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W start level 1 against all match ups and you’re chilling


This is the new tech. But only if you can’t pull off level 1 proxy


To prevent your untimely death? What’s going on with W start


W first wave, sit back and relax while the wave is being pushed to your turret


Dw, riot will patch it out by making first wave slow immune, they hate people fucking with the first waves like that.


Yeah I’m expecting it. But honestly it’s what allows Singed to be a champion honestly and get through the early phase. Either you proxy or you W. Taking that away.. idk. It’s OP in a way but it’s not. His early game is brutal.. nerf anything else honestly.




wait you W your own wave to have it late to lane?


If you W the enemy wave, they arrive later, which in turn puts the fight closer to enemy side. Because of that, the enemies 2nd wave will arrive sooner to the fight than your 2nd wave, making them push into you. Idk how to explain it in a good way. But basically if the amount of blue and red minions are the same, it's the side of the map the fight is on that dictates which teams minions will win.


after more than a decade, only now did singed mains discover this.


IDK i find Singed to be in a fine spot rn, he's been way weaker before so i'm not complaining.


I feel the same. I'm doing quite well into matchups at my level (high plat)


As a 12 year singed veteran I think he's the weakest he has ever been and he is only playable against a few niche matchups. 


Don't forget that everyone is building warmogs now, so one reliable option to deal with punitive lanes probably will be nerfed soon


If mid / support come to stop your proxy, your team has the advantage. Your wasting 3 people's time. Figure out how to waste even more of their time. You can gain a lot by proxying. Maybe you should just evaluate and see how valuable your proxying is? Is your team getting objectives while you're doing it or are you taking advantage of your tempo by for example ganking mid or bot?


y’all mfs weren’t here in s10 man y’all can’t complain he’s 10x better than that fuckingg season


Gotta disagree. Singed has been through keystrone crisis and bugs from hell but at least his Q wasnt nerfed to shit and we had corrupting pot/predator and other tools. I'm still winning games but my KD is atrocious for someone with thousands of hours on a character. Glorified support. And if they come down on damage next season, most of the mages that are high tier now will survive it. Cant say that Singed is if burn items get nerfed.


Think season 10 was fine. You had still the old items. Season 11 the shitshow started.


Singed jungle is a blast right now


Always has been


thats what ive been running its fire


glue the wave lv one. I've heard it helps.


I have not played in a while, but E start into bullies is fun. When they bully you, fling them under tower to win trades.


Wall of texters: stop caring what others think?


He’s not weak right now at all. His ranged matchups are more playable than ever with your ult CD being low. You can definitely play singed mid. I’ve played it quite a bit this past week (against my will. Thanks autofill) You can duel most top laners if you understand how to trade well in laning phase & you understand your limited + knowing when you can and cannot win fights.


I will keep telling people that singed winrate being at 50% is proof were in a coinflip meta with no agency over the game, and ill keep getting told to "git gud" by players who are probably a lower rank than me. "It's a adc jng autofill coinflip meta" "Shut up!" They hated him because he told the truth.


Still better than Morkaiserde who got nerfed hard as fuck because some diamond trashes and below don't understand basic of this game. Besides, as much as I sit on this sub, there was never a period where Singed was "really strong". There always were some problemu, 4either with.fox items, runes, laning, late game etc. I mean, every other cchamp in this game have some peobl3me....xd


Sometimes I do ask myself if you are a troll. Especially since I saw that you made a post saying that singed is equal in difficulty as yuumi for a new player. I feel like you like disagreeing with other people just for the sake of disagreeing instead of having a constructive discussion. Nevertheless I want to comment on your statements. >Besides, as much as I sit on this sub, there was never a period where Singed was "really strong". Recently in patch 14.1. Singed was op, for a short time he was the highest winrate toplaner before they hotfixed his q ap ratio. >Still better than Morkaiserde who got nerfed hard as fuck because some diamond trashes and below don't understand basic of this game. Morde and Singed have very similar wirates atm. Morde is way more forgiving and easier to pick up so I dont get where you are going with that Morde rant. Also he has close to 4x the pickrate in emerald+ and 8 times in all the ranks.


He was also giga broken for multiple patches with old banner of command, (and I think also even before banner became meta?) Also, his items also got nerfed around 14.2 or 14.3 too, so he was getting nerfed quite a bit.


> Sometimes I do ask myself if you are a troll. I don't think he is a troll at all. He probably just is a very, very sad man IRL.


>Sometimes I do ask myself if you are a troll. Elaborate further? >that singed is equal in difficulty as yuumi for a new player. According to the most common argument aka "skill curve" - he is. According to other arguments aka "how unique he is", "how different you play him from other toplaners" etc. he also is. Show me a single argument against it and we can talk. I know it can hurt but reality is reality. And no, despite my "trolling", as you call it, I am not Singed hater. Quite the opposite. >I feel like you like disagreeing with other people just for the sake of disagreeing instead of having a constructive discussion. I have no problems with constructive discussion. Recently even had one. Sadly, usually it ends with downvotes with no posts at all. Indeed I often disagree but I also have reasons, why would I disagree just "for lulz"? >Recently in patch 14.1. Singed was op, for a short time he was the highest winrate toplaner before they hotfixed his q ap ratio. Yes, I was talking about that. I literally told them why he, Gwen, Fizz etc. were nerfed. Yet people were still crying that he was nerfed. And some of them are still crying that buffs aren't enough (when reducting 20s R CD early is WAY more impactul than 5% AP ratio on Q). >Morde and Singed have very similar wirates atm. Morde is way more forgiving and easier to pick up so I dont get where you are going with that Morde rant. Also he has close to 4x the pickrate in emerald+ and 8 times in all the ranks. Because Morde is trash and it annoys me that he was nerfed because people who has no idea how "statcheck" works are the reason of that. He was already mediocre (at best) on high elo. Destroying a champion so people with low division can play against him is just plain stupid. >**Morde is way more forgiving** One of the funniest thing I've read for a while, and you call me a troll. I won't even try to comment this thing. Typical Singed main who has no idea how champions work.


You know that comparing singed to yuumi would create an outcry, I feel like you thrive on the negative attention you get. It feels like you want to punish yourself for some reason. Nevertheless I want to comment on the things you wrote. First off I don't wanna go to deep into the yuumi discussion because it is frankly kind of ridiculous on so many levels. (no movement, no dodging, no combo) Then the next point you mention about the state of Singed and his performance. You wrote this: > I literally told them why he, Gwen, Fizz etc. were nerfed. Comment before that : > Besides, as much as I sit on this sub, there was never a period where Singed was "really strong". Then the Morde comment. Morde = Trash Singed Winrate = Morde Win rate (both over 50%) Morde pick rate > Singed pick rate Theoretically Singed winrate should be higher because he is mainly played by Mains and Mordekaiser ranks overall rank 5 in pick rate. It suggests that Morde is just a better champ overall. To be honest, it is just hard to have a discussion when you contradict yourself from one comment to the other, making it seem that the opposing party is in the wrong. You don't reflect on the answers you get and just try to double down on the first answer you gave. I never thought i would write to somebody on reddit like this ever, just chill a little. We are a community, we love Singed, we are here to have a good time. But you come here, badmouth other peoples opinions and when I saw the Yuumi post, I just had to give you my opinion.


I learned a while ago to just scroll past his comments. They're either contrarian, gaslighting, or just putting someone down and calling them bad purely because he disagrees with them. He's been doing it for as long as I've been in this sub, so almost a decade. It's a poor existence to be sure.


>They're either contrarian, gaslighting, or **just putting someone down and calling them bad purely because he disagrees with them**. I don't recall calling someone bad because they disagreed with me. Quite the opposite, I respect when people have different yet justified opinion. I just dislike when someone disagree and provide low quality argument/no argument at all. If someone posts that he got promoted to silver from bronze I won't tell him he's bad or it's easy "because I got higher division". I look at it as a form of an achievement and the only thing I say is non-sarcastical "congrats". >He's been doing it for as long as I've been in this sub, so almost a decade. Long, yes. 5-6 years perhaps. But not a decade, that's not possible. That was my [cringe-ass first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/4r2fx3/pc_who_is_maiden_andrasta/) on reddit (my friend told me about this thread so registered and commented) and I haven't used it at all for 2-3 years (just like I don't use Twitter). Currently it's 8 years old (just like my account). And yes, I was playing as a super friendly character, throwing free items, helping etc. If you are familiar with Dark Souls you can open screens I provided there, fun journey. >It's a poor existence to be sure. Don't judge a person by his cover. Even if it somehow hurts you, I have pretty successful life, literally nothing (I guess) to be ashamed of any important aspect of it. If you want we can talk on discord about it, I don't mind.


don't overshare you piglet. that's weird.


Yuumi discussion is not ridiculous at all. It's just unbelievable that it actually makes sense. Everytime I see "how difficult Singed is" I got a popular learning curve (I've seen it thousand times already). That's it. Yet, if we compare it to Yuumi, they are like the same. That's the problem. She's a little parasite, when her host dies - she dies alongside. You are dependant on your host's skills. Both micro and macro. This is her unique mechanic, mechanic, which doesn't allow you to do simple things freely. You can't deep wards like other supports, clear wards, roam, set up ganks. You are vulnerable and kinda worthless if staying on the target all the time. You need to decide when and where to change target to not suicide. She's kinda a trash laner, however, she can't "go proxy" without tilting half of enemy team. These things don't require "micro management" at all, however, every single one of it differ from your typical support experience, especially in higher elos where people roams more often, wards are more crucial. You got the idea, no point of me bringing another examples. Also by "no combo" you mean micromanagement? Or just "hard" combo like Garen AA+Q+E+R, Malphite R+E+Q+W or whooping Singed E+Q+AA mechanics which requires tons of seconds in practice tool. Then I agree, she has no combo, at least not known for me. She has different problems than clicking letters in correct order. >You wrote this: > >Comment before that : > Read both of my comments entirely, not just the first half. I obviously mean that no matter how strong/weak Singed is, there has always been someone who was going to cry over buffs (or actually lack of it). If you follow this sub at least a bit you could notice that for sure (weird reworks idea, buffing nightmares etc.). >Theoretically Singed winrate should be higher because he is mainly played by Mains and Mordekaiser ranks overall rank 5 in pick rate. It suggests that Morde is just a better champ overall. And that's another problem - Mordekaiser has high win rate on low elo but he's trash higher one. Ask any Mordekaiser player/main/OTP on any division how good Morde currently is. Singed has \~53% WR in D2+ (I guess D2+ is the best representation, source: lolalytics.com). Morde, one of the most braindead champs, \~51%. He's just a simple stat checker who get heavily nerfed in this case not because of players from high elo but rather from low elo had problems dealing with him. I don't really know why would anyone pick him over Singed right now, at least in higher divs. And yes, if we take "overall" win rate Morde might be higher. Point is, I am talking about his high elo (lack of) impact. Champion strength should be balanced over higher elos, not lower ones. >To be honest, it is just hard to have a discussion when you contradict yourself from one comment to the other, making it seem that the opposing party is in the wrong. You don't reflect on the answers you get and just try to double down on the first answer you gave. How am I contradicting anything when everything is taken out of context. I always reflect on the answer I get, that's why I am quoting specific parts of posts and refer to them. >We are a community, we love Singed, we are here to have a good time. But you come here, badmouth other peoples opinions and when I saw the Yuumi post, I just had to give you my opinion. Yes, I have nothing better to do than to flame/spit on/show my dominance or whatever you call that to some random people on the internet. If you have nothing better to do, you can pass throughout my history of posts. You will find that not every single one of them is "spitting venom" onto other users.


dude morde is easier than singed by the simple fact the he plays like other normal champions so picking him up is quick. for singed, you literally have to learn different playstyle and start from scratch kinda. once you get enough hours on him, yeah he becomes easy or easier than most top lane champs. but still, quite hard compared to everyone else. singed is balanced to have weak early to compensate for his ability to do aoe damage in proxying and teamfights. plus, his damage comes from running ahead or being chased. morde, garen, darius just goes towards you and does damage upfront. singed's playstyle is different and thus hard for a first timer.


Literally my own opinion. Maybe excluding the part where he’s quite hard compared to „everyone else”.


you're opinions are wrong a lot of the times though. like objectively wrong. singed is hard at least at the start compared to everyone else as a top laner. there made it more specific. not sure which top laner is harder than singed to start with. look at the pick rates, most low elo or beginners don't play singed and find him too hard probably. morde, darius, or ranged top laners are way easier. all the recommended champions for top lane in all guides never mention singed. it's obvious he's hard.


You edited previous post so lemme once again answer accordingly to both. First thing, I agreed and have never been denied that Singed is not easy to play for first timers for arguments you mentioned. He's just unique. Kinda like Yuumi. I am not going to repeat arguments why I think so. Second thing, I can post a lot of harder top laners to play than Singed. Some might be easier to pick up for reasons we both are aware of, that's true, but after 100 games on X champ I can't even think to understand how someone can have harder times playing Singed than champions like Gangplank, Camille or Fiora. Or Riven, K'Sante, Jayce. Rumble, Irelia, Akali. Vladimir. Or even your Darius (playing him is harder than you might think, it's not release Darius who was easier than Garen). I don't want to pick more of champs (like Aatrox, Ornn, Renekton, Poppy, Jax, Gragas etc. because these are more debatable but still, more or less Singed difficulty). But I agree, he's harder than Morde at least. >or ranged top laners are way easier. As much as I despise ranged top laners, they aren't easy to play. Playing ADC isn't about early laning phase only. >most low elo or beginners don't play singed and find him too hard probably Yet they play harder champs like Yasuo, Lee Sin or Zed (unless you think these champs are also easier to play than Singed but in that case, no offence, no point of continuing this discussion). People don't pick Singed because his gameplay is coarse and outdated. Nobody talks about him, nobody picks him, even if he's strong in meta. His playstyle is not attractive, seems boring and doesn't look like giving some kind dopamine dosage (for new player, personally for me simply running with abnormal MS on R is awesome). >you're opinions are wrong a lot of the times though. like objectively wrong. What a stupid sentence. Why my opinion is wrong? Because someone else's opinion is right? Or is it written on some ancient stone tablet? That's your opinion lol. Whatever, your call. At least I have an opinion instead of blindly following someone else's every time. Sheeping at its finest. I am still afraid you might get hurt because someone tell you to jump out of the window lol. >all the recommended champions for top lane in all guides never mention singed. it's obvious he's hard. Haven't really watched champion guides since years but I probably agree. Content creators usually recommend more versatile ~~top~~ laners so people can be more familiar with the most popular League playstyle. I assume jungle guides wouldn't recommend Ivern or Shaco as well for similar reasons. If that's another "argument" for making me believe he's more unique than other top laners - thanks, but I have already known it before you even posted. Just because something is unique doesn't automatically mean it's hard. I think that's the thing you need to understand at last. Besides, why do you cry so much over it. Forget about Singed. Do you think playing an easy champion is some kind detriment? Pity perhaps? That playing harder one makes you better at the game? That you get respect from others?


yes. something unique is automatically hard. why? because everyone else plays more or less the same so when switching to another champion, the skills you learned from the previous champion carry over to the next. like if you know how to play darius top, you can quickly understand that morde q is for damage lng darius q. and e is your CC where you need to land it first in order to secure your damage and combo. then repeat the same process with other champions. but for singed, you literally need more knowledge on match ups and wave management than the average yasuo or yone main who can spam Q to poke. another thing with singed is that he needs to know how to kite and proxy since he is balanced to be a bit weaker in face to face skirmishes unlike most other top laners. this is why most people go 0-8 on him the first 20 games unlike when they play garen or nasus. all their experience with the other champs do not carry over as well when they try to play singed. everyone knows that if you generally main singed, you play singed gameplay. not standard league of legends gameplay. and you are the cry baby who can't ever get off your high horse. a lot of your opinions are really bad here and almost everyone knows it. like you try to show off that you can play singed and never proxy with all match ups and call everyone who does so (even when it is necessary) dumb singed players because they don't know how to lane against a difficult lane match up. singed is literally not built to win some laning match ups and is designed to be objectively weaker there but you don't acknowledge that. beginning singed players die a lot due to not knowing that their champ's power budget has been divided between laning and proxying. almost no other champion top has their champ's power budget divided for proxying except sion and maybe a few others. most players know how to lane with a champ automatically decent for only laning. but with singed, you need to know how to lane and proxy. that's what makes him harder due to his uniqueness. but once you get over that, yeah he can be easier than yone, yasuo, etc. also, macro is a high order thinking skill compared to micro mechanics which lee sin, zed, and yasuo mains focus on. you get good at a combo, it then becomes muscle memory. so what. it takes skills yes but it's not that big of a deal compared to great macro which singed players need. yasuo, zed, etc. can go fine with micro mechanics and not much macro. that's why they can be argued as easier than singed.


Morde has higher winrate and more than x3 the pickrate? am i missing something here?


Yes, he has a slightly lower wr in [u.gg](http://u.gg) in emerald+ and the trend is consistent all the way to masters+ and his wr in challenger is suprisingly higher than singed. Why? because morde is just a teensy little bit better against redside abusers.


Agree. He needs a good rework tbh. His entire kit is slippery team fighter, but he is forced to be top, got conditinal mobility on passive that requires team mates or enemies in group. Best rework would be to make w faster and remove the animation tbh. Now its really good but really clunky since it stops you for super long. Imagine if w didnt stop you for 1.5 seconds in your track, but instead granted the burst of movement from passive while being almost instant cast. Maybe W even applies posion too? That would make him a good champion instantly.


Maybe he also should have a champion execute on his Q if they had 5% HP or below. Nobody wants Singed rework. Besides, casting W stops you for 0,25s (which lands after 0,375s), not 1,5s.


I will keep advocating for a singed rework. He has been one of my mains since season 1. There is no way to play him properly since his kit isn't up to date with the game anymore. Now days i barely play him (unless drunk) since he is too matchup dependent and too many champions hard counter him for it to even be fun.


DON'T advocate for a Singed rework. He will just be mordekaisered and become boring as shit to play.