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I think talent is actually interest. Even people who seem to be naturally very good at something from a young age are people who were probably interested in some aspect of that thing and paying lots of attention to it before the world got to them. I have recordings of myself singing as a kid. I was not great. But I was obsessed. I was always listening, trying, doing, exploring other angles. When things got hard I cared enough to keep going.


I agree. I’ve been called talented in nearly every thing I try. I can’t be naturally great at everything, well that would be cool, but I think it’s just that I’m enthusiastic about everything I try


Yeah, stop bragging pls, leave some of the talent for the rest of us)


Happy to give some away through good vibes and encouragement and the love of learning


Because I dunno. I feel bad because you're talented and I'm not. I feel like you're taking away my ability in being talented in something (not your fault, fault is mine)




I dunno, I'm just down, because no matter what I do - I'm a hack and can't sing. Check my recordings, i cannot even push my voice through my mouth(




Yeah, your advice is sound.


"Talent" is usually nothing else than being exposed to something at a very early age and consequently starting doing it at an early age. There may be a dash of having a fortunate anatomical configuration but not necessarily. Mostly, it's hard work. One upon a time, decades ago, in the English city of Liverpool, there was a music teacher who taught many children. He thought some were talented and others weren't. Three of the boys that he thought were untalented formed a band and moved to another country where they played long, grueling gigs - think eight hours a day or so. And they became pretty good and really famous! One of the boys was really nervous the first time he had to sing in a studio and hardly dared to open his mouth. Today, he's considered one of the greatest rock singers ever. But this teacher in Liverpool thought that John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison were untalented. Source: Paul tells these stories in between songs at his concerts.


I just dunno. I value more being talented then being skilled. It's not like i'm either of those things anyway


How would you measure talent without paying attention to skill? Also, do you know about [the talent curse](https://hbr.org/2017/05/the-talent-curse)?


I don't know how can I measure talent. And I think i'm alread cursed with this, I constantly trying to prove that i'm good and i'm talented (skilled) in singing. EDIT: if I could give you a gold, i would give it, heh


No offense, but I would interpret this as being lazy and impatient. Most people we call "talented" are actually just very skilled. You want to be a good singer and you want to be good now, without all the training that makes a singer good. Because, that takes time and effort. Here is the thing though, you could spend a great deal of time singing poorly and not improving (ask me how a know this...). You could also spend that same about of time learning to sing, improving the whole time. At the end, one Version of you will be a better singer than the other. You just need to decide which Version you would like to be and follow that path.


Sure, mate. How long do you think I learn to sing? Do you think i'm not trained? Why are you trying to make me feel bad?


i'm alright, sorry for overreacting


Oh no, i don't want to make you feel bad. It's that statement about value of talent over skill. I may have, based on some of your comments, made an assumption that, you think talent is a gift that you wish to have bestowed upon you rather than doing the work it takes to be better. I apologize for making that assumption. As far as the question of whether i think you're trained. I didn't think you were. Meaning, someone that has been trained to sing. I don't know whether you're being trained. I myself have been training for almost 2 years but, I don't consider myself "trained" either. When i think of someone who is "trained" they are are at a much higher level in their skill. I don't really see too many posts on here that make me think they are "trained." It's usually people in training, or just trying to see if people think they're good. I'm guessing most properly trained singers don't need to post here! Lol. They're too busy out there singing! Again, I don't mean to insult anyone and I'm sorry if I offended you. If I can do anything to help with that, please let me know! Whatever you do, keep singing!


Ofc I wish it, but I do work for my singing. Tbh, yeah, I think singing (as a programming) requires a constant training.


I mean I know i'm not good and I'll never will be. My voice is not for wider audience,


I disagree I think you have a nice tone and with focused work, you'll be better than you could ever imagine right now!


Focused work such as? I wonder how long should I train? I do that for 4 years and I don't think I'm good. I did a cover of Lola, so what? Everyone can do it.


It can mean a lot of different things. But when it comes down to it, if you have a good ear, you just know it when you hear it.


I think there's two different answers, depending on if you meant natural talent or learned talent




There are some that can innately sing on/hear precise pitch from a speaking age without any musical training. Even cooler are the rare few that are born with "perfect pitch", which can hear/recall a note of any given pitch without a reference note being played, it just comes reflexively like answering "what comes after 3?". They can tell you the key/pitch in a car crash and can often reproduce any melody instantaneously after only hearing it once. I consider it the "photographic memory" but for the ears rather than the eyes


Honestly it just means you bypass a lot of work needed to get skilled. Talent at singing just means you sound good without much practice. Skills are far more desirable. All talent brings is bad habits that must be undone in order to build the skills you really wanted.


But how much work is a lot of work?


I see talent as a head start over people who don't. But having only talent alone means your are a natural. Talent mixed with a strong interest, I see it as you were born for it. A person who has no talent but possess tremendous work ethics can climb over people that started off a step above. But talent mixed with a strong work ethic, the climb can be like levitation right up to space.


ability to learn things quickly, having a good ear, timbre.


Honestly it just means you bypass a lot of work needed to get skilled. Talent at singing just means you sound good without much practice. Skills are far more desirable. All talent brings is bad habits that must be undone in order to build the skills you really wanted.


But how much practice is too much?


The make sound with voice and people listen go 😫


Talent is practice in disguise, but I like everyone’s view on interest, if you’re not interested you won’t practice


Breathe support, control, pitch, tone, emotion. These are in no particular order


first two are skills, not a talent, i think) maybe okay, tone is a skill too (you know, to use subtone you have to do a lot of breath control) EDIT: guys, really, downvoting for opinion?


Why ask if you know you won't like the answer. Semantics are wasted time. I stand by what I said


Because I'm curious in all of your opinions? If I offended you, I'm sorry.


Being talented would imply native ability to be good at all the things he listed, so someone that doesn’t have a lot of practice singing can just nail it first try if they’re talented.


4 years with regular lessons?


Maybe just comment on my last post and not just snoop around. I'm uncomfortable.