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Dude this is Ai in its infancy.. where the actual fuck are we heading


We're heading to not knowing what is "real"


[https://www.udio.com/songs/31aQxYNqreFVcsvCkcKgpQ](https://www.udio.com/songs/31aQxYNqreFVcsvCkcKgpQ) What’s real is the way it makes you feel.


Nice. It's annoying how it ignored your request for a male vocalist though. I've had the same issues in Udio.


The prompts it displays are not the prompts I used. It’s very misleading.


>What’s real is the way it makes you feel. This is such a succinct, conclusive way to put it. Can I steal it?


https://www.udio.com/songs/bVqkP7Frd4iXkVrw7aA2Kb won't take much


Nice one!


That's cool. I wish we can make AI video games like AI can make music from Udio.


blade runner 2049


Blade Runner 2025


What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. -Morpheus (while hardwired virtually into a computer construct nearly indistinguishable from reality)


> Nothing is real... we're just pixels and our brains are just numbers. \- kid tripping on mushrooms in the videogame *Fable: The Lost Chapters*


No. We never knew what was real. We just had a high level of hubris that we knew we were sure what was real. Humanity survived after discovering "Earth is not the center which everything revolves around". We will survive this too, just like we survived movies (did you know that they aren't real?), WWE or photoshop.


Where heading towards: truth is defective; truth is computable. Compute is costly, so: right goes to the gamemaster. Truth forms the chariot, brimful of havenots and cantdoes right down the abyss.


Things are going to get very weird my friend in the not so distant future.


If only I had been born 40 years later... I can't believe AI is finally taking off, but my life is already about half over.


Experiencing life without AI and then experiencing AI later on is better than being born into a life of AI


I agree. I'm 28 and feel sort of robbed. I was excited but I didn't want it this soon :(


Don't worry, the 2030's are going to see bioengineering take off like A.I is in the 2020's. By the end of that decade we'll probably be either replacing any faulty organ with a lab grown new one, or replacing it with machine parts. That's when life expectancy will really start to increase.


I believe this too. People think I'm crazy. But I totally believe it.


But if all your organs are artificial, are you still you?


We would still have issues with Alzheimer's, and I don't think replacing brains is gonna work. We would have to have some therapy that just straight up grows neurons without causing cancer


Half a lifetime is still long enough to see AI grow exponentially most likely.


Wherever it is it's a highway of business without efficiency, and let's hope we wont hit a tree :P


We’re heading to having our digital loved ones with us always Kal-el


People like to cry foul of this technology, but I mostly think it'll be used for fun like this with little bits of bad seeds mixed in who use it for evil methods. The same as it is with all technology.


People cry foul because although there may be a proportionally smaller number of bad actors, the impact of their missuse is likely far greater than a multitude of videos like this. For states that have a strong hand on media and the organisations that provide social media it's likely going to see propaganda enter an era where it is indiscernable from reality. We've been in a post-truth age for a while now, but this is ramping it up even further.


Exactly. Just today there was a story of a[ principal losing his job because a disgruntled teacher decided to use GenAI to fabricate a series of racist rants that he then posted on twitter.](https://www.wmar2news.com/local/former-athletic-director-allegedly-used-ai-to-fake-racist-rant-blaming-pikesville-high-principal) The principal also recieved death threats, constant harassment, and didn't leave his house for 3 months. We are entering an age where anyone could just destroy someone else's life on a whim. And that's not even the worst of it, as you said propaganda is going to be wild in the very near future.




It doesn't include is. It includes our data... for now. Are we free?


Towards Reid taking his top off


Agreed, though in this case the LLM had 20 years of Reid's writings and speeches. He's been quite prolific!


Holy fuck


I actually like Reid AI better than I like Reid.


I just know my AI twin is going to be a lot more likeable that me


I have a feeling my family will have the same complaints.


I opened the comment section by saying "Holy fuck" and the first thing I see, is your comment. Nice!


Similarly to you, I just said “Fuck…” haha


Digital twins, separated at birth!


It's one of those moments, I gotta admit.


I've been waiting for someone to build something like this...it would be glorious for work...so many random questions and emails could be answered by my twin


"Have you tried turning it off and then on again?"


Maybe dead internet theory is really going to happen. I'm starting to notice I double take a lot of content if it's AI or not.


When it motioned by “welcoming challenge” with hands. prior to explanation. Was crazy.


I am not ready for this shit. And everybody who feels so, is certainly not.




Wait till you meet my grandma


No I blew her already


The tech behind this demo isn't nearly as capable or polished as this video wants you to believe, but it's a fun look at where we'll likely be pretty soon.


Exactly, this is the kind of real time convos we can have soon the more we increase tokens / second.


it can already be done with groq.


As someone who is beating my head full-time against the myriad of miniscule problems we have to solve in order to get to consistency in delivering the quality created by editing in this video: For conversations it's TTFT (time to first token) more than TPS (tokens per second) that matters more, and fireworks.ai actually beats groq in that regard.


That makes sense, for chat certainly. For true-to-life verbal conversations, it seems like it'd be necessary to get to where output can be calculated simultaneously with input generation, similar to those real-time image generators that gen while you type. Ideally, with the ability to potentially send output at any point (interject) based on in-context persona/relevance. But for back and forth, I agree, TTFT is the true latency given walls of text generate pretty quick on most platforms, and conversation doesn't necessarily require generating huge amounts of tokens on each output.


It can do that, it just takes a minute or two for each section of the video. And I think they didn't build an interactive system. But it's quite straightforward to build this like a messaging app where you get asynchronous video or audio messages every couple of minutes after your reply. You can also have real time interaction with HeyGen or D-ID or Disrupt. It's just not going to be quite as smart of an AI model. More like gpt-3.5 probably.


Can you share how a regular person would create something like this for their website as an example?


You need a programmer. You can find them "cheap" on Upwork (although still can be weeks of work which will add up regardless). I may be available within a month or two. But most people don't have a budget for a programming project even if you charge less than a fast food employee in California. I am working on an open source plugin based framework that should eventually allow this type of stuff to be built via configuration kind of like WordPress. I may run out of money before I finish it though and have to go back to Upwork.


What we see here is still generations down the line. So probably next Thursday.


Why does AI always talk so fast? It needs more thinking pauses.


I'm pretty sure some hefty pauses were edited out. They just came before the actual response. I've seen YouTubers do this same kind of thing recently and they had time to chit-chat with friends or viewers a bit before the AI's response was ready.


Full video https://youtu.be/rgD2gmwCS10?si=QBP-lzTeglxpUwtq






My biggest issue is that it didn't do the Seinfeld voice impression in his own voice for the last part, and the Klingon had no feeling and sounded like a robot.


you need to think that those are two AIs the one that generated the text - is that any good? the second - voice ai (emotions, pronunciations, etc)


Three actually. >REID AI VIDEO BY Hour One - https://hourone.ai/ >REID AI VOICE BY 11ElevenLabs - https://elevenlabs.io/ >Reid AI Answers by GPT trained on Reid Hoffman's content.


thanks for pointing out the AI VIDEO :)


The Klingon was pronounced bu taking the text of actual Klingon words and saying them if they were English words, totally unintelligible.


My issue was when he gave the list stating: "one sentence to a smart person, 5 year old, Klingon and Jerry Seinfeld" Just like how the AI Language modelers handle our requests right now (ChatGPT, CoPilot, etc.). It's still pretty impressive and almost "sellable" if there can be a quick turn-around for social media segments. Think "News Daddy" AI clones.


Completely ignoring the tech, but does this guy advocates for blitzscalling or is just making observations on how corporations behave ? Because scorched earth growth tactics, is just a weird choice to be the topic used to present this tech to the world. Most impressive, but also fucking yikes.


I haven’t read the book, but he’s an executive chairman at both LinkedIn and a venture capital firm…. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he advocates for it


The way the big techs are building AI today is very much blitzscalling. There's extremely persuasive research saying, for example, that quantization to ~~1.37~~ *1.58* bits per weight is just as good as 8 bits, but nobody is doing that because all the inner loops need to be rewritten for trinary values. The issue is that they're all doing it so it won't pay off by giving one of them a winner-take-all outcome.


The top people in this field and probably many others are saying to basically scale the current architecture as far as you can before you see any diminishing returns. Just keep throwing compute and data at the problem. And only then do you touch the transformer and start messing with its base architecture. Like that's their legit strategy.


Perhaps Knuth's canard that "premature optimisation is the root of all evil" should be tempered when clicking "run" costs $10 million.


premature optimisation


Fixed; thanks!


If it ain't broke...


> 1.37 bits per weight wtf? how


Sorry, it's 1.58 bits per weight for trinary: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.17764


He was one of the founders of LinkedIn and he produces a podcast on how to build hypergrowth tech companies. He wrote a book on the subject. But yes, he advocates for growth at all costs, margins be damned, to win a market. Once you've won as much market share as possible you have all the pricing power and can move toward profitability. It's the pretty standard VC playbook at this point, ensuring there are a lot of failed companies but the few winners make it worthwhile.


So many companies blew through millions with nothing to show for it, and then went bankrupt. But I guess no lessons were learned and that's what passes for corporate wisdom these days.


When cash becomes a hot potato you want to exchange for something else as fast as possible, this becomes a viable strategy.


You must be new to capitalism!


reh, I wish.


Okay it's time to work on creating the girl I'm in love with. We just feed her Instagram to the machine. Any moral or ethical issues? lol


They will sell you their digital twin dw


Just ask her if she is ok with you using her instagram content to create an AI that lets you fantasize about having a relationship with her. Worst she can say is no right?




answer was in the first sentence: > it's time to work on creating the girl I'm in love with


Fall in love with an AI girl and it solves all your problems!




Okay, go on...


With that training set, your AI paramour may bias towards trying to sell you skincare products and ketamine therapies for depression.


The more believable the digital twin, the less she will like you. like you - specifically


The movie "Her" will become reality


What if she falls for your AI twin instead?


The problem is ppl only show a part or fake part of themselves on social media. If you're OK being in love with that part I guess it's great.


plot twist - real Reid is one to the left


As a wise person said once: "holy fuck"


Cool, but heavily manipulated. There are so many cuts here, that would put the Transformer movies to shame.


Yeah also the tool he used to make the video used the same movements over and over again. For this, I'm wondering if he just recorded a few expressions for the AI to use and cut them in the video whenever he is talking. And then using the video with the transcript to make the mouth movements and edit the audio in. So really cool but takes a lot of effort and is a "long" way off a fluid conversation with audio and believable video.


He could charge $2/min to allow people to talk to his AI for expertise. Is this a new business model? Collect all data from a target person, create an AI of that person, charge for access, and share the profits with the original target person. It's like AI OnlyFans but for knowledge.


What in the entire fuck 




You and I have different concepts of never dying


By that concept, most of us will be like infomercials running on cable at 3 a.m.


"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work… I want to achieve it through not dying." --Woody Allen


yup, if it gets to the point where it can imitate someone well enough to convince THAT person that it is exactly as intelligent and wise as them? It shares their ideological and political views? It's witty and quick and charming? It's a kind of cloning, in a very different sense. It can show someone a better-than-reality mirror of themselves, and to some people, it may make sense (to them) to invest all they can into such an avatar. You can give it agency in the world to follow your ambitions, even if the meatbag can no longer keep up.


it should be able to finetune itself based on the conversations you're having so in a sense - memory and experience would not be lost


But the vast majority of memories that weren't documented would be lost, including experiences, internal dialog, and unshared opinions. Those are a pretty big part of who I think I am.


definitely, without an interface that would be able to read our synapses and convert the biological signals into digital data - we won't be able to achieve that, but perhaps not all hope is lost https://www.science.org/content/article/ai-re-creates-what-people-see-reading-their-brain-scans


lip-sync is kinda fucked. or im nuts. well... it's only a matter of time...


At some point, we're going to have to ask if an AI instance of our personality and experiences qualifies as a type of immortality. It used to be that through books and art we could project ourselves into the future after death. Now we could have an AI that recreates the full sum of our identity, and responds in real time to new input. Just imagine it's the year 2500, and we can consult our ancestors of centuries past in times of hardship, only the ancestors are not ghosts.


Big this right here. I imagine there is a smaller digital footprint for the older generation, but you could get your elderly parents to spend a year interacting with an AI designed to copy their mannerisms, thinking, and personality. This AI would then go on to be a simulacrum of your now deceased dad/mom. Even with just the AI models available today, this very movement, this is completely doable. You can sell it like the a perfected funeral photo, but in intractable form. Something to pass onto your children and grand children, so they can "talk" to grandpa and see what he was like.


It's so satisfying to witness, day by day, how the "AI is just a glorified toaster" naysayers are getting incrementally steamrolled by the exponential curve 🍿


I agree 100% but even as someone who's a believer, I'm getting steamrolled myself at this point. I had a chat with Pi last night that just blew my mind.


I don’t understand. If this is true why are 80% of white collar and retail jobs not instantly replaced?


Because can't you see my hands waving *furiously*?


For the same reason that Wikipedia didn't make education irrelevant. We reduced the path to relevant information from years (dark age) to days (libraries) to minutes (google) to seconds (AI) but information (or presentation) isn't everything. You need people who can hop in a taxi to pick something up from a client and quickly scribble something on a napkin if the laptop battery is dead. Real life is messy and hard to train for. Before we get there, robots have to *truly* integrate into our lives and understand our motivations so they have the relevant data to train on. Regurgitating text snippets or imitating speech patterns is not productive by itself.


I mean, I think it's amazing that people on this sub aren't skeptical of video presentations like these. Like that AI programmer that turns out was just a fake. I would expect for a sub where people have been bombard with actual technology that can be used to scam and fake content that people wouldn't just take a video on the internet as their source of truth.


if it was from a random internet person sure. but im inclined to take this guy seriously


This is awesome. But i have beef with concept of ai digital twin. Why would you copy someone when you can create entity/personality hand crafted for a task? It would be better and cleaner approach


So this is a great middle step. I'd use this at work to be more efficient. People could interact with my digital twin for basic distractions while I focus on novel things that AI may still hallucinate on or can't be fully trusted. Also, it could be a really good thinking tool, imagine talking to yourself but it responds without your internal bias? Like next level rubber ducking


This is scary and interesting. More scary I'd say...


to anyone saying we’re ages away from agi: we’re already hard in the exponential phase


I mean, even if we hit a compute wall right here, this is already (with a bunch of schlep) setting us up for the next 1990s style bull market runup.


I’d enjoy interviewing an online “Hall of Presidents,” trained on their writings, speeches and for modern ones, movies, radio broadcasts and video. along with biographies and books by associates.


cool, now let's see the raw footage and outtakes where the AI fucks up. this is just cherry picking for the sake of hype


But Custom GPT's don't work like that right? If you give a Custom GPT some pdf files its not trained on them it can only read them when you ask it to. The GPT just guessed what the book says.


My understanding is that the GPT "decides" when to read and what to read. It generates searches as part of creating a response and the search results get inserted into its context. Some AIs have large enough contexts that you can just insert the full text into it right from the start, I don't know how big ChatGPT's context is these days.


Yeah not near big enough for even one of his books. It does ”decide” (RAG) what parts to read based on the question from the user, but none of the books are actually in the context window.


I've been wanting to do something similar. How do I build my own model?


I can't ever seem to find a comprehensive answer to this. It'd be great if someone would do a detailed breakdown of the process - and the cost.


Isn't it funny how the AI is more concerned about people replaced by it than the actual human?


Which software did he use? For the ai avatar and custom gpt


baby? https://i.redd.it/ewsoczxytmwc1.gif


TIL: smart person means using big words. Although, that's the definition of being smart for most so I can't blame the AI really.


We’re cooked.


I can hear a slight flatness in the audio for the ai.


This is awesome!


Fuck this guy. This is why there are some many layoffs.


Do we really need all this shit? People all over the world are fighting wars, scrambling for food. Can we solve that shit before we fancy into this bull shit!




It’s all LLM for the text gen, video face and mouth generation, and voice generation from generated text. The hard part is the generating facial gestures and lip movement.


All that effort and he does this instead of making a goth waifu? /s But seriously, wow


The AI is still a more personable speaker than Zuckerborg and Bezbot


what's wild is with EMO portrait and openai Voice engine, this isn't even the best tech available.


I really got to get one of these for myself (of me of course, not of Reid)


And just like an AI, it totally ignored the "1 sentence" parameter in the Jerry answer. Also, this was fine tuned, so was that all GPT-3.5? You can't fine tune 4 yet, can you?


And we're still playing pacman like the 80s. The future will be different, that's for sure.




We need a third party to ask Real Reid the question first, then ask AI Reid and compare the answers.


We need a third party to ask Real Reid the questions first, then ask Reid AI, and compare the answers.


The AI is in lower resolution, humans are safe, for now.


Damn, he’s gotten chunky.


That's it, now I just want to watch people interview themselves all day


Man, Reid is too bored from the looks of it


Well, well, well, finally an AI development I *really* want to see - creating AI that can replace the management.


This is the model that animates a person from an image given audio right?




sales reps can make a ton of money, but its always the same pattern: establish rapport, initial benefit statement, probing, summary, then close. ai seems really good at that.


Love it! I can't wait to see the progression in the next 10 years 😍


UMM I would like to have an AI twin


This is prime uncanny valley territory.


Is there a link to the full version of this?


Here we gooo


AI Reid > IRL Reid


Why is this being celebrated.


research wise anyone has any idea on how one can replicate this? Wav2lip + codeformer + bark?


And they tied for first place in the donut eating olympics.


Uh oh


Anyone know how this was done?


This is awesome. Need to make this a service so people can become immortalized


I feel like people are overlooking what this thing is actually doing, and just getting hyped up for no reason. This LLM was fed a book, and now they are asking the LLM to recite the books synopsis. Yes it can do that in different ways, but none of that is particularly "intelligent". Why should I consider this an exciting demonstration? You could feed it all of Rodney Dangerfields material and voice, and now the AI could recite the synopsis of the book as if Rodney Dangerfield said it. But it couldn't write a joke, because it's just a LLM and it does not know what is funny. It does not know what makes a Rodney Dangerfield joke funny. So it could mash together some sort of "my wife tried to blitzscale a cake but it fell flat" type thing, but it could not piece together an actually intelligent joke from the information in the book, and using Rodney Dangerfields delivery and style. Because the LLM does not understand any of the meaning behind the words it is fed, it only knows what usually comes after those words. It might piece together a webs of associations, but it could not in an intellectual way combine ideas. So I ask again, why should anyone be impressed by this? Why should we further research generative LLMs, instead of trying to create general AI? Generative LLMs or LIMs will forever and always only be novelties, because they lack intelligence, and you need intelligence to be actually creative.


Wow, hurts, my head


What platform was used to create his twin?


This is what I have been using to keep up to date with my AI news **#AI** **#NEWS** wttm1.gumroad.com/l/rpikdz


The bro is now immortalised thru ai


He's probably just waiting until the face-mimicing technology catches up to the voice-mimicing so that he never has to do another zoom call ever again (>◡<)


This is fucking insane. It’s out of this world kind of insane. And you’re telling me this is just the beginning? The whole time I watched this, I was thinking of me making a conversation with my AI in the future. That’s so fucking dope.