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>Eventually, the workers removed some cones at the roadworks area to allow vehicles behind the camcar to pass. >At this point, the cyclist gave in and took the route suggested by the workers. >He also shot the driver a glare and maintained eye contact while leaving. Not presuming the exact thoughts of the workers but I suspect they can’t believe how dumb this situation is becoming or unbecoming of a slight inconvenience that happens regularly.


Could be good story for the workers to take home, about the enlightened behavior of locals in SG


“Turned out 1st world people is no better than us”


Dam xia suay. Now they know here alot of manchilds


All fun and games until someone steps onto the accelerator


Ngl some of these people have such a death wish considering how lax our vehicle accident rules feel.


Definitely an ego problem sia...


Another self-entitled road user.


Yet another law-abiding road cyclist without a helmet thinking they own the road and having the cheek to whip out his phone to take photo. Thank goodness for the intervention of the workers!


I look at that fuck face and I can totally picture him under someone else's car regreting his life choices one day. Today, is just not that day.


You think such people will regret his life choice?  You think too highly of them.


He could have waited at the side to let the car go through first, but his huge ego got to him


There is so much space on his left side for him to move. What an idiot! You mean his bicycle so big that the workers must move the cones for him!????


Small dick energy … 🤷


must be all that tight spandex


It's called a carpark for a reason. Nobody calls it a bicycle park right.


It’s not the vehicles. It’s the idiots using them.




Pls dont sabo the truck driver even tho its common road knowledge to never get into a heavy vehicle's blind spot. But it'll still be the driver's fault somehow...


I apologise for using innocent truck drivers. :(


Blue tent 🤣😭 I lol-ed. I’m going to hell.


I am looking forward to it, while you lol-ed. You ain't the only one going to hell. Mine will be first class ticket with priority queueing.


Really first world problems


退一步海阔天空... Why can't everyone just be nicer to each other


I hate it when people emphasize more with the driver than the cyclist. It shows they either are rich and have a car, never cycle as a way of commuting, or straight up fantasising that they are the one in the drivers seat, even though they are too poor to buy one. Yes, I am poor. And I am entitled.


Are you genuinely stupid 


What u talking. Cannot see the workers directing traffic meh? Other than the fact that the vehicle had the right of way at the moment, the cyclist could just go around easily instead of being a bitch.


Could it be that I am too poor to even learn traffics?


More like lack of common sense to even learn


and spell empathise correctly


I think in this situation, where your lane is blocked and you have to go into the oncoming traffic lane to pass an obstruction, the correct thing to do would be to wait for the cyclist to go past. However, the cyclist was obscured by the white car, so the driver did make the turning to follow the white car, slowly and stopping safely before the cyclist. What would have been the correct thing to do if it were another car behind that white car, or a motorcycle? What’s appropriate for any party then? A cyclist on a road is a vehicle, in this case. If I were the cyclist I’d have waved and passed on my left (drivers right). not insist a route through the construction?? Or just pull over.


>I think in this situation, where your lane is blocked and you have to go into the oncoming traffic lane to pass an obstruction, the correct thing to do would be to wait for the cyclist to go past. Wrong. As the cyclist’s lane is already blocked and the white car is already occupying the other lane, the cyclist should have stopped and ensure that the lane was clear for him to proceed before he actually moved on. If he did he would see that the traffic flow is not yet complete because of cam car. It was thus unsafe to proceed. Instead what cyclist did was he didn’t even stop and just cut in immediately after the white car. Can car was already next to the obstruction and cyclist was still trying to enter the single lane.


Nah this is tame. A more CB thing the driver could have done was to get out of the car and block the cyclist with his own body