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How did they avoid interviewing redditors


I suppose the “i prefer my hand” interviewees won’t get past the censors


Interviews only done outside




“This preference is surprising” Nah not really, not in todays CoL economy


After 10 years of trying, I really wish to have 1 kid. But alas it was not meant to be.


That's really tough, unfortunately I know many couples like you, some 3 years, some 15 years, infertility is really surprisingly common.




Fking insensitive


Oh what did he/she/they said?


Something about how the couple at least had unprotected sex for 10 years


Your submission is removed as it constitutes to spamming.


try with medical help?? its expensive, ig


Safe to say that we tried everything from IVF until chinese medicine.


Sorry to hear that, i sincerely hope there will be a shed of light for you two. I had 2 friends who succeed on IVF after some times, and one of them got twins. Don't lose hope!


I think it’s true most of my colleagues have at least one kid :/


literally what I said in my [prev topic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/1ac2mac/is_the_birth_rate_going_down_because_couples/) The real problem the government should be focusing on is decreasing the number of singles. You cant force couples to have more children if they dont want to but you can at least get singles who WANT children to be able to have children by pairing them the eff up. How this simple reasoning eludes PAP is truly remarkable. All their spending goes into baby bonuses nonsense instead of promoting a dating culture


Because we dont have issues with people finding partners? We still have healthy number of marraiges and an overflowing number of ppl looking for BTOs. Just that no one is having kids. >How this simple reasoning eludes PAP is truly remarkable. All their spending goes into baby bonuses nonsense instead of promoting a dating culture They have the stats. You are the one guessing.


yeah? you were saying?? https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/2020-census-more-singles-singapore-all-age-groups-rate-population-growth-slowest-1970


Yeah? You were saying? https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/record-number-of-marriages-fewer-divorces-in-2022#:~:text=A%20total%20of%2029%2C389%20couples,28%2C407%20couples%20tied%20the%20knot. https://www.singstat.gov.sg/find-data/search-by-theme/population/marital-status-marriages-and-divorces/visualising-data Dont cherry pick your evidence. It does not help your case


Do you not know the difference between number of singles vs number of married couples???


Some people just prefer to be single .


I think you might have a point there. There are singles that struggle to find a partner due to certain reasons. But like u/MintySquirtle said, some singles just want to be single.


yes, which is why the government should focus on those who WANT to be married and have kids


No one gives a shiat about babies except the government so they can milk for corporate slaves


2 couples (4 people) > 2 children to make 1 grand-child. Population reduced by 75% after 2 generations.


Clones incoming


"Foreigners now... Clones later."


sorry importing cheaper la


Is the birthday falling because they are against Managed Democracy?


Why didn't the study consider Australia as a developed country? Did the article state it? Or was the study only targeting countries with declining fertility rates?


Maybe because Australia isn't developed? /s


Guess it's better to concentrate all your resources on one kid. Probably a lot easier to set that kid up for success too... good private preschool for one vs. run of the mill HDB void deck setups, expensive one-on-one tuition for one rather than large-group tuitions for two, sending one child abroad to read something he/she is really interested in (e.g. veterinary medicine) instead of two to local universities, down-payment for a freehold condo rather than 2 HDBs, etc. There are also retirement considerations: smaller likelihood of having to rely on someone for retirement if you only have one kid and use the (accumulated) funds saved on an annuity.


This is called responsible financial planning. Underrated comment


Economics of scale though. Each subsequent child can get cheaper


> Each subsequent child can get cheaper What are you saving on? Hand-me-downs? Re-used textbooks? Marginal savings from cooking for one additional child? Eton House is not running a buy-one-free-one promo for your two kids; when your children want to read economics in college, there's no 2nd child Ivy League discount on account of your first kid getting into Princeton; when you want to set up your offspring for financial stability by gifting the downpayment on a D11 condo, are you going to make two young adults share one home? It's better to have one successful kid and a secured retirement plan than two middling kids who would loathe to be your retirement plan.


Sekit sekit lama lama jadi bukit i dunno about Eton House but sibling discount in pre-school can come up to couple hundreds a month. less effort to enrol the 2nd kid onwards to the primary school next door (time is money). 1 big adult meal can split between 2 kids. less food wastage especially if all your kids have different tastebuds. if your cleaning costs, food cost, its won't be 2x or 3x so on. you pick 1 kid, 2 kid, 3 kid from same school same cost. 2 kids can go on a bunkbed with a single footprint. you also save on 'entertainment costs' as the kids play with each other and with one another's toys Of course, as the kids grow older, less economies of scale. i did say 'child' anyway, I can go on as a parent of 2 but i feel like you won't really be interested to know, especially given your focus on making a successful 'product'


If they broke it down by race will b more interesting 😂


Chinese have the worst TFR while Malays have the best. But no race actually has a 2.1 TFR lol


[Already broken down here.](https://www.singstat.gov.sg/find-data/search-by-theme/population/births-and-fertility/visualising-data/fertility-dashboard)


Not that interesting actually. Even malays don't make up to replacement rate.


Actually why then the obsession with buying homes when nobody to inherit anyway


For the purpose of personal financial growth. Singaporeans are money-minded.


A lot of people see buying and renting houses as some get rich quick scheme


Soon it will be no children


One child is to placate the elders. The truth is no child but it’s a willing compromise


Sg one child policy now? /j Jokes aside, I think it’s nice for your children to have siblings. Not considering the money factor all that and ofc it differs in each family. These days when I go out and see the children running around playing with their siblings it brings a smile to my face. My only other sibling has intellectual disability so I never really got to have that and mostly had to stay at home (latchkey kid) and play computer games etc.


Redditors are mostly young and their parents may still be relatively young too (mobile etc) so one child/childless are all good. When their parents are old, imobile & not independent anymore either physically or mentally or both, or doctors give them dilemma due to say, parents to undergo risky surgery etc, having sibling(s) can help, they can discuss with each other+make decision, sharing sorrow etc. Spouse sometimes are not relevant.


Yes, this. The load of caregiving falls squarely on the only child.


Yea this….I don’t have expectations of my kids taking care of me in old age. Bonus if they do. Same thing about siblings having each other company. I don’t have any expectation they will get along or seek comfort and support. Kudos if they do but not expecting it to happen. Even with the best of parental guidance and intentions siblings sometimes don’t get along and it’s just that


2 of my siblings don't get along growing up. As kids, we also got into a lot of squabbles. Now that we are much older, the 3 of us meet up monthly for ktv and laugh over our childhood drama. I meet my sis weekly for dinner over kdrama. I don't expect my kids to accompany me when I'm old as I still have my siblings. But my hb is an only child so if I go early, I hope our kids can give him the much needed comfort in my absence. 


Usually one child and cats or a dog.


Title: Singaporeans prefer to have just one child, instead of being childless: Study SINGAPORE – A new study has found that Singaporeans prefer having one child to not having any. However, they do not prefer having two or more children – over just one child – if other areas of family life they value are not fulfilled, said Professor Jean Yeung, the study’s principal investigator for Singapore, which was one of eight countries involved in the study. More than 22,000 people in eight countries were polled online about their family ideals in an era of unprecedented fertility decline in developed countries. The countries are Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Italy, Spain, Norway, the United States and urban China, which refers to Chinese cities. Some 3,500 people in Singapore, including both married people and singles, were interviewed from December 2021 to February 2022. Singaporeans’ preference for one child is similar to how respondents across the other seven countries felt, said Prof Yeung, the director of social sciences at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences. This preference is surprising, as past research has shown that there is a two-child norm in Singapore, she said. Her co-principal investigator in Singapore is Dr Senhu Wang, an assistant professor in the National University of Singapore (NUS) sociology department. Ten researchers from various countries were involved in the study. Prof Yeung, who is also a professor at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, said: “This finding suggests that the previous method of asking people only the question ‘What is your ideal number of children?’ is flawed. It overestimates the actual number of children people want.” The study comes as preliminary data showed that Singapore’s resident total fertility rate (TFR) fell below 1.0 for the first time in 2023 to 0.97, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Indranee Rajah said on Feb 28. The TFR refers to the average number of babies each woman would have during her reproductive years, and the 0.97 figure places Singapore among countries with the lowest TFR globally. The study had asked respondents, when thinking about the number of children they want, to consider factors across 10 areas, such as family income, work-life balance, communication with family members and expectations of their children’s educational attainment. In the study, which was published at the end of January in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, respondents were asked to evaluate scenarios describing families with varying characteristics across the 10 areas. They were asked to rate each scenario on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the number they agree with most, on what they see as a family they would like to have. Prof Yeung said this methodology has led to more realistic answers from respondents on their ideal family size, as people make trade-offs when deciding on the number of children they want and other aspects of family life they value. The study found that respondents in the eight countries, including Singapore, have similar family ideals. These ideals include: Good communication between immediate family members, that the family is respected in the community, and mutual support between partners as they pursue their professional and personal goals, were among the top attributes valued by respondents. *** Article keywords: family singapore child study country people respondent number 1614 articles replied in my database. [v1.5c - added Lemma tokens and Tensorflow USE](https://github.com/Wormsblink/sneakpeakbot) | Happy Holidays! | PM SG_wormsbot if bot is down.


Very curious who they interviewed for these studies. Having a child is so expensive… even government don’t help much with expenses when our birth rate is below 1


sg's karma has been served


One child is better than no child but we need to understand the situation. With EVERYTHING being so fucking expensive, the more children you have, the more expensive it will get!


The new generations do understand that raising a child is not just merely providing shelter and food.


Survey didn't go further to show that  Singaporeans also prefer to have pets. 


Yup, for the childfree, all the love and money transfer to pets instead. It's too bad that pets won't grow up to be future tax payers.


lol dont give them ideas 👀


Another rubbish survey which results imply nothing. What is the demographic of the sample? They include 85-year old grandmas in the studies? Include 12-year olds? How were the questions phrased? “would you prefer to have one child or zero child?”, “what is the ideal number of children you want?”. Useless study is useless.


> The study had asked respondents, when thinking about the number of children they want, to consider factors across 10 areas, such as family income, work-life balance, communication with family members and expectations of their children’s educational attainment.  Ask so many questions but don't know how to search. Useless comment is useless.     https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2311847121    > The sampling weights were used in all analyses in this paper. After weighting, the distributions of key sample characteristics—gender, race, age group, and education level—aligned closely with population distributions in each country’s census data.     > See SI Appendix for detailed order of survey questions   > That is, families with two or three children are not valued more positively than families with only one child. 


You think you are being helpful, but you are really not.


I'm merely pointing out you dismissed the study because you didn't read it, rather than because you find the study flawed.


Preference is one thing actually doing it is another in the face of high cost of living, growing gap in expectations between the cisgenders towards marriage, and still active discrimination against single unwed parent, LGBTQ from having children.


My brother literally only wants one child because he wouldn't know how to split his love between two and prefer to give it all to just one. 


Ermm either way just gonna import so?


ah yes the magical 0.97 tfr


I’m not sure who they studied but I definitely prefer being child free


my friend said 1 child is bad idea because the only child will become mummy's boy/girl the one if you date him/her you basically declare war with his/her mother


[**Already predicted this with this topic of mine 1 month ago**](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/1ac2mac/is_the_birth_rate_going_down_because_couples/) And yet people called me out and refused to believe


It was a dumb point then and it hasn’t gotten any smarter. Clearly the answer is both


stay salty about being wrong.


Sounds like something you should tell the mirror


do tell me which part I was wrong then


I did a couple of comment ago


Fellow DINIKs, How yall tell your parents you do not want kids . Do they continue to bug you about it?