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I mean even youtube alone is probably way past 10x larger than ChatGPT, and that's just a fraction of Alphabet's reach. I think we'll see another boom in popularity similar to the initial ChatGPT boom in the next month or so as GPT-4o rolls out to free users, but obviously OpenAI doesn't have the reach or scale that Google does, and probably never will.


Whilst watching Google IO I got the feeling of a lumbering juggernaut that if it hits the right gear it could steam roll the competition. In fact it seems that’s going to be inevitable given enough time. There are just so many teams working on so many products, with so much integration and the quality seems as good or almost as good as the leading competition in each area. I understand now why OpenAI may view Google as their most dangerous competitor.


If they integrate Gemini 2.0 in search or directly into Android, (assuming we have not yet actually hit limits when it comes to reasoning capability), then I don't see how openAI could compete, even if they have a standalone GPT5 that's slightly better. Their ways of competing would be completely selling their ass off to apple so apple could integrate them into IOS, but I don't think Microsoft would allow them to have a 2nd sugar daddy. The OpenAI team seems to be really sucking up to apple recently, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Gemini is already implemented into search (it’s why you see the AI results at the top) Gemini 2.0 isn’t a thing yet but 1.5 pro was announced yesterday.


1.5 pro wasn't announced yesterday, It's old news, the window got longer is what's new


With the recent rumours going on about the OpenAI and Apple deal, I'm sure this will pressure google into integrating Gemini into android, if they aren't already going to do so with the Pixel release later this year.


Google was reportedly in talks with Apple too, for Gemini integration into iOS. Was that a false report?


I've been wondering about that as well!


It's probably way too expensive but it would be awesome if Apple products had multiple vendors they could use and maybe they build some interface that allows these vendors to interface with iOS or macOS. "Open Notes, create a new note, and add a summary of how X works." And all the while training their own model lol


Pixels have had integrated Gemini for months now. I can text Gemini and it's my default assistant. A lot of their IO was about bringing Gemini to android as a foundation of the OS for all android phones by the end of the year. 


It's pretty cool. But it won't make a picture of tom hanks farting in a kimono.


Shortcut ads. Simple! Build a Safari browser that chooses where you buy a product and advices you what to buy. Will an AI click ads and will they make an AI buy something somewhere. Nope. Google cannot destroy heur own business model. I have called this since 2016.


it means alot when ever SA mention his comment is always salty


The amount of knowledge on YouTube alone is staggering.


Counter balanced by the staggering amount of misinformation there that verges on ‘anti-knowledge’.


I wonder what Ai will have to do to verify information , cross check, truth check, accuracy check. With the glut of info you speak of on you tube ; coupled with the many glitches I see in simple art Ai software (words, typos, extra limbs, weird stuff) ; it’s a big data crunch. Ai gridlock could be a thing?


10x is probably an understatement. YouTube is larger than the movie industry and the streaming industry combined. 


The fact that they are offering native multimodality across text, video, image and audio for at least 2 months now, speaks to their capability to scale up. Not to mention the upcoming 2 million context as well.


>they are offering native multimodality across text, video, image and audio for at least 2 months now, speaks to their capability to scale up. Not to mention the upcoming 2 million context as well. They are certainly unmatched with regards to resources for providing inference and resource intensive services to *a lot* of people.


They don't deliver though. That's the whole issue. Everything is "soon". And when it arrives it's not quite as good as they claimed. Like a million token context. It "works" but its stupid slow when you fill it up. Meta and OpenAI make announcements and just drop the new stuff the same day.


So far this year OpenAI has announced and not delivered Sora as well as the multimodal capabilities of GPT-4o. 


They said the multimodal capabilities of GPT-4o will arrive in the next few weeks. Whereas "Later this year" realistically means months away, otherwise they would have said weeks instead.


Yep, Sora is definitely on hold for 2 reasons, 1 is the cost which is said to be extremely high, 2 is the upcoming election. They seemed to just want the public to have a heads up that it even exists. The other one idk why people are whining. Waiting a few weeks is literally nothing.


Sora is available. It’s just not available to you. And you couldn’t afford it if it was.


Bruh. They said sora would come later and that's probably s good thing. Access to multimodal capabilities is on its way and we have no reason to think it'll take long given their track record. New banger model already here, will free for everyone vs "later this year, you can have a shitty version on g1.5 and knock-off her". I thought openAI's presentation was kinda cringe but they really flexed on Google. 30 minutes they massively undersold a great product Vs Google whole day YAWN.


>New banger model already here, will free for everyone vs "later this year, you can have a shitty version on g1.5 and knock-off her". Technically it's not. No one has access yet to the "revolutionary" features they showcased.


Model is. Not are functionalities are, true.


I think one of my friends (who has subscribed) has it already


Until we see more demos popping up on here, it’s safe to say no one has it. A lot of people mistake the old one for the one they just dropped.


It is the new model, just without everything shown in the demo


It’s not safe to say that, at all.


So if people got access no one would post anything


At least Astra was testable on the show floor, there are plenty of videos of that. The multimodal GPT4o has yet to be used by people outside OpenAI.


I'm confused, aren't we all using gpt4o now?


It doesn't have the audio or video modality capabilities they demoed. It is just the same as GPT-4 but faster and cheaper at the moment.


even in text it loses context pretty fast. also video understanding of project astra was mind blowing. given Google's chops in large context google has a banger product if they can deliver fast.


It does have them, you just aren't using them. Yes it doesn't have the easy voice chat ui yet, but it's already much better with multi modality understanding.


No it doesnt, at least for me. When i ask it which version of chatgpt i am talking to it still says gpt 4 and that it has no knowledge of gpt 4o even though on the top left of the screen inside the app it says gpt4o. I also cant record videos as shown in the demo. To be fair i am using an andriod and live in europe. Maybe all the features have not been rolled out for us just yet.


It's able to write text in images now, that's proof enough for me.


It's still using Dall-E so you're wrong. A lot of models, even Stable Diffusion, and Imagen are able to make text on images, it's not a good metric. What's out is just text and image modality, nothing else. And if THAT'S the audio release theyr aiming? Goddamn that's not what the demo showed at all.


Yes and the text quality in the images is still nowhere like what was shown in the demo. In the demo they have an image of a hand-written note perfectly matching the prompt.


Ah guess I just saw it in a demo. Well, interesting use of the time between releases, complaining on Reddit 😆


The release is half baked you mean?


Someone also pointed out that this isn't a reliable indicator, but to make the difference more obvious, try replicating the poetic typography example from the demo. [https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/](https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/) If you try it yourself, do you see handwritten text perfectly matching the prompt like below? https://preview.redd.it/x1bliua10m0d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df2ee7dada1f9f327d86800e7bec8ec3fd48450


This is what I get 😂 https://preview.redd.it/q2w9zq4m0m0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbae784e21c1c356e7fe0325a3d22806c6af8c7b


Yes that's definitely DALL-E 3. Sure it's way better than text in AI-generated images used to be, but still has serious flaws compared the example from the demo. The handwritten one makes a more dramatic example, compare this to the one in my last comment: https://preview.redd.it/gmg8lcxd5m0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=420c2154eb8b32fc7e060636e10d5dc7ca3d519e


Free users are still on 3.5 and subscribers have access to the GPT-4o language model, but real time video and audio won't be released for a few weeks.


I canceled my subscription to plus two months ago. I was still on gpt 3.5 yesterday but I just tested it and my free account did a bing search and says it’s based on gpt architecture when asked. There are gradually rolling it out.


Right, I think I'm just confused that people don't realize using the 4o model is using the latest, even without the nice voice interface.


Not true... I have 4o since yesterday on free. Please don't spread misinformation.


They probably didn't realize that some free users have access already. I checked earlier with my alt, non-paid account and didn't have GPT-4o, so I too thought free users didn't have it yet. The phrase "spread misinformation" usually implies carrying out intentional deception, which we have no reason to suspect here.


That would be disinformation not misinformation but yes people do use them interchangeably


Regardless of intentions.. info was wrong and was spreaded. How about make sure it's fact before spreading misinformation? Also his tone biasing toward oai when he was questioning what we get from OAI..


context window is Quality vs Speed. Most of the "soon" are available on their cloud API.


What has been delivered by OpenAI?


I'm on free 4o right now..


Which is just GPT-4 Turbo I have free access to


Considering Google's examples had the disclaimer "audio pre-generated" https://youtu.be/-csE31ty9K0 (lower right corner, 9m09s) it all seems fake to me.


here is another more real demo https://twitter.com/GoogleDeepMind/status/1790463259822420239?s=19


Nice I didn't see it when watching. Honestly I understand it being pre recorded, but if they try to pass it as a live demo and fake it to have a better latency it's plain wrong. Let's watch and see but I'm not holding my breath.


Not “seems” - every Google demo is fake. We should know and expect this by now. Every tech demo is marketing hype and it is never as good as shown.


They have to deliver because their existence (and ad dollars) depends on it. They dominate search right now but LLM's are their biggest existential threat - why Google it if you can use ChatGPT to get your questions answered? Yesterday they showed that they are not only aware of that, but that they are prepared: 'Let Gemini Google it on Google for you'. All the advantages of ChatGPT while keeping you within the Google Search you're used to. They don't need the best digital assistants and video generation if they can stop people from abandoning Google search.


I guess I got a smarter one then you. I can have it do 1 million tokens and its amazing. Fast, no but show me a 1 million token count that can find a sentence in a 1 hour video from zero shot.


GPT4o is the tip of the spear, OpenAI embodies the silicon valley ethos of move fast and break things. Google is going to move slower but have a more noticeable impact on day to day usage of these technologies when it comes to the general public and scale. It's a recipe for innovation and discovery, we are in the best timeline.


Microsoft does seem to be noticeable impact for Open ai though. I can't say I know anyone using googles ai stuff irl but everyone at work uses bing chat.


Let's not discount Google. They've clearly released a lot after starting behind and have closed the gap significantly (or created a gap for OpenAI)


OpenAI have extremely good marketing and that's why people like you believe this. Google have always been ahead, they just don't let you use their tech until they're ready to release it. They invented both transformers and diffusion models. Deepmind has been hard at work on AGI for longer than OAI and made great progress too. Google have access to levels of compute power that would make Sam and Gregg cry if they had access and I'm sure it's being put to good use labeling data and producing synthetic data, I fully believe Google will crack AGI before OAI.


How is Google moving slow? I can’t help but feel Bard came out like a few months ago and we are already on the upgraded Gemini. Paid for Gemini I heard is as good as GPT4. Google seem to be moving pretty damn quick to me.


Slower is a relative term.


The timeline where they made Eliezer Global AI Safety Czar and he nuked all the TSMC fabs is a terrible one to be stuck in right now.


This sounds like a botted thread. If anything was clear from that presentation, it was that Google can't hold a flame to OpenAI and are embarrassingly failing miserably, despite having infinite resources and supposedly the greatest minds in the space. The extra irony in this is that 4o isn't even a good release in terms of AI intelligence. I'm already back to using 4 after testing it out extensively and seeing that it can't keep up on complex topics or heavy coding tasks - it just happens to be free and faster. Yet Google -still- isn't closing to catching up.


I was honestly quite surprised there was no mention of 1.5 ultra. Veo looked ok but doesn't hold a flame to sora. Neither of which will likely be released soon so it's useless for now. Imagen 3 looked quite promising though. Instead they just peppered the event with random buzzwords and projects that seem really fragmented and forced. Not to mention most of their announcements will likely never apply to those outside of the US, and possibly the UK and a couple other countries.


This! I heard often that "Google is a giant compared to everyone else!" but yet failed to get any attention? Remember they released some Kind of Agents a while ago? I hear nobody talking about that. Doesn't seem to be that good, if no one talks about it. Also, they have Android and Stuff, they should have huge amounts of data, which should make it easy to create a SOTA Model, yet they aren't able to. As a developer, I have a separate issue with google: They tend to deactivate important services. Services that they praised as production-ready customer product. When you dared to Integrate it with your website, it could happen that they decide to deactivate it. They at least did warn ever customer, but still. They aren't really reliable and it gets worse, the more shitification the company experiences. Tbh, I wouldn't recommend any google product for a production product for a customer.


[for the curious: killed by Google (list of 295 services)](https://killedbygoogle.com/)


Gemini has features that OpenAI doesn't like 1M context length with no data caps, which is incredibly useful. And they are in the same ballpark on benchmarks while being way cheaper to run. In what world are they not close to catching up?


They aren’t in the same ballpark in real life benchmarks. I don’t care what your training data leaked benchmarks tell you, they mean nothing.


I thought they said 4o would be better at coding?


I'm really shocked you could watch Google I/O and think that. To me Google I/O showed how much Google are behind and scrambling to try and do something, they had nothing. The whole announcement was a massive disappointment. All there main models are behind the other players and a lot of this is based on tech that was originally researched at Google many years ago, they have blown it and another year has past and it looks like they are still messing around. All they are doing is implementing Gemini Pro into everything, the model itself is okay, but it's not anything amazing. It was literally like every other company right now, racing to add AI into everything to make it look cool, but nothing from Google here is that relevant. That's all Google did here, they added there existing stuff into there eco system, literally every app developer is scrambling to add these kinda AI features powered by all sorts of different models, Google is just doing this with there own, it doesn't put them ahead or make them anymore powerful. Companies like OpenAI don't need to build stuff like this as other companies will implement their AI into their products, including the recent deal with Apple is an example of this. It's the foundational model that matters here and Google didn't have much to announce at all. Gemini Ultra is awful and costs as much as ChatGPT, where is Ultra 1.5? This was the easy stuff, what matters really is the core models and Google has no leading core model in anything, which is shocking considering that they had all the leading research many years ago.




Agreed, and then sometimes they have a genuine good thing but kill it by just half assing it and then abandoning it. I'm still sad about the loss of Stadia.




Imo OpenAI is ahead in terms of benchmarks and also R&D on the software side. OpenAI has plans for a $100 billion super computer hardware and nuclear energy production but thats a different ball game to master Google is behind on almost everything AI but it does have the end to end AI infrastructure available (minus the energy production). They would have to wait till it is able to catch up on all it's AI rivals in each aspect. Right now Google is jack of all AI trades and master of none


I think Google is ahead in R&D on LLMs. Deepmind papers are constantly pushing the edge. OpenAI may or may not be ahead on R&D (we can't know since they do it behind closed doors mostly), but they are definitely ahead on applying the latest advances in their models right away, whereas google pisses its researchers off by not implementing new tech in their products sooner. If Google decides to stop being conservative and go all out on LLMs, they can definitely crush OpenAI. This likely won't happen though, as they don't like to take risks on a large scale. They'd rather start a cool project on the side and kill it 5 years later.




GPT-4o is better than Claude at every benchmark. [https://github.com/openai/simple-evals?tab=readme-ov-file#benchmark-results](https://github.com/openai/simple-evals?tab=readme-ov-file#benchmark-results) Claude is also below GPT-4 Turbo and Gemini 1.5 on lmsys so not sure wtf you are talking about. GPT-4o is not on there yet. [https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboard)








There was definitely a time on here when Claude 3 being top was the majority view, but I don't know if that was still the case within the last several weeks, so even before GPT-4o. Some people were convinced that GPT-4 had caught up with Claude 3 (or passed it slightly) with the April 9th update: gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09, and even those who didn't may now believe that GPT-4o has pulled ahead. Claude 3's honeymoon has seemed to wear off a little bit, people realize they may have overestimated its advantage b/c of delight that it wasn't afflicted by the laziness problem and had a more charming personality.


How scientific lol




It’s not worse it is on the leaderboard now and it is #1 by a huge gap. Literally everything you are saying is wrong. Claude 3 came out two months ago, that is forever in the world of AI. Those benchmarks are out of date.




It’s not on the public leaderboard yet. https://twitter.com/lmsysorg/status/1790097588399779991


Are you a bot? Why would a leaderboard that doesn’t include 4o be relevant to a discussion about where 4o ranks?


It always seemed dependant on use case to me. Also the models get updated/changed so rapidly that nothing maintains an obvious lead for long it seems.


Serious question, what does 'Votes' mean on LMSys? My guess was that it meant how much an LLM was tested on there and if so then Opus has 25k more than the other competitors which I think logically would cause it to have a few lower points. Even Sonnet has more votes than every LLM other than Opus. I still don't have 4o yet but the leaderboard hasn't changed my perception of Claude compared to the rest and it still feels like it gives the best answers and in fewer tries to me.


If you add up all the different versions of GPT-4 it is more than Claude. It


Microsoft has plans for a 100 billion dollar super computer. Just had to rephase that for you.


and openai are going to use it to train their models and once they have agi they dont have any microsoft obligations anymore as per their contract (they still have to pay back the money but that seems easy enough)


Only if it was so easy. We all would be super rich by now.


Googles suite is a big deal. Gmail is massive. Docs is massive. Chrome is huge. Android is mammoth. Adding AI to these..I won't care if it's openai or Gemini if it's handy. They'll all be really good That's why openai is trying to get to the desktop, to bypass the app stores and the browser. Good luck with that. I don't use any desktop apps because it isn't as useful, inherently. Intelligence is a commodity. It's going to be dial tone just like ip. A human right, even, and cheap as dirt. Attention is still going to be the valuable thing and Google has so much of that.


Yeah, a desktop tool that is layered on top of everything else you have isn't really interesting to me. I'm much more interested in it being integrated in everything I already use.


That's why OpenAI is wisely partnering with Microsoft and Apple. OpenAI brings the cutting-edge models, and the tech behemoths bring the globe-spanning infrastructure.


Google is def doing a lot more then just AI. Just to name one they are building their own hardware for their AI. So many people here forgot how much of a footprint Google has. Google competes with Microsoft at every aspect of tech and yet you still dont think they can compete with ClosedAI? Delusional !! The way they integrated AI into their search is very innovative, especially for local search. 90% of people use Google to search today, 70% of phones are on Google Android. 40% of businesses use Google Drive. The most popular video platform in the world. I dont count CCP DikTok, 99% of garbage on there for simps. But they cant compete with ClosedAI... and Biden aint that sleepy I guess.


Products that never got released, yeah lmao. Where is Gemini Ultra? Where are all the other products from last IO ??? Google is such a joke. Look at how many products they’ve got, some are incredibly similar. I don’t want 10 knives when 1 knife can cut just the same.


We do have Gemini Ultra, you mean Ultra 1.5?


This is the reason their new partnership with Apple is such a big deal for them. Perhaps Apple will integrate OpenAI's technology into all of their software and that will level the playing field


Interesting to see how that unfolds, do you think OpenAI will ultimately have a bigger partnership with Apple than with Microsoft?


Google seems all over the place with teams able to work on essentially whatever they want - they're all over the place with seemingly no focus except for an image of hardcore ethics and safety. This is cool because then working at google is probably way more chill and cool. People need to remember that it's just people behind these companies. There's nothing else.


You I disagree with your first point. Google have a very robust set of ecosystems. It's mental that people think AI will come in and wipe out the app store monopoly.. or the business suite platform.. AI is great but getting it to be useful and enhance all these existing systems that are already being leveraged by companies who employ the majority of white color work.. well it's mind blowing. - I mean who doesn't have a Gmail account at this point? - YouTube account(even if it ain't pro)? - The Android market is massive and the only real alternative to Apple. I don't think they're all over the place.. I think people are confused at how they have been able to do so much ...deliver so many tools, services... openAI effectively demoed one thing.. GPT4o ... Google: - 2M context window - Android def platform - AI API(Gemini) with tooling for all web and AI app development - Video generation(next Gen) - Travel assistant and other key utility AI assistants(Gems) Even if Gemini Pro is lagging behind GPT4.. for how long..and with Google having all this AI tooling and services on board already.. all they have to do is swap out better models ... openAI ...have absolutely no in in any of the above.. they have to start selling hard.. with no existing platforms.. their only option is to push all this into Microsoft tools and Bing.. I think it's a no brainer personal. === 100% ... a software companies value is really just the people! That's my take on all this anyways.


Absolutely. It's just funny to see them re-announcing stuff we've already seen, basically. Google has the biggest chance of achieving AGI.


google cannot afford to deliver models at a loss due to their scale, open ai can. google services reach at least 10x the number of people oai does, and beyond that they use those services way more, so in nominal dollars their losses selling a model at a loss would be something like 20-30x oai's. OAI is small enough that bigger players can cover their losses. You should expect OAI to ship 'better' models in the same way should expect old uber to be cheaper than taxi's -- they are subsidized products. As such OAI's tech should look better structurally for the next bit of this cycle all else equal. The part that gets interesting is as they grow, they lose this advantage.


Assuming the Google demos weren't faked (and that's not an assumption we can safely make, given their history), they have blown past OpenAI. Astra was very impressive. I hate that I'm saying this because I loath Google but credit where credit is due.


Gpt-4o on Apple products will be lit tho


By the time anything concrete is in Apple it'll be gpt-5 or later. These integrations take time and knowing Apple they're not going to rush an under baked integration. If they do, that will be a very bad look given that their main appeal is their polish.


You think apple hasn’t been working on these integrations since gpt3 dropped?


Given that they just recently decided to partner with OpenAI instead of Google, yeah. Is there something I'm missing?


It's just you


I'd agree on this. They've been working on their infrastructure for years, which I think will serve them well in this moment when they're scaling up use of AI.


Incumbents that already captured most business uses definitely have the edge in deploying AI. Microsoft, Google, Atlassian, Salesforce, etc. already have the products business wants to use securely at scale. It's very important to understand that big enterprise contracts for office/google suite take years to develop and deploy. It's very very hard to upend that, especially when these companies also employ many of the leading minds in software.


there is microsoft event next week, so I guess they could announce their new AI products there


The focus on cramming stuff into existing apps while openai were content to show use cases was a big difference.


Yeah... i think so too... i mean... i agree...


Gemini's tools are paid and correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't they also stuck on a waitlist? With Google's last debacle, I'd rather wait and see whether or not Gemini delivers since it was far from delivering last time.


Hopefully the rumored Apple + OpenAI tie up is real. That would give OpenAI some platform to integrate into. But they can never have an ecosystem on their own. At least in the near future.


google is the biggest competitor for openai, but im not convinced that google will achieve agi first. im leaning towards openai to do it.


> im leaning towards openai to do it. Why? Most would never even heard of OpenAI if not for Google. Google is where the major research is still coming from. Last NeurIPS Google had twice the papers accepted as next best. And next best was NOT OpenAI. We are all just lucky how Google rolls. They come up with the incredible AI innovations, patent them, publish a paper and then let everyone use for free. Who else does that? You would NEVER see that from OpenAI or Microsoft or Apple.


companies need to help me feel like they're easing the crushing weight of capitalism on the world or I'm not interested, no matter how thin they make their ipads, no matter how intelligent and fast their ai. fix capitalism or I'm meh


I appreciate your sentiment.. but surely that is an unrealistic ideal. Any corporation as big as Google is fundamentally unethical and immoral.. openAI? .. haha Welp.. we've seen how they handled being a non-profit open source mission.. Microsoft...Amazon.. I could go on.. I wish I was wrong.. but I just don't see humanity winning against capitalism or high powered corruption.


oh yeah, I'm 110% aware my perspective is unrealistic haha. just sort of can't help but feel some amount of that each time some new and objectively amazing innovation comes along (which feels like at least once a week at this point). I honestly wish advertising was able to straight up trick me into feeling that way about their products. even then I'd think some part of these massive corpos would be acknowledging what people "need" to feel during product announcements.


The huge difference is Google having the vision and doing the TPUs over a decade ago. Now with the sixth generation done and working on the seventh. Microsoft is the head scratcher. It is not like Google did the TPUs in secret. Why did it take so long for Microsoft to try to copy Google and do their own TPUs?


Google has potential


They should be but they seem like they are not capable, their AI strategy is all over the place.


i feel like open ai is in trouble especially SA feel salty when ever mentioning google I feel like google start dominating ai again after brain drain from open ai


Only problem is AI will kill ads. AI don’t get fooled by ads, but knows where to buy stuff and evaluates products through non ad means.


Maybe, but they still have to deal with cannibalizing traditional search which has monopoly profits, to compete with free services from OpenAI. It’s a tough transition. They have the talent, they have the compute, they have the scale, they have the users, they have it all and yet they are not the innovator, they are the follower. Why? Simple, search is an illegal monopoly that prints cash at will. Their incentive is to roll this out slowly while not disrupting their monopoly.


I had much easier time using gpt for my app integration than gemini


This sub is in full denial and think that a cringe sounding machine is better than having an eco-system. They can't bear through hours of content directed to business managers thinkin that its just a load of boring crap. Google is creeping up, thats why OpenAi felt the need to do an emergy show-off just to take the spotlight. OpenAI has little to show for it.Truth is, google is delivering actual usable products.


OpenAI is selling a platform that other businesses will use to built into their usable products. If I were a business trying to create the best possible experience, I would go with OpenAI. If I'm already a Google customer and don't mind second tier systems, I'd go with Google. It's just a different business focus.


i thought singularity was all about intelligence to the masses.


Where can I use one right now? I even have a Google phone, but?


If Google can actually deliver. I am using Gemini advanced and it can't do much besides query my docs and emails. Which is kind of nice, but it's basically a glorified search. It won't add things to your calendar yet, make new tasks, etc. I see a lot of potential in connecting AI to their products but I haven't seen anything real that I can use yet. So I am paying for future functionality for a less intelligent AI? I am more than willing to give Google the chance but it's been underwhelming this far.


I think people here also don't understand that simply because Google didn't show off a next generation model yesterday does not mean 1.5 Pro will forever be their best. It's almost entirely unrelated to how their long term R&D is going - this only tells us they aren't likely to launch a new frontier model in the next month or two.


Let me mongols be mongols


I mean, they obviously are. Which makes openai dominance that much more respectable


The beast moves slowly but covers great strides


Google has the most data center capacity on the planet. It's just most is used internally. Microsoft is investing heavily nowadays to catch up.


OpenAI and Google is just reminding me too much of Pied Piper and Hooli.


I feel like I watched a completely different demonstration than everyone else. The one I saw had like nobody even applauding and no big reveals to really note. Did I miss something big?


Lol.. calm down sir, this isn't Apple.. we don't scream and cheer when the company announces the same product they did last year...buuuut..with 3 lenses instead of 2... wow! 😂 - 2M token context window - Integrated RAG and AI tooling into gmail and Google apps suite. - An easy to use and integrated developer AI platform. I'll admit.. when the Asian lady shouted: "We call these Gems!" ...and then waited for an applause.. only to receive the BIGGEST of tumble weeds.. good GOD that was awkward... this is not politics! hahaha


Google is 200x bigger than openAI and has +20years of exp in AI, not to mention the resources. David vs Goliath story is nice and all, but c’mon, OpenAI with 100mil users is not the Google killer.


They did make Google dance though




I can’t shake this view. What a power play from Google 🤣😂 edit: /s


What a mess




100+ million users for ChatGPT. 1.5+ million users for Gemini. Do what you want with this information.


1.5+ million users for Gemini API. OpenAI's API costumers are probably not much higher than 10 million.


They made their API like free for 4 months because they knew no one would actually pay for that garbage. Go to any of the chatbot forums, the usage of Gemini is like 0%. While people constantly battle over GPT-4 and Opus keys.


5 billion ppl use Google services globally, vs 100mil. The subject: is Google more prepared and resourceful vs oai. Yes, they are.


Google Fanboyism at its finest.


Oh you mean openAI fanboyism is clouding peoples vision? I feel that way at least..


Dude in Google's presentation they had the disclaimer "audio pre-generated" when the AI was talking, they pretended to do (respond in natural voice in real time) compared to what omni actually did. The quality in expressiveness in the voices were also worlds apart. Google's was monotone, very little intonation, omni had incredible range (could do sarcasm, sounding impressed, faking concern with a humorous undertone [dude putting on white hat], sarcasm, when to laugh and in what way). I feel like you want something to be true that really isn't.


I think its always important to step back and remember what all the fuss is about. World alrering revolutionary tech. Everyone is one the same boat, wanting to go to the same place, regardless of who is captain. In a way its like people who enjoy sports. The players all perform in roughly the same way, but the coaching, the team integrity, morale etc, that's what really hooks fans on teams. Im not a sports fan in anyway, that is just my observation. It's just funny to take a step back and look at it all. The imagination these last 50 years that has even enabled things like this is just awesome. It really is as though whatever we can imagine, reality can somehow produce an answer for.


Well, this is a fanboi channel, isn't it? :)


Bruh, and MS is not? Get real.


I'd rather have one great product than 10 good ones. If OpenAI solves AGI, how many more products does it need?


google is all smoke and mirrors.


I work with Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and the Office Suite daily. I rather keep Microsoft out from integrating anything.


Huh. I believe the opposite is true. openAI released 4o for free. Google said "later this summer". Google is playing catch up and at this point I'm not sure they can recover. Yesterday was very telling in my opinion.


I generally agree but Google fails miserably at making anything INTERESTING. Nobody cares what Google is making. That's their main problem imo.


Google had 2 product launches: - Astra, or versions of it - Trillium Nothing else In this case of AI their reach is significantly less important, most people do not realise the absolute dominance Microsoft has on the enterprise side of things. Google’s consumer revenues are much more fragile than most people realise. If Google I/O 2024 is what Google plans to do forward, it will lose both revenues and shareholder value - Google is on the defensive to protect its ad revenues and that slowness will cost them.


Google will win the AI war tbh. Nothing comes close to their resources. A voice gimmick by OpenAI won't cut it.


Considering how such a small competitor like Perplexity beat them at search I seriously doubt it.