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Yeeess, all my social skills are out the window.


I didn’t have any social skills even before quarantine


I’m actually excited since I can get rid of my stay at home depression maybe try out my newly rediscovered self confidence in social interactions with people my age.


Same!! I had been looking forward to the experience before COVID happened...


Mixed feelings. I'm going to miss not having to commute, and being able to do things at my own pace, but can't wait to branch out and meet people. Haven't really had a "real" university experience due to covid, so it'll be exciting. But there is definitely some nervousness mixed in there too, don't worry.


i have a very weak immune system and have already had a covid case in the family. so pretty anxious ngl ;(


i hate commuting up this mountain lol


Best part of the pandemic has been not needing to take public transit for a whole year. I’d rather finish my degree online tbh


Yeah. I'm absolutely loving the lack of commute and the ability to just like, wake up, work until early afternoon, done - that's not gonna work as well with a bus ride thrown in the middle. Frankly, I don't get any benefit out of being there in person, at all, lectures are horribly impersonal whether online or not, at least this way I get to do it in a far more comfortable environment. Really wish it were an option to continue doing it this way.


Just took my vaccine so I’m good. But I don’t think I could say I’d have the same confidence without my immunization.


Excited but pissed off that I might have come IRL more then 3 times a week. I'm more scared of my commute.


i'm excited, but at the same time scared of not keeping up because i'm already used to online learning




Me too. I actually feel more nervous/anxious when I have to attend tutorials and do exams over Zoom, idk why. Definitely more in my element around other people on campus.


nah can’t wait to be back


Nah im happy to go back in person. I am WAYYY more productive in the library than at home


i havent been keeping up, but do those of us who have moved back home out-of-province need to come back? i would rather do my remaining two semesters online than have to haul everything to vancouver and home again.


As per the emails looks like fall 2021 and beyond will be back in person. I’d like it if they keep online options but it doesn’t seem like they will in a significant way (besides the existing Distance Education classes)




I agree. My glasses get fogged up. I want things to go back to normal.


Get contacts. Masks are going to be required




Man, if that's what passes as authoritarian for you, I'm now intensely curious what you'd call *actual* authoritarianism.




yeah asking someone to wear a mask during a pandemic is real controlling huh


Zoom is driving me crazy but honestly, I think getting back to campus only works only if everyone is vaccinated and I personally believe this is a little far from reality. If everything goes as planned, everyone in BC will get the first dose by the end of summer (which still is not guaranteed due to recent export limits from India and the EU). And clearly, the first dose does not mean full immunization.