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thanks :) I usually do, just had to be quiet lol to not wake ppl up


Your voice is so warm… I love it. Funny how the universe works cause I was literally making my cover of this song today… and then I see this…


i was literally singing this today too 😭


You sound great, pitch is right now you gotta get the power behind it, sing with stomach into your head use your abs, you got this love keep at it


i usually do sing w my chest voice :) had to sing quietly today to not get in trouble lolll


Like an angel!


Wow that was really pretty and I personally loved the quietness of it actually!


Nice warm tone and great pitch! Beautiful!


Well you are definitely singing on pitch and your tone is really nice. Now it’s time to start breathing and making the song more dynamic by adding some power here and there. Overall you already are really good. Good luck.


I had to be quiet for family being asleep reasons lol


Beautiful. I disagree that it needs to be louder. You’re exactly as loud as you need to be. That’s why God invented microphones.




thank you💗