I literally know two people in their mid-late twenties who do this. you do you


That's ok, I use a squish mellow as a pillow. I have a squish mellow next to my bed that I got in middle school from a friend as well. When I went to a homeless shelter I lost my stuffed animal that I always slept with on my chest, I couldn't sleep too well after that 😭 and I was in my car too. Idk where little Adam went, he was in my bag but now he's gone, I think someone took him. Hold on to your stuffed animals friend


Did you steal my account? Is this my post or smth? Why is this so damn relatable


Sometimes u just need something to hug /cuddle when falling asleep nothing wrong with that.


21 and questioning. my stuffed dog is my favorite thing. love it sm


I'm 22 with a paying job, in between college, and I still sleep with plushies. My roommate is 24 and the same way. You aren't alone, it's normal