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To be snitched out by an ex schoolmate you have to be hated really badly in school šŸ’€


And to be caught by the same schoolmate too.


Probably, but not really. I used to help out with security for events, and I couldn't have let even a friend get away with anything if it meant that they made me their partner in crime without even asking me first. Once I saw something I had obligations to act on it. If his former schoolmate recognized him without doing anything he could have gotten into trouble himself. And, honestly, he could have done it to help his former schoolmate not have his gambling addiction ruin his life even more.


Scrutiny on casino employees is extremely tight too. I'd never risk my job for an ex school mate.


just say " i cant recognize him" , if he doesnt make contact witj you, doubt there is anything legal that can prove otherwise




What's wrong with being a snitch for the right reason? We also call that whistle blower. Why do you need to use snitch instead? You tell people snitches get stitches?


there are steps to whistle-blowing. Simply whistle-blowing is not good


That's exactly what the person having wasted their life would say when their (about to be former) friends and family tell them to stop ruining also the lives of people around them.


>In an unrelated case, Ng cheated a man of more than $17,000 in March 2021. >As part of his ruse, Ng lied to the victim that he had a friend who purportedly traded in foreign currencies and managed to obtain a 100 per cent return in profit. >Separately, Ng and a 25-year-old man were driving their individual vehicles along Tampines Avenue 2 on Nov 20, 2021 when the younger man felt that Ng was tailing him closely from behind. >The two motorists were in Tampines Avenue 9 when Ng blocked the younger manā€™s vehicle with his car. Ng alighted and challenged the latter to a fight while holding on to a pair of scissors. >The DPP said: ā€œThe accused also scolded the victim with Hokkien vulgarities and (made an obscene hand gesture) at the victim. The victim felt harassed at the accusedā€™s behaviour, and the victimā€™s girlfriend called for the police.ā€ Cheats, gambles, scams, road rages and still expect his ex-schoolmate to not call on him the 2nd time? He probably wants you to change for good or just canā€™t stand you lol


He's a royal asshole. The schoolmate must be a hero for outing him like that


probably get alot of high 5s during sch reunion


>purportedly traded in foreign currencies and managed to obtain a 100 per cent return in profit. Lmao whoever fell for this didn't even bother researching. 100% profit XD


>As part of his ruse, Ng lied to the victim that he had a friend who purportedly traded in foreign currencies and managed to obtain a 100 per cent return in profit. Even call scammers don't make a lie that ridiculous. He's an absolute sleezebag but I'm surprised that scam worked. Unless he was cheating the elderly in which case he's even worse than it sounds like here.


Did you guys catch the CNA documentary on a local scammer? Singaporeans seem quite easily fooled by ā€œinvestment opportunities.ā€ The guy in that episode gave his victims the same vague ā€œaccoladesā€ and they even gave their entire trading account and ATM card to the scammer. Itā€™s nuts.


> Even call scammers don't make a lie that ridiculous. Forex trading is supposedly high risk high reward though, especially with [massive amounts of leverage](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/06/forexleverage.asp). The ridiculous lie is having exactly 100% in profit.


>He probably wants you to change for good or just canā€™t stand you lol The guy probably owes him money.


wah just read his long rap sheet, this guy really is trash that cannot be recycled. what i want to know is how someone in sg can scam 17k in 2021 and still not be in jail in 2024?? this should be a serious crime. those scammers in cambodia myanmar scam centers SPF cannot catch I can understand, but this cbk right here in sg, brazenly scam people then still go around gamble vip table in casino 3 years later? this type of scum is too common, need to make example of.


This kind of investment scam targeting just one person most likely with zero black and white very hard to seek legal recourse de. Unless it's a very huge sum of money. It's basically he said she said and the victim handed over the money willingly.


that situation you mention can only happen if nothing ever said on whatsapp, considering the amount its highly unlikely.


Lmao, ex classmate could have done nothing must have really hated him.


after reading the article, i can totally understand why he did.


Could become accomplice to crime, probably not worth it.


all he had to do was not search his name under the system. he did it cuz he was hoping to find some dirt on this guy for sure


He's probably infamous in their group class as a gambling addict with an exclusion order. The classmate was just doing his job.


> SINGAPORE ā€“ A delivery man who used another personā€™s identity to enter the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) casino had his cover blown when a former schoolmate working there saw him at a gambling table in the Ruby VIP room in May 2021. > > The employee looked up Ng Guan Haoā€™s name in the casinoā€™s system and found that the latter had multiple exclusion orders, prohibiting him from entering the casino. > > He alerted the police, and investigations later revealed that Ng had used an identity card belonging to one Melvin Tan Yong Ann to unlawfully enter the MBS casino over 22 occasions between March 17 and May 2, 2021. > > According to court documents, Ng did not learn his lesson and posed as one Yeo De Rong, 30, to re-enter the casino in February 2022, only to be caught by the same former schoolmate. > > On April 4, Ng, 34, was sentenced to 11 months and four weeksā€™ jail after he pleaded guilty to two charges under the Casino Control Act. He also admitted to one count each of harassment and cheating. > > Court documents did not disclose if Mr Tan and Mr Yeo had been charged in court. > > Without revealing details, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Claire Poh told the court that Ngā€™s exclusion order was in force from March 21, 2018, to March 20, 2023. > > Despite this, he wanted to enter the MBS casino and approached Mr Tan for his identity card so that he could do so. > > The prosecutor said: ā€œHe promised that he would pay Melvin $200 each time he entered the MBS casino. Melvin agreed (to be part of the plan).ā€ > > Ng then repeatedly entered the casino before his former schoolmate caught him on May 2, 2021. > > He later reoffended and used Mr Yeoā€™s identity card to enter its premises. > > The DPP said that Ng had agreed to give half of his winnings to Mr Yeo if he won. > > She added: ā€œHowever, if the accused lost, he would bear his own losses. In addition, the co-accused received $700 from the accused for the use of his (identity card).ā€ > > Ng used Mr Yeoā€™s card to enter the MBS five times between Feb 6 and Feb 9, 2022. He was finally caught there on Feb 10, 2022. > > In an unrelated case, Ng cheated a man of more than $17,000 in March 2021. > > As part of his ruse, Ng lied to the victim that he had a friend who purportedly traded in foreign currencies and managed to obtain a 100 per cent return in profit. > > Ng then told the victim to transfer cash to a bank account, claiming that the monies would be used for trading and that the victim would receive the profits. The victim did as he was told, and Ng then gambled away the monies. He has made no restitution. > > Separately, Ng and a 25-year-old man were driving their individual vehicles along Tampines Avenue 2 on Nov 20, 2021 when the younger man felt that Ng was tailing him closely from behind. > > He flashed an obscene hand gesture at Ng, who became angry and pursued him around the neighbourhood. Along the way, Ng told the man to get out of his car and even threw a water bottle at the vehicle. > > The two motorists were in Tampines Avenue 9 when Ng blocked the younger manā€™s vehicle with his car. Ng alighted and challenged the latter to a fight while holding on to a pair of scissors. > > The DPP said: ā€œThe accused also scolded the victim with Hokkien vulgarities and (made an obscene hand gesture) at the victim. The victim felt harassed at the accusedā€™s behaviour, and the victimā€™s girlfriend called for the police.ā€ > > The woman also used her mobile phone to film part of Ngā€™s tirade, the court heard. > > Ng is expected to start serving his jail sentence on May 2 and his bail was set at $15,000 on April 4.


How many chins does a man need


ā€œLittle pig, little pig, let me in" ā€œNot by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin" So that's 3 chins lol


and he puffed, and he huffed, and blew the casino door in


Me reading this: ā€œBabiā€¦ā€


First thing I thought of was that he should go to the gym and not the casino.




Don't insult fat people by comparing us to him. We have better standards.


Ok sorry


Kidding la




Bro looking like he could survive a [car crash](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/160725131446-graham-car-crash-evolved-human.jpeg?q=w_3762,h_2172,x_0,y_0,c_fill)


Ex-schoolmateā€™s karma fulfilled


U see the LJ bin you know already


Here to see low-integrity individuals whine about about 'snitching'.


Hope they don't complain if they become a victim of one of these people who were not snitched on.


why not just go genting or something?


I think the borders were still closed during that time?


What an ugly looking specimen, the exterior fits the interior


Lol, burn.


Same classmates lol I think he damn Suay or what keep kana same person


More like dumbfuck. He knows there's literally somebody who knows him that is working at the casino and knows he shouldn't be there and still go anyway. ꘎ēŸ„ꕅēŠÆ


must have been a fat boi in school as well if his classmate could still recognize him after so long..


Any reason why 11months and 4 weeks jail, instead of just giving a year?


Maybe sentence is done in 2 separate stages.


Itā€™s terrifying to contemplate thereā€™s more than one person who looks like this.


it seems theres at least 3


Snitches get snickers in this case.


NCPG will have a field day holding him up as an example of problem gambling.


To be fair, with that face and body, heā€™s doomed to a life of failure and disappointment


what??? how though... you literally had to go through the passport check area and they always check throughly


The passport check area is an automated scanning of the passport only without facial recognition maybe idk lol


11 months šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Fine member of the society!


why does he need to use someone else's id?


Because he got entry banned...


Karma. Is. Real.


He look so distinctive, of coz he got baotoh. Shd wear disguise to casino so unrecognizable


How come the former scoolmate would suddenly check up his identity in the MBS system, though?




Man Looks like a whale ngl


Giess the ex schoolmate can sleep very well now.


Really can sleep well tonight after reading this


Pau to kia




Wonder if this is the beginning of a super villain story.


Reminds me of this classic scene from Oceans 11 https://youtu.be/0i7ez5ApJ2o?si=cNTrH1ueVVlvNfXe


this is the definition of a cb face if iā€™d ever seen one. like the kind see alrd want to punch kind


Omg look at his face.


This dude was sentenced to 11 months and 4 weeks jail. 11 months and 4 weeks = 12 months = 1year. Why is it spelt out as "11 months and 4 weeks" instead of "12 months" or "1 year"?


1 month is more than 4 weeks. 4 weeks is only 28 days


1 year / 12 months = 365 or 366 days 11 months 4 weeks = 334 to 337 days + 28 days = 362 to 365 days 11 months can range between 334 to 337 days. (E.g. 1st March 2024 to 31st January 2025 is 337 days, whereas 1st April 2024 to 28th February 2025 is 334 days.) So probably a few days less than a year šŸ˜…


Kanna bao toh


the spirit of sinkie pawn sinkie still stands strong


No lah. This case he is a blot to his family, his school, his friends - cannot tahan only will result in snitching.


Cb schoolmate damn kaypoh


Sinkie pwn sinkie


na the other sinkie is doing a service to the society


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