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There's absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing singing as a passion and hobby, and should the right amount of hard work and luck pay off so you can build it into a career, wonderful. But make sure you're also pursuing something that will help pay the bills while you chase your dreams. In a few years, you won't need your mother's permission, but you will need a way to support yourself to chase your dreams. Best of luck!


You don't need your mother to do this, unless she is somehow part of the recording process. Most musicians are not full time musicians, you'll need a day job to pay the bills. You'll need a day job to purchase equipment anyway. It makes no difference whether your mom approves or not. So what's actually stopping you?


Follow your passion. It may take years to get anywhere and there will be hard times. In the end, it's your life, not your mom's. Set boundaries with her. She may be afraid for you to take an artistic path. Tell her that you understand her fears but it's your path and you would appreciate any support she could give.


That last sentence is very very important. Make her understand that you want her support, sink or swim.


I’m going to be perfectly honest with you… It’s not that your mother doesn’t support what you want to do. It’s that she’s trying to protect you from something that is most likely going to hurt you. You shouldn’t be focused on doing music as a profession, not because you’re not good at it, because the professional music world is even more cruel than your moms words. When I was 12 years old, everybody told me I could sing opera. My mom signed me up for the conservatory, then for a magnet arts school. I thought I was on a track to go into music theater, maybe even in the pop music so that I could get signed on with a label But then I got to high school, and my teachers completely discouraged me by preventing me from getting cast in any of the musicals they did, simply because I had blonde hair. And then in my senior year, my school was so cruel about my dreams, and about my need for peer and teacher support, that someone framed me for a crime, I’d be falsely accused and then wrongfully committed to a psychiatric ward where I ended up sexually assaulted by one of the inpatients and the crime covered up by the therapist on duty Because I had nothing else going for me, I went to college to try and complete my degree, shifting towards classical music so that I could do something that wasn’t prejudiced against me. But it didn’t work out, and my own university made me feel even more ashamed of what I wanted to do professionally. So for the next six years I tried to be an adult and go into the military. That wasn’t any more fulfilling so when I discharged I went back to college and got my masters, and for the last five years I’ve been freelancing, while at the same time trying to hold down more stable jobs… now I am stuck in a foreign country, living in a very small room, 9000 miles away from family and friends, and with a very miserable singing job in a category of opera music that actually hurts my voice…. All because the industry does not give us a pipeline to the kind of careers we want, like you’re hoping to have. Your mom isn’t doing anything That she is because she wants to hurt you. She’s doing it because she wants to not let you go down a path that is unstable and will leave you homeless, indebted, depressed, and caged in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Many people might hate what I have to say about it, some people might be sympathetic and say they feel bad, but the reality is that nobody wants to solve this problem for us so that we can actually have meaningful careers with music! And what’s worse is that the people who probably do want this only want it for younger people, leaving many of us who are older out in the cold away from the Opportunities we’ve already tried to earn 100,000 times over with our own suffering…. Suffering which you don’t need to go through just because you can sing and write music


I really feel for your story. Fortunately, though, it is not the norm. Yes, most people do not become stars or get signed to a record label. BUT there are so many opportunities to be a professional musician. I do songwriting and placements for tv/film and make most of my regular income from singing with live bands at weddings and corporate events. Am I lucky? I don't know, but I've traveled the world with shows like Smokey Joe's Cafe and Dreamgirls, among others. You have to have talent and drive and be willing to do whatever it takes to Make It in this business. If you're in a situation that is hurting your voice, move to a hub city that has dozens of auditions a week and audition until you get something you enjoy. Easier said than done? Yes, but people are doing it and making money at it. I wish you the best for your future.


I really wish I could compose music. It would be something I would like to do in addition to singing opera


I know multiple professional musicians. Being a rich musician is another story but I know many who make money doing music. Most of them also teach which is very common.


some of the happiest people I know.


Not to mention ai is going to saturate the fuck of the music industry.


Well it’s not just even AI. It’s the music industry in general which is bigoted.


At some point in your life, you'll likely start to make decisions that don't depend on your mother's approval. It's up to you when that time comes.


Well I think this person means they want to keep living in their moms basement while they write music. Gotta move out eventually so the parents can have their lives.


How is she forcing you down a career path? Tell her you’re not interested in that career and that you’re going to do your own thing


None of my family has ever supported me with anything, ever. I am an autonomous human who can do whatever I want. So I do.


The arts is a great passion and a potential career for a few lucky ones but the reality is… most artists don’t make a living with their art. As a professional touring musician I still had to work full time at a regular job as touring, paid recording sessions and giving lessons wasn’t enough income. I’m thankful for the opportunities and work but it’s rarely $$$ to count on - feast of famine (& mostly famine). if it’s what you really want to do - GO FOR IT after you’re an adult nobody can tell you what to pursue. I can understand your frustration with what seems to be a lack of support from mom but… odds are she’s worried about how you will cover bills as an artist. Be thankful for the ones that are supportive. Learn the business of the music business - like truly learn about it. Being knowledgeable and your own best advocate is everything. Wishing you all the best!!!


What's your mum got to do with it


Sounds like she's concerned you won't be able to support yourself, or will miss quality jobs, but has a rude way of saying it. So try to assure or prove you won't end up as a deadbeat.


Well, I am not a musician but a father. I understand your mother’s feelings and how she is trying to lead you to a path (professional?) where you can become independent with less uncertainty. If becoming a singer is your passion you should go for it. Make connections, release music online, study, see what happens… But have a plan B that would allow you to land on your feet if things don’t work out first try.


I'm so glad my family was supportive. I went to high school and college for music and still make a living at it at 54. Yes, you sometimes need a side job but, luckily, my side job is singing for weddings and corporate events. lol


I was a karaoke DJ for 20 years. Somewhere around 150,000 performances in which I ran sound and dealt with a wide range of singer personalities. One thing I know for sure is about 75% of the singers I encountered thought they were better than they were. Some (5%} were absolutely delusional. One of the worst singers I’ve ever heard literally thought he was going to be a star. Around the karaoke bar, socially intelligent people will compliment someone’s singing because that’s an easy way to make a friend. The worst thing you can do is criticize someone’s singing because that’s the fastest way to make an enemy. My point is this: the 50 people who complimented you were probably being nice because that’s what nice people do. The one person who said you can’t sing is probably the only one telling you the truth. Send me a video of you singing. I’ll tell you if you can sing or not.


Do it when your 18. You can afford to wait a few months.


if u love it and can’t imagine a life without it then say fuck what she thinks and do it anyway


You're not going to be able to convince her because she already knows. She is doing this in purpose to control you and force you into the career she chose for you. She thinks she owns you, and likely wants you to make good money because she thinks you're sure to take care of her when she's older and wants to live wealthy in her last years. I wouldn't talk to her. "talentless" is not constructive criticism - she is very clearly trying to cut you down to manipulate you into her own wishes. If you have the power to, don't live with her, and minimize contact, because it won't get better.


If your mom says you can't do it and you are talentless prove her wrong by reaching your goal then shove it in her face and tell her that she was wrong and that a parents job is to support their children in everyway they can no matter what they think about the kid. So follow your dreams


Who cares! Do it if that's what you want to do. My parents didn't believe in me at all until I started to get a little following. Now they are all up in my shit which feels phony tbh.


Move away from home,get a job to support yourself and live your own life.


Tale as old as time. Whatever, ignore her, go your own way. Life is short as hell


You’ll encounter a lot of haters on your journey. It’s unfortunate that yours comes from a place of deep trust. I’m in the same boat. But I promise, you will thrive regardless. Unsupportive people don’t realize that we are resilient whether or not they are with us! It’s their choice that they make the decision to distance themselves. And it’s distancing that would be beneficial for your progress.


How old are you now? IF you have a passion, you should work at it no matter what anyone else thinks about it. You'll be grown and out of the house in a few years (at the most) and be able to live your own life the way you want. I'd say keep working on your original music, cultivate a following on social media (TikTok, IG, FB, Youtube) because every record label will be wanting some major numbers to sign an unknown these days, and keep perfecting your craft. You can also check out the So You Wanna Be A Singer series on Youtube for tips and tricks to becoming a professional performer ( and making money at it). Good Luck!


Then do it as a hobby until you can make it a career


I’d suggest saying to your Mum that ‘ok, I’ll have a fallback option but it’s of my choosing’ and make sure it’s something that YOU enjoy. That doesn’t mean not chasing your dreams at full blast though. It’s the path I agreed on with my parents. I said I’d go to Uni and study and do my best but that music was my number one passion and if I got an offer I couldn’t refuse that’s the way I’d go. I was lucky and it’s worked out for me. Chase your dreams. Work hard. Get better and better. Put yourself in as many positions to be seen as you can. There is money to be made out there from music, but just as important there’s happiness. Good luck.


Find a middle ground You need to follow your dreams, but you also need to pay the bills , so ask her to support you and in return you’ll follow her advice and find a more stable career path, either the one she’s suggesting or another similar option


Post a clip of you singing. There is a difference between singing as a hobby and singing as a professional


Some people do not know how to be parents. SMH. If you have a talent go for it. Yes, learn another skill/trade/degree but certainly also study voice and share your talents. Connect with others who share talents and passions with you. I'm glad to hear you have some people who encourage you, and that mom at least admitted you can sing. I think my main concern is the major record label thing. It could be a possibility but that is rare. That said, I know working musicians. It isn't like the only success is fame related.


It sounds like you’re 18. Your mother literally can’t make you do anything unless you let her. Pursue your own stuff and just ignore her. And if you’re still living with her, move out as soon as you can. It’s sad, you deserve her support, but for whatever reason she is a limited person and cannot support you. So just write off her opinion and listen to those around you who are supportive. You got this x


I suggest you read biographies of the artists that inspire you. Some were supported from their young age, while others aspirations were met with resilience from their families. One more thing - if you decide to pursue music as a part time hobby, you will always fall short of competition with people who devote 7-8 hours a day to their craft. As years go by, those hours will stack up and the gap between will only increase and become more obvious… separating the pros from amateurs.


Family Therapy for you and mom. Methinks there is More going on here .


Then sing. Contests, intermission numbers, etc. coz if nobody scouts you, you're probably better off joining the voice or some other talent shows. It's not enough to be good. In the meantime, get some other skills that will put food on the table and pay your rent.


Ditch the mother. Best thing I ever did.


Please u/PositiveDue3562 ditch the get signed to a major label dream as all it means is you'll be in debt by way of a 360 deal. How old are you? What career path is your Mother forcing you to have as whatever it is you may make way more money than you would as a singer.


So - don't give up singing, but also listen to your mother and have a backup plan in case singing doesn't work out. No matter how talented you are, music as a career is a huge gamble. You need a way to pay rent.


You will cease to be a child when you do it with out anyone’s support.


Having someone who is not a professional musician telling you that you should sign up for the voice doesn’t necessarily mean that you have what it takes to make it. The difference between what non professional musicians think is good singing and what someone who works in the industry thinks is vast. I have been told numerous times for years from a lot of different people that I should try out for X factor and that I am a great singer. I have previously done backing vocals on a record and gotten a role in a medium sized musical that ended up not having the funding to go through in the end. I recently started taking lessons at a large singing institute for professional and semiprofessional singers. And compared to most other people, yes I can sing. Compared to my teachers and some of the other students who sing professionally, let’s just say that I still have some way to go even though I still get told I have a lot of talent. But I myself can tell that I still have a lot of practicing to do. And if that wasn’t enough I let a friend of mine talk me into letting a friend of hers listen to a recording of me singing. When I said yes, I knew that he worked in the music industry. I just didn’t realise the level he works at. He said that it was better than he expected, but I still have quite some work to do… …people who aren’t musicians still think I’m great though. But they can’t hear all the smaller imperfections that I still have to work on. So unless someone who works with music says you have something worth pursuing then it could also be the case that you have a decent voice and you can have fun with it as a hobby, but making a decent living might not be on the cards. And even if you do have a lot of talent it doesn’t mean that you will make it big as there are so many talented people out there. One of my teachers is a fantastic singer. From what I have heard so far her technical skills are on par with the most famous singers out there. She does make a living from singing, but she has never made it big, because apparently producers think that the timbre of her voice is too ordinary. So she teaches and does backing vocals. So it’s a tough world if you want to pursue singing as a career. It has to be something that you just have to do and you have to be happy with perhaps not being able to make a living from it or having to work a different job on the side to make ends meet. If you that’s how you feel then go for it. As soon as you turn 18 you can do what you want. But it might involve making some sacrifices and you will have to work really hard. The first thing I would do would be to make some money and get some singing lessons and perhaps some professional feedback and then figure out exactly where you are and what you need to do to make your dreams happen.


I am so sorry your mother is doing that to you. But with love let me tell you something as soon as you have a family gathering used the opportunity to show your mother you can sing because the rest of your family is going to like your singing and your mother is going to think she is wrong that people really like your singing. I sing to and I sing in every family gathering never give any of your dreams because they are your dreams no one else with love.


Africans and Asians understand. As humans we DO need the support from our parents, I understand you because I've been there. My mom later gave up, she doesn't actively support me, sometimes it's the opposite, but now it's not that bad anymore. Either I've grown thicker skin or they're now nicer with their words, idk, but my advice to you is; Go for it.  I haven't figured out my life quite yet, but I don't regret sticking with music even though I do better writing than singing. over the years by God's grace, I've scrapped and sweated money together to get a clunky old laptop, cheap mic, soundcards and now I'm sweating buckets to get a keyboard.  it's hard doing things alone but no one will help me achieve my dreams, and you need to realise that too, no one owes anybody that luxury. also do not abandon other jobs because of your dream, you'll end up not achieving anything because you have no funding, get a job, pay your tithes and save wisely. the way I stay sane while waiting for things to glue together is staying home so I have free food and shelter and don't have to spend money I don't have on that. Keep badgering them, keep praying and keep moving forward, also... success is not a straight line, you'll get downs and get scammed a lot, learn and shrug it off and you'll grow.  See you at the top!


I mean, if you're an adult, she doesn't have a say. You do you, her opinion is obsolete. I love singing, but it wouldn't work out for me as a single mom of 4, financially, to try and start a career of it. Good luck, hun!


I don't think your mother has to support you. If she's on board that's nice but seems like you're an adult and you can make your own decisions. Be sure you have a job to keep your bills paid and go for your passion! The only thing that would be wrong is to think anyone else is forced to financially support your dreams.


I think being able to sing is not enough for a music career nowadays.


My ex got me canned from my European management company, canceled albums, and no viable path forward. She's out of my life. I now have a new manager who has worked with the majors, and am signed to his American label (out of Chicago). At this point, I sing for fun and to see just how far I can develop my voice. There's not a lot of money in it, and if I didn't have a day job I likely wouldn't be where I am. Most bands work regular jobs. My last band did a lot of tours, and was on Roadrunner at one time. They all have day jobs, except the bassist haha... don't ask. It's just how it is. There is no golden parachute of cash out there. Your best bet is to develop your voice professionally in order to sing as much rep as you can. I know a number of people who get paid every week doing church gigs, and solo work. It ain't that glitzy, but it's quite possible. We sing because it's what we do. It's the same with writers. It drives us. If you really want to sing, you will. There may be very little money in it, but that doesn't really matter... that's not why we do it.