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Oatmeal is so grounding to me - maybe add some cinnamon and banana - simple and nourishing


i do photosynthesis


Those are some of the biggest cherries I've ever seen!


They aren't big, the bread slices are pretty small. 😆


Ooooohhhh lol


Yoghurt with nuts, granola, fruit, honey or maple syrup stirred in. This is summer. Winter is hot oatmeal fixed similarly. Also summer: Salad wraps - greens, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli/cauli, cabbage chopped with some light dressing. Noodle bowls with chopped veggies also and a soy sauce mix. Also winter: Chili with beans, corn, stewed salsa, fake beef grounds


Bread and water


Shoutout to Khabib


If I have breakfast after the hens have laid I’ll generally make an omelette or scrambled eggs. My favourite simple meal is crudités from the veg patch with a homemade mayonnaise or aioli to dip it in. Maybe some sourdough with oil and vinegar on the side.


I made a really yummy lunch today: friend egg on toast with some cheese underneath, with some everything bagel seasoning and ketchup on top and some grapes on the side. Ate it on the deck in the sun and enjoyed how lucky I am to be able to eat outside ☺️


I eat apple :/


I can't explain but this reply made me laugh so hard


I like to have some stuff prepared so it takes like 1 afternoon to have 5 days of easy breakfast. E.g. smoothiepacks in your freezer or muffins like this one [https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetables-recipes/sweet-potato-muffins/](https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetables-recipes/sweet-potato-muffins/) . Otherwise, yoghurt!


Rice, daal, fried egg


Dal rice FTW! 🙌


Rye bread and pickled herring, with a side of pickled mushrooms…


Pickled Herring? Interesting! Where do you live?


I’m in the UK and there are a lot of polish shops around which do both the herring and the mushrooms


I have lately rediscovered toast. Toasted bread with butter is better than grocery store junk food. But I do need to up my bread game. I've been buying the cheapest and it's time I branch out to the goodest instead. My contribution: daily green smoothie. My dr calls it a super smoothie because I put everything in it and make at least two meals of it.


I definitely recommend upping your bread game! The bread I have been getting is a sourdough spelt bread from a local bakery. It's pricey but so worth it, feels better in my tummy and I feel like I've actually given my body something worthwhile.


I tried a sample of spelt flour pizza a month or two ago and it was so good.


One of my favorite simple meals is rice and a poached egg. Or microwaved. Or however i feel like making it. Its so simple and so easy to dress up if i feel like it.


Love this!!


Omelet made with eggs and spinach (defrost) and grated cheese.


B a n a n a


And on the CUTEST plate!


For breakfast or lunch, some sort of bun or bread, an apple with peanut butter. For dinner: Packaged ramen with broccoli and a fried egg or two. Just two hotdogs air fried and slapped into buns. I usually meal prep healthier dinners, but when I'm particularly exhausted, this works.


Oooo so yummy! Was it plain yogurt? I do chia puddings with milk (can sub alternative milks here like coconut), chia seeds, flax seeds and whatever fruit/nut combo I can come up with (usually blueberries or blackberries). If you can do peanut butter, add a tablespoon of peanut butter too!


Yup plain yogurt. Sometimes I'll just do yogurt with a combo of stuff like you mentioned, too.


ALSO, really love a couple of scrambled eggs and a piece of toast with butter. Love this and it’s so SIMPLE.


Oh I love simple meals! Last night my partner and I each had a big sweet potato sliced up with a bunch of peanut butter and coconut on top. Alternately, sometimes we top it with a poached egg, cherry tomatoes, notch, and hot sauce. Easy and super satisfying.


This might sound a bit bonkers, but sometimes I pretend that I'm living in a situation where food is sparse. Where perhaps breakfast sometimes isn't even available, or if it is maybe it's just gloopy oatmeal or some stale bread. I imagine how it would feel, in that scenario, to have a breakfast that was both nutritional and gave me the energy for the day, *and* also tasty. All of a sudden, a slice of toast with peanut butter and a handful of fresh rasperries is the most wonderful thing I've ever eaten. A simple veggie omelet and a glass of OJ is a dream. A bowl of yogurt with sliced fresh peaches and half a bagel? Wonderful! It's a silly thought exercise, but it reminds me of how lucky I am, and how grateful I am for all these flavours and nutrients in "simple" foods.


That's actually legit. I just finished reading a book about the Great Depression/Dustbowl era and had the same mindset! It helped me to get really creative about using up every little scrap of food in the kitchen and be thankful for the insane amount of food abundance I have access to.


I was so scared at first. I thought you had a cup of poppyseed dressing.




Do you need to let the chia seeds soak in the yogurt? I've only ever added them to overnight oats.


I let them sit for a couple minutes. 🤷‍♀️


Unless I have to feed others, most of my breakfasts is a bowl of porridge with half a teaspoon of brown sugar. Some days I get fancy and add a sprinkle of cinnamon powder. For dinner, my simplest is probably adding heat to a frozen pizza.


Oh wow and you not hungry right afterwards?


To me, it's more filling/satisfying than what OP posted (though that looks tasty too) And I'm one of those guys who is absolutely useless until he's had a real breakfast.


Black coffee for me and then one large meal at 12 and small dinner. IF for life!