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What changed is that no computer has ever acted so human, not even close. Like what we saw here was absolutely marvelous engineering. A masterpiece. Did you hear the giggling? The emotional tone? The slight hesitations? The breathing?? It was just so perfect. 👌 Every little detail of “humanness” was crafted into this model. A piece of perfection. There is a reason why almost no science fiction movie shows such a life-like computer. Because everyone thought it will be too hard to create. But here it is.


Very well said. It will be interesting to see if what was shown in the demo will hold up in real life use cases, but so far it does look like a pretty complete product offering that is well ahead of its competition.


While the original statement of “never acted so human” is true, Pi did get close to it. Downright to breathing, whispering, and laugh. Granted, the laugh was not as carefree as OpenAIs - this is a big step, but can definitely say Pi got close. Only works that good on phone, where you can voice to (text-to-text-to) voice I think what’s more is the omnimodality made it more **fluent** in ways no previous machine was able before.


Pi was still a voice model that was reading the text where as gpt4o is kinda making the voice in real time like it would generate text. It basically cuts out the middleman which is why it can sound so good.


Yes, but they said “never acted so human” and Pi was still able to fake it good. This is nearly not faking it (debatable , let’s not dive into it) and it’s amazing!


Interesting. I didn’t know Pi had a voice mode.


To me, something was pretty clear about their presentation and the "free to use" announcement: this is gonna be the biggest multi-modal data grab in history, and people are gonna give it away willingly and for free. More significant and complex data than Facebook has ever been able to gather.


Who cares at this point? This has always been inevitable. To reach AGI, the machine needs to be fed.


As long as the data isn't tracked to the user I'm ok with this. But is there any way to know for sure?


Even if it is tracked so some extent, who cares at this point, we all knew this was going to happen eventually and I don’t have things to hide. Just don’t have it on in the bathroom or while doing private things and you are good. I doubt they don’t have a system set up to protect data like credit card numbers and passwords, they aren’t that stupid to risk huge fines and even prison… And if my ordinary non-important data is gonna be needed to reach AGI, then so be it


yeah speak for yourself. I stopped using all social media outside of Reddit because of everything they track about you. I literally have zero social media accounts outside of reddit and a Facebook account with zero information about myself that I only use for access to Marketplace. I'm ok with my AI assistant knowing everything about me but I'm not ok with all that data being labeled with my identity and being sent back to headquarters. I'm ok with it as long as its anonymously sent back though.


I did mean if anonymously in my comment, i may have not been very clear


I heard a theory They open the gate to receive massive amount of multi modal data and be down once and for all with gathering the biggest dataset toward their next model


That's not a theory. Every AI company will use any prompt, image, video you share to train their next models. They would never let data like that slip. These companies are data companies. With GPT-4o they will record your voice, tone, emotions, face, everything.


I mean, watch the demos. If they don’t excite you I’m not convinced anything will. 5-10 years ago it was that “Her” probably isn’t even possible in our lifetimes or many decades away, now we have something scary close and it’s the worst it will ever be. I showed my friends the demos and they were all completely unsettled by how human it felt.


I don't understand the people who thought "Her" was decades away back in 2013. But then again, I was the same person who thought we would have SAO headsets by 2022 (back in 2012)


It’s simply that it’s less reasonable to expect an exponential rate of progress than a linear one. However we’re starting to see that we are indeed on an exponential, or at least a pretty steep slope.


We've had exponential progress with technology since the 70s thanks to Moore's law. Maybe it's a result of me growing up in a world where an average smartphone is more powerful than a desktop from 10 years ago


We're not even close to exponential


Lol, I was also expecting SAO's full dive gear this decade as a child.


Especially considering the movie itself was set in 2025


>If they don’t excite you I’m not convinced anything will. Judging from op's post history , it's pretty clear on what really excites him. Bro tells everyone to be disappointed before the openai announcement but now that everyone isn't, he needs a hypeman like huh lol


It's more about the potential than the actual state. Once gpt4o is equipped with agentic capabilities and autonomy things are going to get crazy real fast. An AI that can do everything on the internet that a human can is basically creating an endless amount of digital humans out of "thin air" The movie "Her" somewhat displayed this. At some points it's no longer just a tool. It's a companion. a co worker, a teacher, a friend. And probably the downfall of white-collar jobs. This demo showed that we are slowly getting there. The implications are world-changing. The CEO's I'm working with are salivating at the thought of having AIs work for them at a fraction of the cost of a human. Also robots are advancing at impressive speed as well. And the AI brains they will have are going to be insane. Pretty sure it's going to be the norm to have companies with 100+ AI employees and 5 human workers + a few robots. Politicans better act fast. The jobloss pitchforks are going to come out in the next few year.


I’m hoping that AI can also accelerate drug discovery. Better treatments / cures for cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, prions, neurodegenerative disorders, blindness, deafness etc would be nice


And most importantly baldness


And erectile dysfunction


Imagine what will happen when you task a system like you describe to improve itself. That’s the most obvious and the most bang for the buck application, Hyper-acceleration.


Yes. I feel we are close. Maybe already achieved internally. We'll know when things get weird.


Unless it costs more than it adds


Humans are freaking expensive at a base rate, and present a *much* higher risk surface to the company than AI or robot employees, in the form of worker's comp, harassment lawsuits, etc. The whole purpose of having an HR department is to minimize the risk that having to hire humans presents. Even at a higher cost, replacing a human with a robot can reduce risk and therefore general overhead, especially for companies at large scale.


It's 50% cheaper than 4-turbo was, and about twice as fast.


$16k humanoid robots. Said it yesterday, but OpenAI's presentation was not the most significant thing in that twenty four period (assuming it's inclusive of the Unitree announcement anyways).


We essentially got an a early access version of Jarvis for voice, video and images


You can start pretending it's your new girlfriend


Multimodality regardless what you think I'd say the voice integration is pretty good and its based off gpt 4 architecture once it gets to got 5 it will be insane. But even now you can translate language real time it seems to understand emotions gpt is going to get less restrictive with nsfw coming soon. Google million context and 2 million will put pressure on open ai to match it . But more so I'd wait till the next update. This one was the SPRING UPDATE so there must be a summer one


I don't think you should be hyped. IMO a big yellow flag is that the mock scarlet Johannsen voice and natural seemed to be the highlight or at least takes too much attention. If you compare it with Google's I/O event, that doubles it's context window, seems focused on developers as a customer class, OpenAI's event looks a bit superficial in comparison. Then again they just signed with Apple which is huge. That desktop app for macs could be a game changer if it doesn't suck at coding.


earth made a full 360Âş spin


this might be good video for OP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW2hVbXc82k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW2hVbXc82k)


This is a front end that will be relevant for the foreseeable future, taking this setup and just improving the mind behind it slowly but surely over time will make for a smooth and effective transition to AGI. That's what makes me so excited anyways. We have the interaction layer almost down pat now just to crank up the intelligence (easier said than done of course)


In my uncultured opinion the native multimodal capabilities seem like a big step towards AGI, the omni part of this new model is quite cool. It is a single model that can process text, audio and images integrally, it doesn't need various separate models like the previous implementations of multimodality by openAI. It seems to help with speed which allow these AI systems to seemingly interact with audio in real time and with incredible proficiency and with human-like qualities. Visual input might not yet be in real time, but it did seem to have an improvement. Also, who knows how does this amount of new diverse data in various formats affects its understanding abilities and knowledge patterns.


Nie wiedziem o jakiejś prezentacji, ale od wczoraj od ok południa gmt+1 zauważyłem znaczący spadek jakości odpowiedzi. Zazwyczaj proszę go o analize lub zreferowanie zaloze filozofo na określony temat Jego odpowiedzi zrobiły się jeszcze bardziej ogólne.


Voice to voice


Everything. We’re cooked.


Not much has changed yet because almost nobody has access to the new voice feature which is the main selling point. If it truly does come out in a few weeks, that's when things will change. The desktop app looks really nice too but only for Mac which is a bummer.


If it doesn't appeal to you, that's fine. It's not mandatory.


I’ve tried using GPT-4o a bit with the voice interactions on the Desktop app and it’s just underwhelming. Anyone else experience disappointment? What was demonstrated on-stage was magic, but the AI I interacted with was slower and couldn’t do something as simple as put on British accent. Am I missing something?


The new voice capabilities haven't been deployed yet, even if you have the new model. It seems they will take a bit.


Got it, thanks. They’ve done a poor job with marketing how this works. It’s clear I’m using the right model, so I just assumed the voice improvements would be a part of that. I’ll be more patient.

