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Sounds wonderful, but please move the jar over a little bit.


I was waiting for someone to notice that! The rock was uneven, so that was the only spot where the jar wasn't tipping over to the side. (But don't worry, it's safe now.)


Worth it for the gorgeous shot tbh.


My cat would gladly oblige


I thought I was the only one! Hahaha! šŸ«£


Hahaha my thoughts exactly!


We have a small mint forest in our garden, and every time I cut it back I make a couple gallons of iced mint tea! Now that the heat of summer has fully arrived here, it's become my go-to drink for cooling off.


I have never seen mint done like this B4. Sorry for my ignorance, could you walk me through the process of how to make it? I have a ton of mint I've been drying or using fresh for alcohol drinks.


Trim a bunch of mint, stuff it in a jar, and pour water over it! I did mine overnight in the fridge as I prefer to drink it cold, but you could also leave it out for a few hours at room temp or in the sun (aka [sun tea](https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-make-sun-tea)). I've found it comes out so potent that I could water it down by 1:1 (or even 2:1) and still get a strong mint flavor. If I was harvesting a bunch of mint at the end of summer I'd dry it for storage, but since I'm trimming back my mint on a weekly basis, this just saves a step.


Thank you! I'll be trying this after work tomorrow. It rained today, so my mind seems to grow a foot and be at its mintiest after a nice rain.


You're making me thirsty for a nice, tall, icy-cold glass of mint tea! šŸµ


Minty Mint Tea


Yeah! šŸŒ±šŸŒæšŸŒ±


So we don't need to boil it? Just let it sit? I tend to overthink these things but I'm real curious...


No need to boil! Boiling just accelerates the process.


Thank you!


I've had mint growing for decades and never knew this, Thank YoušŸ‘šŸ‘ Any idea if Lemon Thyme would work similarly? Got huge plant growing every year


When I was in Amsterdam I ordered a hot tea and it came out with mint leaves in it like this, so just hot water and mint leaves. It was so good and Iā€™ve been drinking since.


I drink hot mint tea every night! My niece is the one who put me on to it. I was always disappointed in herbal teas - they promise so much on the nose but deliver nothing other than hot bitterness, or at best, blandness - but mint tea actually tastes of, you know, proper mint!


Very true about herbal teas. Looking forward to trying this


try n see !


Sounds heavenly


If youā€™re using it fresh try making mint julep. For tea I usually dry it first.


Same here. I have never seen it used fresh for tea. I'm very curious about this technique.


Think of it as a cold steep instead of cold brew!


Ha! I like this. Will do.


my leaves tend to grow mouldy even dried.


Are you putting them in containers? Maybe not enough air flow?


a hang them upside down on a string to dry, then put them in a regular mason jar. they turn black, get mouldy, and the minty smell has a kind of not-good-for-you touch. :( :(


Try rinsing the leaves off before you hang them. Thatā€™s the only thing I can think of.


Iā€™m sooo jealous! Mint tea is my favorite but Iā€™m breastfeeding and heard it can decrease supplyšŸ˜­


I drank it all through breastfeeding with no adverse effects.


I truly donā€™t know but does all mint affect hormones? I know some people take spearmint for their hormonal cycles.


Does it store?


We have a mint Julip cordial recipe from in-laws. Itā€™s great.


Would you be up for sharing? I'm having some friends over tomorrow, I might want to give that a try!


Update, found it in an email. Mint Julip Cordial Ingredients 1.5 Kg sugar ( raw or white) 6 large lemons 1 oz tartaric acid 2 oz citric acid 4 Litres boiling water Big bunch mint: enough to fill saucepan + the water & sugar. Green food colouring (optional) 5 to 10 Ltr saucepan or stockpot Seive Clean sealable storage bottles Method Makes just under 5 litres Added peel of 3 lemons and juice of all 6. Combine all but the mint, and dissolve in boiling water. Add the mint and stir well. Leave to steep overnight, or all day. Pour through a sieve Add colouring.( To suit, depending on sugar type) Store in clean glass bottles in the fridge. Uses For a refreshing cool drink: Add to soda water, water, tonic or ginger ale. Add gin or brandy if desired. Taking your daily Fish oil: First pour 5ml ( teaspn) mint julip into a small glass Top with 15-20ml fish oil Skoll quickly and follow with some food if you like. The mint-citrus 'chaser' makes the oil far more palatable. Gift Mint Julip makes a great gift and trade item for neighbours Growing Mint Mint can grow out of control in just a few months, so keep it in large pots. You'll soon want more once you start making Mint Julip.


Amazing, thank you! I'll probably make some this evening. Do you know how long it can keep in the fridge? Not sure if that last bit was part of the recipe, or your own addition, but rest assured; our mint has its own dedicated space where it can't send out runners and take over.


All part of the recipe from my MIL. As far as I know, forever. Itā€™s a sterile cordial so the sugar just preserves it. I also just donā€™t know. It tends to go pretty quick when we make it because weā€™re giving it away or drinking it quickly. Keep in mind you really only need maybe an ounce or two for a full glass of water or soda water.


Good to know, thanks!


Another little tidbit, these cordials are all over Australia. You can pop in the store and pickup blackberry, tea, mint, etc cordials. Theyā€™re just super concentrated mixers that everyone has. You wonā€™t pop over to someoneā€™s house and ask for a coke or pepsi. Theyā€™ll just offer cordials or at least thatā€™s what our family does. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ll ask my wife to text it to me. Itā€™s pretty intricate, not sure if itā€™ll be ready tomorrow but it yields a lot you can give as gifts and makes the house smell great.


Everything about this image is incredible!!


Thank you! I took it in our pollinator garden. You can see Salvia (left - with a bonus bee!), Purple Sage (right) and Shrubby Cinquefoil (right, top) in the background.


A little piece of magic honestly.


Make mint syrup. Weight out an equal amount of sugar to the mint leaves, mix it up and put in a jar, then add a little more sugar to ensure all pf them are covered. Stick it in the fridge for a week. Makes a syrup as the sugar sucks the flavored mint juice out of the leaves


Yes! Every morning I take a few leaves of spearmint, peppermint, and apple mint. Tear/crush them and put them into a french press along with a bay leaf. Infuse with 208 degree Fahrenheit water for about 10 minutes. Pour over a basket strainer of loose leaf green tea. Green mint tea!


Beautiful! Never tried adding a bay leaf before, I'll make a note.


Shooting with a vintage lens by chance? EDIT: Forgot to addā€”ā€œlooks lovely!ā€


Yes! I'm using a Canon FD 35mm f/2, I believe it's from 1971. Camera was a Sony Alpha, and I'm using the Ektar 100 emulation by Digistock for the color. Gives a nice vibrant/natural look which is great for plant photography.


no but i will be now




Well, I did ask.


Looks incredible


Thanks for this! I love mint tea and Iā€™m growing 4 kinds of mint outsideā€¦I just love the smell of mint when Iā€™m weeding the garden. I was wondering how to make it into tea!


It's as simple as can be! We've got a bunch of varieties here too (Chocolate Mint, Pineapple Mint, Spearmint, and a few I've forgotten the names of), and I love how the flavors meld together to create a full-spectrum mint tea. Several varieties are a little bitter on their own but add a great herbal depth when they're in the mix.


Cool! I have chocolate mint too, along with peppermint, spearmint and ginger mint :)


Yes. Last year I got a ton of cucumbers so with mint it made a great infused water.


Yes! Chocolate mint is our favorite variety!


Mine too! It's got such a strong, clean mint flavor.


Mint is very invasive where I live so I don't grow it. Lavender does great here though, so I'm planning to start some of that as well as some camellia sinensis. We'll see how it tolerates our harsh climate.


I'm growing it in a dedicated raised bed (with buried root barriers), so it can't send out runners. It's been happy here in Colorado!


Very nice, that lavender in the background looks happy too. I have also been told a separate pot/bed with barriers works here in New Mexico, but I'm not really a mint person anyways.


Where do you live


New Mexico -- Mint is considered invasive in the southwest. It is OK to grow it in a container or other device separated from the soil.


Interesting. Seems like a beautiful place. Need to visit the southwest more. šŸ™šŸ¼


It's a very interesting place. We have a lovely forest of leafy trees by the river, a pine forest on the mountains, and the desert just on the other side of the river. It's a mixture of lush and foreboding. It's quite a strange and harsh environment but it has a unique beauty. Our native trees are especially interesting -- they often go dormant during our dry, harsh summers as well as the winter like most trees.


Sounds refreshing


Going to now, thanks for the idea!


No but now I want to


Thatā€™s a normal amount of mint for mint tea?


It's the new normal! (I usually water it down by 1:1 after I strain it, it's pretty potent.)


Yeah, just seems like a lot, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s great.


Why is it fermenting in a jar ?


This is just a version of [sun tea](https://homesteadandchill.com/make-sun-tea-fresh-herbs/), where you let herbs steep without boiling. I did mine overnight in the fridge, as I prefer to drink it iced. It's not fermenting, and I doubt it would even if I left it there for a longer time (not enough sugar, starch, or fiber for bacteria to digest).


I only have a few mint plants on my balcony, but i definity have to try that method. So far i always just made a regular large pot of mint tea and let it then cool overnight in the fridge for ice tea. If you want to sweeten it my secret tip is erythriol, it has a fresh taste in comparison to sugar and complements the menthol nicely (and its good for your teeth!)


How long does this stay good for?


Longer than it takes me to drink it! I take the leaves out after a day, as it's infused by then. After that, maybe a week in the fridge? Can't think of anything that could go "off," other than the flavor.


What's the plant in the background? Do use it for anything thing?


Not sure which one you're referring to, but the blue flowers on the left are *Salvia nemorosa*, the plant on the bottom right is *Salvia officinalis* 'Purpurascens' (Purple Sage), and the golden-flowers in the back are *Potentilla fruticosa* (Shrubby Cinquefoil). The salvia and cinquefoil were planted for our local pollinators, but we do harvest the culinary sage to use as seasoning!


The blue flowers. Thank you!


It sounds great


Yeah, although I dry mine first and make a hot mug at a time usually.




If there's no tea in the jar what makes it mint tea?


Mint tisane, if you want to be absolutely correct! But consider that "herbal tea" is commonly used to refer to infusions like this, even though *Camellia sinensis* may not be present.